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E. Honza  K. Fujioka 《Tectonophysics》2004,384(1-4):23-53
Results of the geological and geophysical surveys in the Daito ridges and basin in the northern West Philippine Basin suggest that the Daito Ridge was an arc facing toward the south from the Late Cretaceous to the Early Tertiary. The Late Cretaceous and Tertiary history of Southeast Asia is evaluated based on these data in the Daito ridges and basins and reconstructed based on overall plate kinematics that have operated in this area. During the Late Cretaceous, the Daito Ridge and the East Philippine Islands were positioned along the boundary between the Indian and Pacific Plates. The western half of the Philippines setting on the Indian Plate approached from the south and collided with the East Philippine–Daito Arc either during the latest Paleocene or the earliest Eocene. It is inferred that the bulk of the Philippine archipelago rotated clockwise and Borneo spun counterclockwise during the Tertiary.From the reconstruction, the formation of backarc basins and their spreading direction are assessed. As a result, some primary causes and significant characteristics are suggested for the opening of backarc basins in Southeast Asia. First, opening of some backarc basins commenced with or was triggered by collisions. Second, backarc basins opened approximately parallel to oceanic plate motion. Third, the formation of some backarc basins was triggered by the approach of a hot spreading center. Fourth, the spreading mode or direction of backarc basins was greatly affected by the configuration of the surrounding continent and was also rearranged to spread approximately parallel to oceanic plate motion.The formation of backarc basins and their spreading direction can be reasonably explained by plate kinematics. However, the generative force responsible for their formation is possibly within the subduction system, particularly to form horizontal tensional force in backarc side.  相似文献   
The infrared complex permittivity functions of three varieties of maghemite, γ-Fe2O3, having different degrees of vacancy ordering, have been determined from their IR reflectance spectra, measured at near to normal incidence on pressed powder pellets. The optical constants therefrom obtained have been verified by using them in the simulation of the corresponding absorption spectra for KBr-diluted pellets, and these are in excellent agreement with the experimental spectra. All calculations are based on a procedure for the estimation of the effective dielectric function of a mixture, which incorporates percolation features, recently developed by the authors.  相似文献   
库姆塔格沙漠羽毛状沙丘表面沙粒度分布特征   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9  
对库姆塔格沙漠羽毛状沙丘不同部位表面沙物质进行的粒度分析结果表明,羽毛状沙丘"羽轴"-新月形沙垄沙以细沙(0.125~0.25 mm)为主,含量占60.8%,平均粒径2.42ψ,分选较好(σ1值0.33~1.09,平均0.65),偏度以对称为主(Sk值-0.31~0.35,平均0.08),峰度以中峰态为主(KG值0.70~1.57,平均1.08)."羽轴"-新月形沙垄沙粒径在横剖面方向上即从新月形沙丘两翼坡脚至丘顶部变细,东南翼角略粗于西北翼角;在纵剖面方向上从新月形沙丘迎风侧经丘顶至背风侧也逐渐变细.随着平均粒径变细,分选变好,正偏的趋势也越显著."羽枝"一垄间沙以粗沙为主,分选较差,宽峰态为主.羽毛状沙丘沙累计概率曲线主为4段式或3段式,"羽轴"-沙垄沙以单峰态为主,占96.7%;"羽枝"-垄间沙则以双峰态为主,占54.2%.大尺度地形(沙垄和垄间地)和局部地形对粒度分布有一定程度的影响.  相似文献   
Compositional data on apatite, phlogopite, and amphibole indicatethat the high-temperature hydrothermal fluids which affectedthe lower portions of the Stillwater and Bushveld Complexeswere Cl-rich. Apatites from the platinum-group element (PGE)ore zones from both complexes are enriched in Cl relative toother cumulus and noncumulus apatites in these intrusions andto apatites from the Skaergaard and Kiglapait Intrusions andthe Great Dyke. Apatites from all five intrusions can be groupedinto three distinct compositional fields: (a) Cumulus apatitesare essentially fluorapatites with molar Cl/(Cl+OH+F) <0?03;(b) noncumulus apatites, with the exception of those from thePGE ore zones of the Stillwater and Bushveld Complexes, haveCl/(Cl+OH+F) <0?20; (c) Cl-rich apatites associated withPGE-rich zones have Cl/(Cl+OH+F) between 0?45 and 1?0. The REEcontent of noncumulus and Cl-rich apatites also show a positivecorrelation with Cl concentration. It is argued that becauseCl is less soluble in silicate melts than F and because meltswith extremely high Cl/F ratios are unknown, the Cl-rich apatitesequilibrated with Cl-rich hydrothermal fluids exsolved duringsolidification of the cumulate sequence. The Cl, F, and OH contents of phlogopites and amphiboles aremore variable. Compositional heterogeneity is due to crystal-chemicalcontrols on halogen contents, variation in the halogen contentof the original melt/fluid phase and subsolidus re-equilibrationduring cooling with both surrounding mineral phases and lowtemperature fluids. However, both the Stillwater and Bushveldphlogopites are enriched in Cl compared to those from the Skaergaardand Kiglapait Intrusions. The compositions of coexisting minerals from the platinum depositof Olivine-Bearing Subzone I of the Stillwater Complex are usedto compute a fluid composition. The fluid is rich in alkalisand iron as well as HCl, and the solution composition is consistentwith fluid compositions deduced for the PGE-bearing secondaryhortonolite pipes of the Bushveld Complex. The high (Pt+Pd)/Irratios of these deposits are also consistent with a hydrothermalorigin, as both Pt and Pd are more soluble in Cl-complexingfluids than Ir.  相似文献   
The Pb isotopic compositions of coexisting plagioclase and sulfide from the Bushveld Complex were determined by laser ablation multi-collector ICPMS (LA MC-ICPMS). The samples are of the upper Critical Zone in the northeast corner of the Complex and were collected from drill core and underground mine exposures. All the rocks are fresh and exhibit no evidence for alteration, weathering, or disruption of the Pb isotope systematics subsequent to the initial cooling of the intrusion. Furthermore, individual plagioclase and sulfide crystals do not contain enough U to warrant correction for radiogenic in-growth. For these reasons, the measured Pb isotope ratios approximate the initial ones. For plagioclase, 207Pb/206Pb ranges from 0.98 to 1.02 and 208Pb/206Pb from 2.26 to 2.35. Low 207Pb/206Pb and 208Pb/206Pb ratios characterize grain boundaries and partially annealed microcracks, some of which contain minute fragments of sulfide and other phases, and this accounts for most, if not all, the heterogeneity exhibited by individual samples. Real compositional differences exist, however, in plagioclase from different lithologic layers. For example, plagioclase 207Pb/206Pb values vary from 1.004 in norite beneath the Merensky pyroxenite to 1.009 in the mineralized pyroxenite, and 0.997 in overlying norite. In most samples in which sulfide and plagioclase coexist, the sulfide 207Pb/206Pb ratio is lower and 208Pb/206Pb ratio higher than the corresponding ones in plagioclase. For example, in a mineralized Merensky reef sample, average sulfide 207Pb/206Pb and 208Pb/206Pb ratios are 0.993 and 2.313, respectively, while those in plagioclase are 1.000 and 2.292. In one sample, the sulfide is extremely heterogeneous, with 207Pb/206Pb and 208Pb/206Pb ratios as low as 0.84 and 2.12. In this particular sample, the compositions must represent an isolated occurrence of addition of a young Pb component.The array of sulfide and plagioclase compositions requires multiple sources of Pb at the time of crystallization or soon thereafter. The disequilibrium between plagioclase and sulfide implies that some of the Pb originated from the isotopically distinct country rocks and was introduced at temperatures at which the composition of sulfide but not plagioclase could be modified. Thus, Bushveld sulfide, and to some extent plagioclase, do not reliably record the initial Pb isotopic composition(s) of the parent magma(s).  相似文献   
Some 150 white K-micas from the Central Alps were analysed for their polymorph and phengite content. Pre-Alpine white K-micas and those belonging to the Meso-Alpine Lepontine Metamorphic “High” show exclusively the 2M1 polymorph. The 3T structural form, on the other hand, has been found in one third of the white K-micas formed during the Alpine regional metamorphism. In most cases this trigonal structure coexists with varying amounts of the 2M1 form. The 3T distribution pattern suggests that this polymorph originated during the Eo-Alpine high-pressure/“low temperature” metamorphism. Provided this interpretation is correct, the sporadic occurrence of this polymorph within the Meso-Alpine staurolite zone may be used as a tracer for the Eo-Alpine metamorphism. The following improved correlation between the (060, 331) reflections of 2M1 white K-micas and the RM-content (= 2Fe2O3+FeO+MgO in molar proportions), based on 24 micas from granitoid rocks, is presented: d(060, 331)= 1.498+0.082 RM. The phengite content of Alpine white K-micas belonging to the assemblage muscovite-biotite-K-feldspar-quartz was estimated from RM values or derived from chemical analyses and was found to be clearly related to metamorphic grade. Phengite-rich micas were formed during the Eo-Alpine high-P/“ low-T” metamorphism while aluminous muscovite was found within the Meso-Alpine thermal high of the Lepontine gneiss area. White K-micas from areas which underwent both the Eo-Alpine and the Meso-Alpine metamorphism display variable phengite contents. Although these micas show Tertiary Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages, the variable phengite content presumably reflects conditions during the Eo-Alpine high-P/“low-T” metamorphism. This interpretation implies that the cations occupying the interlayer positions are more easily equilibrated than those in octahedral and tetrahedral structural sites. A compilation of 3T white K-mica occurrences described in the literature is given in the appendix.  相似文献   
The phase relations of pyroxenes, amphiboles and associated minerals in metamorphic rocks of the Franciscan Complex can be graphically depicted on a ternary diagram which has at its apices the metamorphic clinopyroxene end members, viz NaAl-NaFe3+-Ca(Fe2+, Mg). Phases are plotted by projection from a constant subassemblage of minerals. This analysis allows interpretation of the effects of pressure, temperature, bulk rock composition and fluid composition on stability of minerals within the Franciscan.Pyroxenes in meta-igneous rocks and metagraywackes have a limited compositional range and fall into two groups: the omphacites, with 50±5% diopside +hedenbergite component; and the jadeitic pyroxenes with 10±5% diopside+hedenbergite. Pyroxenes intermediate between these two groups are unstable relative to assemblages containing Na-amphibole+other minerals.Coexisting pyroxenes and amphiboles in eclogites and associated coarse blueschists comprise equilibrium assemblages, and the proportion of pyroxene to amphibole is a function of rock composition. Eclogites are stable at higher temperature than regionally developed fine-grained greenstones and blueschists in the Franciscan, and at higher pressure than amphibolites. X H2O fluid is not an important factor in the stability of Franciscan eclogite relative to amphibolite.  相似文献   
An analytical and experimental study of zoning in plagioclase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A detailed electron microprobe study has been conducted on natural and experimentally grown zoned plagioclase feldspars. Discontinuous, sector, and oscillatory chemical zoning are observed superimposed on continuous normal or reverse zoning trends. The relative accuracy of 3 element (Na, Ca, K) microprobe traverses was found statistically to be 2 mole percent. Comparison of microprobe data on natural zoned plagioclase with zoned plagioclase grown in controlled experiments has shown that it may be possible to distinguish zonal development resulting from physio-chemical changes to the bulk magma from zoning related to local kinetic control on the growth of individual crystals.  相似文献   
Modern subaerial sand beds deposited by major tsunamis and hurricanes were compared at trench, transect, and sub-regional spatial scales to evaluate which attributes are most useful for distinguishing the two types of deposits. Physical criteria that may be diagnostic include: sediment composition, textures and grading, types and organization of stratification, thickness, geometry, and landscape conformity.

Published reports of Pacific Ocean tsunami impacts and our field observations suggest that sandy tsunami deposits are generally < 25 cm thick, extend hundreds of meters inland from the beach, and fill microtopography but generally conform to the antecedent landscape. They commonly are a single homogeneous bed that is normally graded overall, or that consists of only a few thin layers. Mud intraclasts and mud laminae within the deposit are strong evidence of tsunami deposition. Twig orientation or other indicators of return flow during bed aggradation are also diagnostic of tsunami deposits. Sandy storm deposits tend to be > 30 cm thick, generally extend < 300 m from the beach, and will not advance beyond the antecedent macrotopography they are able to fill. They typically are composed of numerous subhorizontal planar laminae organized into multiple laminasets that are normally or inversely graded, they do not contain internal mud laminae and rarely contain mud intraclasts. Application of these distinguishing characteristics depends on their preservation potential and any deposit modifications that accompany burial.

The distinctions between tsunami and storm deposits are related to differences in the hydrodynamics and sediment-sorting processes during transport. Tsunami deposition results from a few high-velocity, long-period waves that entrain sediment from the shoreface, beach, and landward erosion zone. Tsunamis can have flow depths greater than 10 m, transport sediment primarily in suspension, and distribute the load over a broad region where sediment falls out of suspension when flow decelerates. In contrast, storm inundation generally is gradual and prolonged, consisting of many waves that erode beaches and dunes with no significant overland return flow until after the main flooding. Storm flow depths are commonly < 3 m, sediment is transported primarily as bed load by traction, and the load is deposited within a zone relatively close to the beach.  相似文献   

The composition of andesites from the Yamato central submarine rise and adjacent structures (Sea of Japan) points to the presence of a Late Cretaceous shortened and Oligocene-Miocene extended calc-alkaline series. With the general similarity of mineral assemblages of andesites, they are distinct in composition of minerals, which testifies to different formation conditions. The andesites of the extended type are the products of crystallization differentiation, whereas those of the shortened type are characterized by nonequilibrium composition of minerals, which reflects the heterogeneous primary melt, the composition of which discretely varied (probably repeatedly) during crystallization.  相似文献   
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