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The infrared reflectivity spectra of two natural cassiterite single crystals from Portugal and Vietnam have been studied and analysed in the frequency range of 15–4000 cm–1 at room temperature. The optical mode parameters are deduced by simulation of the experimental spectra using the factorised form of the dielectric function. The difference with synthetic SnO2 spectra is a dip near 500 cm–1 understood as the activation of an infrared forbidden E g mode due to the amount of Fe3+ and Ti4+ impurities. Another result of this work is the derivation of the correct values of the static dielectric constant of cassiterite.  相似文献   
Individual aerosol particles collected in the Negev desert in Israel during a summer and winter campaign in 1996–1997 were analysed by scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. Hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to interpret the data on the basis of particle diameter and composition. Eleven particle classes (groups) provided clues on sources and/or particle formation. The summer samples were enriched in sulphates and mineral dusts; the winter samples contained more sea salts, aged sea salts, and industrial particles. The fine size fraction below 1 m diameter was enriched in secondary particles and showed evidence of atmospheric processing. The secondary sulphate particles were mainly attributed to long-range transport. A regional conversion from calcite to calcium sulphate occurred during summer. Industrial particles originating from local pollution appeared during winter.  相似文献   
The Lyapunov characteristic numbers (LCNs) which are defined as the mean value of the distribution of the local variations of the tangent vectors to the flow (=ln k i ) (see Froeschlé, 1984) have been found to be sensitive indicators of stochasticity. So we computed the distribution of these local variations and determined the moments of higher order for the integrable and stochastic regions in a binary star system with =0.5.  相似文献   

A þrst climate simulation performed with the novel Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM) is presented. The CRCM is based on fully elastic non‐hydrostatic þeld equations, which are solved with an efþcient semi‐implicit semi‐Lagrangian (SISL) marching algorithm, and on the parametrization package of subgrid‐scale physical effects of the second‐generation Canadian Global Climate Model (GCMII). Two 5‐year integrations of the CRCM nested with GCMII simulated data as lateral boundary conditions are made for conditions corresponding to current and doubled CO2 scenarios. For these simulations the CRCM used a grid size of 45 km on a polar‐stereographic projection, 20 scaled‐height levels and a time step of 15 min; the nesting GCMII has a spectral truncation of T32, 10 hybrid‐pressure levels and a time step of 20 min. These simulations serve to document: (1) the suitability of the SISL numerical scheme for regional climate modelling, (2) the use of GCMII physics at much higher resolution than in the nesting model, (3) the ability of the CRCM to add realistic regional‐scale climate information to global model simulations, and (4) the climate of the CRCM compared to that of GCMII under two greenhouse gases (GHG) scenarios.  相似文献   
The Ianapera emerald deposit is located in the Neoproterozoic Vohibory Block of southern Madagascar. The local geology consists of intercalated migmatitic gneissic units and calcareous metasedimentary rocks, containing boudinaged metamorphosed mafic/ultramafic lenses, all intruded by pegmatite veins. These units occur near the hinge of the tightly folded Ianapera antiform, within a few kilometers of the Ampanihy shear zone. Emerald mineralization is hosted by metasomatic phlogopite veins, and bodies developed within the mafic/ultramafic rocks. Based on field and textural relationships, we distinguish proximal and distal styles of mineralization. Proximal mineralization occurs at the contact of pegmatite veins with mafic/ultramafic units; in the distal style, pegmatites are not observed. Three types of emeralds could be distinguished, mainly on the basis of color and mineral zoning. Some of these emeralds have the most Al-depleted and Cr-rich composition ever recorded. Another characteristic feature to the Ianapera deposit and, to our knowledge, yet unreported, is the association of some emeralds with scapolite in metasomatised mafic rocks. Mineral inclusions are common in most emeralds and include phlogopite, carbonates, barite, K-feldspar, quartz, pyrite, zircon, monazite, bastnaesite, phenakite, plus Fe and Cr oxides. However, feldspar and rare earth element-bearing minerals occur predominantly in proximal emeralds, which also have a more incompatible trace-element signature than distal emeralds. We propose a model related to syn- to post-tectonic magmatic-hydrothermal activity. Pegmatitic bodies intruded units of the Ianapera antiform probably during tectonic relaxation. Exsolution of fluids rich in halogens and incompatible elements from the cooling pegmatites caused hydrothermal metasomatism of Cr-bearing mafic/ultramafic rocks in direct contact with the pegmatites. Local fracturing favored fluid infiltration, permitting the formation of distal mineralization. Emerald composition was controlled by the chemistry of the host rock. The presence of carbonate mineral inclusions in the emeralds and the high F-activity indicated by elevated F-contents in newly formed minerals suggest transport of Be as a fluoride-carbonate complex. It seems likely that beryl formation was triggered by precipitation of F-rich phlogopite, which removed the complexing ligand from the fluid.  相似文献   
Variations in the flux of Jovian electrons near the Earth in two synodic cycles of the Earth–Jupiter system, in 1974–1975 and 2007–2008, are considered. In the 1974–1975 cycle, Jovian electrons were observed by IMP-8 during 13 successive solar rotations; electrons were observed by SOHO during 14 solar rotations during the 2007–2008 cycle. The fluxes of these electrons in each solar revolution experienced variations with a characteristic time scale of ~27 d , with the maximum flux near the middle of the rotation. The mean period of the variations does not coincide with the synodic period for the Sun–Earth system, equal to 27.3 d . The mean variation periods for the electron fluxes were 26.8 d in 1974–1975 and 26.1 d in 2007–2008. The detected variations are interpreted as reflecting variations in the structure of the solar wind speed and associated magnetic traps, the confinement time of the electrons in thesemagnetic traps, and the influence of the relative positions of the Earth and Jupiter in space.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Einleitend werden verschiedene ungarische Arbeiten über den Zusammenhang zwischen Witterung und Krankheiten kritisch besprochen. Nach einer Übersicht über die verschiedenen Ansichten über die Abhängigkeit der Poliomyelitis von der Witterung wird eine 17jährige Statistik aus Ungarn über Witterungseinflüsse auf diese Krankheit untersucht. Es konnte kein Zusammenhang mit der Temperatur, mit dem Wechsel des Witterungscharakters und mit Fronten oder Abgleitflächen nachgewiesen werden. In den an Poliomyelitisfällen reichsten Jahren waren trockene Monate etwas häufiger. Es zeigen sich schwache Anzeichen für eine Doppelwelle während einer Sonnenfleckenperiode. Die Krankheit trat in den kühleren und niederschlagsreicheren nördlichen und nordöstlichen Teilen des Landes am häufigsten auf.
Summary At first divers Hungarian papers on the relations between weather and diseases are critically discussed. After giving a survey of the different opinions as to the influence of weather upon poliomyelitis, a 17 years statistics from Hungary is investigated in this respect. No connection could be found, however, neither with the temperature and the change of weather character nor with fronts or surfaces of subsidence. Most poliomyelitis cases occurred in years in which dry months were a little more frequent. There are slight indications of a double wave during a sunspot period. The disease was found to be most frequent in the northern and north-eastern regions being relatively cooler and richer in precipitation.

Résumé On examine tout d'abord différentes études hongroises concernant les relations entre le temps météorologique et les maladies. Après un aperçu sur les diverses opinions émises au sujet de la poliomyélite et de sa dépendance à l'égard du temps, on étudie sur le même sujet une statistique de 17 ans établie en Hongrie. On n'a pas pu prouver de relation avec la température, avec les changements de temps, ni avec les fronts ou les surfaces de subsidence. Les années les plus riches en poliomyélite ont eu un peu plus de mois secs. De faibles indices parlent en faveur d'une double période à l'intérieur de la période des taches solaires. La maladie a été la plus fréquente dans les parties nord et nord-est du pays qui sont aussi les plus froides et les plus humides.
GPS is a promising tool for real-time monitoring of deformations of slopes or large structures. However, remaining systematic effects in GPS phase observations after double differencing and application of a priori models affect the resulting coordinates. They complicate the proper separation of the actual deformations from pseudo-deformations induced by the systematic effects. This paper shows that for small monitoring networks (baseline lengths <5 km) only affine distortions of the network geometry are generated by the remaining distance dependent systematic effects, e.g. unmodelled tropospheric and ionospheric propagation effects, or satellite orbit errors. Hence, a generic correction model is given by a three-dimensional affine transformation involving a maximum of 12 transformation parameters. For the determination of these parameters, four high quality GPS stations are necessary which are not affected by the actual deformations to be monitored. Based on the analysis of network geometries of synthetic GPS networks with large height differences and considering the physics of the GPS observations it is shown, however, that less than 12 parameters are sufficient for the computation of the corrections. The proposed 8 parameter model was applied to the GPS monitoring network of the Gradenbach landslide. For this small network with large height differences, it was shown that the distortions can be reduced by about 75%.  相似文献   
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