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The accurate determination of the balance between plankton production and respiration in the ocean is important for C budgets and global change predictions. Disagreements on the measurement of such a balance at different scales (from microbiological to biogeochemical) have produced a controversy over the trophic status of the ocean. This is especially striking in the oligotrophic open ocean, where plankton community O2 consumption rates in 24 h incubations have frequently produced a net heterotrophic balance, but similar difficulties emerge in coastal systems. These results have been criticised due to the possibility that the standard 24 h in vitro incubations are biased because of the long incubation time needed and the so-called “bottle effect”.To study the influence of the incubation time and bottle volume on the measurement of plankton net metabolism, we carried out several time series experiments in the NW Iberian coastal system. Here we present measurements of plankton community respiration rates concurrently obtained through (1) standard in vitro changes in dissolved oxygen concentration after different incubation times ranging from 2 to 48 h, and with bottle volumes of 50, 125 and 570 mL, and (2) the decrease in the oxygen concentration measured every 20 s with oxygen microsensors, during 48 h. Our results refute the contention that 24 h dark 125 mL bottle incubations are systematically biased, and highlight the validity of oxygen microsensors to study the dynamics of natural marine plankton respiration.  相似文献   
The Malay Peninsula lies on two continental blocks, Sibumasu and East Malaya, which are intruded by granitoids in two provinces: the Main Range and Eastern. Previous models propose that Permian–Triassic granitoids are subduction-related and syn-to post-collisional. We present 752 U–Pb analyses that were carried out on zircons from river sands in the Malay Peninsula; of these, 243 grains were selected for Hf-isotope analyses. Our data suggest a more complex Sibumasu–East Malaya collision history. 176Hf/177Hfi ratios reveal that Permian–Triassic zircons were sourced from three magmatic suites: (a) Permian crustally-derived granitoids, (b) Early-Middle Triassic granitoids with mixed mantle–crust sources, and (c) Late Triassic crustally-derived granitoids. This suggests three Permian–Triassic episodes of magmatism in the Malay Peninsula, two of which occurred in the Eastern Province. Although the exact timing of the Sibumasu–East Malaya collision remains unresolved, current data suggest that it occurred before the Late Triassic, probably in Late Permian–Early Triassic. Our data also indicate that Sibumasu and East Malaya basements are chronologically heterogeneous, but predominantly of Proterozoic age. Some basement may be Neoarchaean but there is no evidence for basement older than 2.8 Ga. Finally, we show that Hf-isotope signatures of Triassic zircons can be used as provenance indicators.  相似文献   
A long-standing problem in operational seismology is that of reliable focal depth estimation. Standard analyst practice is to pick and identify a ‘phase’ in the P-coda. This picking will always produce a depth estimate but without any validation it cannot be trusted. In this article we ‘hunt’ for standard depth phases like pP, sP and/or PmP but unlike the analyst we use Bayes statistics for classifying the probability that polarization characteristics of pickings belong to one of the mentioned depth phases given preliminary epicenter information. In this regard we describe a general-purpose PC implementation of the Bayesian methodology that can deal with complex nonlinear models in a flexible way. The models are represented by a data-flow diagram that may be manipulated by the analyst through a graphical-programming environment. An analytic signal representation is used with the imaginary part being the Hilbert transform of the signal itself. The pickings are in terms of a plot of posterior probabilities as a function of time for pP, Sp or PmP being within the presumed azimuth and incident angle sectors for given preliminary epicenter locations. We have tested this novel focal depth estimation procedure on explosion and earthquake recordings from Cossack Ranger II stations in Karelia, NW Russia, and with encouraging results. For example, pickings deviating more than 5° off ‘true’ azimuth are rejected while Pn-incident angle estimate exhibit considerable scatter. A comprehensive test of our approach is not quite easy as recordings from so-called Ground Truth events are elusive.  相似文献   
Public works in progress in the Campanian plain north of Somma-Vesuvius recently encountered the remains of a prehistoric settlement close to the town of Afragola. Rescue excavations brought to light a Bronze Age village partially destroyed and buried by pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) of the Vesuvian Pomici di Avellino eruption (3.8 14C ka BP) and subsequently sealed by alluvial deposits. Volcanological and rock-magnetic investigations supplemented the excavations.Careful comparison between volcanological and archaeological stratigraphies led to an understanding of the timing of the damage the buildings suffered when they were struck by a series of PDCs. The first engulfed the village, located some 14 km to the north of the inferred vent, and penetrated into the dwellings without causing major damage. The buildings were able to withstand the weak dynamic pressure of the currents and deviate their path, as shown by the magnetic fabric analyses. Some later collapsed under the load of the deposits piled up by successive currents. Stepwise demagnetization of the thermal remanent magnetization (TRM) carried by potsherds embedded in the deposits yields deposition temperatures in the order of 260–320 °C, fully consistent with those derived from pottery and lithic fragments from other distal and proximal sites. The fairly uniform temperature of the deposits is here ascribed to the lack of pervasive air entrainment into the currents. This, in turn, resulted from the lack of major topographical obstacles along the flat plain.The coupling of structural damage and sedimentological analyses indicates that the currents were not destructive in the Afragola area, but TRM data indicate they were still hot enough to cause death or severe injury to humans and animals. The successful escape of the entire population is apparent from the lack of human remains and from thousands of human footprints on the surface of the deposits left by the first PDCs. People were thus able to walk barefoot across the already emplaced deposits and escape the subsequent PDCs. The rapid cooling of the deposits was probably due to both their thinness and heat dissipation due to condensation of water vapour released in the mixture by magma–water interaction.  相似文献   
In this study, we address volume diffusion of ytterbium in yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) using thin-film single crystal diffusion couples. We employ analytical transmission electron microscopy (ATEM) as a tool for combined microstructural and microchemical analysis and compare the results to Rutherford backscattering (RBS) analysis. Given the high spatial resolution of the method, we focus on microstructural changes of the thin-film diffusant source during the diffusion anneal. We evaluate the potential influence of the associated changes in its transport properties on the evolution of concentration profiles in the single crystal substrate. This approach allows us to test the reliability of determination of volume diffusion coefficients from thin-film diffusion experiments. We found that for the chosen experimental setting, the influence of thin-film re-crystallization is small when compared with the experimental uncertainty and good estimates for the volume diffusion coefficients of Yb in YAG can be obtained using standard assumptions. Both Yb-concentration profiles analyzed with ATEM and with RBS give similar results. At 1,450°C and 1 bar, we infer log D Yb (m2/s) values of −19.37 ± 0.07 (TEM) and −19.84 ± 0.02 (RBS). Although the change in thin-film transport properties associated with successive crystallization during the diffusion anneal does not play a major role for our experimental setup, this effect cannot generally be ignored.  相似文献   
Spinel lherzolite and wehrlite xenoliths from the Cenozoic Calatrava volcanic field carry the geochemical imprint of metasomatic agents that have affected the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath Central Iberia. Some xenoliths (mainly wehrlites) were enriched in REE, Sr, P, and CO2 by silicic-carbonate-rich metasomatic melts/fluids, while others record the effects of subduction-related hydrous silicate fluids that have precipitated amphibole and induced high Ti/Eu in primary clinopyroxene. The petrographic observations and geochemical data suggest that interstitial glass in the xenoliths represent the quenched products of Si-rich melts that infiltrated the mantle peridotite shortly before the entrainment of the xenoliths in the host magmas that erupted ca 2 million years ago. During their infiltration, the metasomatic melts reacted with peridotite, resulting in silica enrichment, while remobilizing grains of iron-rich monosulfide solid solution (Fe-rich Mss) initially enclosed in, or intergranular to, primary olivine and pyroxenes. In situ laser ablation inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry analysis of single sulfide grains reveals that the Fe-rich Mss in glass shows platinum-group element (PGE) patterns and 187Os/188Os compositions identical to the Fe-rich Mss occurring as inclusions in, or at grain boundaries of primary silicates. Moreover, independent of its microstructural position, Fe-rich Mss exhibits PGE and 187Os/188Os signatures typical of Mss either residual after partial melting or crystallized directly from sulfide melts. Our findings reveal that young metasomatic melt(s)/fluid(s) may carry remobilized sulfides with PGE and Os-isotopic signatures identical to those of texturally older sulfides in the peridotite xenolith. These sulfides thus still provide useful information about the timing and nature of older magmatic events in the subcontinental mantle.  相似文献   
Extreme and prolonged rainfall in the Tunka Ridge caused several debris flows in the vicinity of the Arshan village(Siberia, Russia) on June 28, 2014. These debris flows, in spite of similar geological conditions, had different velocity, peak discharge and alluvial fan volume values. The flow velocity was from 3.5 m/s to 19.6 m/s, the peak discharge ranged from 63 m3/s to 13566 m3/s, and the alluvial fan volume varied from 4.13×103 to 8.45×105 m3. Such a great range of values is due to the morphometric parameters of the debris flow basins. The article deals with the influence of morphometric parameters of debris flow basins, such as the basin area, the average slope, Melton ratio, relief ratio on the debris flow velocity, peak discharge and volume of alluvial fans. In this debris flow event the average values of slope angle and total basin relief of the debris flow basins did not affect the values of debris flow velocity, peak discharge and alluvial fan volume. The highest correlations were observed with the debris flow basin area that was connected with the water inflow volume into the debris flow basins during the rainfall. The unequal water distribution among debris flow basins also had an impact on the debris flow velocity, peak discharge and volume of alluvial fans.  相似文献   
The goal of a predictive thermotechnical calculation is to model the behavior of the top permafrost boundary under current operational conditions as well as increasing average annual air temperatures that results in degradation of the permafrost layer. Numerical modeling was used to assess the efficient application of construction measures to create sustainable operation of the railroad. The numerical modeling was carried out in the programming complex FEM-models developed by geotechnical engineers of St. Petersburg, Russia under Prof. V. M. Ulitsky’s guidance. The Termoground Program as a part of the FEM-models enables the research of freezing, heaving and thawing in different design solutions. Research was carried out in space resolution for a year cycle. The performed model has shown that the designing measures accepted for permafrost protection from retreat in the subgrade support were generally effective.  相似文献   
The increasing popularity of web map services has motivated the development of more scalable services in the spatial data infrastructures. Tiled map services have emerged as a scalable alternative to traditional map services. Instead of rendering map images on the fly, a collection of pre-generated image tiles can be served very fast from a server-side cache. However, during the start-up of the service, the cache is initially empty and users experience a poor quality of service. Tile prefetching attempts to improve hit rates by proactively fetching map images without waiting for client requests.

While most popular prefetching policies in traditional web caching consider only the previous access history to make predictions, significant improvements could be achieved in web mapping by taking into account the background geographic information.

This work proposes a regressive model to predict which areas are likely to be requested in the future based on spatial cross-correlation between an unconstrained catalog of geographic features and a record of past cache requests. Tiles that are anticipated to be most frequently requested can be pre-generated and cached for faster retrieval. Trace-driven simulations with several million cache requests from two different nation-wide public web map services in Spain demonstrate that accurate predictions and performance gains can be obtained with the proposed model.  相似文献   
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