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The Tharsis rise on Mars with a diameter of about 8000 km and an elevation up to 10 km shows extensive volcanism and an extensional fracture system. Other authors explained this structure by (I) an uplift due to mantle processes and by (II) volcanic construction. Gravity models of four profiles are in accordance with a total Airy isostatic compensation of the whole rise with mean crustal thicknesses of 50 km and 100 km. But two regions exhibit significant mass deficits: (i) the area between Olympus Mons and the three large Tharsis volcanoes and (ii) central Tharsis. This can be explained by (1) a heated upper mantle, (2) a chemically modified upper mantle, (3) a crustal thickening, or (4) a combination of these three processes. Crustal thickening is mainly a constructional process, but the mass deficit should contribute to a certain degree of uplift causing the extensional area of Labyrinthus Noctis. Gravity modelling results in a different isostatic state of the three Tharsis volcanoes. Pavonis Mons is not compensated, Ascraeus Mons is highly or totally compensated, and Arsia Mons is medium or not compensated. The large, flat volcanic structure Alba Patera has been explained by a hot spot with an evolution of a mantle diapir.The results have shown that the Tharsis rise is a very complex structure. The central and eastern part of the rise is characterized by extensional features and a mass deficit (Extensional Province). The western part is dominated by many volcanic features and a central elongated mass deficit (Volcanic Province). The northern part consists of Alba Patera. It seems unlikely that the whole rise has been generated by one stationary large axisymmetric plume or hot spot. There could have been one or more active hot spots with an evolution in space and time.Contribution Nr. 421, Institut für Geophysik der Universität Kiel, Germany.  相似文献   
Orthophragminids from the Bartonian Fulra Limestone in Kutch, India and the coeval units in Sulaiman Range in Pakistan suggest the establishment of a significant number of endemic species in the Indian subcontinent (Eastern Tethys). Among a total of fifteen species of Discocyclina, Orbitoclypeus and Asterocyclina, six of them appear to be confined to Indian subcontinent while seven species are common both to the peri-Mediterranean/Europe region (Western Tethys) and Indian subcontinent. Two species, Asterocyclina sireli, a four-ribbed species of possibly Indo-Pacific origin, and Orbitoclypeus haynesi that form large populations in Fulra Limestone, appear to have spread into North Africa and Turkey but not into European platforms as a response to Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO). The lack of Lutetian and Priabonian fauna in the studied sections, either due to a hiatus or unsuitable depositional environments, hampers the establishment of the actual stratigraphic ranges of the identified taxa. Our record provides us to characterize the orthophragminids in shallow benthic zone (SBZ) 17 for Eastern Tethys in detail by comparing the data from the above localities with those from the North Africa, Europe and Turkey, showing the change in diversity.  相似文献   
Due to its intermediate geographical position between the Mediterranean and W Pacific, the Oligocene shallow-marine sequence of Kutch (India) is of key importance in paleobiogeographical interpretations. Larger benthic foraminifera (LBF) are a fundamental link for the correlation between the Mediterranean shallow benthic zones (SBZ) and the W Pacific ‘letter stages’. LBF were re-evaluated by morphometric studies of the internal test from five stratigraphic sections of the Maniyara Fort Formation. Based on their significant affinity to coeval fauna in the Mediterranean, they were assigned to W Tethyan SBZ zones, supported by Sr-isotope stratigraphy. In the Basal Member, traditionally considered as early Rupelian, we identified Nummulites bormidiensis, N. kecskemetii and Heterostegina assilinoides assigning it to the early Chattian SBZ 22B Zone. The Coral Limestone Member, previously considered as late Rupelian, is also assigned to this zone, for the presence of N. bormidiensis, Eulepidina formosoides-dilatata and Nephrolepidina morgani-praemarginata. Its early Chattian age (26.5–29 Ma) is further supported by Sr-isotope data. Miogypsinoides complanatus and Spiroclypeus margaritatus in the Bermoti Member (the top of the formation) document the late Chattian SBZ 23 Zone and the Sr-isotope data (22.5–24 Ma) place it close to the Oligocene–Miocene boundary.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - The Urmia Lake basin is one of the most important basins in Iran, facing many problems due to poor water management and rainfall reduction. Under current circumstances, it becomes...  相似文献   
The Gold Bar district contains five Carlin-type gold deposits and four resources for a combined gold endowment of 1.6 M oz [50 t]. The gold deposits are hosted in Devonian carbonate rocks below parautochthonous and allochthonous Paleozoic siliciclastic rocks emplaced during the Early Mississippian Antler orogeny. The district is in the Battle Mountain-Eureka trend, a long-lived structural feature that localized intrusions and ore deposits of different types and ages.The whole-rock geochemistry of four different mineralized and unmineralized Devonian carbonate rock units (two favorable and two unfavorable) were determined and interpreted in the context of the regional geology. A combination of basic statistics, R-mode factor analysis, isocon plots, and alteration diagrams were utilized to (1) identify favorable geochemical attributes of the host rocks, (2) characterize alteration and associated element enrichments and depletions, and (3) identify the mechanism of gold precipitation. This approach also led to the recognition of other types of alteration and mineralization in host rocks previously thought to be solely affected by Carlin-type mineralization.Unit 2 of the Upper Member of the Denay Formation, with the highest Al2O3, Fe2O3 and SiO2 contents and the lowest CaO content, is the most favorable host rock. Based on the high regression coefficients of data arrays on XY plots that project toward the origin, Al2O3 and TiO2 were immobile and K2O and Fe2O3 were relatively immobile during alteration and mineralization. Specific element associations identified by factor analysis are also prominent on isocon diagrams that compare the composition of fresh and altered equivalents of the same rock units. The most prominent associations are: Au, As, Sb, SiO2, Tl, –CaO and –LOI, the main gold mineralizing event and related silicification and decalcification; Cd, Zn, Ag, P, Ni and Tl, an early base metal event; and MgO, early dolomitization. Alteration diagrams, consisting of XY plots of SiO2/Al2O3, K2O/Al2O3, CO2/Al2O3, [S/Al2O3]/[Fe2O3/Al2O3], provide evidence for progressive silicification, decarbonation (decalcification and dedolomitization), argillization (illite), and sulfidation as a function of gold mineralization. The latter process is identified as the principal mechanism of gold precipitation.The lithogeochemistry of the ores in the Gold Bar district is typical of that documented in classic Carlin-type gold deposits in the region, but the size of the deposits and the intensity of alteration and mineralization are less. The presence of other types of mineralization in the Gold Bar district is also common to most of the other Carlin-type districts located in major mineral belts. The approach used in this study is well suited to the interpretation of multi-element geochemical data from other study areas with superimposed alteration and mineralization.  相似文献   
The hydrogeological conditions in Uludag (Nilufer River catchment, Bursa, Turkey) were assessed, using time-domain electromagnetic soundings, electrical resistivity and induced polarisation tomography, to detect the most promising zones for new water-well siting, in order to increase the quantity of water for bottling. The hydrogeological model is quite complex: deep mineral and thermal water rises from a main vertical fault which separates two lithological complexes. The highly mineralised (deep) water is naturally mixed with low mineralised water at a shallow depth, 30–40 m; the mixed mineral water is found in some surface springs and shallow wells, while the highly mineralised water is found at depth in some unused deep wells located close to the main fault. All the water points (springs and wells) are located inside a “mineral water belt” on the north side of the Nilufer River. The geophysical survey confirmed the hydrogeological model and highlighted four promising zones for well siting (zones with very low electrical resistivity and high induced polarisation anomalies, corresponding to the main water-bearing faults). One of the geophysical anomalies, the furthest from the exploited sources, was verified by means of a test well; the drilling results have confirmed the water mixing model.  相似文献   
In this study, Turkish climatic variables (precipitation, stream flow and maximum and minimum temperatures) were first analysed in association with both the Southern Oscillation (SO) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The relationships between Turkish maximum and minimum monthly temperatures and the extreme phases of the SO (El Niño and La Niña events) were examined. The results of this analysis showed that relationships between Turkish monthly maximum temperatures and El Niño and La Niña contain some complexity still to be identified, because both events produce a signal indicating a correspondence with cold anomalies in the aggregate composites. A relationship between turkish minimum temperatures and El Niño was detected in western Anatolia, whereas there was no significant and consistent signal associated with La Niña. Moreover a series of cross‐correlation analyses was carried out to demonstrate the teleconnections between the climatic variables and both the NAO and SO. The NAO during winter was found to influence precipitation and stream‐flow patterns. In contrast temperature patterns appeared to be less sensitive to the NAO. Furthermore, lag‐correlation results indicated a prediction potential for both precipitation and stream‐flow variables in connection with the NAO. Simultaneous and time‐lag correlations between the climatic variables and the SO index, in general, indicated weaker relationships in comparison with those for the NAO. These analyses also showed that the influences of the SO on Turkish temperature data are negligible. The outcomes were presented in conjunction with an explanation regarding physical mechanisms behind the implied teleconnections. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Some previous global and regional studies have indicated teleconnection between the extreme phases of the Southern Oscillation (SO) and Turkish climate and hydrologic variables; however, they failed to suggest a strong correlation structure. In this study, categorised Southern Oscillation index (SOI) and Multivariate ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) index (MEI) series were used to examine the far‐reaching effects of the SO on temperature, precipitation and streamflow patterns in Turkey. These SO indicators were categorised into five subgroups according to their empirical distributions. Correlations between the categorised SO indicators and three analysis variables were computed using the Spearman's rho from lag‐0 to lag‐4. Significance of calculated correlations was tested at the 0·01 level for station‐based analysis and at the 0·05 level for regional analysis. Temperature records demonstrated significant correlations with the categorised SOI and MEI in nearly half of the entire stations. For some categories, precipitation and streamflow were found to be correlated with the SO indicators in some stations mainly in western Turkey. Regional analyses of temperature and precipitation revealed a clear and strong correlation structure with the categorised SO indicators on a large portion of Turkey. This was not concluded by the earlier pertinent studies. Besides, this study showed that significant correlations were obtained not only for the SO extreme phases (namely, El Nino and La Nina) but also for neutral and moderate phases of the SO. Plausible explanations for the observed teleconnection are presented. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The sea level change along the Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah–Sarawak coastlines for the 21st century is investigated along the coastal areas of Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah–Sarawak because of the expected climate change during the 21st century. The spatial variation of the sea level change is estimated by assimilating the global mean sea level projections from the Atmosphere–Ocean coupled Global Climate Model/General Circulation Model (AOGCM) simulations to the satellite altimeter observations along the subject coastlines. Using the assimilated AOGCM projections, the sea level around the Peninsular Malaysia coastline is projected to rise with a mean in the range of 0.066 to 0.141 m in 2040 and 0.253 m to 0.517 m in 2100. Using the assimilated AOGCM projections, the sea level around Sabah–Sarawak coastlines is projected to rise with a mean in the range of 0.115 m to 0.291 m in 2040 and 0.432 m to 1.064 m in 2100. The highest sea level rise occurs at the northeast and northwest regions in Peninsular Malaysia and at north and east sectors of Sabah in Sabah–Sarawak coastline. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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