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Cyanobacterial carotenoids and diatom remains have been analyzed in recent sediments from the Windermere South Basin (WSB) to study the trophic evolution experienced by the lake. Dates in the top 30 cm were specifically established through radionuclide (210Pb and137Cs) analyses. Diatom stratigraphy shows dominance of the centric diatomsCyclotella comensis andC. radiosa and several benthic taxa in the early postglacial. This indicates oligotrophy in the WSB during that period. This assemblage was replaced by another dominated by the diatomAsterionella formosa in the 1870's, as has been established from the210Pb dating. From that date onwards, the lake underwent a progression towards eutrophy, indicated by the progressive increase inAulacoseira subarctica (c. 1930's),Fragilaria crotonensis (c. 1943), and more recently, of the centricsStephanodiscus parvus (c. 1971) andCyclotella meneghiniana (1988).Carotenoid stratigraphy reveals the differences between different sections of the core. Oscillaxanthin and myxoxanthophyll had very low records in the early and medium parts of the core, but increased fromc. 1950's, showing peaks atc. 1967, 1979 and 1987. Some of these peaks indicated a differential abundance ofOscillatoria, and are matched to those observed directly during the ongoing monitoring of the phytoplankton of the lake.The coincidence between the historic appearance of diatoms associated with nutrient-rich waters and the enhanced carotenoid occurrence suggest a common response to phosphorus enrichment, and that the progressive change towards eutrophy has been accentuated during the last twenty-five years.  相似文献   
A simple model for mid-plate swells is that of convection in a fluid which has a low viscosity layer lying between a rigid bed and a constant viscosity region. Finite element calculations have been used to determine the effects of the viscosity contrast, the layer thickness and the Rayleigh number on the flow and on the perceived compensation mechanism for the resulting topographic swell. As the viscosity decreases in the low viscosity zone, the effective local Rayleigh number for the top boundary layer of the convecting cell increases. Also, because the lower viscosity facilitates greater velocities in the low viscosity zone, the low viscosity layer produces proportionally greater horizontal flow near the conducting lid, causing the base of the conducting lid to appear like a free boundary. The change in the local Rayleigh number and in the effective boundary condition both cause the top boundary layer to thin. Through a Green's function analysis, we have found that the low viscosity zone damps the response of the surface topography to the temperature anomalies at depth, whereas it causes the gravity and geoid response functions to change sign at depth counteracting the positive contributions from the shallower temperature variations. By increasing the viscosity contrast, the conbined effects of the thinning of the boundary layer and the behaviour of the response functions allow the apparent depth of compensation to become arbitrarily small. Therefore, shallow depths of compensation cannot be used to argue against dynamic support of mid-plate swells. Furthermore, we compared the distribution of the effective compensating densities, which is used to obtain the geoid, to that of Pratt compensation, which is often used to calculate the depth of compensation from geoid and topography data for mid-plate swells. For all of our calculations including those with no low viscosity layer, the effective gravitational mass distribution is more complex than assumed in simple Pratt models, so that the Pratt models are not an appropriate gauge of the compensation mechanism.  相似文献   
Wetlands, one of the most productive systems in the biosphere are a unique ecosystem. They occur in landscapes that favor the ponding or slow runoff of surface water, discharge of ground water, or both. Wetlands are not only important for maintaining plant and animal diversity, but also for balancing global carbon budget via sequestrating or releasing CO2 from/into atmosphere depending on their management. Therefore, it is imperative to understand how wetlands form and function, then we can better manage, utilize, and protect these unique ecosystems. Hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation, and wetland hydrology are the three main parameters of wetlands. These parameters are interrelated with each other which jointly influence the development and functions of wetland ecosystems. The objective of this paper was to report the current understanding of wetlands and provide future research directions. The paper will first focus on aspects of hydrology research in wetlands, and then shift to soil hydrosequence a  相似文献   
We have collected and analyzed a series of water samples from three closed-basin lakes (Lakes Bonney, Fryxell, and Hoare) in Taylor Valley, Antarctica, and the streams that flow into them. In all three lakes, the hypolimnetic waters have different 87Sr/86Sr ratios than the surface waters, with the deep water of Lakes Fryxell and Hoare being less radiogenic than the surface waters. The opposite occurs in Lake Bonney. The Lake Fryxell isotopic ratios are lower than modern-day ocean water and most of the whole-rock ratios of the surrounding geologic materials. A conceivable source of Sr to the system could be either the Cenozoic volcanic rocks that make up a small portion of the till deposited in the valley during the Last Glacial Maximum or from marble derived from the local basement rocks. The more radiogenic ratios from Lake Bonney originate from ancient salt deposits that flow into the lake from Taylor Glacier and the weathering of minerals with more radiogenic Sr isotopic ratios within the tills. The Sr isotopic data from the streams and lakes of Taylor Valley strongly support the notion documented by previous investigators that chemical weathering has been, and is currently, a major process in determining the overall aquatic chemistry of these lakes in this polar desert environment.  相似文献   
The St. Louis River Estuary (SLRE), a freshwater estuary bordering Duluth, Minnesota, Superior, Wisconsin, and the most western point of Lake Superior (46.74°, ? 92.13°), has a long history of human development since Euro-American settlement ~ 200 years ago. Due to degradation from logging, hydrologic modification, industrial practices, and untreated sewage, the SLRE was designated an Area of Concern in 1987. Action has been taken to restore water quality including the installation of the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District in 1978 to help remove beneficial use impairments. A better understanding of historical impacts and remediation is necessary to help document progress and knowledge gaps related to water quality, so a paleolimnological study of the SLRE was initiated. Various paleolimnological indicators (pigments, diatom communities, and diatom-inferred phosphorus) were analyzed from six cores taken throughout the SLRE and another from western Lake Superior. Reductions in eutrophic diatom taxa such as Cyclotella meneghiniana and Stephanodiscus after 1970 in certain cores suggest an improvement in water quality over the last 40 years. However, in cores taken from estuarine bay environments, persistence of eutrophic taxa such as Cyclostephanos dubius and Stephanodiscus binderanus indicate ongoing nutrient problems. Sedimentary pigments also indicate cyanobacteria increases in bays over the last two decades. Diatom model-inferred phosphorus and contemporary monitoring data suggest some of the problems associated with excess nutrient loads have been remediated, but modern conditions (internal phosphorus loading, changing climate) may be contributing to ongoing water quality impairments in some locations. The integrated record of biological, chemical, and physical indicators preserved in the sediments will aid state and federal agencies in determining where to target their resources.  相似文献   
The spatial distribution of source areas and associated residence times of water in the catchment are significant factors controlling the annual cycles of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration in Deer Creek (Summit County, Colorado). During spring snowmelt (April–August 1992), stream DOC concentrations increased with the rising limb of the hydrograph, peaked before maximum discharge, then declined rapidly as melting continued. We investigated catchment sources of DOC to streamflow, measuring DOC in tension lysimeters, groundwater wells, snow and streamflow. Lysimeter data indicate that near-surface soil horizons are a primary contributor of DOC to streamflow during spring snowmelt. Concentrations of DOC in the lysimeters decrease rapidly during the melt period, supporting the hypothesis that hydrological flushing of catchment soils is the primary mechanism affecting the temporal variation of DOC in Deer Creek. Time constants of DOC flushing, characterizing the exponential decay of DOC concentration in the upper soil horizon, ranged from 10 to 30 days for the 10 lysimeter sites. Differences in the rate of flushing are influenced by topographical position, with near-stream riparian soils flushed more quickly than soils located further upslope. Variation in the amount of distribution of accumulated snow, and asynchronous melting of the snowpack across the landscape, staggered the onset of the spring flush throughout the catchment, prolonging the period of increased concentrations of DOC in the stream. Streamflow integrates the catchment-scale flushing responses, yielding a time constant associated with the recession of DOC in the stream channel (84 days) that is significantly longer than the time constants observed for particular locations in the upper soil. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Cadmium and copper in the dissolved and particulate phase and in zooplankton were determined in the Bahía Blanca estuary during six surveys from March to December 2005. Temperature, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, suspended particulate matter, particulate organic matter and chlorophyll-a were also considered. Dissolved Cd was below the detection limit (0.2 μg L−1) for almost the entire study period whereas Cu concentrations (0.5–2.4 μg L−1) indicated a continuous dissolved Cu input. Particulate Cd concentrations ranged from below the detection limit (<0.01) to 28.6 μg g−1 d.w. while particulate Cu ranged from below the detection limit (<0.04) to 53.5 μg g−1 d.w. Cd in mesozooplankton ranged from below the detection limit (<0.01) to 37.4 μg g−1 d.w. Some of the Cd levels were higher than those reported for other aquatic ecosystems. Cu in the mesozooplankton ranged from 1.3 to 89.3 μg g−1 d.w., values which were within the reported values or higher than other studies. The log of the partition coefficients (log (Kd)) of Cd was 0.04, while log (Kd) for Cu ranged from −0.39 to 2.79. These values were lower than both those calculated for other estuaries and the typical coefficients for marine environments. The log of the bioconcentration factor (log BCF) of Cd was 1.78, indicating that Cd concentration was higher in the zooplankton than in the dissolved phase. Log BCF of Cu ranged from 1.15 to 3. The logs of the biomagnification factors (log BMF) of Cd were low, with a range between −3.45 and 2.21 and those for Cu ranged from −0.1 to 3.35. Positive values indicate biomagnification while negative values indicate biodiminution. In general, no significant dissolved Cd concentration appeared to be present in the Bahía Blanca estuary and Cu values did not indicate a critical environmental status. The particulate phase seemed to be the major carrier for Cd and Cu and TPCu values were within the normal values for an anthropogenically stressed estuary but not for a strongly polluted system. This fraction was the most important metal source for the mesozooplankton. Moreover, the highest metal concentrations were in the mesozooplankton since most of the bioconcentration and biomagnification factors were positive, especially for Cu.  相似文献   
Studies of shoreline progradation along low-energy vegetated shorelines have been limited, as these environments are generally experiencing erosion rather than deposition, with extreme erosion rates frequently found. This study examined yearly changes along a vegetated shoreline at Calaveras Point Marsh, South San Francisco Bay, California, using aerial photography, to determine the roles of climatic, watershed, and coastal process in driving shoreline changes. In addition, sediment accumulation was monitored on a yearly basis at 48 locations across the marsh to determine the role of geomorphic factors in promoting accumulation. Calaveras Point Marsh was found to have expanded from 49.26 ± 5.2 to 165.7 ± 4.7 ha between 1975 and 2005. Although the rate of marsh expansion was not positively correlated with yearly variability in precipitation, local streamflow, delta outflow, water level observations, population growth, or ENSO indices, marsh growth was greater during years of higher than average temperatures. Warmer temperatures may have promoted the recruitment and growth of Spartina foliosa, a C4 grass known to be highly responsive to temperature. Other factors, such as the formation of a coastal barrier, a recent change in the location of the mouth of the Guadalupe River, and channel readjustment in response to diking are credited with driving the bulk of the marsh expansion. Sediment accumulation was found to be high closest to channels and to the shoreline, at low elevations and in recently vegetated marsh. Globally, the pace of sea level rise exerts the primary control on wetland development and persistence. However, at local geographic scales, factors such as tectonic events, modifications to natural sediment transport pathways or land use changes may overwhelm the effects of regional sea level rise, and allow for wetlands to develop, expand and persist despite rapid sea level rise.  相似文献   
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