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The Caspar Creek Experimental Watersheds are the site of a long-term paired watershed study in the northern Coast Ranges of California. The watersheds are predominately forested with coast redwood and Douglas-fir. Old-growth forest was logged between 1860 and 1904. Two harvesting experiments have been completed since then and a third experiment is currently underway. Caspar Creek data are split into three phases corresponding to three experiments: Phase 1 (1962–1985) reports on a selection harvest (1971–1973) and initial recovery in the South Fork watershed; Phase 2 (1985–2017) includes clearcut harvesting of ~50% of the North Fork watershed (1985–1992) and recovery; and Phase 3 (2017 onward) corresponds to a second selection harvest in the South Fork watershed with a range of subwatershed harvest intensities (2017–2019) and recovery. All three experiments included harvest-related road-building and relied primarily on measurements of streamflow and sediment delivery from both treated and reference watersheds. Major findings include modest increases in post-harvest peak flows and cumulative flow volumes, post-harvest low flows that initially increased and then decreased 12 to 15 years after harvesting, and the consequences of different yarding techniques and road design on sediment yields. Some of the data for Phase 1 and Phase 2 are available in a USDA Forest Service online archive. The archived data include precipitation, streamflow, suspended sediment concentrations, turbidity, accumulated weir pond sediment volumes, bedload transport rates, water stable isotope data, and geospatial data. Archiving activities are ongoing. Phase 3 data are currently being collected and will be archived after a post-harvest monitoring period.  相似文献   
The anisotropy of 35–1000 keV ions in two corotating particle events associated with high-speed solar wind streams at 1 AU is examined in terms of the diffusion-convection propagation model using data from the Energetic Proton Anisotropy Spectrometer on ISEE-3. The calculated diffusive anisotropy in the solar wind frame is found to be sunward and closely field-aligned, with a nearly energy-independent magnitude of ~ 40%. For one stream, using the Voyager 2 data of Decker et al. (1981), a positive gradient of ~ 100%/AU is found for ? 50 keV ions between 1 and 4 AU. The observations do not appear to support the scatter-free propagation model and indicate that ions with energies as low as a few tens of keV may be in diffusive equilibrium with the solar wind in this class of events.  相似文献   
We present results of a simulation of a steady-state binary near-Earth asteroid (NEA) population. This study combines previous work on tidal disruption of gravitational aggregates [Walsh, K.J., Richardson, D.C., 2006. Icarus 180, 201-216] with a Monte Carlo simulation of NEA planetary encounters. Evolutionary effects include tidal evolution and binary disruption from close planetary encounters. The results show that with the best known progenitor (small Main Belt asteroids) shape and spin distributions, and current estimates of NEA lifetime and encounter probabilities, that tidal disruption should account for approximately 1-2% of NEAs being binaries. Given the best observed estimate of a ∼15% binary NEA fraction, we conclude that there are other formation mechanisms that contribute significantly to this population. We also present the expected distribution of binary orbital and physical properties for the steady-state binary NEAs formed by tidal disruption. We discuss the effects on binary fraction and properties due to changes in the least constrained parameters, and other possible effects on our model that could account for differences between the presented results and the observed binary population. Finally, we model possible effects of a significant population of binaries migrating to the near-Earth population from the Main Belt.  相似文献   
The effects of ozone-produced oxidants (OPO) on three developmental stages of the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, were evaluated. Both straight-hinge (48-h post fertilisation) and setting pediveliger larvae were exposed to a series of OPO concentrations ranging from 0·05 to 0·30 mg/litre OPO (as total residual chlorine) at 25°C for 96 h. Mortality was used as the response parameter and results were quantitatively compared with the effects of chlorine-produced oxidants (CPO) obtained from the literature on these same developmental stages. Adult oysters (2- to 4-year class) were exposed to OPO concentrations ranging from 0·01 to 0·50 mg/litre at 15°C for 5 days and to the same concentration range at 25°C for two consecutive 6-day periods. Shell deposition and faecal matter accumulation were used as the response parameters for this stage.Straight-hinge larvae were significantly more sensitive to OPO than setting pediveliger larvae. Both larval stages were significantly more sensitive to CPO than to OPO. Shell deposition was significantly inhibited at all OPO concentrations for both 15°C and 25°C acclimated adult oysters. No significant differences were found between the shell deposition response of oysters at the two acclimation temperatures. Faecal matter accumulation was significantly reduced at OPO concentrations ≥ 0·05 mg/litre at both 15°C and 25°C. It was significantly (p < 0·05) greater for 25°C acclimated oysters than for 15°C acclimated oysters at OPO concentrations < 0·10 mg/litre but not at higher concentrations.  相似文献   
Fronts and eddies are widely hypothesized to be critical spawning habitat for large pelagic fishes, due to increased larval and/or adult feeding opportunities at these features. We examined sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) spawning around a cyclonic, submesoscale (∼13 × 7 km) Florida Current frontal eddy. The temporal progression of eddy dynamics over a 65 h period was determined using ocean color satellite imagery, continuous surface measurements along the cruise track, and non-linear least-squares fitting of the positions of three drifters deployed within the eddy. A peak in larval sailfish densities (n = 2435, stations = 49), composed primarily of yolk-sac and first-feeding larvae, occurred at the eddy frontal zone. A majority of these larvae were estimated to have been spawned during the formation of the eddy. A comparison between the distribution of similar-age sailfish and scombrid larvae indicated that the peak in larval sailfish density likely resulted from spawning directly at the front, rather than transport by convergent flow. The first-feeding prey items of larval sailfish (Farranula and Corycaeus copepods) were most abundant at the frontal zone and to a lesser extent inside the eddy. Egg distributions were used to indirectly assess the distribution of adult sailfish prey items. Euthynnus alleteratus and Auxis spp. eggs were in highest abundance outside the eddy, while the eggs of small carangids were in highest abundance at the eddy frontal zone. Overall, this study indicates that sailfish spawn at small-scale oceanographic features that provide a favorable feeding environment for their larvae and potentially also for the adults.  相似文献   
Observing the full range of climate change impacts at the local scale is difficult. Predicted rates of change are often small relative to interannual variability, and few locations have sufficiently comprehensive long-term records of environmental variables to enable researchers to observe the fine-scale patterns that may be important to understanding the influence of climate change on biological systems at the taxon, community, and ecosystem levels. We examined a 50-year meteorological and hydrological record from the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) in New Hampshire, an intensively monitored Long-Term Ecological Research site. Of the examined climate metrics, trends in temperature were the most significant (ranging from 0.7 to 1.3 °C increase over 40–50 year records at 4 temperature stations), while analysis of precipitation and hydrologic data yielded mixed results. Regional records show generally similar trends over the same time period, though longer-term (70–102 year) trends are less dramatic. Taken together, the results from HBEF and the regional records indicate that the climate has warmed detectably over 50 years, with important consequences for hydrological processes. Understanding effects on ecosystems will require a diversity of metrics and concurrent ecological observations at a range of sites, as well as a recognition that ecosystems have existed in a directionally changing climate for decades, and are not necessarily in equilibrium with the current climate.  相似文献   
The solubility of fluorite in NaCl solutions increases with increasing temperature at all ionic strengths up to about 100°C. Above this temperature, the solubility passes through a maximum and possibly a minimum with increasing temperature at NaCl concentrations of 1.0M or less, and increases continuously with increasing temperature at NaCl concentrations above 1.0M. At any given temperature, the solubility of fluorite increases with increasing salt concentration in NaCl, KCl and CaCl2 solutions. The solubility follows Debye-Hückel theory for KCl solutions. In NaCl and CaCl2 solutions, the solubility of fluorite increases more rapidly than predicted by Debye-Hückel theory: the excess solubility is due to the presence of NaFc, CaF+, and possibly of Na2F+. The solubility of fluorite in NaCl-CaCl2 and in NaCl-CaCl2-MgCl2 solutions is controlled by the common ion effect and by the presence of NaFc, CaF+, and MgF+. The solubility of fluorite in NaCl-HCl solutions increases rapidly with increasing initial HCl concentration; the large solubility increase is due to the presence of HFc. It seems likely that complexes other than those identified in this study rarely play a major role in fluoride transport and fluorite deposition at temperatures below 300°C.  相似文献   
Fluorite deposition in hydrothermal systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the formation of fluorite deposits fluorite is precipitated either as a consequence of changes in temperature and pressure along the flow path of hydrothermal solutions or due to fluid mixing, or as the result of the interaction of hydrothermal solutions with wall rocks.A decrease in temperature in the flow direction is the most appealing, though still unproven, mechanism of fluorite deposition in Mississippi Valley fluorite deposits.Mixing can produce solutions which are either undersaturated or supersaturated with respect to fluorite. The most important parameters are the temperature, the salinity, and the calcium and fluoride concentration of the fluids prior to mixing.A variety of wall rock reactions can lead to fluorite precipitation. Among these reactions which increase the pH of initially rather acid (pH ≤ 3) hydrothermal solutions are apt to be particularly important.  相似文献   
Banded kokopu populations were surveyed seasonally over 1 year in five Coromandel streams to determine the influence of food supply on diet, growth, abundance, and movement. Streams with high benthic invertebrate abundance and drift of aquatic origin had high fish abundance. However, terrestrial drift was the dominant food for adult banded kokopu over all seasons and streams, on average comprising 75% of their diet by number and 89% by weight. Annual growth rates of tagged individuals ranged from 3 mm to 16.5 mm, with smaller fish growing faster than large fish. Low growth rates of large fish were consistent with the recapture of a fish that had only grown from 195 mm to 215 mm in 7 years. Our observations confirmed the strong association between banded kokopu, pool habitat, and cover, and also indicated that high fish abundance restricted growth rates and movement and increased interaction.  相似文献   
Regime shifts: Can ecological theory illuminate the mechanisms?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“Regime shifts” are considered here to be low-frequency, high-amplitude changes in oceanic conditions that may be especially pronounced in biological variables and propagate through several trophic levels. Three different types of regime shift (smooth, abrupt and discontinuous) are identified on the basis of different patterns in the relationship between the response of an ecosystem variable (usually biotic) and some external forcing or condition (control variable). The smooth regime shift is represented by a quasi-linear relationship between the response and control variables. The abrupt regime shift exhibits a nonlinear relationship between the response and control variables, and the discontinuous regime shift is characterized by the trajectory of the response variable differing when the forcing variable increases compared to when it decreases (i.e., the occurrence of alternative “stable” states). Most often, oceanic regime shifts are identified from time series of biotic variables (often commercial fish), but this approach does not allow the identification of discontinuous regime shifts. Recognizing discontinuous regime shifts is, however, particularly important as evidence from terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems suggests that such regime shifts may not be immediately reversible. Based on a review of various generic classes of mathematical models, we conclude that regime shifts arise from the interaction between population processes and external forcing variables. The shift between ecosystem states can be caused by gradual, cumulative changes in the forcing variable(s) or it can be triggered by acute disturbances, either anthropogenic or natural. A protocol for diagnosing the type of regime shift encountered is described and applied to a data set on Georges Bank haddock, from which it is concluded that a discontinuous regime shift in the abundance of haddock may have occurred. It is acknowledged that few, if any, marine data are available to confirm the occurrence of discontinuous regime shifts in the ocean. Nevertheless, we argue that there is good theoretical evidence for their occurrence as well as some anecdotal evidence from data collection campaigns and that the possibility of their occurrence should be recognized in the development of natural resource management strategies.  相似文献   
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