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Summary Ground-based measurements of incoming solar irradiance and cloud observations during a 26 year period (1965–1990) at Bergen, Norway were used in conjunction with a comprehensive radiation model to infer the cloud optical depth under completely overcast conditions.Month-to-month and year-to-year (April through October) statistics of the cloud optical depth and observed cloud forms are presented. Some climate-related features, specifically, diurnal and seasonal variabilities in are examined. The effects of local cloudiness are pointed out and discussed. There appears to be a slight trend towards increasing cloud optical depth at noon during the warm period of the year. The possible uncertainties due to unknown size of cloud droplets are analyzed by model simulations. Possible directions for future research are suggested provided more meteorological and/or satellite information is available.With 9 Figures  相似文献   
Mineral matter in three naturally weathered coals from Pennsylvania strip mines and in two laboratory-oxidized coals has been characterized by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and other techniques to determine mineralogical trasnformations that occur in coals during weathering. Pyrite was found to be the most readily oxidized mineral, forming a variety of iron sulfates initially and geethite eventually. The iron sulfates formed were different in the two laboratory-oxidized coals, despite identical oxidation treatments. Calcite disappeared from one calcite-rich coal with increasing oxidation, but was not replaced by an equivalent amount of gypsum. A severely weathered strip-mine coal was enriched in calcium, which was dispersed through the oxidized macerals. Extended X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy indicated that this dispersed calcium was most likely present as salts of carboxylic acids. Siderite was suprisingly resistant to oxidation at room temperature. Less direct evidence indicates that clay minerals also take part in the alteration to some extent.The coals oxidized in the laboratory showed alteration behavior that differed in a number of respects from that of the strip-mine coals. For example, iron sulfates were much less common in the latter coals; also, the formation of geothite appeared to be controlled to a large extent by the pyrite particle size in the strip-mine coals, but not in the laboratory-oxidized coals.The oxidation of an individual pyrite grain is not only a function of general conditions (temperature, humidity, oxygen partial pressure), but also the immediate local (< 1 mm) chemistry, as a variety of iron sulfates were observed in the coals, often in close proximity. Also, assemblages of gypsum and goethite were observed in otherwise slightly oxidized coal, which indicates that the alteration of pyrite and calcite, when in close contact, proceeds most rapidly.  相似文献   
Glauconitic minerals are considered as one of the valuable input parameters in sequence stratigraphic analysis of a basin. In the present study glauconitic minerals are reported from subtidal green shale facies in the lower part of the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene Naredi Formation of western Kutch. On the basis of the foraminiferal assemblage the glauconite bearing beds are interpreted to have formed in a mid shelf depositional settings of an unstable marine conditions. XRD studies confirm the glauconite mineralogy of the green pellets and provide an estimation of glauconite maturity. Textural attributes of the glauconites confirm their derivation by different degrees of alteration of precursor feldspar grains. Because of the authigenic origin and autochthonous nature, these glauconites hold promise for understanding sequence stratigraphy of the Palaeogene succession of the western Kutch.  相似文献   
Postsedimentation alteration and structural assemblies of the Triassic sedimentary complexes of West Chukotka are discussed. Zoning of the alteration is based on examination of newly formed structural and mineral assemblages, the chemical composition, and the polytypes of clay minerals. Three zones of postsedimentation transformation of sandstones are distinguished: (1) the zone of chlorite, illite, and mixed-layer disordered chlorite-smectite; (2) the zone of illite and chlorite; and (3) the zone of phengite and ferroan chlorite. The grade of postsedimentation transformation and the composition of the newly formed micas are correlated with the cleavage type. The development of two-three types of cleavage leads to the highest degree of rock transformation. The assemblages of clay minerals and the crystal chemistry of the authigenic phengite show that the grade of postsedimentation transformation of the Triassic rocks attains the stage of greenschistfacies metamorphism in the zone of development of two cleavage types. Where the second cleavage is not documented or poorly developed, the rocks remain unmetamorphosed. Evidence is given that postsedimentation transformation of terrigenous rocks in the foldbelt is controlled largely by deformation.  相似文献   
Zircon textures and composition have been used to infer magmatic processes including closed-system fractional crystallization, magma mixing or replenishment, and country-rock assimilation. Here, we propose that zircon textures and composition may also be refractory recorders of magmatic volatile evolution. We present field, whole-rock chemical, textural, mineral chemical, and U–Pb age data from evolved, fine-to-coarse-grained granite intrusions on Melville Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada. Zircon forms two main populations in these granites, Type-1 and Type-2 zircon. Type-1 zircon is present in all samples, but predominant in fine-grained granite. Crystals are euhedral and inclusion-rich and show periodic, fine-scale oscillatory zoning, comparatively low concentrations of U (<2,200 ppm) and Hf (<1.6 wt%), high Zr/Hf (~40–62), and pervasive alteration. Type-2 zircon is predominant in coarse-grained granite. Crystals form overgrowths on Type-1 zircon and individual crystals. They are subhedral and inclusion-poor and show weak, irregular, large-scale oscillatory zoning, high U (up to ~7,250 ppm) and Hf (1.5–2.0 wt%), low Zr/Hf (~37–44), and only local alteration. Compatible trace-element concentrations and Zr/Hf change sharply across the boundary of Type-1 to Type-2 zircon; 207Pb/206Pb ages preclude a significant hiatus between crystallization of the two types. We argue against magmatic versus hydrothermal crystallization, country-rock assimilation, or magma mixing as causes for the crystallization of Type-1 and Type-2 zircon. We propose instead that Type-1 zircon formed from volatile-undersaturated magmas and that Type-2 zircon formed from volatile-saturated magmas. Magmas fractionated by volatile-driven filter pressing into crystal-rich mush and crystal-poor magma. Crystal-rich mush with abundant Type-1 zircon crystallized to fine-grained granite. Volatile-rich magma crystallized to Type-2 zircon and coarse-grained granite. While Type-1 zircon was pervasively altered by exsolving magmatic volatiles, Type-2 zircon was only locally affected by subsolidus hydrothermal alteration.  相似文献   
In order to predict exposure risks as well as appropriate remediation strategies for pesticides in soils, knowledge of pesticides sorption processes onto various representative soils is vital. Hence, laboratory batch experiments were carried out to study sorption of a pesticide, pentachlorophenol (PCP), on five soils obtained from different sub-Saharan agro-ecological zones (AEZs) in order to understand sorption equilibrium, kinetics, and thermodynamics. Experimental data showed that sorption equilibrium was attained within 24 h. The fitting of kinetic results and equilibrium data to different models suggested partly surface adsorption and partly partitioning of PCP within voids of the various soil components. Sorption was mainly attributed to sharing or exchange of valence electrons between negatively charged PCP molecules and positively charged soil sorption sites. The sorption process was spontaneous and accompanied by decreased entropy, but was pH and temperature dependent, reducing with increase in pH and temperature. The various soils’ PCP sorption capacities were directly proportional to their cation exchange capacities. The low PCP sorption observed in these soils suggested high risk of PCP being present in soil water solution, especially at higher temperatures, which can lead to contamination of the aquifer. This risk may be higher for soils obtained from AEZs with warmer natural temperatures.  相似文献   
K-lingunite is a high-pressure modification of K-feldspar that possesses the tetragonal hollandite structure. Variations of the Raman spectra of K-lingunite were studied up to ~31.5 GPa at room temperature, and in the range 79–823 K at atmospheric pressure. The Raman frequencies of all bands were observed to increase with increasing pressure, and decrease with increasing temperature for K-lingunite. This behavior is in line with those observed for most of other materials. New sharp Raman bands appear at pressures greater than 13–15 GPa, suggesting a phase transition in K-lingunite with increasing pressure. The transition is reversible when pressure was released. The appearance of these new Raman bands may correspond to the phase transition revealed earlier at around 20 GPa by X-ray diffraction studies. Instead of transforming back to its stable minerals, such as orthoclase, microcline or sanidine, K-lingunite became amorphous in the temperature range 803–823 K at atmospheric pressure.  相似文献   
The Chilka Lake igneous complex of Orissa, the largest known anortosite massif of the Indian Shield, occurs in a catazonal environment of high-grade metamorphics of the Eastern Ghats Precambrian Orogenic Province. The syntectonic massif consists of the anorthositic Balugaon dome, leuconoritic Rambha lobe and quartz-mangeritic Kallikota cover. A completely gradational suite comprising anorthosite-leuconorite-norite-minor jotunite (the anorthositic suite) constitutes most of the complex. The subordinate of suite of acid rocks spatially associated with this is of a broad quartz-mangeritic lithology with minor granitic rocks (the acidic suite). Geochemical evolution of the complex in the sequence anorthosite-leuconorite-norite-jotunite-acidic rocks shows moderate iron enrichment in the noritic-jotunitic stage and is marked by an overall decrease in Al2O3, CaO, MgO, Ni/Co, Sr/Ba, K/Rb and increase in SiO2, K2O, V/Ni, K/Ba and Rb/Sr. Such progressive variation in geochemical parameters appears (i) essentially gradual and frequently overlapping in rock members of the intergradational anorthositic suite and (ii) rather abrupt across transition zones between the anorthositic suite and the acidic suite due to near absence of intervening intermediate lithologies. RbSr whole rock isochron studies indicate that the complex was emplaced ca. 1400 Ma ago. The initial 87Sr/68Sr (0.70661) implies limited hybridisation of the parent magma prior to emplacement. A critical appraisal of all the available evidence suggests that (i) the anorthositic suite of rocks form a perfectly consanguinous and comagmatic assemblage and (ii) the spatially associated acidic suite emerged through a convergence of magmatic and metasomatic processes (the latter brought about by contact anatexis of the host rocks). The complex as well as the host metamorphics are intruded by an atectonic suite of noritic dykes emplaced ca 850 Ma ago.  相似文献   
Employing first-principles methods, the docking sites for H were determined and H, Al, and vacancy defects were modeled with an infinite periodic array of super unit cells each consisting of 27 contiguous symmetry nonequivalent unit cells of the crystal structure of stishovite. A geometry optimization of the super-cell structure reproduces the observed bulk structure within the experimental error when P1 translational symmetry was assumed and an array of infinite extent was generated. A mapping of the valence electrons for the structure displays mushroom-shaped isosurfaces on the O atom, one on each side of the plane of the OSi3 triangle in the nonbonded region. An H atom, placed in a cell near the center of the super cell, was found to dock upon geometry optimization at a distance of 1.69 Å from the O atom with the OH vector oriented nearly perpendicular to the plane of the triangle such that the OH vector makes a angle of 91° with respect to [001]. However, an optimization of a super cell with an Al atom replacing Si and an H atom placed nearby in a centrally located cell resulted in an OH distance of 1.02 Å with the OH vector oriented perpendicular to [001] as observed in infrared studies. The geometry-optimized position of the H atom was found to be in close agreement with that (0.44, 0.12, 0.0) determined in an earlier study of the theoretical electron density distribution. The docking of the H atom at this site was found to be 330 kJ mol–1 more stable than a docking of the atom just off the shared OO edge of the octahedra as determined for rutile. A geometry optimization of a super cell with a missing Si generated a vacant octahedra that is 20% larger than that of the SiO6 octahedra. The valence electron density distribution displayed by the two-coordinate O atoms that coordinate the vacant octahedral site is very similar to those displayed by the bent SiOSi angles in coesite. The internal distortions induced by the defect were found to diminish rather rapidly with distance, with the structure annealing to that observed in the bulk crystal to within about three coordination spheres.  相似文献   
Grey shale Member of the Dalmiapuram Formation, Ariyalur Group, Cauvery Basin, India was studied for its stratigraphic position, age, and paleobathymetry with a re-look into the lithological relationship and foraminifer assemblages in the deepened limestone mine excavations at M/s Dalmia Cements, Dalmiapuram. Twenty grey shale samples from Kovandankurchchi (pit-4) and Kallakkudi mines yielded diversified calcareous, benthic, and rare index planktic foraminifera. The foraminiferal assemblages suggest a latest Albian age and middle neritic depositional conditions. The abundance of kaolinite and smectite clay minerals relate to warm/humid climate which corroborate with rising relative sea level during grey shale deposition. The grey shale occurs in patches within the marl bedded limestone member which exhibits cyclic deposition of limestone and marl. The limestone mine sections demonstrate that the grey shale forms part of basal marl bedded limestone, directly overlying the coral algal limestone. The present study demonstrates that the grey shale outcrops in Dalmiapuram Formation should be placed stratigraphically as part of marl bedded limestone. The member status for grey shale which is current usage stands discounted.  相似文献   
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