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依据实验的根本目的,为拓展学生对地理过程的理解,体验真实的地理原理,笔者将中学地理科学实验划分为经典实验室实验、时间变化模型实验、类比实验、空间变化模型实验、物理模型实验以及计算机模型实验六大类型,并对每一类型实验进行举例分析,希望以此深化地理科学实验的理论研究、丰富地理科学实验的实践案例、培养学生的地理核心素养,为地理科学实验教学研究提供新的视角。  相似文献   
中国化工产业布局演变与影响机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邹辉  段学军 《地理科学》2020,40(10):1646-1653
基于2003—2013年的企业数据,研究了中国化工产业及其行业空间布局演化、影响因素及机理。结果表明:①化工企业呈现沿海-陇海线-沿长江的"π"字型分布格局,集中在长三角、珠三角、环渤海、长株潭等4个热点区,天津-淄博、上海-南京、广州-茂名等化工集聚区的双核结构凸显,布局演变呈分散化趋势;②整体上高污染、低附加值的基础化工行业由沿海地区向中西部地区转移,反之相对精细高端的行业集中在沿海地区或在沿海地区内部转移;③整体上港口条件、市场需求、地理区位、环境规制的影响贡献呈现下降趋势,而资源条件、外商投资、科技投入等要素的贡献上升,不同行业影响程度和趋势存在差异。  相似文献   
为了揭示马铃薯连作化感物质与枯萎病之间的关系,通过水培和田间长期定位试验相结合方法,收集不同连作年限马铃薯根系分泌物,采用GC-TOF-MS进行分离鉴定.结果表明:在检测到的马铃薯根系分泌的48种物质中有机酸占30种.比较轮作、连作5年和连作10年马铃薯根系分泌物中有机酸的相对含量,发现苹果酸和棕榈酸的差异比较大.马铃...  相似文献   
Two typical provincial capitals (Nanjing and Zhengzhou) and two counties (Rugao and Yuanyang) in east (Jiangsu Province) and central (Henan Province) China were chosen respectively as the developed and less developed comparative cases for pedodiversity and land use diversity correlative analysis by borrowing the recently better developed pedodiversity methodology. Land use classification was worked out using remote sensing images in three different periods (1986-1988, 2000-2001 and 2004-2006) for these studied case areas before the calculation of the constituent diversity index and spatial distribution diversity index modified after Shannon entropy in 2 km×2 km grid scale of the soil and land use pattern were conducted and then a connection index was proposed to evaluate the relationship between soil and land use diversity. Results show that during the years from 1986 to 2006, the composition and spatial distribution of regional land use pattern had changed greatly. The agricultural land area of all the studied case areas decreased obviously in which Nanjing has the highest decrement of 895.98 km 2 mainly into urban use while the other land use type area changes show the same trend. The connection index of four typical soil family types and typical urban land use types, i.e., urban construction land, transportation land and industrial and mining area all increased in this period. In the studied case areas, there is the highest soil constituent diversity in Zhengzhou at 0.779 while the simplest soil constituent diversity in Rugao at 0.582. Meanwhile we have higher land use diversity in the more urbanized Jiangsu Province than Henan Province, Nanjing is ranking the first that has been getting higher and higher in the three periods at 0.366 in 1986-1988, 0.483 in 2000-2001 and 0.545 in 2004-2006. Finally, the connection index figures to evaluate the relationship between soil and land use diversity of the studied areas were compared to show the similar phenomenon that this figure grows fastest in Nanjing followed by Zhengzhou and other places.  相似文献   
Wild barley (Hordeum vulgare spp. spontaneum) is the undisputed progenitor of cultivated barley and offers considerable potential as a genetic resource for barley improvement. Naturally occurring populations are distributed primarily across the Fertile Crescent, but secondary areas of diversity are also found in central Asia and Tibet. The pattern of its genetic diversity is non-random, and is structured on a global, regional and local scale. On a global scale, diversity follows ecogeography, while on a regional and local scale, it is more strongly determined by ecology. Populations growing in areas where the climate is unreliable and/or the soil is heterogeneous tend to retain the most diversity. A large number of accessions are currently conserved ex situ, but a high proportion of these have originated from the Fertile Crescent. Given the likelihood of future climate change, conserving germplasm both in situ and ex situ in the various regions where the species’ currently existing is a research priority. The value of H. vulgare spp. spontaneum for the improvement of cultivated barley lies largely in its potential contribution to the levels of attainable pathogen resistance and abiotic stress tolerance.  相似文献   
信息化社会下的旅游流空间分布特征是一个全新的研究视角。从中国大陆31个省份中选取69个A级景区,利用新浪微博,获取省域范围内的粉丝分布情况。从总体、区域和主要出游地区3个方面,提取省域出游驱动力的空间分布特征。在微博用户的关系视角下,全国出游驱动力分布呈现明显差异,广东、北京两地在出游驱动力方面遥遥领先;通过省份-景点微博关系矩阵构成的出游驱动有向流发现,和东部地区的联系几乎占了全国出游驱动流的全部,而全国旅游接待的分布却相对均衡;最后,还发现了5个主要的聚类出游地区,并分析其特征。  相似文献   
化肥是提高作物产量的物质基础, 在过去的几十年中, 它在世界农业建设中起过巨大作用。近百年的肥料试验表明, 化学肥料具有和有机质一样的持续增产效果, 在提高作物产量、品质的同时, 还可培肥土壤。随着化肥工业的发展, 化肥的负作用会逐渐减小。  相似文献   
基于2016、2017年生长季原位气象监测数据,利用Shuttleworth-Wallace(S-W)模型模拟了科尔沁沙地主要固沙植物小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylla)群落的蒸散发,对蒸散组分进行了拆分,并利用涡度相关系统对模拟蒸散发值进行了验证。结果表明:2016、2017年生长季小叶锦鸡儿群落蒸散发量分别为345.4、325.2 mm,土壤蒸发量分别为93.8、83.8 mm,植被蒸腾量分别为251.6、241.4 mm,土壤蒸发占总蒸散发分别为27.2%、25.8%。30 min尺度上模拟值与实测值一致性较高,模拟精度大体表现为晴天>阴天>雨天。持续干旱和降水后,小叶锦鸡儿蒸腾耗水规律明显不同,持续干旱时期小叶锦鸡儿保持较低的蒸腾耗水,且具有明显的"午休"现象,连续降水后小叶锦鸡儿"午休"消失,蒸腾耗水增强。饱和水汽压差是影响小叶锦鸡儿蒸散发的主要因子。  相似文献   
National and international research on regional development has matured from the use of single elements and indicators to the application of comprehensive multi-element and multi-indicator measures. We selected 12 indicators from six dimensions for analysis in this study, including income, consumption, education, population urbanization, traffic, and indoor living facilities. We then proposed the polyhedron method to comprehensively measure levels of regional multidimensional development. We also enhanced the polygon and vector sum methods to render them more suitable for studying the status of regional multidimensional development. Finally, we measured levels of regional multidimensional development at county, city, and provincial scales across China and analyzed spatial differences using the three methods above and the weighted sum method applied widely. The results of this study reveal the presence of remarkable regional differences at the county scale across China in terms of single and multidimensional levels of regional development. Analyses show that values of the regional multidimensional development index (RMDI) are high in eastern coastal areas, intermediate in the midlands and in northern border regions, and low in the southwest and in western border regions. Districts characterized by enhanced and the highest levels of this index are distributed in eastern coastal areas, including cities in central and western regions, as well as areas characterized by the development of energy and mineral resources. The regional distribution of reduced and the lowest levels of this index is consistent with concentrations of areas that have always been impoverished. Correlation analyses of the results generated by the four methods at provincial, city, and county scales show that all are equivalent in practical application and can be used to generate satisfactory measures for regional multidimensional development. Additional correlation analyses between RMDI values calculated using the polyhedron method and per capita gross domestic product (GDP) demonstrate that the latter is not a meaningful proxy for the level of regional multidimensional development.  相似文献   
Village is an important implementation unit of national poverty alleviation and development strategies of rural China, and identifying the poverty degree, poverty type and poverty contributing factors of each poverty-stricken village is the precondition and guarantee of taking targeted measures in poverty alleviation strategies of China. To respond it, we construct a village-level multidimensional poverty measuring model, and use indicator contribution degree indices and linear regression method to explore poverty factors, while adopting Least Square Error (LSE) model and spatial econometric analysis model to identify the villages’ poverty types and poverty difference. The case study shows that: (1) Spatially, there is obvious territoriality in the distribution of poverty-stricken villages, and the poverty-stricken villages are concentrated in contiguous poverty-stricken areas. The areas with the highest VPI, in a descending order, are Gansu, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Hunan, Qinghai, Sichuan, and Xinjiang. (2) The main factors contributing to the poverty of poverty-stricken villages in rural China include road construction, terrain type, frequency of natural disasters, per capita net income, labor force ratio, and cultural quality of labor force. The main causes of poverty include underdeveloped road construction conditions, frequent natural disasters, low level of income, and labor conditions. (3) Chinese poverty-stricken villages include six main subtypes, and most poverty-stricken villages are affected by multiple poverty-forming factors, reflected by a relatively high proportion of the three-factor dominant type, four-factor coordinative type, and five-factor combinative type. (4) There exist significant poverty differences in terms of geographical location and policy support, and the governments still need to carry out targeted poverty alleviation measures according to local conditions. The research can not only draw a macro overall poverty-reduction outline of impoverished villages in China, but also depict the specific poverty characteristics of each village, helping the government departments of poverty alleviation at all levels to mobilize all kinds of anti-poverty resources.  相似文献   
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