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Eighteen Chinese geologic reference samples (stream sediments GSD 9–12, soils GSS 1–8, and rocks GSR 1–6) were analyzed by wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRFS) for major elements Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, K, and P, and by energy-dispersive XRFS for trace elements Ba, Ce, Cr, Cu, La, Nb, Ni, Rb, Sr, Y, Zn, and Zr. Major element analysis followed gravimetric determination of loss on ignition, and samples were prepared by fusion with Li2B4O7. A loose-powder sample preparation was used for trace element analysis. The results reported in this study are, generally, in good agreement with concentrations compiled by X. Xie of the Geochemical Standard Reference Group and the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration (People's Republic of China).  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The South African homelands were central to the apartheid ideology of racial segregation and separate development and as a result became the location for large segments of the African population. Apartheid‐era theorizations of the homelands tended to emphasize their importance to the state, with less attention directed to the divergent and unique social formations that often existed within them. Recent geographical research has been intent on evaluating the spatial imprint of these geographies for resident populations, as well as the varied class, gendered, and institutional formations that accompanied the democratic transition. Using a case study from the former KaNgwane homeland, this article examines the diverse ways in which rural households access environmental and economic resources to produce livelihoods. It is argued that a focus on community variation is needed to interrogate the differential encounters of these places with the local politics and development processes that are emerging in the new South Africa.  相似文献   
Sapphirine occurs with humite-group minerals and forsteritein Precambrian amphibole-facies rocks at Kuhi-lal, SW PamirMountains, Tajikistan, a locality also for talc+kyanite magnesiohornblendewhiteschist. Most of these sapphirine-bearing rocks are graphiticand sulfidic (pyrite and pyrrhotite) and contain enstatite,clinohumite or chondrodite, spinel, rutile, gedrite, and phlogopite.A phlogopite schist has the assemblage with XFe = Fe/(Fe+Mg)increasing as follows: chlorite (0-003)<phlogopite (0.004–0.005)sapphirine (0.004–0.006) enstatite (0-006)forsterite (0-006–0-007)<spinel (0-014). This assemblage includes the incompatiblepair sapphirine+forsterite, but there is no textural evidencefor reaction. In one rock with clinohumite, XFe increases asfollows: clinohumite (0-002) <sapphirine (0-003) <enstatite(0-004–0-006) <spinel (0-010). Ion microprobe and wet-chemicalanalyses give 0-57–0-73 wt.% F in phlogopite and 0-27wt.% F in chlorite in the phlogopite schist; 0-04, 1.5–1.9,and 4.4 wt.% F in forsterite, clinohumite, and chondrodite,respectively; and 0-0-09 wt.% BeO and 0-05–0-21 wt.% B2O3in sapphirine. Stabilization of sapphirine+clinohumite or sapphirine+chondroditeinstead of sapphirine+phlogopite is possible at high F contentsin K-poor rocks, but minor element contents appear to be toolow to stabilize sapphirine as an additional phase with forsterite+enstatite+spinel.Although sapphirine+forsterite is metastable relative to spinel+enstatitein experiments conducted at aH2O=1 in the MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2Osystem, it might be stabilized at aH2O0.5, P4 kbar, T650–700C.Textures in the Kuhi-lal whiteschists suggest a polymetamorphicevolution in which the rocks were originally metamorphosed atT650C, P 7 kbar, conditions under which sapphirine+clinohumiteand sapphirine+chondrodite are inferred to have formed, andsubsequently affected by a later event at lower P, similar T,and lower aH2O. The latter conditions were favorable for sapphirine+forsteriteto form in a rock originally containing chlorite+forsterite+spinel+enstatite.  相似文献   
金叔初 《地质学报》1926,5(2):157-159
In Dr. N. H. Odhner's Monograph on the Sanmen Fauna of Yuan Chu in the Palaeontologia Sinica (Series B. Vol. Ⅶ fasc. Ⅰ) he figured three forms of Lamprotula from Yuan Chu as follows:-  相似文献   
Experiments were conducted to determine the solubilities ofH2O and CO2 and the nature of their mixing behavior in basalticliquid at pressures and temperature relevant to seqfloor eruption.Mid-ocean ridge basaltic (MORB) liquid was equilibrated at 1200°Cwith pure H2O at pressures of 176–717 bar and H2O—CO2vapor at pressures up to 980 bar. Concentrations and speciationof H2O and CO2 dissolved in the quenched glasses were measuredusing IR spectroscopy. Molar absorptivities for the 4500 cm–1band of hydroxyl groups and the 5200 and 1630 cm–1 bandsof molecular water are 0•67±0•03, 0•62±0•07,and 25±3 l/mol-cm, respectively. These and previouslydetermined molar absorptivities for a range of silicate meltcompositions correlate positively and linearly with the concentrationof tetrahedral cations (Si+Al). The speciation of water in glass quenched from vapor-saturatedbasaltic melt is similar to that determined by Silver &Stolper (Journal of Petrology 30, 667–709, 1989) in albiticglass and can be fitted by their regular ternary solution modelusing the coefficients for albitic glasses. Concentrations ofmolecular water measured in the quenched basaltic glasses areproportional to f H2O in all samples regardless of the compositionof the vapor, demonstrating that the activity of molecular waterin basaltic melts follows Henry's law at these pressures. Abest fit to our data and existing higher-pressure water solubilitydata (Khitarov et al., Geochemistry 5, 479–492, 1959;Hamilton et al., Journal of Petrology 5, 21–39, 1964),assuming Henrian behavior for molecular water and that the dependenceof molecular water content on total water content can be describedby the regular solution model, gives estimates for the Vo, mH2Oof 12±1 cm3/mol and for the 1-bar water solubility of0•11 wt%. Concentrations of CO2 dissolved as carbonate in the melt forpure CO2-saturated and mixed H2O-CO2-saturated experiments area simple function of fCO2 These results suggest Henrian behaviorfor the activity of carbonate in basaltic melt and do not supportthe widely held view that water significantly enhances the solutionof carbon dioxide in basaltic melts. Using a Vo, mr of 23 cm3/mol(Pan et al., Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 55, 1587–1595,1991), the solubility of carbonate in the melt at 1 bar and1200°C is 0•5 p.p.m. Our revised determination of CO2solubility is 20% higher than that reported by Stolper &Holloway (Earth and Planetary Science Letters 87, 397–408,1988). KEY WORDS: mid-ocean ridge basalts; water and carbon dioxide solubility; experimental petrology  相似文献   
本文介绍了超高频电磁波在灰岩中的透射与反射的野外试验结果。通过透射试验,在100—800MHz的频率范围内测定了电磁波在灰岩中的衰减系数曲线β(f)。发现在不同岩性的灰岩中,β(f)曲线有着不同的变化规律。用实验雷达装置进行了反射试验,观测到了灰岩中已知目标的反射讯号。根据已知目标的距离和反射讯号的到达时间计算了灰岩的介电常数。  相似文献   
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