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The paper presents data on the average analyzed concentrations of volatile components (CO2, CH4 and other hydrocarbons, N2, and H2S) in natural fluids producing hydrothermal Au, Sn, W, Mo, Cu, Pb, and Zn mineral deposits. Characteristics of the gas regime at these deposits are determined. Thermodynamic simulations are carried out to model how compounds with volatile components are formed when water interacts with silicic and mafic rocks within wide PT ranges. The speciation of volatile components determined by direct analysis is in good agreement with numerical simulations of water–rock systems (for silicic and mafic rocks). More reduced species with volatile components are formed in mafic rocks.  相似文献   
In 2009, in five Russian observatories photometric observations of Jupiter’s Galilean satellites during their mutual occultations and eclipses were carried out. Based on these observations, an original method was used to ascertain astrometric results such as the difference between the coordinates of pairs of satellites. Fifty-three phenomena were successfully observed. A total of 94 light curves of satellites were measured. The error in the coordinates of satellites due to random errors in photometry, calculated on all data obtained, was 0.041″ in right ascension and 0.046″ in declination. The discrepancies between the theory and observations in these coordinates was found to be 0.060″ and 0.057″, respectively. The results were uploaded to the common database for all observations of natural satellites of planets at the Natural Satellites Data Center (NSDC), which is available online at http://www.sai.msu.ru/neb/nss/index.htm. For the first time in the practice of photometric observations of satellites in epochs of mutual occultations and eclipses a new method of observation was tested, which eliminates from astrometric results the major systematic errors caused by an inaccurate account of the background level. The tests were conducted in the Terskol Observatory and the observatory of the Crimean laboratory of the Sternberg State Astronomical Institute of the Moscow State University. The application of the new method showed that the elimination of the background level at these observatories was carried out correctly.  相似文献   
Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—The residual vector В (B, β) calculated from the difference of the observed tidal variations in gravity Аobs(А, α)...  相似文献   
The Raigorodok stockwork gold-sulfide-quartz deposit is located in the contact zone of a monzogabbro-diorite intrusion belonging to the Stepnyak complex (442 Ma). Two main ore formation stages have been established: early, with disseminated gold-bearing pyrite-chalcopyrite mineralization related to skarn, propylite, and K-feldspar formation, and late, with productive mineralization. The late stage was accompanied by the formation of beresite, sericite, and quartz and comprised two substages: (1) quartz-gold-pyrite-chalcopyrite mineralization and (2) quartz-carbonate-gold-polysulfide mineralization. The 40Ar/39Ar ages of beresites and sericites are 422.9 ± 4.3 Ma and 416.7 ± 4.3 Ma, respectively, which is 19-22 Myr younger than the age of the host intrusion. The deposit ores formed stepwise, at temperatures of 112-335 °C and fluid salinity of 0.7-21.2 wt.% NaCl equiv. Sulfur for skarns, propylites, beresites, and ores might have been provided by a deep magma chamber, and the carbonaceous shales of the Vendian Sharyk Formation might have been the source of gold. The isotope and geochemical data and the results of fluid inclusion study suggest that Raigorodok is an intrusion-related deposit. At the same time, the deposit has a number of signs of porphyry-epithermal ore-magmatic systems.  相似文献   
The author’s database, which presently includes data from more than 18500 publications on fluid and melt inclusions in minerals and is continuing to be appended, was used to generalize results on physicochemical parameters of the formation of hydrothermal deposits and occurrences of tin and tungsten. The database includes data on 320 tin and tin-tungsten deposits and occurrences and 253 tungsten and tungstentin deposits around the world. For most typical minerals of these deposits (quartz, cassiterite, tungsten, scheelite, topaz, beryl, tourmaline, fluorite, and calcite), histograms of homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions were plotted. Most of 463 determinations made for cassiterite are in the range of 300–500°C with maximum at 300–400°C, while those for wolframite and scheelite (453 determinations) fall in the range of 200–400°C with maximum at 200–300°C. Representative material on pressures of hydrothermal fluids included 330 determinations for tin and 430 determinations for tungsten objects. It was found that premineral, ore, and postmineral stages spanned a wide pressure range from 70–110 bar to 6000–6400 bar. High pressures of the premineral stages at these deposits are caused by their genetic relation with felsic magmatism. Around 50% of pressure determinations lie in the range of 500–1500 bar. The wide variations in total salinity and temperatures (from 0.1 to 80 wt % NaCl equiv and 20–800°C) were obtained for mineral-forming fluids at the tin (1800 determinations) and tungsten (2070 determinations) objects. Most of all determinations define a salinity less than 10 wt % NaCl equiv. (∼60%) and temperature range of 200–400°C (∼70%). The average composition of volatile components of fluids determined by different methods is reported. Data on gas composition of the fluids determined by Raman spectroscopy are examined. Based on 180 determinations, the fluids from tin objects have the following composition (in mol %): 41.2 CO2, 39.5 CH4, 19.15 N2, and 0.15 H2S. The volatile components of tungsten deposits (190 determinations) are represented by 56.1 CO2, 30.7 CH4, 13.2 N2, and 0.01 H2S. Thus, the inclusions of tungsten deposits are characterized by higher CO2 content and lower (but sufficiently high) contents of CH4 and N2. The concentrations of tin and tungsten in magmatic melts and mineral-forming fluids were estimated from analysis of individual inclusions. The geometric mean Sn contents are 87 ppm (+ 610 ppm/−76 ppm) in the melts (569 determinations) and 132 ppm (+ 630 ppm/−109 ppm) in the fluids (253 determinations). The geometric mean W values are 6.8 ppm (+ 81/−6.2 ppm) in the magmatic melts (430 determinations) and 30 ppm (+ 144 ppm/−25 ppm) in the mineral-forming fluids (391 determinations).  相似文献   
The supergene Au in weathering crusts of both the Suzdal and Raygorodok deposits is characterized by enhanced fineness, grain size, crystallinity, and the appearance of botryoidal aggregates of crystals. In the weathering crust of the Suzdal deposit, the exogenous Au is associated primarily with scorodite and carbonates; for Raygorodok, with chalcocite, bornite, hydrocarbonates and Cu hydrosulfates. The difference in the mineral associations of supergene Au at the deposits is determined by the occurrence of various mineral concentrators of Au in the primary endogenous substrate: arsenopyrite and pyrite at the Suzdal deposit and chalcopyrite with pyrite at the Raygorodok deposit. Due to the much greater mobility of Ag in the supergene zone, the weathering crusts are likely to contain submicron microinclusions of Ag minerals beyond the zones of Au concentration.  相似文献   
For most of the ultra-high-energy cosmic ray (UHECR) experiments and projects (HiRes, AUGER, TA, JEM-EUSO, TUS, …), the detection technique of extensive air showers is based, at least, on the measurement of the air-fluorescence-induced signal. The knowledge of the fluorescence-light yield (FLY) is of paramount importance for the UHECR energy reconstruction. The MACFLY experiment was designed to perform absolute measurements of the air FLY and to study its properties. Here, we report the result of measurement of dry-air FLY induced by 50 GeV electromagnetic showers as a function of the shower age and as a function of the pressure. The experiment was performed at CERN using a SPS-electron-test-beam line. The result shows the air FLY is proportional to the energy deposited in air (Ed). The ratio FLY/Ed and its pressure dependence remain constant independently of shower age, and more generally, independently of the excitation source used (single-electron track or air shower).  相似文献   
Issues concerning the growth and biological time of agricultural crops are under consideration. A closed system of equations is derived for calculating total dry biomass and biological time of plants. The model parameters are given, and the model is verified based on the experimental data of observations of the sunflower in the southern conditions of the Ukraine.  相似文献   
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