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An upper limit has been calculated on the effective aperture separation or detector thickness of ion drift meters of two fundamental types. The limit applies to meters which compare currents collected by detectors with different view directions at the same retarding potential and to meters which measure the entire thermal ion distribution function. For both types, a single scanned detector may be employed instead of multiple detectors, in which case the limit applies to twice the radius of curvature of the path followed by the detector aperture during a scan, (i.e. the diameter of a spinning payload). The limit was found to be important in two cases. First, in the F region on spacecraft with stringent electrostatic cleanliness requirements, the 10% error limit was found to be 40 cm. Second, in the E region, the limit was found to be 1 cm.Originally submitted to the journalSpace Science Instrumentation.Deceased.  相似文献   
A two-dimensional brightness distribution of the old supernova remnant G 160.5+2.8 (HB-9) has been measured at a frequency of 25 MHz with the T-Shaped UTR-2 radio telescope, with the resolution 29×27. The source has a distinctly pronounced, almost spherical envelope. At the same time, individual features located near the internal boundary of the source are observable.Certain considerations are put forward to validate a suggestion that the brightest feature in the decameter range (maximum at=4h55m.3 and =46°.37) might be of an extragalactic origin.From structure considerations, the velocity of the pulsar PSR 0459+47 projected on HB-9 is estimated. The estimate does not contradict the hypothesis of Damasheket al. (1978) concerning a possible genetic relation between HB-9 and PSR 0459+47.  相似文献   
For almost 30 hr after the major (gamma-ray) two-ribbon flare on 6 November 1980, 03:30 UT, the Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (HXIS) aboard the SMM satellite imaged in > 3.5 keV X-rays a gigantic arch extending above the active region over the limb. Like a similar configuration on 22 May 1980, this arch formed the lowest part of a stationary post-flare radio noise storm recorded at metric wavelengths at Nançay and Culgoora. 6.5 hr after the flare a coronal region below the arch started quasi-periodic pulsations in X-ray brightness, observed by several SMM instruments. These brightness variations had no response in the chromosphere (H), very little in the transition layer (O v), but they clearly correlated with similar variations in brightness at 169 MHz. There were 13 pulses of this kind, with apparent periodicity of about 20 min, until another flare occurred in the active region at 15:00 UT. All the brightenings appeared within a localized area of about 30000 km2 in the northern part of the active region, but they definitely did not occur all at the same place.The top of the X-ray arch, at an altitude of 155 000 km, was continuously and smoothly decaying, taking no part in the striking variations below it. Therefore, the area variable in brightness does not seem to be the footpoint of the arch, as we supposed for similar variations on 22 May. More likely, it is a separate region connected directly with the source of the radio storm; particles accelerated in the storm may be dumped into the low corona and cause the X-ray enhancements. The X-ray arch was enhanced by two orders of magnitude in 3.5–5.5 keV X-ray counts and the temperature increased from 7.3 × 106 to 9 × 106 K when the new two-ribbon flare occurred at 15:00 UT. Thus, it is possible that energy is brought into the arch via the upper parts of the reconnecting flare loops - a process that can continue for hours.  相似文献   
The evolution of vector photospheric magnetic fields has been studied in concert with photospheric spot motions for a flare-productive active region. Over a three-day period (5–7 April, 1980), sheared photospheric velocity fields inferred from spot motions are compared both with changes in the orientation of transverse magnetic fields and with the flare history of the region. Rapid spot motions and high inferred velocity shear coincide with increased field alignment along the B L= 0 line and with increased flare activity; a later decrease in velocity shear precedes a more relaxed magnetic configuration and decrease in flare activity. Crude energy estimates show that magnetic reconfiguration produced by the relative velocities of the spots could cause storage of 1032 erg day–1, while the flares occurring during this time expended 1031 erg day–1.Maps of vertical current density suggest that parallel (as contrasted with antiparallel) currents flow along the stressed magnetic loops. For the active region, a constant-, force-free magnetic field (J = B) at the photosphere is ruled out by the observations.Presently located at NASA/MSFC, Huntsville, Ala. 35812, U.S.A.  相似文献   
The main results of a study of a catalogue of physical parameters of 1041 spectroscopic binaries are presented. The distribution of spectroscopic binaries over all main parametersM 1, a, e, M1/M2, P, and certain dependencies between some of them have been found.
  1. It appears that among bright (m v?3 m –5 m ) stars withM?1M , about 40% are apparently spectroscopic binaries with comparable masses of components.
  2. The majority of spectroscopic binaries with the ratio of the large semiaxis of the orbit to the radius of the primarya/R 1?20, have eccentricities close to zero. This is probably a consequence of the tidal circularization of orbits of close binaries by viscous friction.
  3. The discovery of duplicity of double-line spectroscopic binaries is possible only if the semiamplitude of radial velocityK 1 is almost 10 times higher than the semiamplitude of the radial velocity of a single-line spectroscopic binary of the same mass.
  4. Double-line spectroscopic binaries witha/R ?6(M 1/M )1/3,M 1M 2?1.5M are almost almost absent, and the number of stars witha/R ?6(M 1/M )1/3,M 1≈1.5M is relatively low.
  5. The distribution of unevolved SB stars over the large semiaxis may be described by the expression d(N d/Nt)≈0.2 d loga for 6(M 1/M )1/3?a/R ?100.
  6. The intial mass-function for primaries of spectroscopic binaries is the same Salpeter function dN d≈M 1 ?2.35 dM 1 for 1?M 1/M ?30.
  7. It is possible to explain the observed ratio of the number of single-line spectroscopic binaries to the number of double-line binaries if one assumes that the average initial mass ratio is close to 1 and that the mass of the postmass-exchange remnant of the primary exceeds the theoretical one and/or that half of the angular momentum of the system is lost during mass-exchange.
  8. The above-mentioned distributions ofM 1 anda and assumptions on the mass of remnant and/or momentum loss also allow us to explain the observed shapes of dN/dM, dN/dq, and dN/da distributions after some selection effects are taken into account.
Observations of the lunar luminescence are reported for a dozen of specific Moon features using the line-depth method with a high resolution spectroscopic technique. The data indicate a variation of the Moon proper emission as a function of the phase angle which is interpreted as a proof of the thermoluminescent origin of this emission.  相似文献   
A picrite lava (22 wt% MgO; 35 vol.% ol) along the western shore of the1.3–1.4 Ma Kahoolawe tholeiitic shield, Hawaii, contains small xenoliths of harzburgite, lherzolite, norite, and wehrlite. The various rock types have textures where either orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, or plagioclase is in a poikilitic relationship with olivine. The Mg#s of the olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene in this xenolith suite range between 86 and 82; spinel Mg#s range from 60 to 49, and plagioclase is An75–80. A 87Sr/86Sr ratio for one ol-norite xenolith is 0.70444. In comparison, the host picrite has olivine phenocrysts with an average Mg# of 86.2 (range 87.5–84.5), and a whole-rock 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70426. Textural and isotopic information together with mineral compositions indicate that the xenoliths are related to Kahoolawe tholeiitic magmatism, but are not crystallization products of the magma represented by their host picrite. Rather, the xenoliths are crystalline products of earlier primitive liquids (FeO/MgO ranging 1 to 1.3) at 5–9 kbar in the cumulate environment of a magma reservoir or conduit system. The presence of ultramafic xenoliths in picrite but not in typical Kahoolawe tholeiitic lava (6–9 wt% MgO) is consistent with replenishment of reservoirs by dense Mg-rich magma emplaced beneath resident, less dense tholeiitic magma. Mg-rich magmas have proximity to reservoir cumulate zones and are therefore more likely than fractionated residual liquids to entrain fragments of cumulate rock.  相似文献   
The Juqui circular intrusion, which is Cretaceous in age (130–135Ma), crops out in the Precambrian gneissic basement in Brazilover an area of 14 km2. It consists of olivine clinopyroxen-itecumulates (with minor olivine gabbros) in the northeastern sector(74 vol.%), whereas ijolites-melteigites-urtites (4%) and nephelinesyenites with minor essexites and syenodiorites (21%) outlinesubannular concentric patterns with an Mg-carbonatite core (1%), in the southwestern part of the complex. Petrographical, bulk rock, and mineral compositional trendsindicate that the origin of the complex can be largely accountedfor by shallow-level fractional crystallization of a carbonatedbasanitic parental magma. Such a magma was generated deep inthe subcontinental lithosphere by low-degree partial meltingof a garnet-phlogopite peridotite source. Mass-balance calculations in agreement with field volume estimatespermit definition of several fractionation stages of the magmaticevolution under nearly closed-system conditions, with inwarddevelopment of zonally arranged side-wall cumulates. These stagesinvolved: (1) fractionation from basanite to essexite magma(liquid fraction F = 33–5%) by crystallization of olivineclinopyroxenite plus minor olivine alkali gabbro cumulates;(2) derivation of the least differentiated mafic nepheline syenite(F = 5–5 %) from essexitic magma by subtraction of a syenodioriteassemblage; (3) exsolution of a carbonatite liquid (5%) froma CO2-enriched mafic nepheline syenite magma, which also underwentcontinuous fractionation giving rise to ijolite-melteigite-urtitecumulates. The proportion of cumulus clinopyroxene and biotiteand intercumulus nepheline and alkali feldspar in these lastrocks, as well as the absence of alkalis in carbonatite, maybe attributed, at least in part, to loss of alkali-rich hydrousfluids released during and after the unmixing formation of thetwo conjugate liquids. The KD values determined for Mg-carbonatite/nepheline syeniteare lower (1–4–2–9) for light rare earth elements(LREE) than for REE from Eu to Yb (4–6–7–8),in contrast to recent experimental results (Hamilton et al.,1989). A possible explanation is that Juquia Mg-carbonatiterepresents an alreadydifferentiated magma, which underwent extensivefractionation of LREE-enriched calcite. In this way, the highvariability of K0 REE patterns observed in several alkaline-carbonatitecomplexes can also be accounted for. The remarkably constant initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (mostly between0–7052 and 0–7057) support the interpretation ofthe intrusion as having been generated by fractrional crystallizationand liquid immiscibility from a common parental magma. Iligherisotopic ratios (0–7060–0–7078), found mainlyin dykes and in the border facies of the intrusion, may be dueto contamination by the gecissic basement.  相似文献   
The eclogite-facies metasedimentary rocks in the Münchberg gneiss complex (T=630±30° C/P17–24 kbar) locally contain CO2–N2-rich fluid inclusions of extremely low molar volumes (32 cm3/mol) in quartz. These fluid compositions are mainly found in rocks intercalated with calcsilicate bands. Densities were determined from low-temperature phase transitions like stable or metastable homogenization (L+VL), partial homogenization (S+L+VS+L) and the transition S+LL (L = liquid, V = vapour, S = solid). The high fluid densities are in agreement with eclogite-facies pressure and temperature and subsequent amphibolite facies. CO2–N2 inclusions were not observed in adjacent eclogites nor in non-calcareous metasediments. These rock types contain predominantly H2O-rich inclusions correlating with amphibolite-facies conditions. The variation of fluid composition with lithological differences indicates local fluid gradients and speaks against a pervasive fluid flow during eclogite-facies metamorphism.  相似文献   
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