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Doklady Earth Sciences - The results of studies indicate that the age of the protoliths of garnet-bearing biotite–sericite–muscovite schists of the Inim Block is <991 Ma, and...  相似文献   
Combining Lu–Hf garnet geochronology with in situ trace element analyses in garnet allowed us to gain new insight into the metamorphic evolution of UHP–UHT rocks in the Stary Gierałtów region, in the Polish Sudetes. Prograde garnet growth recorded by Rayleigh-type heavy REE (HREE) zoning in the felsic granulites indicates that the obtained 386.6 ± 4.9 Ma Lu–Hf age represents the time of garnet crystallization on a prograde UHP metamorphic path. The surrounding rocks were metamorphosed at the same time as indicated by 381.2 ± 6.7 Ma Sm–Nd garnet age obtained for the mid-crustal metapelites. The second metamorphic episode, which affected most of the lower crust in the Orlica–Śnieżnik Massif (OSM) occurred at ca. 340 Ma as determined by U–Pb zircon and Sm–Nd garnet dating of granulites in this and previous studies is interpreted as a high temperature event, which took place on a retrograde path.

Trace element distribution in garnets from the layered granulites showed significant differences in distribution of medium and HREE in garnets from mafic and felsic protoliths over the course of the metamorphic evolution. This had strong impact on the isotopic dating results and led to “decoupling” of the Sm–Nd and Lu–Hf clocks, which recorded timing of the two different metamorphic episodes separated by as much as 40 Ma. Moreover, the preservation of the HREE growth zonation profile in garnets from the felsic granulites whose minimum metamorphic temperature was established at 900 °C implies that the Lu–Hf system under relatively dry conditions does not undergo significant diffusional re-equilibration even at such extreme temperatures and therefore it sill provides the age of prograde garnet growth. Under hydrous conditions, at least some resetting will take place, as documented by the partially relaxed HREE zonation profile in the amphibolitised mafic granulite, which yielded a 10 Ma younger age. The HREE distribution study appeared to be a particularly valuable and essential tool, which allowed us to distinguish garnet growth from post-growth complexities and hence, provide improved age interpretation. Medium REE, on the other hand, did not show any obvious correlation with the isotopic signature of garnet.

Two distinct metamorphic episodes recorded in the Stary Gierałtów region show that buoyancy-driven uplift of UHP rocks can be arrested at the base of a continental crust if not supported by any additional force. In our case study, the UHP rocks would have never reached the surface if their uplift had not been resumed after a long pause under a different tectonic regime. The multistage, discontinuous uplift revealed by the UHP rocks of the OSM provides a new scenario for the exhumation of continental crust from mantle depths distinct from the fast-track exhumation histories recognized in UHP terranes elsewhere.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous Banhad?o alkaline complex in southeastern Brazil presents two potassic SiO2-undersaturated series. The high-Ca magmatic series consist of initially fractionated olivine (Fo92-91) + diopside (Wo48-43En49-35Ae0-7), as evidenced by the presence of xenocrysts and xenoliths. In that sequence, diopside (Wo47-38En46-37Ae0-8) + phlogopite + apatite + perovskite (Prv>92) crystallized to form the phlogopite melteigite and led to the Ca enrichment of the magma. Diopside (Wo47-41En32-24 Ae3-14) continued to crystallize as an early mafic mineral, followed by nepheline (Ne74.8-70.1Ks26.3-21.2Qz7.6-0.9) and leucite (Lc65-56) and subsequently by melanite and potassic feldspar (Or85-99Ab1-7) to form melanite ijolites, wollastonite-melanite urtites and melanite-nepheline syenites. Melanite-pseudoleucite-nepheline syenites are interpreted to be a leucite accumulation. Melanite nephelinite dykes are believed to represent some of the magmatic differentiation steps. The low-Ca magmatic series is representative of a typical fractionation of aegirine-augite (Wo36-29En25-4Ae39-18) + alkali feldspar (Or57-96Ab3-43) + nepheline (Ne76.5-69.0Ks19.9-14.4Qz15.1-7.7) + titanite from phonolite magma. The evolution of this series from potassic nepheline syenites to sodic sodalite syenites and sodalitolites is attributed to an extensive fractionation of potassic feldspar, which led to an increase of the NaCl activity in the melt during the final stages forming sodalite-rich rocks. Phonolite dykes followed a similar evolutionary process and also registered some crustal assimilation. The mesocratic nepheline syenites showed interactions with phlogopite melteigites, such as compatible trace element enrichments and the presence of diopside xenocrysts, which were interpreted to be due to a mixing/mingling process of phonolite and nephelinite magmas. The geochemical data show higher TiO2 and P2O5 contents and lower SiO2 contents for the high-Ca series and different LILE evolution trends and REE chondrite-normalized patterns as compared to the low-Ca series. The 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd, 206Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb initial ratios for the high-Ca series (0.70407–0.70526, 0.51242–0.51251, 17.782–19.266 and 38.051–39.521, respectively) were slightly different from those of the low-Ca series (0.70542–0.70583, 0.51232–0.51240, 17.758–17.772 and 38.021–38.061, respectively). For both series, a CO2-rich potassic metasomatized lithospheric mantle enriched the source with rutile-bearing phlogopite clinopyroxenite veins. Kamafugite-like parental magma is attributed to the high-Ca series with major contributions from the melting of the veins. Potassic nephelinite-like parental magma is assigned to the low-Ca series, where the metasomatized wall-rock played a more significant role in the melting process.  相似文献   
Tailings resulted from sulphuric acid leaching process of uranium from sedimentary rocks contain high concentrations of 226Ra and its daughters, the most important of which is 222Rn. Movement of radon gas out of the tailings is strongly influenced by the physicochemical characteristics of these tailings especially their radium content and the grain size. So, the tailing samples were size fractionated into four sizes (>?250, 250–125, 125–74 and <?74 µm). The natural radioactivity was investigated using hyper-pure germanium detector and solid-state nuclear track detectors (CR-39) for bulk size and after size fractionation. The activity concentrations of different radionuclides in size-fractionated tailing samples have been shown to be strongly dependent on the size of the particles. In the range of >?250 and <?74 µm, the activity concentrations of 230Th, 226Ra, 214Pb, 214Bi, 210Pb, 232Th and 40K increased throughout with decreasing particle size, while that of 238U, 234U and 235U have an opposite effect. The results revealed an inverse relationship between the radon exhalation rate and size fractionation. Also, the results showed a good correlation between radium activity concentration and radon mass exhalation rate.  相似文献   
Biodiesel, a mixture of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) derived from animal fats or vegetable oils, is rapidly moving towards the mainstream as an alternative source of energy. However, the behavior of biodiesel, or blends of biodiesel with fossil diesel, in the marine environment have yet to be fully understood. Hence, we performed a series of initial laboratory experiments and simple calculations to evaluate the microbial and environmental fate of FAMEs. Aerobic seawater microcosms spiked with biodiesel or mixtures of biodiesel and fossil diesel revealed that the FAMEs were degraded at roughly the same rate as n-alkanes, and more rapidly than other hydrocarbon components. The residues extracted from these different microcosms became indistinguishable within weeks. Preliminary results from physical-chemical calculations suggest that FAMEs in biodiesel mixtures will not affect the evaporation rates of spilled petroleum hydrocarbons but may stabilize oil droplets in the water column and thereby facilitate transport.  相似文献   
We present four epochs of observations of the Galactic X-ray binarySS433 using the Australian Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). These observations, taken on 4 February, 29 February, 23 March and 27 June 2000, at four frequencies ranging from 1–9 Ghz, are used to monitor the circular polarised emission from the source. We obtain circular polarisation spectra for the first three epochs with spectralindices α, (m c ∝ν α), equal to 0.07±0.10, –1.07±0.09 and –0.18±0.05 and also observe a sign change in Stokes V. This change of handedness may indicate along-term restructuring of the magnetic field.  相似文献   
Summary. The secular variation of the declination, inclination and total force of the geomagnetic field has been plotted for 74 locations in North America. A comparison of the occurrences of maxima and minima in the SV curves from different stations shows little evidence of drift in North America. Although a declination maximum exhibits westward drift up to 1915, all other extrema in declination, inclination and total intensity occur almost simultaneously over a wide area. The major feature of SV in North America appears to be a 4000 nT decrease in the total field since 1850, which may be due to a decrease in the dipole moment coupled with the decay of a large non-dipole anomaly situated under the continent. Short-period changes in the rate of decrease are possibly jerks of the magnetic field. Maximum entropy spectral analysis of all three components of the field indicates periods of 102 and 53 yr.  相似文献   
We present the results from our timing of the millisecond pulsar B1937+21, performed jointly since 1997 on two radio telescopes: the RT-64 in Kalyazin (Russia) at a frequency of 0.6GHz and RT-34 in Kashima (Japan) at a frequency of 2.15 GHz. The rms value of the pulse time of arrival (TOA) residuals for the pulsar at the barycenter of the Solar system is 1.8 μs (the relative variation is ≈10?14 over the observing period). The TOA residuals are shown to be dominated by white phase noise, which allows this pulsar to be used as an independent time scale keeper. The upper limit for the gravitational background energy density Ωgh2 at frequencies ≈6.5 × 10?9 Hz is estimated to be no higher than 10?6. Based on the long-term timing of the pulsar, we have improved its parameters and accurately determined the dispersion measure and its time variation over the period 1984–2002, which was, on average, ?0.00114(3) pc cm?3 yr?1.  相似文献   
The results of the study of submicroscopic structures of oceanic oxide ores are described. The objects of study were Co-bearing Fe-Mn crusts from the Magellan Seamounts and Fe-Mn nodules from the Clarion-Clipperton province. The evolution of structural elements is traced in the crust section from the Lower Campanian-Maastrichtian to Pliocene-Quaternary layers. It was found that growing nodules actively entrap hosting sediments into the layered cover. The entrapment mechanism of sediments by nodules was revealed.  相似文献   
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