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Hydrocarbons and nitriles are produced in Triton's stratosphere by energetic electrons from Neptune's magnetosphere and other charged particle sources. Laboratory plasma experiments reported here show a substantial yield of molecules from low pressure flows of 10(-3) CH4 in N2 appropriate to Triton if both CH4 and N2 are saturated at the surface. An active magnetosphere similar to that of Uranus would result in a flux approximately 0.3 erg cm-2 s-1 of 0.1-1 MeV electrons in Triton's stratosphere; molecular production rates are then 10(6)-10(8) cm-2 s-1 for NH3, C2H2, HCN, and NCCN; tens of hundreds of gm cm-2 of these compounds per 10(9) yr (and lesser quantities of at least eight other molecules experimentally detected) would freeze to fine-grained white condensates in the lower stratosphere and sediment to the surface. Along with dark/colored organic haze produced in the stratosphere and other heteropolymers produced at the surface, these condensates are subjects to redistribution by aeolian processes and may appear as lag deposits and/or sediment layers. A simple eddy diffusion model indicates abundances approximately 10(19) molec cm-2 for HCN and C2H2, and > 10(17) molec cm-2 for NCCN, CH3CCH, CH2CCH2, and CH3CN in the stratosphere; these and other organic molecules will be detectable by IRIS if the stratosphere is (as expected) heated through ultraviolet and visible light absorption by the haze.  相似文献   
一、导言 Erickson 和 Winston,(1972)第一次从气象卫星云图上观测到从西北太平洋的一个命名热带气旋(以下不管其强度,一概称为台风)的中心偶尔有范围很大的一股含有中云和高云的云流向东北方流出。作者们指出,这种云流是由大量的热带的热量和水汽输送到西风带里去造成的。Ramage(1974)研究了中国南海1970年10月的3个台风,得到的结论是:高空云流外流是由于在对流层上层有西风槽逼近而在槽前又有热通量的辐散所引起的。他还发现,在槽线以东的涡度平流会增强台风上空的质量辐散,而在云流形成时,风速也随之加大。他的这个发现与Riehl(1972)的结论是一致的,  相似文献   
伯利兹(Belize)现代礁以250km长的堡礁和3个孤立台地或环礁的形式存在 ,它们是太平洋最大的礁系。伯利兹市北部堡礁后泻湖的深度不超过5m ,而在伯利兹市南部的堡礁南端 ,泻湖的水深>40m。在近海孤立台地上从北向南也可以见到这种相似的加深趋势。Turneffe群岛和礁内泻湖的最深处≤8m。相反 ,在南部 ,格洛弗(Glovers)礁的台地内部最大水深达18m。这个主礁系的深部基底是3个沿被动大陆边缘的或多或少平行的北 -北东向的断块组成的系列。从西向东有安伯格里斯(Ambergris)礁岛岸线趋势、…  相似文献   
This paper describes an analysis of natural and anthropogenic factors controlling the evolution of gullies in a rural basin in the basaltic upland in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil. In this region of deep ferrallitic soils with more than 60% clay, runoff and erosion are of increasing concern. In the TaboAo drainage basin (100 km^2), gully erosion was studied in a field survey that measured rills and gullies. Eighty-four gullies were identified. They had an average length of 136 m, were 10 m wide, and 3 m deep and had a volume of 15.458 m3. Each gully was characterised in terms of factors that included slope, geological structure, presence of piping, drainage, soil use, and the presence of surface and subsurface flow. On average, the main channels had knickpoints varying from 2 m to 7 m, and their evolution in the vertical plane increased until bed-rock basalt material was reached, after which gullies increase in width and length. Gully development was also monitored from 1991 to 2003. Subsurface flow appears to be the principal agent controlling their development. Results show that both natural (slope, surface curvature, geological structure and rainfall) and anthropogenic (soil use, road construction) factors are important in gully development. The change in cultural practices throughout the drainage basin from conventional to direct seeding has led to increased subsurface flow, which was more important than surface runoff in causing erosion. However, the higher rainfall during E1 Nifio Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events and the consequently higher subsurface flow were the dominant factors. From 1991 to 2003 a total land loss of 1,013 m3 was observed in one gully, with 236 m^3 lost during the 1992 ENSO and 702 m3 during the 1997 ENSO; 95% of the total volume lost occurred during ENSO periods.  相似文献   
古地磁数据显示了在古地磁和热点参照系之间的不到1000km的运动,即100Ma(百万年)期间的真极移,它意味着地球自转轴一直是相当稳定的。这个长期的自转稳定性可以用晚中生代和新生代的大规模板块运动的缓慢变化来解释,只要俯冲带的岩石层是地幔对流导致的地幔密度不均匀性的主要部分。因此,不需要引入其他诸如自转不规则的缓慢再调整之类的机制,就可以解释所观测到的缓慢的真极移。  相似文献   
As a pioneer worker in almost every phase of the Chinese geology,the late Dr. V. K. Ting was also a pioneer and enthusiastic worker inthe geology of the Western Hills. It was due to his noble effort andsupervision that the first systematic investigation of 1916 was carried out  相似文献   
北大西洋海流是大洋循环的重要组成部分,将热带的热量从墨西哥湾传输到北大西洋北部。这些热量被释放进向东移动的气团中,极大地改善了欧洲北部的冬季气候。我们通过模式模拟预测出:随着CO2浓度的持续增加(IPCC第3个评价报告:气候变化,2001),下个世纪的大洋循环会极大地减弱。自从20世纪60年代早期以来,我们开始观察到由于来自Nordic海的流量减少,北大西洋北部的海水不断淡化(Hansen等,2001;Dickson等,2002)。  相似文献   
研究了断裂面分形特征的力学特征,同时研究了自相似和自仿射分形裂纹尖端附近应力和应变的奇异性结构,讨论了二维和三维固体中分形裂纹的3种经典断裂型式和第四种断裂型式。发现分形断裂力学中有6种断裂型式。同时,结果表明J积分与路径有关。阐明了文献中提出修改的、且被证明与路径无关的,积分仅局部与路径无关,而且没有物理意义。可以推测,分形,积分应当是单位裂纹扩展分形测度的势能释放率。我们计算了某些应变硬化材料中分形裂纹应力知应变奇异性的幂。结果显示,分形裂纹尖端的应力和应变比光滑裂纹的应力和应变有较弱的奇异性。  相似文献   
Harvie和Weare(1980)的矿物溶解度模型,被扩展到25℃时高浓度的8组份体系Na-K-Mg-Ca-H-Cl-SO_4-OH-HCO_3-CO_3-CO_2-H_2O。该模型就其水电解质溶液的热力学而言,是以Pitzer(1973)及其同事们的半经验公式为基础的。利用大量的适用于大多数亚体系的有效的等压、电动势及溶解度资料,把模型参数化。模型的推测能力,已通过体系中比参数化所用资料更为复杂的实验资料进行对比而证实。本文讨论了水电解质溶液的化学模型的基本特点和pH与溶液平衡特性之间的关系。  相似文献   
E.F.Laine  阎贫 《世界地质》1990,9(2):38-43
为了构造蒸汽驱油范围内重油砂的层析图像,需要得到井间地震速度及高频电磁(EM)衰减数据,用了初至地震波来构造两井间的一块10m宽、8m高的垂直平面的彩色层析图像,用两个高频(17及15MHz)EM透射层析构造了20m宽、8m高平面,速度层析图明显地指示了一面岩层、其上、下都有油砂,EM层析图则指示了一更复杂的有页岩夹层的油砂地质,最深的EM层析图显示出了活动蒸汽区的上部,并指出了页岩层下蒸汽运移的通道,这些结果显示了井间整个平面的详细结论,并提供了一更好的方法,来理解蒸汽驱油环境的原地重油回采工艺。  相似文献   
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