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The probability that an earthquake occurs when a train is running over a bridge in earthquake‐prone regions is much higher than before, for high‐speed railway lines are rapidly developed to connect major cities worldwide. This paper presents a finite element method‐based framework for dynamic analysis of coupled bridge–train systems under non‐uniform seismic ground motion, in which rail–wheel interactions and possible separations between wheels and rails are taken into consideration. The governing equations of motion of the coupled bridge–train system are established in an absolute coordinate system. Without considering the decomposition of seismic responses into pseudo‐static and inertia‐dynamic components, the equations of motion of the coupled system are formed in terms of displacement seismic ground motions. The mode superposition method is applied to the bridge structure to make the problem manageable while the Newmark‐β method with an iterative computation scheme is used to find the best solution for the problem concerned. Eight high‐speed trains running over a multi‐span steel truss‐arch bridge subject to earthquakes are taken as a case study. The results from the case study demonstrate that the spatial variation of seismic ground motion affects dynamic responses of the bridge–train system. The ignorance of pseudo‐static component when using acceleration seismic ground motions as input may underestimate seismic responses of the bridge–train system. The probability of separation between wheels and rails becomes higher with increasing train speed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
大庆地震台网近震震级偏差分析与校正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取大庆地震台网2002-2009年近震报告资料,以《黑龙江省地震目录》给出的震级为标准,进行震级偏差统计.按地区分段校正后,震级精度明显提高.  相似文献   
位于青藏高原东南缘的川滇菱形块体的地壳运动主要以鲜水河、安宁河、则木河、小江、红河、澜沧江、龙门山等深大断裂的强烈构造活动为特征,新生代以来受青藏高原物质向东侧流动及阿萨姆顶点楔入的作用,使该地区构造活动复杂,地震活动强烈而频繁,是研究地壳形变与地震的有利地区之一.但由于形变观测资料时空分布的制约,以前很多学者对川滇地区活动断裂的GPS形变研究主要以大尺度为主,主要反映川滇块体的整体运动特征,而对于利用GPS研究各个块体间的相互作用及其对边界带的活动构造的作用缺少深入的分析,本文正是基于1998~2002年间该地区200多GPS点位的三期GPS复测资料(网络工程和973项目),将川滇地区分为9个次级活动块体,计算了各个活动块体的欧拉旋转矢量和主要活动断裂的运动速度,并分析了该地区的应变场特征和地震危险性.结果表明川滇地区活动块体的运动有以下特点:  相似文献   
地震重现时间间隔的分布规律研究对于短期和中长期地震预测、地震灾害预防和救援有着重要的理论和实际意义,如果能够确定地震重现时间间隔的概率密度函数(probability density function-pdf),则在统计学的意义上,能够对地震再次发生的概率进行评估和预测.在地震重现时间间隔的pdf研究中,一个核心问题是如何判断某个pdf是否能够有效地描述地震重现时间间隔分布特征.作者提出利用特征地震重现时间间隔数据的变化系数(COV)与其偏度(S),变化系数与其峰度(K)的相关关系对所选择的pdf的适用性进行判别.研究表明,常用的一些概率密度函数(对数正态分布、gamma分布、Weibull分布和指数分布)并不合适作为描述特征地震的重现时间间隔分布的数学模型.  相似文献   
基于定义的二类优化目标函数,评价双层多重调谐质量阻尼器(DMTMD)控制策略对漂移频率系数(DFR)摄动的鲁棒性。数值研究表明,使用第二类优化准则设计的DMTMD、双重调谐质量阻尼器(DTMD)和多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)比使用第一类优化准则设计的DMTMD、DTMD和MTMD具有更高的对DFR摄动的鲁棒性。而且,使用第二类优化准则设计的总数为4的DMTMD、DTMD和总数为11的MTMD具有近似相同的对DFR摄动的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
大泊口位于滇池草海南部,水域面积0.52 km2,平均水深约2 m,作为滇池草海重富营养化水域生态修复示范区,大泊口分别于2015和2019年开展了两期生态修复工程,经过近年来的系统治理,大泊口水生态治理效果初步显现。为分析探究成功修复湖区水质改善、生态系统企稳向好的原因,本研究选择2015年2月—2021年12月共7年的连续监测数据,根据工程开展情况以及水生态状况将大泊口水域划分为4个部分(A1~A4水域),首先分析4个区域内主要的水质指标(悬浮物(SS)、化学需氧量(CODCr)、总磷(TP)、总氮(TN)和叶绿素a(Chl.a))的变化趋势和相关性,其次探究不同类型生态工程的修复效果,最后与草海和外海水域进行对比,分析大泊口的治理效果。结果表明,治理后大泊口A1~A4水域的CODCr、TP和Chl.a稳定下降,CODCr分别降低18.65、27.96、25.26、40.92 mg/L,TP分别降低0.11、0.10、0.11、0.14mg/L,Chl.a分别降低0.037、0.068、0.06...  相似文献   
大量研究表明地震孕育过程中存在相对平静期,该阶段b值会相对下降,b值变化在地震活动性研究中起着十分重要的作用。2021年5月22日青海玛多发生MS7.4地震,为研究地震前b值时空变化特征,本文截取2009年至震前地震目录,将地震目录分为去除余震目录、完整地震目录,对比研究b值变化特征。研究发现,玛多MS7.4地震前1年b值开始低于均值且不断下降,至b值有上升趋势时地震发生,扩大到区域内其它5级以上地震,也符合此规律,地震发生后b值明显上升,短时间内又下降至较低位置,并一直处于较低位置直至下次地震发生;从b值空间扫描结果看,玛多MS7.4地震前,震中位于低b值区域,该位置为b值最低处;通过不同时间段的b值空间扫描结果,可发现玛多MS7.4地震发生前低b值区域向震中不断迁移,表明地震发生前震中附近应力不断集中;b值空间扫描时,完整地震目录掩盖了中强震震中区域低b值特性,去余震地震目录较好的凸显了中强震震中区域低b值特性。  相似文献   
In this study, simplified numerical models are developed to analyze the soil-structure interaction (SSI) effect on frame structures equipped with viscoelastic dampers (VEDs) based on pile group foundation. First, a single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) oscillator is successfully utilized to replace the SDOF energy dissipated structure considering the SSI effect. The equivalent period and damping ratio of the system are obtained through analogical analysis using the frequency transfer function with adoption of the modal strain energy (MSE) technique. A parametric analysis is carried out to study the SSI effect on the performance of VEDs. Then the equilibrium equations of the multi degree-of-freedom (MDOF) structure with VEDs considering SSI effect are established in the frequency domain. Based on the assumption that the superstructure of the coupled system possesses the classical normal mode, the MDOF superstructure is decoupled to a set of individual SDOF systems resting on a rigid foundation with adoption of the MSE technique through formula derivation. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed methods have the advantage of reducing computational cost, however, retaining the satisfactory accuracy. The numerical method proposed herein can provide a fast evaluation of the efficiency of VEDs considering the SSI effect.  相似文献   
Persistent economic growth in Chinese southwestern Yunnan Province is setting aquatic ecosystems in its plateau lakes under enormous pressure. While several different systems have previously been used to study these lakes, no existing methodology adequately measures both the chemical and biotic parameters of these water bodies. Here, we present a novel Biotic Monitoring Yunnan Lakes (BMYL) index that provides a general assessment tool for ecological deterioration that is caused by organic pollution. Principal Component Analysis is used to analyze the occurrence of families of macroinvertebrates and chemical properties of the lakes. In brief, families of macroinvertebrates were given a score from 10 to 1 based on sensitivity to organic enrichment and eutrophication. Sampling at each lake yielded an Average Score per Lake (ASPL) which is calculated by dividing the total BMYL by the total number of scoring families. High ASPL values characterize a biologically intact lake containing relatively large numbers of high scoring taxa, while lower ASPL values denote a polluted lake that does not support many high scoring taxa. The results of the BMYL show a notably more accurate characterization of the long-term health of concerned aquatic ecosystems than studies that use abundance levels of species or a simple analysis of chemical parameter.  相似文献   
对全国自动地震速报系统进行了初步的评估. 通过2010年1月1日—2011年12月31日的自动定位结果与全国正式目录的对比, 分别得出了3套自动定位系统总体误差以及全国和全球的误差插值图, 并对结果进行了总结. 同时, 还针对3套自动定位系统的漏报和误报情况进行了分析和讨论. 总体来说, 现阶段自动地震速报系统整体上对于首都圈地区M≥3.0, 国内其它地区M≥4.0(部分台站稀疏的西部地区M≥5.0), 国外M≥7.0的地震基本可以达到全面覆盖的程度, 可以作为正式地震速报的参考, 对于建立“自动报—正式报”的两级地震速报制度能提供有力的技术支撑.  相似文献   
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