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We studied the infrastructure of granite massifs of the Central Tien Shan and its correlation with the electric conductive layer of the upper crust, which made possible to reveal new peculiarities of the structure of the granite layer in the region and to clarify the nature of low resistivity layers.  相似文献   
The evolution and dynamics of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) have hitherto largely been reconstructed from onshore and shallow marine glacial geological and geomorphological data. This reconstruction has been problematic because these sequences and data are spatially and temporally incomplete and fragmentary. In order to enhance BIIS reconstruction, we present a compilation of new and previously published ice-rafted detritus (IRD) flux and concentration data from high-resolution sediment cores recovered from the NE Atlantic deep-sea continental slope adjacent to the last BIIS. These cores are situated adjacent to the full latitudinal extent of the last BIIS and cover Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 2 and 3. Age models are based on radiocarbon dating and graphical tuning of abundances of the polar planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral (% Nps) to the Greenland GISP2 ice core record. Multiple IRD fingerprinting techniques indicate that, at the selected locations, most IRD are sourced from adjacent BIIS ice streams except in the centre of Heinrich (H) layers in which IRD shows a prominent Laurentide Ice Sheet provenance. IRD flux data are interpreted with reference to a conceptual model explaining the relations between flux, North Atlantic hydrography and ice dynamics. Both positive and rapid negative mass balance can cause increases, and prominent peaks, in IRD flux. First-order interpretation of the IRD record indicates the timing of the presence of the BIIS with an actively calving marine margin. The records show a coherent latitudinal, but partly phased, signal during MIS 3 and 2. Published data indicate that the last BIIS initiated during the MIS 5/4 cooling transition; renewed growth just before H5 (46 ka) was succeeded by very strong millennial-scale variability apparently corresponding with Dansgaard–Oeschger (DO) cycles closely coupled to millennial-scale climate variability in the North Atlantic region involving latitudinal migration of the North Atlantic Polar Front. This indicates that the previously defined “precursor events” are not uniquely associated with H events but are part of the millennial-scale variability. Major growth of the ice sheet occurred after 29 ka with the Barra Ice Stream attaining a shelf-edge position and generating turbiditic flows on the Barra–Donegal Fan at ~27 ka. The ice sheet reached its maximum extent at H2 (24 ka), earlier than interpreted in previous studies. Rapid retreat, initially characterised by peak IRD flux, during Greenland Interstadial 2 (23 ka) was followed by readvance between 22 and 16 ka. Readvance during H1 was only characterised by BIIS ice streams draining central dome(s) of the ice sheet, and was followed by rapid deglaciation and ice exhaustion. The evidence for a calving margin and IRD supply from the BIIS during Greenland Stadial 1 (Younger Dryas event) is equivocal. The timing of the initiation, maximum extent, deglacial and readvance phases of the BIIS interpreted from the IRD flux record is strongly supported by recent independent data from both the Irish Sea and North Sea sectors of the ice sheet.  相似文献   
Magnesite, siderite and ferromagnesites Mg1?x Fe x CO3 (x = 0.05, 0.09, 0.2, 0.4) were characterized using in situ Raman spectroscopy at high pressures up to 55 GPa. For the Mg–Fe-carbonates, the Raman peak positions of six modes (T, L, ν4, ν1, ν3 and 2ν2) in the dependence of iron content in the carbonates at ambient conditions are presented. High-pressure Raman spectroscopy shows that siderite undergoes a spin transition at ~40 GPa. The examination of the solid solutions with compositions Mg0.6Fe0.4CO3, Mg0.8Fe0.2CO3, Mg0.91Fe0.09CO3 and Mg0.95Fe0.05CO3 indicates that with increase in the amount of the Fe spin transition pressure increases up to ~45 GPa.  相似文献   
Using a three degrees of freedom quasi-integrable Hamiltonian as a model problem, we numerically compute the unstable manifolds of the hyperbolic manifolds of the phase space related to single resonances. We measure an exponential dependence of the splitting of these manifolds through many orders of magnitude of the perturbing parameter. This is an indirect numerical verification of the exponential decay of the normal form, as predicted by the Nekhoroshev theorem. We also detect different transitions in the topology of these manifolds related to the local rational approximations of the frequencies. The variation of the size of the homoclinic tangle as well as the topological transitions turn out to be correlated to the speed of Arnold diffusion.  相似文献   
The West Antarctic Peninsula is one of the fastest warming regions on Earth. Faster glacier retreat and related calving events lead to more frequent iceberg scouring, fresh water input and higher sediment loads, which in turn affect shallow water benthic marine assemblages in coastal regions. In addition, ice retreat creates new benthic substrates for colonization. We investigated three size classes of benthic biota (microbenthos, meiofauna and macrofauna) at three sites in Potter Cove (King George Island, West Antarctic Peninsula) situated at similar water depths but experiencing different disturbance regimes related to glacier retreat. Our results revealed the presence of a patchy distribution of highly divergent benthic assemblages within a relatively small area (about 1 km2). In areas with frequent ice scouring and higher sediment accumulation rates, an assemblage mainly dominated by macrobenthic scavengers (such as the polychaete Barrukia cristata), vagile organisms and younger individuals of sessile species (such as the bivalve Yoldia eightsi) was found. Macrofauna were low in abundance and very patchily distributed in recently ice‐free areas close to the glacier, whereas the pioneer nematode genus Microlaimus reached a higher relative abundance in these newly exposed sites. The most diverse and abundant macrofaunal assemblage was found in areas most remote from recent glacier influence. By contrast, the meiofauna showed relatively low densities in these areas. The three benthic size classes appeared to respond in different ways to disturbances likely related to ice retreat, suggesting that the capacity to adapt and colonize habitats is dependent on both body size and specific life traits. We predict that, under continued deglaciation, more diverse, but less patchy, benthic assemblages will become established in areas out of reach of glacier‐related disturbance.  相似文献   
Experimental studies in the Fe3C–SiO2–MgO system (P = 6.3 GPa, T = 1100–1500°C, t = 20–40 h) have been carried out. It has been established that carbide-oxide interaction resulted in the formation of Fe-orthopyroxene, graphite, wustite, and cohenite (1100 and 1200°C), as well as a Fe–C–O melt (1300–1500°C). The main processes occurring in the system at 1100 and 1200°C are the oxidation of cohenite, the extraction of carbon from carbide, and the crystallization of metastable graphite, as well as the formation of ferrosilicates. At T ≥ 1300°C, graphite crystallization and diamond growth occur as a result of the redox interaction of a predominantly metallic melt (Fe–C–O) with oxides and silicates. The carbide–oxide interaction studied can be considered as the basis for modeling a number of carbon-producing processes in the lithospheric mantle at fO2 values near the iron–wustite buffer.  相似文献   
We have detected the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ) increment at 850 μm in two galaxy clusters (Cl 0016+16 and MS 1054.4−0321) using the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. Fits to the isothermal β model yield a central Compton y parameter of  (2.2 ± 0.7) × 10−4  and a central 850-μm flux of  Δ I 0= 2.2 ± 0.7 mJy beam−1  in Cl 0016. This can be combined with decrement measurements to infer   y = (2.38 ±0.360.34) × 10−4  and   v pec= 400±19001400 km s−1  . In MS 1054 we find a peak 850-μm flux of  Δ I 0= 2.0 ± 1.0 mJy beam−1  and   y = (2.0 ± 1.0) × 10−4  . To be successful such measurements require large chop throws and non-standard data analysis techniques. In particular, the 450-μm data are used to remove atmospheric variations in the 850-μm data. An explicit annular model is fit to the SCUBA difference data in order to extract the radial profile, and separately fit to the model differences to minimize the effect of correlations induced by our scanning strategy. We have demonstrated that with sufficient care, SCUBA can be used to measure the SZ increment in massive, compact galaxy clusters.  相似文献   
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