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A finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method for scattering by one-dimensional, rough fluid-fluid interfaces is presented, modifications to the traditional FDTD algorithm are implemented which yield greater accuracy at lower computational cost. These modifications include use of a conformal technique, in which the grid conforms locally to the interface, and a correction for the numerical dispersion inherent to the FDTD algorithm, Numerical results are presented for fluid-fluid cases modeling water-sediment interfaces. Two different roughness spectra, the single-scale Gaussian roughness spectrum and a multiscale modified power-law spectrum, are used. The Gaussian results are calculated as a function of the dimensionless parameters kh and kl, where k is the wavenumber in water, h is the rms surface height, and l is the surface correlation length. For the modified power-law spectrum, statistical parameters consistent with an insonification frequency of 7.5 kHz are used. Results are compared with those obtained using an integral equation technique both for scattering from single-surface realizations and for Monte Carlo averages of scattering from an ensemble of surface realizations. Scattering strengths are calculated as a function of scattering angle for an incident angle of 70° (20° grazing). The results agree well over all scattering angles for the cases examined  相似文献   
Time-delay estimation is important in a wide range of applications in oceanic engineering. In this paper, we present a novel time-delay estimation algorithm based on maximum likelihood theory for the case that the measurements are corrupted by colored or nonuniform zero-mean Gaussian noise. It turns out that the likelihood function associated with the problem is highly oscillatory, and we propose a computationally efficient technique to maximize this function. Our algorithm first obtains an initial estimate based on a smooth approximate cost function, and then refines this estimate based on the true cost function. Simulation results show that our estimator outperforms a traditional phaseshift based estimator, and that the estimation error approaches the Cramer-Rao bound when the SNR increases without bound  相似文献   
The Ocean Sampling Mobile Network (SAMON) simulator testbed has been developed at Penn State for designing and evaluating multirobot ocean-mapping missions, in realistic underwater environments, prior to in-water testing. The goal in developing the testbed is to enable web-based integration of high-fidelity simulators of heterogeneous autonomous undersea vehicles from multiple organizations and a variety of on-board and fixed sensors in a realistic ocean environment in order to formulate and evaluate intelligent control strategies for mission execution. A formal control language facilitates real-time interactions between heterogeneous autonomous components. A simulation experiment is described that demonstrates multistage inferencing and decision/control strategies for spatio-temporal coordination and multilayered adaptation of group behavior in response to evolving environmental physics or operational dynamics  相似文献   
High-magnitude outburst floods are 'catastrophic' geological agents, transforming landscapes through erosion and deposition within a matter of hours. Landform records of high-magnitude outburst floods can be preserved which can help us reconstruct their hydraulic properties. It is important to understand these properties, as high-magnitude floods not only drastically alter landscapes over very short time-scales, but also provide sudden and abrupt inputs of water and sediment to oceans. They pose a world-wide hazard to people, livestock, property and infrastructure. In this article we examine methods by which it is possible to reconstruct, and gain a better understanding of, high-magnitude flood processes and mechanisms.  相似文献   
This paper reports on the occurrence of layered Pan African dioritetonalite-granodiorite (DTG) rocks. The layering is marked by alternation of melanocratic (M) layers (diorites and tonalites) and leucocratic (L) layers (tonalites and granodiorites). M-samples have cumulus biotite+hornblende+relict pyroxene+plagioclase+K-feldspars+magnetite+apatite, and have transitional calc-alkaline and metaluminous affinities. They were derived from subduction-related magma enriched in Rb, Ba, K and LREE and depleted in Sr and Nb. L-samples have cumulus plagioclase+hornblende. They are enriched in Sr and depleted in Rb, Ba, K, Nb and LREE. They have calc-alkaline and peraluminous affinites.
The formation of the rhythmic layers of DTG composition can be attributed to periodical replenishment of pulses of basic magma into a more evolved acidic magma chamber under open system conditions. Field relations, mineralogy and element concentration among the M- and L-layers indicate that at the subduction zone, the ascending magma was contaminated with lower crustal materials (marginal basin metasediments) which led to LILE-enrichment, Nb-depletion and transition from calc-alkaline to alkaline and from metaluminous to peraluminous affinities as well.  相似文献   
An already available non‐associated elastic–viscoplastic constitutive model with anisotropic strain hardening is modified in order to describe both the constitutive parameter dependency on relative density and the spatio‐temporal evolution of strain localization. To achieve this latter goal, two distinct but similar approaches are introduced: one inspired by the gradient theory and one by the non‐local theory. A one‐dimensional case concerning a simple shear test for a non‐homogeneous infinitely long dense sand specimen is numerically discussed and a finite difference scheme is employed for this purpose. The results obtained by following the two different approaches are critically analysed and compared. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
It is well known that the behavior of zooplankton and, in particular, their orientation distribution dramatically affects the level of backscattered acoustic energy. As a result, interpretation of acoustic survey data in the ocean is subject to error. In order to quantify these effects, laboratory data from two important classes of animals were collected. The data involved broad-band (350-650 kHz) acoustic signals insonifying individual animals whose orientation was varied over the range 0°-360° in 1° increments. The animals were from two major anatomical groups: fluid-like (decapod shrimp; Palaemonetes vulgaris) and elastic-shelled (periwinkles; Littorina littorea). The data were analyzed both in the time domain (with pulse compression processing) and the frequency domain. Averages of the laboratory data over different orientation distributions illustrate the variability in average target strength that can be expected in the ocean environment. The average target strength of the shrimp varied by 3 dB when averaged over orientation distributions centered around broadside and end-on incidence. In addition, size estimates from pulse compression processing of the broad-band echoes were made for various orientation distributions for both the shrimp and periwinkles. These results show the necessity of animal orientation information for the proper interpretation of acoustic backscatter data  相似文献   
Au et al.'s arguments against the hypothesis that humpback whale songs function as long-range sonar are based on questionable assumptions rather than on empirical data. Like other echolocating mammals (e.g., bats), singing humpback whales: 1) localize targets in the absence of visual information; 2) possess a highly innervated peripheral auditory system; and 3) modulate the temporal and spectral features of their sounds based on environmental conditions. The sonar equation is inadequate for determining whether humpback whale songs generate detectable echoes from other whales because it does not account for temporal variables that can strongly affect the detectability of echoes. In particular, the sonar equation ignores the fact that much of the noise encountered by singing humpback whales is spectrally and temporally predictable, and that audition in mammals is a dynamic and plastic process. Experiments are needed to test the hypothesis that singing humpback whales listen for and respond to echoes generated by their songs  相似文献   
This paper describes the results of an experimental investigation of the microwave backscatter from several laboratory generated transient breaking waves. The breaking waves were generated mechanically in a 35 m×0.7 m×1.14 m deep wave tank, utilizing chirped wave packets spanning the frequency range 0.8-2.0 Hz. Backscatter measurements, were taken by a X/K-band (10.525 GHz, 24.125 GHz) continuous wave Doppler radar at 30°, 45°, and 60° angles of incidence, and at azimuth angles of 0° and 180° relative to the direction of wave propagation. Surface profiles were measured with a high-speed video camera and laser sheet technique. Specular facets were detected by imaging the surface from the perspective of the radar. The maximum radar backscatter occurred in the upwave direction prior to wave breaking, was nearly polarization independent and corresponded to the detection of specular facets on the steepened wave face. This peak radar backscatter was predicted through a finite conductivity corrected physical optics technique over the measured surface wave profiles. Post break backscatter was predicted using a roughness corrected physical optics technique and the small perturbation method, which was found to predict the returns for vertical polarization, but to under predict the horizontal returns  相似文献   
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