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The waste produced by coal washing process produces many environmental problems. In this study, the pollution problems associated with the waste produced by Alborz Sharghi Coal Washing Plant was investigated by mathematical modeling. The study area is located at 11 km. to Razmjah coal region and 45 km. to Tehran-Mashhad road in the north part od Iran. To achieve the goal, a few samples were taken from different depths at three points on the waste dump in order to investigate pyrite oxidation and pollution generation. The samples were then analysed, using an AA-670 Shimadzu atomic absorption to determine the fraction of pyrite remained within the waste particles. A numerical finite volume model using Phoenics package has been developed to simulate pyrite oxidation and pollution generation from the Alborz Sharghi coal washing waste dump. The pyrite oxidation reaction is described by the shrinking-core model. Gaseous diffusion is the main mechanism for the transport of oxygen through the waste. The results of numerical modelling were compared with the field observations and close agreement was achieved. A simple mathematical model incorporating advection and hydrodynamic dispersion processes was also presented in order to verify the results of geophysical time-laps method showing transportation of the pollutants through the downstream of the waste dump. Both mathematical model and geophysical time-laps method are agreed in the identification of pollutant transport emanated from the waste dump. The results of such investigations can be used for designing an effective environmental management program.  相似文献   
In this paper, an inverse mapping is used to transform the previously-derived analytical solutions from a local elliptical coordinate system into a conventional Cartesian coordinate system. This enables a complete set of exact analytical solutions to be derived rigorously for the pore-fluid velocity, stream function, and excess pore-fluid pressure around and within buried inclined elliptic inclusions in pore-fluid-saturated porous rocks. To maximize the application range of the derived analytical solutions, the focal distance of an ellipse is used to represent the size of the ellipse, while the length ratio of the long axis to the short one is used to represent the geometrical shape of the ellipse. Since the present analytical solutions are expressed in a conventional Cartesian coordinate system, it is convenient to investigate, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the distribution patterns of the pore-fluid flow and excess pressure around and within many different families of buried inclined elliptic inclusions. The major advantage in using the present analytical solution is that they can be conveniently computed in a global Cartesian coordinate system, which is widely used in many scientific and engineering computations. As an application example, the present analytical solutions have been used to investigate how the dip angle of an inclined elliptic inclusion affects the distribution patterns of the pore-fluid flow and excess pore-fluid pressure when the permeability ratio of the elliptic inclusion is of finite but nonzero values.  相似文献   
The present study deals with processing and interpreting the potential gravity and magnetic data in order to locate promising sites for metallic mineral occurrences in the basement rocks of South Sinai. Two promising sites were anticipated by combining the geophysical results and the available geological information. Each site was profiled and interpreted to the nearly approximated subsurface feature model, and the geometrical parameters of the expected subsurface structures may form mineralized bodies such as depth, thickness, width, dipping, density contrast, and magnetic susceptibility contrast could be delineated. Detailed ground Very Low Frequency (VLF) and Vertical Magnetic Gradient (VMG) methods were carried out in the site A2, eight VLF and VMG anomalies were determined, and their depths were calculated.  相似文献   
Summary In-situ microprobe LREE analyses of perovskite and titanite (La, Ce, Nd), and apatite (La, Ce), from SW Ugandan clinopyroxenite xenoliths and kamafugite lavas indicate that LREE distribution in these minerals is determined by a number of factors related to their different parageneses: In particular LREE content is affected by whether the LREE-bearing minerals have crystallised from metasomatic carbonate or from silicate (i.e. metasomatic or magmatic) melts in the mantle. In this situation LREE partition favours carbonate over silicate melts. Distribution of LREE in perovskite and apatite crystallised from magmatic mantle melts or mantle-derived lavas is chiefly determined by preference of LREE for perovskite > apatite > titanite. LREE zoning in perovskite is influenced by changes in melt structure: increasing melt polymerisation enhancing mineralLREE/meltLREE partition into perovskite rims in magmatic xenoliths; decreasing melt polymerisation depleting LREE in lava perovskite rims. This zoning is reinforced by perovskite competition with apatite for LREE: perovskite (cores/rims) co-crystallising with apatite is reduced in LREE. There are 37 instances of perovskitewith Ce below detection while La and Nd levels are normal. These occur in both xenoliths and lavas; in grain zones or whole grains. Likewise Ce alone of the LREE is below detection in six out of ten titanite analyses. These observations are interpreted as evidence for increased fO 2, Ce4 + being excluded from these mineral structures. Recognition of these various processes can elucidate the interpretation of bulk rock and bulk mineral LREE signatures in kamafugite volcanism.
LREE Verteilung in Perovskit, Apatit und Titanit aus Xenolithen und kamafugitischen Laven Südwest-Ugandas
Zusammenfassung In-situ LREE Analysen von Perovskit und Titanit (La, Ce, Nd) und Apatit (La, Ce) aus Klinopyroxenit-Xenolithen und kamafugitischen Laven Südwest-Ugandas zeigen, daß die LREE Verteilung in diesen Mineralen durch eine Vielzahl von Faktoren, die mit Unterschieden in den Paragenesen zusammenhängen, bestimmt wird: Der LREE-Gehalt wird im besonderen davon bestimmt, ob die LREE-führenden Minerale aus metasomatischen Karbonat- oder aus (metasomatischen oder magmatischen) Silikatschmelzen im Mantel auskristallisierten. Dabei erfolgt die LREE Fraktionierung zu Gunsten der Karbonatschmelzen. Die LREE-Verteilung von Perovskit und Apatit, die aus magmatischen Mantelschmelzen oder -laven kristallisierten, wird vorrangig durch den bevorzugten Einbau der LREE in Perovskit > Apatit > Titanit kontrolliert. Der LREE Zonarbau von Perovskit wird durch die Änderungen der Schmelzstruktur beinflußt: Verstärkte Schmelzpolymerisation führt zu verstärkter MineralLFEE/SchmelzeLREE Fraktionierung in den Perovskiträndern magmatischer Xenolithe, eine Abnahme der Schmelzpolymerisation hingegen resultiert in einer Abreicherung der LREE in den Perovskiträndern. Diese Art der Zonierung wird durch den Wettbewerb von Perovskit mit Apatit um die LREE verstärkt. Perovskit (Kerne/Ränder), der mit Apatit gemeinsam auskristallisierte, ist ärmer an LREE. 37 Fälle, in denenCe nicht nachweisbar war, La und Nd aber in normaler Konzentration auftreten, wurden sowohl in den Xenolithen als auch in den Laven gefunden; und zwar entweder in Kornbereichen oder in ganzen Körnern. Vergleichsweise liegt Ce nur in sechs von zehn Titanitproben unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze. Diese Beobachtungen werden als Hinweise auf erhöhte SauerstoffFugazitäten, bei denen Ce4– aus der Mineralstruktur ausgeschlossen wird, angesehen.Ein Verständnis dieser verschiedenen Prozesse kann zur besseren Interpretation von LREE Gesamtgesteins- und Gesamtmineral-Signaturen in Kamafugiten beitragen.

With 3 Figures  相似文献   
A new interstellar molecular ion, H2COH+ (protonated formaldehyde), has been detected toward Sgr B2, Orion KL, W51, and possibly in NGC 7538 and DR21(OH). Six transitions were detected in Sgr B2(M). The 1(1,0)-1(0,1) transition was detected in all sources listed above. Searches were also made toward the cold, dark clouds TMC-1 and L134N, Orion (3N, 1E), and a red giant, IRC + 10216, without success. The excitation temperatures of H2COH+ are calculated to be 60-110 K, and the column densities are on the order of 10(12)-10(14) cm-2 in Sgr B2, Orion KL, and W51. The fractional abundance of H2COH+ is on the order of 10(-11) to 10-(9), and the ratio of H2COH+ to H2CO is in the range 0.001-0.5 in these objects. The values in Orion KL seem to be consistent with the "early time" values of recent model calculations by Lee, Bettens, & Herbst, but they appear to be higher than the model values in Sgr B2 and W51 even if we take the large uncertainties of column densities of H2CO into account. We suggest production routes starting from CH3OH may play an important role in the formation of H2COH+.  相似文献   
Pliocene volcanics on the island of Bequia comprise two interbeddedsuites of basalts and andesites. The isotopically homogeneoussuite (IHS) has a limited range of Sr—Nd—Pb isotopes(87Sr/86Sr 0.7040–0.7046, 143 Nd/144 Nd 0.5130 and 206Pb/204Pb 19.36–19.51), and mantle-like 18O values (5.5in clinopyroxene). The isotopically diverse suite (IDS) is characterizedby much wider ranges of radiogenic isotopes (87 Sr/86Sr 0.7048–0.7077,143 Nd/144 Nd 0.5128–0.5123 and 206 Pb/204 Pb 19.7–20.2),in which all of the Sr and Pb ratios are higher and Nd ratiosare lower than those of the IHS. The IDS is also characterizedby high 18 O values, up to 7.6 in clinopyroxene. The Sr andPb isotope ratios are too high, and the Nd isotope ratios aretoo low in the IDS for any of these lavas to be derived fromunmodified depleted mantle. Both suites are petrologically very similar and their majorelement compositions and phenocryst contents suggest that theywere formed largely by fractional crystallization of a hydroustholeiitic melt at pressures <3 kbar. The isotopic ratiosand enrichments in large ion lithophile elements (LILE), andto some extent light rare earth elements (LREE), as comparedwith mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB), of the IHS lavas suggestthat they were derived from a depleted mantle source which hadbeen re-enriched by the addition of 1–4% of a subductioncomponent. This component probably comprised a mixture of dehydrationfluids, and perhaps minor siliceous melts, released from subductingsediments and mafic crust. The extreme isotopic ranges, largeenrichments in incompatible elements, more fractionated LREEpatterns and higher 18 O values of the IDS lavas are interpretedas resulting from 10–55% assimilation—fractionalcrystallization of sediments, derived from the Guyana Shield,which are present in the arc crust, by IHS type melts. KEY WORDS: trace elements; radiogenic isotopes; arc lavas; Lesser Antilles *Corresponding author.  相似文献   
Summary The study of the regime of ozone variations in the huge tropical belt (25° S to 25° N), which are, in general, very small and zonally nearly symmetric, permits to establish a statistical model for estimating the ozone deviations using Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) data. The equatorial stratospheric winds at 25 and 50hPa and the solar flux at 10.7 cm are used as major predictors and the linear trend was also estimated. The 10m/sec stratospheric wind change is related to1.2% ozone change at the equator, to practically no change in the 8–15° belts and up to 1.4% change with opposite phase over the tropics in spring but nearly zero change in fall. The solar cycle related amplitude is about 1.4% per 100 units of 10.7 cm solar flux. The ozone trends are negative: not significant over the equator and about –2% per decade (significant at 95% level) over the tropics. The latter could have been enforced by the 2 to 4% lower ozone values during 1991–1993, part of which might be related to the effects of the Mt. Pinatubo eruption, but might also be due to the strong QBO. The estimated deviations are verified versus reliable observations and the very good agreement permits applying the model for quantitative quality control of the reported ozone data from previous years. The standard deviation of the difference between observed ozone deviations and those estimated from the model is only 0.9–1.6% for yearly mean, that means instruments used for total ozone observations in the tropical belt should have systematic error of less than 1%. Cases when the discrepancies between the model and reported observations at a given station exceed 2–3% for time interval of 2 or more years should be verified.With 17 Figures  相似文献   
We present here the photometric light curve analyses of the eclipsing binary star DN Aur. The CCD photometry, performed at the Behlen observatory using the 0.76 m automated telescope gave 646 individual data points inV andR bandpass filters. From this data we have determined a new epoch and an orbital period of 0.6168891 days. The published spectral classification is F3.The Wilson-Devinney model was used to derive the photometric solutions. DN Aur is a W UMa type contact binary system. The mass ratio, (q=m 2/m 10.210, where star 2 is eclipsed at the primary minimum) suggests that the system has A-type configuration. The computed light curve has a third light of about 22 percent and a total eclipse in the secondary minimum. A solution with a cool spot on the secondary component is also found. We recommend spectroscopic study of DN Aur even though the light curve analysis show it to be a single line spectroscopic system. Generally contact systems of spectral type F3 have periods ranging from 0.25 to 0.5 days. The longer period of DN Aur suggests that it is an evolved contact system with case A mass transfer.  相似文献   
Relatively new and unanalysed photometric data-sets of the contact binary system YY Eri are presented. The light curves have been analysed using information limit optimization techniques, and the Binary Maker program of Bradstreet (1992).Comparison of the results allows insight into determinacy questions affecting the W UMa type of light curve, which relates to our general understanding of contact binaries. A limiting contact configuration cannot be ruled out on the basis of empirical data-analysis alone.Very careful analysis of the photospheric flux distribution over the surface of the Sun may help establish appropriate values of the gravity brightening parameter for cool dwarf stars. At present, however, empirical photometric information on contact binaries is non-discriminatory: i.e. alternative cosmogonies can find alternative support from available evidence. The implication is then for more and better observational data to allow better real independent parameter determination.  相似文献   
We present an updated model for the photochemistry of Io's atmosphere and ionosphere and use this model to investigate the sensitivity of the chemical structure to vertical transport rates. SO2is assumed to be the dominant atmospheric gas, with minor molecular sodium species such as Na2S or Na2O released by sputtering or venting from the surface. Photochemical products include SO, O2, S, O, Na, NaO, NaS, and Na2. We consider both “thick” and “thin” SO2atmospheres that encompass the range allowed by recent HST and millimeter-wave observations, and evaluate the possibility that O2and/or SO may be significant minor dayside constituents and therefore likely dominant nightside gases. The fast reaction between S and O2limits the column abundance of O2to ∼104less than that calculated by Kumar (J. Geophys. Res.87, 1677–1684, 1982; 89(A9), 7399–7406, 1984) for a pure sulfur/oxygen atmosphere. If a significant source of NaO2or Na2O were supplied by the surface and mixed rapidly upward, then oxygen liberated in the chemical reactions which also liberate free Na would provide an additional source of O2. Fast eddy mixing will enhance the transport of molecular sodium species to the exobase, in addition to increasing the vertical transport rate of ions. Ions produced in the atmosphere will be accelerated by the reduced corotation electric field penetrating the atmosphere. These ions experience collisions with the neutral gas, leading to enhanced vertical ion diffusion. The dominant ion, Na+, is lost primarily by charge exchange with Na2O and/or Na2S in the lower atmosphere and by diffusion through the ionopause in the upper atmosphere. The atmospheric column abundance of SO, O2, and the upper atmosphere escape rates of Na, S, O, and molecular sodium species are all strong functions of the eddy mixing rate. Most atmospheric escape, including that of molecular sodium species, probably occurs from the low density “background” SO2atmosphere, while a localized high density “volcanic” SO2atmosphere can yield an ionosphere consistent with that detected by the Pioneer 10 spacecraft.  相似文献   
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