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Strontium isotope evolution of Late Permian and Triassic seawater   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The 87Sr/86Sr values based on brachiopods and conodonts define a nearly continuous record for the Late Permian and Triassic intervals. Minor gaps in measurements exist only for the uppermost Brahmanian, lower part of the Upper Olenekian, and Middle Norian, and only sparse data are available for the Late Permian. These 219 measurements include 67 brachiopods and 114 conodont samples from the Tethyan realm as well as 37 brachiopods and one conodont sample from the mid-European Middle Triassic Muschelkalk Sea. The Late Permian/Lower Triassic interval is characterized by a steep 1.3 × 10−3 rise, from 0.7070 at the base of the Dzhulfian to 0.7082 in the late Olenekian, a rate of change comparable to that in the Cenozoic. In the mid-Triassic (Anisian and Ladinian), the isotope values fall to 0.7075, followed again by a rise to 0.7081 in the Middle/Late Norian. The 87Sr/86Sr values decline again in the Late Norian (Sevatian) and Rhaetian to 0.7076.The sharp rise in the 87Sr/86Sr values during the Late Permian/Early Triassic was coincident with widespread clastic sedimentation. Because of the paucity of tectonic uplifts, the enhanced erosion may have been due to intermittent humid phases, during mainly an arid interval, coupled with the absence of a dense protective land plant cover following the mass extinction during the latest Permian. The apex of the 87Sr/86Sr curve at the Olenekian/Anisian boundary coincides with cessation of the large-scale clastic sedimentation and also marks the final recovery of land vegetation, as indicated by the renewed onset of coal formation in the Middle Triassic. The rising 87Sr/86Sr values from the Middle Carnian to the Late Norian coincide with the uplift and erosion of the Cimmeride-Indosinian orogens marking the closure of the Palaeotethys. The subsequent Rhaetian decline that continues into Jurassic (Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary), on the other hand, coincides with the opening of the Vardar Ocean and its eastern continuation in the Izmir-Ankara Ophiolitic Belt.Samples from the Upper Muschelkalk are more radiogenic than the global trend. This may reflect separation of the basin from the open ocean. Due to strong meteoric influx from a large land mass in the north, the Germanic Basin became increasing brackish up section in the north and east, but because of the high evaporation rates, the salt content was not much reduced in the southern and central basin where a rich, but increasingly endemic, marine fauna survived.  相似文献   
Measurements from the Baltic Sea and a wind-over-wave coupled model are used to study the wave impact on the sea drag. The study has been carried out for different wave conditions, namely a pure wind-sea, following-swell/ mixed sea and cross-swell/ mixed sea. Measurements reveal the fact that the sea drag is dependent on the sea-state. In stationary conditions and in the absence of severe cross-swell, swell reduces drag compared to wind-sea at the same wind speed. The cross-swell enhances the drag as compared to the following-swell case and the magnitude of the drag coefficient is increased with increasing the angle of swell propagation to the wind. It is shown that the agreement between the model results and measurements is good for pure wind-sea and stationary mixed-sea cases. Discrepancies occur at light winds, where most of the data represent pure swell conditions. During these pure swell conditions the data are characterized by a large variation of the drag coefficient. The variation is caused by mesoscale variability in the stress co-spectra, wind-cross-swell effects and nonstationarity in the wave and wind fields not represented in the model.  相似文献   
The buried Chicxulub impact structure is marked by a dramatic ring of sinkholes (called cenotes if containing water), and adjacent less prominent partial rings, which have been shown to coincide with maxima in horizontal gravity gradients and a topographic depression. These observations, along with the discreteness and spacing of the features, suggest a formation mechanism involving faulting in the outer slump zone of the crater, which would thus have a diameter of approximately 180 km.
An opposing view, based primarily on the interpretation of gravity data, is that (he crater is much larger than the cenote ring implies. Given the association of the known cenote ring with faults, we here examine northern Yucatan for similar rings in gravity, surface features and elevation, which we might expect to be associated with outer concentric faults in the case of a larger, possibly multiring, structure.
No such outer rings have been found, although definite patterns are seen in the distribution of karst features outside the crater rim. We explain these patterns as resulting mainly from deformation related to the block fault zone that parallels tbe shelf edge of eastern Yucatan.  相似文献   
Major volcanogenic structures within the Marifil Formation allowed to determine the location of a claderas field that spreads along 400 kilometers. This field has at least three large calderas with diameters near to 100 kilometers, recognizable by regional distribution of associated dikes and rhyolite lava flows present at the caldera border that separates a monotonous ignimbritic plateau from a depressed (150 meters) inner volcanic collapsed caldera. The Marifil ignimbritic plateau cover more than 50,000 square kilometers with thicknesses that reach 800 meters. Associated with these plateau ignimbrites there is an important fluorite mineralization.  相似文献   
Compacted bentonite blocks have been heated and hydrated in a stainless steel cell in order to simulate, in the laboratory, the conditions of the clay barrier in a high-level radioactive waste repository. Temperature distributions at different times, rate of hydration, final water content and dry density have been measured. Some chemical parameters, as electrical conductivity in an aqueous extractable amorphous silica, have also been obtained. For the periods of time considered (up to 2500 h), the hydration process is not affected by the thermal gradient, the high suction of the bentonite being the critical factor in the initial water uptake of the clay barrier. A remarkable saline environment has been detected near the heater, due to salt migration towards dried areas. This phenomenon should be taken into account in further investigations of the mechanical and geochemical behaviour of the clay barrier.  相似文献   
Antenna field 2 of the Tromsø Heating facility consists of six rows of six horizontal crossed full wave dipoles aligned with the rows running geographic east-west. In previous experiments on ELF/VLF wave generation it has been the practice to feed the rows in parallel, with HF radiation amplitude modulated at the ELF/VLF frequency it was desired to radiate (AM configuration). Here we describe how the antenna array was also configured so that it could be fed with a continuous wave (CW) input power but still carry information at an ELF/VLF frequency. To effect this the three southern most rows of the antenna array were driven with a CW signal at 4.04 MHz and the three northernmost rows with a CW signal at frequency greater than 4.04 MHz by the ELF/VLF frequency it was desired to radiate (CW configuration). Experiments were performed with modulation/difference frequencies of 565 and 2005 Hz and the signals were received at the Lycksele Geophysical Observatory, 500 km south of the heating facility. The signals were typically 11 dB greater in the AM than the CW configuration, despite the fact that the average power delivered to the ionosphere in the CW configuration was four times that in the AM configuration. Significant harmonic radiation (both odd and even) was produced in the AM configuration but no harmonic radiation was detected in the CW configuration. A simple theory has been developed to model the fields produced by HF heating using the two techniques (AM,CW). A good agreement has been obtained between the experimental observations and model computations. The model has been extended to show how the relative efficiency of generation, AM/CW, varies with the frequency of the ELF/VLF radiation and HF antenna element spacing. Radiation patterns for the ‘ionospheric ELF/VLF antenna’ have also been derived for the two generation techniques.  相似文献   
The mapping of saline soils is the first task before any reclamation effort. Reclamation is based on the knowledge of soil salinity in space and how it evolves with time. Soil salinity is traditionally determined by soil sampling and laboratory analysis. Recently, it became possible to complement these hard data with soft secondary data made available using field sensors like electrode probes. In this study, we had two data sets. The first includes measurements of field salinity (ECa) at 413 locations and 19 time instants. The second, which is a subset of the first (13 to 20 locations), contains, in addition to ECa, salinity determined in the laboratory (EC2.5). Based on a procedure of cross-validation, we compared the prediction performance in the space-time domain of 3 methods: kriging using either only hard data (HK) or hard and mid interval soft data (HMIK), and Bayesian maximum entropy (BME) using probabilistic soft data. We found that BME was less biased, more accurate and giving estimates, which were better correlated with the observed values than the two kriging techniques. In addition, BME allowed one to delineate with better detail saline from non-saline areas.  相似文献   
Indicator Simulation Accounting for Multiple-Point Statistics   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Geostatistical simulation aims at reproducing the variability of the real underlying phenomena. When nonlinear features or large-range connectivity is present, the traditional variogram-based simulation approaches do not provide good reproduction of those features. Connectivity of high and low values is often critical for grades in a mineral deposit. Multiple-point statistics can help to characterize these features. The use of multiple-point statistics in geostatistical simulation was proposed more than 10 years ago, on the basis of the use of training images to extract the statistics. This paper proposes the use of multiple-point statistics extracted from actual data. A method is developed to simulate continuous variables. The indicator kriging probabilities used in sequential indicator simulation are modified by probabilities extracted from multiple-point configurations. The correction is done under the assumption of conditional independence. The practical implementation of the method is illustrated with data from a porphyry copper mine.  相似文献   
This paper presents an attenuation relationship of peak ground acceleration (PGA) derived from Turkish strong motion data for rock, soil and soft soil sites and an iso-acceleration map of Turkey based on this relationship. For the purpose, among all the three-component accessible records, 221 records from 122 earthquakes that occurred in Turkey between 1976 and November 2003 were selected. The database was compiled for earthquakes with moment magnitudes (Mw) and PGA values ranging between 4.1 and 7.5, and 20 and 806 gal, and distances to epicenter considered in the database were between 5 and 100 km. From the regression analysis of the data, an attenuation equation of PGA considering rock, soil and soft soil conditions was developed. The PGA values predicted from the equation suggested in this study and those both from a few domestic equations and some imported equations were compared. In addition, an iso-acceleration map of Turkey was constructed using the suggested attenuation equation and considering both known active faults and epicenter locations of the earthquakes that have occurred in Turkey.  相似文献   
A specially designed 700-km2 grid survey, deploying 1000 regularly distributed low-frequency seismic recording systems, successfully investigated one of the most complex geologic environments of the Pannonian basin. The wide-angle signals penetrated through over 1000 m of multi-phase igneous lithology and recognized, for the first time, the underlying enigmatic Permian to Early Triassic basement rocks. Tomographic inversion of the first arrival grid data resulted in determination of an accurate three-dimensional (3-D) velocity field, to a depth of 4 km. The anomalous changes of the spatial velocity data outline the regional extent of the Late Miocene magmatic intrusions, which are covered by over 2000 m of Mid-Miocene to Pleistocene clastics. Complex relationship was found between the surface potential data and the intrusive bodies. This multi-faceted geophysical data analysis established a functional technique for mapping a subsurface with intricate acoustic and structural complexity.  相似文献   
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