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Matyasovszky  István  Makra  László  Tusnády  Gábor  Csépe  Zoltán  Nyúl  László G.  Chapman  Daniel S.  Sümeghy  Zoltán  Szűcs  Gábor  Páldy  Anna  Magyar  Donát  Mányoki  Gergely  Erostyák  János  Bodnár  Károly  Bergmann  Karl-Christian  Deák  Áron József  Thibaudon  Michel  Albertini  Roberto  Bonini  Maira  Šikoparija  Branko  Radišić  Predrag  Gehrig  Regula  Rybníček  Ondřej  Severova  Elena  Rodinkova  Victoria  Prikhodko  Alexander  Maleeva  Anna  Stjepanović  Barbara  Ianovici  Nicoleta  Berger  Uwe  Seliger  Andreja Kofol  Weryszko-Chmielewska  Elżbieta  Šaulienė  Ingrida  Shalaboda  Valentina  Yankova  Raina  Peternel  Renata  Ščevková  Jana  Bullock  James M. 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》2018,133(1-2):277-295
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - The drivers of spatial variation in ragweed pollen concentrations, contributing to severe allergic rhinitis and asthma, are poorly quantified. We analysed the...  相似文献   
The Spanish Central System (SCS) batholith, located in the Central Iberian Zone, is one of the largest masses of granite in the European Variscan Belt. This batholith is a composite unit of late- and post-kinematic granitoids dominated by S- and I-type series granite, with subordinate leucogranite and granodiorite. Zircon trace element contents, from two representative S-type and three I-type granitoids from the eastern portion of the SCS batholith, indicate a heterogeneous composition due to magma differentiation and co-crystallisation of other trace element-rich accessory phases. In situ, U–Pb dating of these zircons by SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS shows 479–462-Ma inherited zircon ages in the I-type intrusions, indicating the involvement of an Ordovician metaigneous protolith, while the S-type intrusions exclusively contain Cadomian and older zircon ages. The zircon crystallisation ages show that these granites have been emplaced at ca. 300?Ma with a time span between 303?±?3?Ma and 298?±?3?Ma. Precise dating by CA-ID-TIMS reveals a pulse at 305.7?±?0.4?Ma and confirms the major pulse at 300.7?±?0.6?Ma. These ages match the Permo-Carboniferous age for granulite-facies metamorphism of the lower crust under the SCS batholith and coincide with a widespread granitic event throughout the Southern Variscides. Ti-in zircon thermometry indicates temperatures between 844 and 784°C for both the S- and I-type granites, reinforcing the hypothesis that these granites are derived from deep crustal sources.  相似文献   
The island of Lipari is formed by Pleistocene volcanites emplaced during four main periods of volcanic activity. A study has been made of their magnetic properties, primarily with the aim of determining changes in the palaeomagnetic directions. Titanomagnetite is always the primary ferromagnetic mineral and its magnetic characteristics are common to the various lithotypes. However, the concentration of titanomagnetite and the degree of magnetic anisotropy vary systematically and correlate with the types of magma (basalt-andesite in the first and second volcanic periods; rhyolite in the third and fourth periods). All palaeomagnetic directions are of normal polarity (Brunhes epoch). Their mean overall palaeomagnetic pole (86N, 238E; dp = 5, dm = 6) is statistically indistinguishable from the geographic pole.
The variations in declination and inclination with age, however, are marked by some evidence of a discontinuity between 150 ± 10 and 127 ± 8 ka. This age can be correlated with the beginning of the Blake event of reverse polarity. The discontinuity might therefore correspond to magnetic excursions which occurred immediately before.  相似文献   
The ascent and emplacement of granites in the upper crust is a major geological phenomenon accomplished by a number of different processes. The active processes determine the final geometry of the bodies and, in some favourable cases, the inverse problem of deducing mechanisms can be undertaken by relying on the geometry of plutons. This is the case of the La Bazana granitic pluton, a small Variscan igneous body that intruded Cambrian rocks of the Ossa-Morena Zone (SW Iberian Massif) in the core of a large late upright antiform. The granite shows no appreciable solid-state deformation, but has a late magmatic foliation whose orientation, derived from field observations, defines a gentle dome. The regional attitude of the main foliation in the country rock (parallel to the axial plane of recumbent folds) is NW–SE, but just around the granite, it accommodates to the dome shape of the pluton. Flattening in the host rock on top of the granite is indicated by boudinaged and folded veins, and appears to be caused by an upward pushing of the magma during its emplacement. The dome-shaped foliation of the granite, geometrically and kinematically congruent with the flattening in the host rock, can be related in the same way to the upward pushing of the magma. The level of final emplacement was deduced from the mineral associations in the thermal aureole to be of 7–10 km in depth. Models of the gravity anomaly related to the granite body show that the granite has a teardrop–pipe shape enlarged at its top. Diapiric ascent of the magma through the lower middle crust is inferred until reaching a high viscous level, where final emplacement accompanied by lateral expansion and vertical flattening took place. This natural example suggests that diapirism may be a viable mechanism for migration and emplacement of magmas, at least up to 7–10 km in depth, and it provides natural evidence for theoretical discussion on the ability of magmatic diapirs to pierce the crust.  相似文献   
Groundwater pumping and changes in climate-induced recharge lead to lower groundwater levels and significant changes in the water balance of a catchment. Water previously discharged as evapotranspiration can become a source of pumpage. Neglecting this effect leads to overestimated streamflow depletion. A small river basin (Sudogda River Basin, Russia) with a boreal climate and with long-term records of groundwater head and streamflow rate (showing that the measured stream depletion is less than the pumping rate) was investigated. The role of evapotranspiration in the water balance was analyzed by a hydrogeological model using MODFLOW-2005 with the STR package; the annual variation in recharge was obtained with the codes Surfbal and HYDRUS. The Sudogda River Basin was classified according to landscape and unsaturated-zone texture classes, and for each classified zone, the unsaturated-zone flow simulation was used to calculate the annual recharge dynamics for the observation period. Calibration of the regional flow model was conducted using flow and head observations jointly for two steady-state flow conditions—natural (before pumping started) and stressed (pumping). The simulations showed that pumped water originates from three sources: intercepted baseflow (75% of the annual total pumping rate), the capture of groundwater evapotranspiration discharge plus increased groundwater recharge (17%), and induced stream infiltration (8%). Additionally, multi-year precipitation records were analyzed to detect any long-term recharge and pumping water-budget changes. The results showed that increasing groundwater recharge by natural precipitation leads to (1) decreased intercepted baseflow and induced streamflow infiltration and (2) increased intercepted evapotranspiration discharge, thereby reducing stream depletion.  相似文献   
Microstructure profiling measurements taken on a shallow Black Sea shelf and in Lake Banyoles and Boadella reservoir (Both in Spain) are analyzed to investigate the influence of boundary-layer-induced turbulence of various sources on mixing in the water interior. The state of turbulence in shallow waters is examined and details of microstructure data processing and error analysis are discussed. The dependence between averaged activity parameter AG and buoyancy Reynolds number Reb for the shelf turbulence indicates that for Reb < 1 the state of turbulence can be described by the fossil turbulence model, which postulates AG-Reb1/2. For Reb> 1, however, the influence of Reb on AG is weak, signifying that the buoyancy Reynolds number can no longer serve as the governing parameter for active turbulent mixing. The generation of turbulence by a one-minute long wind bursts (the Boadella reservoir) increases the averaged dissipation rate (e) of the surface mixed layer by more than 5 times (up to 3×10-6 W kg-1). The influence of the wind bursts was also traced below the ther-mocline, where turbulent patches with  相似文献   
In the frame of the Starburst Model for AGN, we show that the evolution of a massive stellar cluster in a high metallicity environment can reproduce the observed equivalent widths of Ca II triplet lines in absorption in Starburst and active galactic nuclei. In the case of Starburst galaxies, this strength, together with the emission-line ratio [O II]/[O III], can be used to determine the age of the cluster. The strength of the Ca II lines is mainly governed by the age of the stellar cluster through the presence of red supergiant stars.  相似文献   
Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions from peat are strongly focused on ombrotrophic mires, but this study demonstrates that eutrophic mires can also be used. A multi-proxy approach was applied to a eutrophic mire on a floodplain terrace in the southern taiga of West Siberia. The results of the reconstruction were considered in the wide geographic context of the surrounding regions, including Siberia and Central Asia. Different palaeoecological proxies (analysis of plant macrofossils, testate amoebae, oribatid mites, molluscs, peat humification, ash content and spectral characteristics of humic acids) were used in this study. The results of different proxies showed a high level of consistency among themselves, which allowed for a robust interpretation of Holocene mire development. Throughout the ~7800 years history of the mire, there was a high level of surface wetness. The presence of mineral matter in the peat between 7800 and 5100 cal. a BP indicates regular flooding caused by the intensive fluvial activity, apparently resulting from increased precipitation. This was followed by a trend towards a gradual decrease in surface wetness from conditions of high surface moisture (stagnant water) between 5100 and 3000 cal. a BP to present day conditions of moderate surface moisture with a water table slightly below the mire surface. This pattern is consistent with the well-documented long-term trend from palaeoecological records throughout the taiga and arctic zones in West Siberia and central arid Asia. Our data further support the idea that the westerlies were the dominant driver of climate for the southern taiga of West Siberia during the Middle to Late Holocene.  相似文献   
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