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Low-grade metamorphic rocks of Paleozoic–Mesozoic age to the north of Konya, consist of two different groups. The Silurian–Lower Permian Sizma Group is composed of reefal complex metacarbonates at the base, and flyschoid metaclastics at the top. Metaigneous rocks of various compositions occur as dykes, sills, and lava flows within this group. The ?Upper Permian–Mesozoic age Ardicli Group unconformably overlies the Sizma Group and is composed of, from bottom to top, coarse metaclastics, a metaclastic–metacarbonate alternation, a thick sequence of metacarbonate, and alternating units of metachert, metacarbonates and metaclastics. Although pre-Alpine overthrusts can be recognized in the Sizma Group, intense Alpine deformation has overprinted and obliterated earlier structures. Both the Sizma and Ardicli Groups were deformed, and metamorphosed during the Alpine orogeny. Within the study area evidence for four phases of deformation and folding is found. The first phase of deformation resulted in the major Ertugrul Syncline, overturned tight to isoclinal and minor folding, and penetrative axial planar cleavage developed during the Alpine crustal shortening at the peak of metamorphism. Depending on rock type, syntectonic crystallization, rotation, and flattening of grains and pressure solution were the main deformation mechanisms. During the F2-phase, continued crustal shortening produced coaxial Type-3 refolded folds, which can generally be observed in outcrop with associated crenulation cleavage (S2). Refolding of earlier folds by the noncoaxial F3-folding event generated Type-2 interference patterns and the major Meydan Synform which is the largest map-scale structure within the study area. Phase 3 structures also include crenulation cleavage (S3) and conjugate kink folds. Further shortening during phase 4 deformation also resulted in crenulation cleavage and conjugate kink folds. According to thin section observations, phases 2–4 crenulation cleavages are mainly the result of microfolding with pressure solution and mineral growth.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study is to attempt assessing the age of a monumental olive tree located between the Antique Cities of Militus (Didim-Aydın region) and Iasos (Milas-Muğla region). Wood from the trunk of an olive tree is not appropriate for conventional dating approaches such as dendrochronology or 14C. The sediments closely located surrounding and beneath the roots of the olive tree are considered indicative of the age of the planting event; therefore these sediments were dated using both quartz and feldspar luminescence signal protocols. Methodological aspects including the preheating plateaus, equivalent dose statistical approaches and dose rate using gamma spectrometry are also discussed, as dating of the associated palaeochannel sediments of the area are presented for the first time in the dating literature. The optically stimulated luminescence and/or infrared stimulated luminescence ages are extrapolated to date the event of the tree planting; it is the first time in the literature that an age is reported for an olive tree in the eastern Mediterranean region. The present study stands as the first experimental evidence that olive trees have been cultivated in the area since the Iron Age.  相似文献   
Simulating the deformation of fractured media requires the coupling of different models for the deformation of fractures and the formation surrounding them. We consider a cell-centered finite-volume approach, termed the multi-point stress approximation (MPSA) method, which is developed in order to discretize coupled flow and mechanical deformation in the subsurface. Within the MPSA framework, we consider fractures as co-dimension one inclusions in the domain, with the fracture surfaces represented as line pairs in 2D (face pairs in 3D) that displace relative to each other. Fracture deformation is coupled to that of the surrounding domain through internal boundary conditions. This approach is natural within the finite-volume framework, where tractions are defined on surfaces of the grid. The MPSA method is capable of modeling deformation, considering open and closed fractures with complex and nonlinear relationships governing the displacements and tractions at the fracture surfaces. We validate our proposed approach using both problems, for which analytical solutions are available, and more complex benchmark problems, including comparison with a finite-element discretization.  相似文献   
This study illustrates the degradation of an azo dye, Reactive Yellow 81 (RY81), by the combined irradiation of UV‐C and ultrasound in the presence of homogeneous (Fe2+) and heterogeneous (TiO2, ZnO) catalysts. The efficiency of homogeneous and heterogeneous oxidation systems was evaluated in regard of the decolorization and mineralization of RY81. Decolorization followed pseudo‐first‐order kinetics with homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts. Complete color removal was accomplished by homogeneous sonocatalytic and sonophotocatalytic oxidation processes with apparent rate constants of 0.96 × 10?3 and 46.77 × 10?3 s?1, respectively, in the presence of Fe2+. However, partial color removal was obtained by heterogeneous sonocatalytic, photocatalytic, and sonophotocatalytic oxidation processes with apparent rate constants of 2.32 × 10?3, 3.60 × 10?3, and 3.67 × 10?3 s?1, respectively, in the presence of ZnO. TiO2 had the worst catalytic effect of all of the oxidation processes. The addition of hydrogen peroxide increased the rate constants of the heterogeneous oxidation processes and decreased the rate constants of the homogeneous oxidation processes. RY81 mineralization was 62.8% for the US/UV/Fe2+ homogeneous oxidation process, which was the best oxidation process, whereas it was 43.5% for the US/UV/ZnO/H2O2 heterogeneous oxidation process within 2 h reaction time.  相似文献   
The Guleman ophiolite,one of the most important ophiolitic massifs of the Southeast Anatolian Ophiolitic Belt,consists of a core of serpentinized mantle rocks overlain by an ultramafic sequence,layered and isotropic gabbro,and sheeted dykes.The ophiolite structurally overlies the Lower Miocene Lice Formation and is overlain by young sandstones and shales of the Upper Maashtrichtian-Lower Eocene Hazar Complex and Middle Eocene Maden Complex.The Guleman ophiolite tectonically overlain by Precambrian to Upper Triassic Bitlis metamorphic massif.The mantle peridotites compose mainly of fresh and in place serpentinized harzburgite tectonite with local bands and lenses of dunites with large-sized chromitite pods.The Guleman peridotites commonly show porphyroclastic texture,high-temperature fabrics such as kink-bands in olivines.According to microprobe analyses,the harzburgite and dunite have low Ca O and Al2O3 abundance similar to Mariana forearc,and their average Cr-(=Cr/(Cr+Al)atomic)ratio of Cr-spinelsis surprisingly high(0.63)besides Fo content of olivine is between 90.9 to 92.3 in peridotites.According to Mg#(Mg/(Mg+Fe2+))versus Cr#in spinel diagram,the degree of partial melting is higher than 35%and spinel values plot in the forearc peridotites field.The Gulemanharzburgites have low Ca O,Al2O3 and Ti O2 contents in orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene lammelles,resembling those of depleted harzburgites from modern forearcs and different from moderately depleted abyssal peridotites.Consequently,we propose that the Guleman peridotites form in a forearc setting during the subduction initiation that developed as a result of northward subduction of the southern branch of the Neo-Tethys in response to the convergence between Arabian and Anatolian plates.  相似文献   
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