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Abstract— Radiochronometry of L chondritic meteorites yields a rough age estimate for a major collision in the asteroid belt about 500 Myr ago. Fossil meteorites from Sweden indicate a highly increased influx of extraterrestrial matter in the Middle Ordovician ~480 Myr ago. An association with the L‐chondrite parent body event was suggested, but a definite link is precluded by the lack of more precise radiometric ages. Suggested ages range between 450 ± 30 Myr and 520 ± 60 Myr, and can neither convincingly prove a single breakup event, nor constrain the delivery times of meteorites from the asteroid belt to Earth. Here we report the discovery of multiple 40Ar‐39Ar isochrons in shocked L chondrites, particularly the regolith breccia Ghubara, that allow the separation of radiogenic argon from multiple excess argon components. This approach, applied to several L chondrites, yields an improved age value that indicates a single asteroid breakup event at 470 ± 6 Myr, fully consistent with a refined age estimate of the Middle Ordovician meteorite shower at 467.3 ± 1.6 Myr (according to A Geologic Time Scale 2004). Our results link these fossil meteorites directly to the L‐chondrite asteroid destruction, rapidly transferred from the asteroid belt. The increased terrestrial meteorite influx most likely involved larger projectiles that contributed to an increase in the terrestrial cratering rate, which implies severe environmental stress.  相似文献   
Abstract— Impact ejecta eroded and transported by gravity flows, tsunamis, or glaciers have been reported from a number of impact structures on Earth. Impact ejecta reworked by fluvial processes, however, are sparsely mentioned in the literature. This suggests that shocked mineral grains and impact glasses are unstable when eroded and transported in a fluvial system. As a case study, we here present a report of impact ejecta affected by multiple fluvial reworking including rounded quartz grains with planar deformation features and diaplectic quartz and feldspar glass in pebbles of fluvial sandstones from the “Monheimer Höhensande” ?10 km east of the Ries crater in southern Germany.  相似文献   
Fragments in the size range from 40 μm to several hundred μm in the CI chondrites Orgueil, Ivuna, Alais, and Tonk show a wide range of chemical compositions with variations in major elements such as iron (10.4-42.4 wt% FeO), silicon (12.7-42.2 wt% SiO2), and sulfur (1.01-15.8 wt% SO3), but also important minor elements such as phosphorous (up to 5.2 wt% P2O5) or calcium (up to 6.6 wt% CaO). These variations are the result of the varying mineralogical compositions of these fragments. The distribution of phyllosilicates, magnetites, and possibly ferrihydrite, in particular, control the abundances of these elements. High REE contents—up to 150 times the solar abundances—were observed in phosphates, while matrix and sulfates are REE-depleted. The studied 113 fragments were subdivided into eight lithologies with similar mineralogical and thus chemical properties. The most common is the CGA lithology, consisting of a groundmass of Mg-rich, coarse-grained phyllosilicates and varying abundances of inclusions such as magnetite. The second most abundant lithology is the FGA lithology, consisting of a groundmass of fine-grained Fe-rich phyllosilicates. A rare, but important lithology consists of fragments with high contents of phosphates and other minerals. The proposed model for the evolution of these lithologies is based on a closed system alteration, where mineralogical differences in the lithologies reflect heterogeneities in the starting material. Comparison of our results with literature data indicates a general similarity of the four CI chondrites analyzed. Further comparison of bulk analyses suggests that the mass ‘threshold’ for chemical heterogeneities in CI chondrite samples is smaller than ∼1-2 g.  相似文献   
Abstract— A controversially discussed and yet central question in interplanetary dust particle (IDP) research is the degree of alteration of these particles during their residence in the stratosphere. Especially, the typical enrichment of Br in chondritic IDPs (on the average ~21 × CI) has been inferred to be a result of contamination processes, probably invoking aerosol droplets. With time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS), we examined the surfaces of 13 stratospheric particles from the dust collector U2071. Six particles had severe, surface-bound, silicone oil residues preventing a proper analysis of their surfaces. Six other particles—-according to our scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDS) studies preclassified as one (Fe,Ni)S-rich IDP, one Ca-rich particle, and four aluminum-oxide spheres—-carry the halogens F, Cl, and Br on the surface. At least for the aluminum-oxide spheres, we provide unequivocal evidence for a surface correlation of halogens. This evidence, taken together with that from previous studies, proves a general stratospheric contamination process which has to be considered in IDP research.  相似文献   
Abstract– The 3.8 km Steinheim Basin in SW Germany is a complex impact crater with central uplift hosted by a sequence of Triassic to Jurassic sedimentary rocks. It exhibits a well‐preserved crater morphology, intensely brecciated limestone blocks that form the crater rim, as well as distinct shatter cones in limestones. In addition, an impact breccia mainly composed of Middle to Upper Jurassic limestones, marls, mudstones, and sandstones is known from drilling into the impact crater. No impact melt lithologies, however, have so far been reported from the Steinheim Basin. In samples of the breccia that were taken from the B‐26 drill core, we discovered small particles (up to millimeters in size) that are rich in SiO2 (~50 wt%) and Al2O3 (~28 wt%), and contain particles of Fe‐Ni‐Co sulfides, as well as target rock clasts (shocked and unshocked quartz, feldspar, limestone) and droplet‐shaped particles of calcite. The particles exhibit distinct flow structures and relicts of schlieren and vesicles. From the geochemical composition and the textural properties, we interpret these particles as mixed silicate melt fragments widely recrystallized, altered, and/or transformed into hydrous phyllosilicates. Furthermore, we detected schlieren of lechatelierite and recrystallized carbonate melt. On the basis of impactite nomenclature, the melt‐bearing impact breccia in the Steinheim Basin can be denominated as Steinheim suevite. The geochemical character of the mixed melt particles points to Middle Jurassic sandstones (“Eisensandstein” Formation) that crop out at the center of the central uplift as the source for the melt fragments.  相似文献   
Summary It is shown from a case study that the splitting of jet streams into several branches, which is frequently observed over the United States on the leading edges of intense maxima, may be explained by conservation of potential vorticity within an atmospheric layer moving over an obstacle. Such an obstacle may be a large mountain barrier, such as the Rocky Mountains, or a slowmoving dome of cold air in the lower troposphere, as is typical for cold outbreaks associated with strong jet streams.
Zusammenfassung An Hand eines konkreten Falles wird gezeigt, daß die Aufspaltung des Jet Streams in mehrere Äste, wie dies häufig über den Vereinigten Staaten an der Vorderseite intensiver Jet Maxima beobachtet wird, mit der Erhaltung der potentiellen Vorticity innerhalb einer Luftschicht, die sich über ein Hindernis bewegt, erklärt werden kann. Ein derartiges Hindernis kann einerseits durch ein Gebirge gegeben sein, wie etwa die Rocky Mountains, andererseits aber auch durch eine sich nur langsam fortbewegende Kaltluftmasse in der unteren Troposphäre. Eine solche ist für Kaltluftausbrüche im Zusammenhang mit intensiven Strahlströmen charakteristisch.

Résumé En se basant sur un cas particulier, on montre que la subdivision d'un courant jet en plusieurs bras distincts — fait souvent observé au dessus des Etats Unis d'Amérique à l'avant de la zone d'intensité maximum — peut s'expliquer par la conservation de l'énergie tourbillonnaire potentielle d'une couche d'air se déplaçant sur un obstacle. Un tel obstacle peut être soit une importante chaîne de montagnes telles que les Rocheuses, soit une masse d'air froid se déplaçant lentement dans la basse troposphère, comme c'est typiquement le cas lorsqu'une invasion d'air froid est liée à un fort courant jet.

With 3 Figures  相似文献   
Artificial shock pressures up to 52.5 GPa have no influence on the K-Ar system of plagioclase feldspar. The 40Ar-39Ar analysis of feldspar (labradorite An67 from anorthosite of North-Eastern Minnesota) shocked up to 45 GPa—in vacuo, to prevent massive entrapment of atmospheric argon-shows that the age spectra and the argon diffusion properties remain unaltered. Similar feldspar samples (labradorite An51 from Nain, Labrador), shocked in air up to 52.5 GPa and dated by the conventional K-Ar method, also yield the same age as unshocked samples but with a higher atmospheric argon contribution. The Minnesota anorthosite has an 40Ar-39Ar age of 1075 ± 10 m.y. No information on a possible previous history of the anorthosite became apparent.  相似文献   
While the international community has agreed on the long-term target of limiting global warming to no more than 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, only a few concrete climate policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have been implemented. We use a set of three global integrated assessment models to analyze the implications of current climate policies on long-term mitigation targets. We define a weak-policy baseline scenario, which extrapolates the current policy environment by assuming that the global climate regime remains fragmented and that emission reduction efforts remain unambitious in most of the world’s regions. These scenarios clearly fall short of limiting warming to 2 °C. We investigate the cost and achievability of the stabilization of atmospheric GHG concentrations at 450 ppm CO2e by 2100, if countries follow the weak policy pathway until 2020 or 2030 before pursuing the long-term mitigation target with global cooperative action. We find that after a deferral of ambitious action the 450 ppm CO2e is only achievable with a radical up-scaling of efforts after target adoption. This has severe effects on transformation pathways and exacerbates the challenges of climate stabilization, in particular for a delay of cooperative action until 2030. Specifically, reaching the target with weak near-term action implies (a) faster and more aggressive transformations of energy systems in the medium term, (b) more stranded investments in fossil-based capacities, (c) higher long-term mitigation costs and carbon prices and (d) stronger transitional economic impacts, rendering the political feasibility of such pathways questionable.  相似文献   
The ability of an ensemble of six GCMs, downscaled to a 0.1° lat/lon grid using the Conformal Cubic Atmospheric Model over Tasmania, Australia, to simulate observed extreme temperature and precipitation climatologies and statewide trends is assessed for 1961–2009 using a suite of extreme indices. The downscaled simulations have high skill in reproducing extreme temperatures, with the majority of models reproducing the statewide averaged sign and magnitude of recent observed trends of increasing warm days and warm nights and decreasing frost days. The warm spell duration index is however underestimated, while variance is generally overrepresented in the extreme temperature range across most regions. The simulations show a lower level of skill in modelling the amplitude of the extreme precipitation indices such as very wet days, but simulate the observed spatial patterns and variability. In general, simulations of dry extreme precipitation indices are underestimated in dryer areas and wet extremes indices are underestimated in wetter areas. Using two SRES emissions scenarios, the simulations indicate a significant increase in warm nights compared to a slightly more moderate increase in warm days, and an increase in maximum 1- and 5-day precipitation intensities interspersed with longer consecutive dry spells across Tasmania during the twenty-first century.  相似文献   
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