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The intervals of possible stability, on the -axis, of the basic families of three-dimensional periodie motions of the restricted three-body problem (determined in an earlier paper) are extended into regions of the -m 3 parameter space of the general three-body problem. Sample three-dimensional periodic motions corresponding to these regions are computed and tested for stability. Six regions, corresponding to the vertical-critical orbitsl1v, m1v,m2v, andilv, survive this preliminary stability test-therefore, emerging as the mass parameters regions allowing the simplest types of stable low inclination three-dimensional motion of three massive bodies.  相似文献   
In the bounds of a theoretical scheme treating consistently gravitational interaction as dynamical (gauge) field in flat space-time, an expression was obtained for the density of energy-momentum-tension of gravitational field in vacuum around a collapsed object. A case was studied of an interacting static spherically-symmetric field of a collapsar in vacuum with taking into account of input of all the possible components (spin states of virtual gravitons) into the energy for the symmetric tensor of second rank ik . The radius of the sphere filled by matter for the collapsar of massM may achieve values up toGM/c 2.  相似文献   
Using optically identical telescopes at different sites, we have measured the solar diameter with a drift-scan technique. In order to investigate the cause of the observed fluctuations, we not only compare observations made simultaneously by different observers at the same telescope, but also observations made simultaneously at two different sites. Our main results are: (a) The mean error of a single drift time measurement is ±0.08s(or ± 1.1) at Izaña and ±0.11 s (or ± 1.7) at Locarno; this closely corresponds to the angular resolution at those two sites under normal seeing conditions, (b) We find no correlation between observations at different sites; a significant correlation exists, however, between observations made simultaneously by different observers at the same site: This indicates that most of the observed fluctuations are due to atmospheric effects (image motion) rather than personality effects, (c) The mean solar semi-diameter derived from a total of 1122 observations made in 1990 (472 at Izaña, 650 at Locarno) is R = (960.56 ± 0.03) (Izaña: 960.51, Locarno: 960.59); this may be compared with R = (960.32 ± 0.02) which is obtained from a re-analysis of 1773 observations made in 1981 (Izaña: 960.16, Locarno: 960.38). Although a small residual increase of the solar diameter during the last ten years seems to be indicated, we conclude that most - if not all - of the observed variations are due to variable seeing conditions, and that there is still no conclusive evidence for a genuine solar variation with amplitudes in excess of about ±0.3.  相似文献   
New radar images obtained from the Arecibo Observatory (resolution 1.5–4.0 km) for portions of the southern hemisphere of Venus show that: the upland of Phoebe Regio contains the southern extension of Devana Chasma, a rift zone extending 4200 km south from Theia Mons and interpreted as a zone of extension; Alpha Regio, the only large region of tessera within the imaged area, is similar to tessera mapped elsewhere on the planet and covers a smaller percentage of the surface than that observed in the northern high latitudes; the upland made of Ushas, Innini and Hathor Montes consists of three distinct volcanic constructs; Themis Regio is mapped as an ovoid chain of radar-bright arcuate single and double ring structures, edifices and bright lineaments. This area is interpreted as a region of mantle upwelling and on the basis of apparent split and separated features, a zone of localized faulting and extension. Linear zones of deformation in Lavinia Planitia are characterized by lineament belts that are often locally elevated, are similar to ridge belts mapped in the northern high latitudes and are interpreted to be characterized mainly by compression; radar-bright lava complexes within Lavinia Planitia are unique to this part of the planet and are interpreted to represent areas of eruption of high volumes of extremely fluid lava; the upland of Lada Terra is bound to the north by a linear deformation zone interpreted as extensional, is characterized by large ovoids and coronae, is interpreted to be associated with an area of mantle upwelling, and is in contrast to the northern high latitude highland of Ishtar Terra. Regions of plains in the southern hemisphere cover about 78%; of the mapped area and are interpreted to be volcanic in origin. Located within the area imaged (10–78 S) are 52 craters interpreted to be of impact origin ranging from 8 to 157 km in diameter. On the basis of an overall crater density of 0.94 craters/106 km2, it is determined that the age of this part of the Venus surface is similar to the 0.3 to 1.0 billion year age calculated for the equatorial region and northern high latitudes. The geologic characteristics of the portion of the Venus southern hemisphere imaged by Arecibo are generally similar to those mapped elsewhere on the planet. This part of the planet is characterized by widespread volcanic plains, large volcanic edifices, and zones of linear belt deformation. The southern hemisphere of Venus differs from northern high latitudes in that tessera makes up only a small percentage of the surface area and the ovoid chain in Themis Regio is unique to this part of the planet. On the basis of the analysis presented here, the southern hemisphere of Venus is interpreted to be characterized by regions of mantle upwelling on a variety of scales (ovoids, region made up of Ushas, Innini and Hathor Montes), upwelling and extension (Themis Regio) and localized compression (lineament belts in Lavinia Planitia).  相似文献   
This paper presents the case histories of two catastrophic landslips in hard rock terrains with varied climatic and geological environments. The first slip is associated with a power project in very close proximity (200 m) of the Porthimund Dam (11°22N, 76°3430E), in a charnockitic terrain in the Nilgiri hills (Tamil Nadu), and the second is associated with a railroad structure (19°525N, 78°1720E), in Adilabad district (Andhra Pradesh), in a basaltic terrain.The landslip in the charnockites is attributable to: (1) a high degree of saprolitization in the charnockites, with maximum intensity in the crest portion; (2) the coincidence of a major joint pattern in a NE-SW direction, with the strike of the foliation; and (3) the poor-to-fair physical rock quality in the crest and scarp portions.The slips in the basaltic terrain are due to: (1) the partially altered, highly jointed nature of the regional trap rocks with boulder sizes varying from 20 cm to 250 cm in diameter and the debris accumulating in a precarious condition on the northeast side of the rail track, with unfavorable alignment direction; and (2) the instability created in the weak rock mass by the vibrational forces of heavily loaded running trains.The weathered state of the rock masses in both the cases, showing good agreement with their physical state, accounts for the landslips. The remedial measures suggested are also discussed.  相似文献   
Recently, Liebertet al. (1989) have obtained an approximate observational luminosity function for halo white dwarfs. Certainly, this first attempt will be improved by the forthcoming Very Large Telescopes. Here we construct theoretical luminosity functions of such stars and we examine their dependence on the age of the halo. Finally, we show that accurate observational luminosity functions could provide useful information about the evolution of the galaxy.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   
The final products of a SNIa explosion critically depend on the degree of neutronization of the incinerated material and on the total amount of burned material. Here we study their dependence on the velocity of the burning front and on the density at which the thermonuclear runaway starts. The abundances of54Cr,54, 58Fe,58, 62Ni provide some constraints to the possible values of model parameters.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   
We have studied mass motions associated with active region arch structures from observations of a developing active region near the center of the solar disk. We present a method for the computation of the line-of-sight velocity from photographs at H ± 0.5 under the assumption of Beckers' cloud model and reasonable assumptions about the Doppler width and optical depth of the arches. Some arches show motions typical to arch filaments (the material moves towards the observer near the apex of the arch and away from the observer near the footpoints), while in others the velocity field is more complex. Assuming a symmetric loop, we reconstructed the velocity vector along an arch filament. The results are consistent with the picture where material is draining out of the filament while the whole structure is ascending with a velocity near that of the apex, which does not exceed 10 km s–1. The motion is systematically slower than expected from a free-fall model.  相似文献   
Pre-Main-Sequence stars with masses between 2 and 5 M (Herbig Ae/Be stars) have radiative subphotospheric envelopes. However, they possess strong stellar winds and show definite signs of activity which could be linked to surface magnetic field. Therefore, they must lose angular momentum at a significant rate.We investigate the effect of such angular momentum losses on the internal structure of these stars, and on the distribution of angular velocity inside them. This paper presents a preliminary analysis guided by an analogy with laboratory and geophysical fluids. We propose that the friction exerted at the stellar surface by the angular momentum losses produces a mixed layer below the surface, separated from the unperturbed interior by an interface. Using scaling laws established by experimental studies of sheared stratified fluids, we discuss a simplified model for the evolution of the mixed layer.Although this model is still too preliminary to allow quantitative predictions, we show that for a reasonable choice of parameters, the mixed layer penetrates into the stellar interior on a time-scale of 106 years, comparable to the Kelvin time-scale for the Herbig Ae/Be stars.  相似文献   
Preliminary results on new CCD photometry inV andB bands of approximately 5000 stars in four overlapping fields in the globular cluster M3 are presented. The colour-magnitude diagram shows a very well-defined sequence with a small scatter, going fainter than previously published work on this cluster. The turn-off point found atV=19.1±0.2 mag and (B-V)=0.445±0.01, is slightly redder than those obtained in previous studies.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   
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