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在位场数据处理中,垂向导数具有重要的物理意义。其在一定程度上可以划分不同深度和大小异常源产生的叠加异常,且导数的阶次越高,这种分辨能力就越强,但通常认为高阶导数的换算是不稳定的。本文在Tikhonov正则化求位场垂向高阶导数的基础上,结合迭代法进行逐次逼近,提出了位场高阶导数的Tikhonov正则化迭代法,并且得到Tikhonov正则化迭代法的递推公式。通过对该方法的滤波特性分析可以看出,该方法计算的位场垂向高阶导数具有一定的稳定性及保幅性。模型试验和实际数据的处理表明,该方法计算结果较常规FFT求导法有更高的稳定性和实用价值。  相似文献   
For decades of exploration, geologists have made great achievements in the exploration of lacustrine carbonate rocks. By dissecting four typical cases of lacustrine carbonate rocks, such as Lucaogou Formation of Permian in Junggar Basin, Da'anzhai Section of Jurassic in Sichuan Basin, Cretaceous in Yin'e Basin and Oligocene in Qaidam Basin, the reservoir characteristics, hydrocarbon generating capacity and reservoir forming model of source rocks were analyzed. The results show that: Lacustrine carbonate reservoirs are generally dense, with nano-micron reservoir space as the main reservoir space, including dolomite intergranular pore, organism cavity and accumulation pore, micro-fracture system and its corrosion expansion pore. Saline environment is beneficial to dolomitization and can improve the reservoir capacity of lacustrine carbonate rocks, but most of the permeability is less than 0.1 mD. Lacustrine carbonate rocks have not only reservoir capacity, but also can be used as source rocks. The abundance of organic matter is not high and the maturity is generally low. However, dispersed soluble organic matter in source rocks can generate and expel hydrocarbons in large quantities at low maturity stage, which has high liquid hydrocarbon yield. Oil and gas reservoirs are characterized by "high initial production, large reduction of production and long-term low and stable production", and are typical "fracture-pore" reservoirs. Fracture networks provide migration pathways in the process of primary migration and accumulation of oil and gas in geological history and oil and gas exploitation nowadays. Oil and gas reservoirs are "continuous" unconventional reservoirs, which often form regional oil and gas field groups together with conventional reservoirs in adjacent areas. The research results lay a theoretical foundation for re-evaluating the exploration potential of lacustrine carbonate rocks.  相似文献   
利用常规气象资料、ERA5再分析资料、北京VDRAS资料以及雷达资料,对2021年7月31日发生在河北中南部的一次弓状强飑线过程进行分析。结果表明:(1)此次飑线过程发生在冷涡的背景下,500 hPa涡后的冷空气与850 hPa的暖脊叠加,建立了不稳定层结,在地面辐合线附近触发。(2)雷达回波由分散的对流单体合并加强,强弓形出现时,最大强度值超过55 dBZ,存在径向速度大值区和中层径向辐合等特征,这些都预示地面大风的出现,而回波悬垂预示冰雹出现。(3)雷达反演的风场可以显示飑线的水平和垂直结构,能清楚地指示飑线的出流、入流以及辐合区,对指示飑线不同部位的发展趋势有重要指示意义。(4)地面风场辐合导致雷暴单体触发,雷暴单体在不稳定的大气层结中获得快速发展,发展过程中0~3 km的垂直风切变逐渐增强,低层形成冷池,热力不均匀区域扩大,沿着扰动温度梯度大值区与风场辐合区,新生对流向东向南传播,分散对流单体合并演变为飑线。(5)从飑线发展阶段的热动力结构分析中发现,由倾斜上升气流与下沉气流形成垂直环流,下沉气流增强时,冷池效应增强,低层环境垂直风切变也增强,环境条件的改变是飑线发展的结果,同...  相似文献   
塔里木盆地广泛发育有二叠纪玄武岩,产于库普库兹曼组和开派兹雷克组中。本文对库普库兹曼组玄武岩进行锆石LA-ICPMSU-Pb精确定年,并首次进行该区玄武岩锆石的铪(Hf)同位素分析。库普库兹曼组底部玄武岩的锆石LA-ICPMSU-Pb加权平均年龄为291.9±2.2Ma(MSWD=0.30,n=17),说明玄武岩为早二叠世岩浆活动产物,该年龄值指示了塔里木大火成岩省二叠纪基性岩浆活动的下限年龄;库普库兹曼组顶部玄武岩获得了293.9±4.6Ma的锆石年龄,与底部锆石年龄在误差范围内基本一致,指示了库普库兹曼组玄武质岩浆活动的时间较为短暂,291.9±2.2Ma可以代表塔里木盆地二叠纪普库兹曼组玄武岩的成岩时代。库普库兹曼组玄武岩中存在大量继承性或捕获的老年龄锆石,指示玄武岩浆在上升过程中与地壳物质发生了混染作用。锆石原位微量、稀土元素分析显示,库普库兹曼组玄武岩锆石具有典型岩浆结晶的基性岩锆石特征,且没有发生明显的后期改造作用。库普库兹曼组玄武岩锆石εHf(t)同位素值在-4.84~-0.65之间,具富集岩石圈地幔源区特征,指示了塔里木大火成岩省二叠纪基性岩浆岩源于富集岩石圈地幔,其地幔源区性质明显不同于新疆北部准噶尔地区同时代A型花岗岩的地幔源区。  相似文献   
内蒙古自治区胜利煤田煤-锗矿床元素地球化学性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内蒙古自治区胜利煤田煤-锗矿是新近发现的特大型锗矿床,矿区元素地球化学性质表现为:碱性元素Ca、K、Na、Mg、Al等相对富集,锗与其关系为正相关;轻重稀土元素分异度较大,轻稀土元素较为富集,随锗含量的递增,轻稀土元素由富集逐渐减弱,重稀土元素逐渐出现较弱富集;锗含量与REE、LREE负相关,与LREE/REE、δEu正相关,与La/Yb、La/Sm、(La/Yb)n、(La/Sm)n、δCe值均呈负相关关系;而锗含量与灰分指数呈负相关关系。成煤沼泽中比较平静停滞的水文条件有利于溶液中的锗被有机质充分吸附。胜利煤田煤-锗矿形成环境为弱碱性及还原性较强的环境。煤-锗矿床的稀土元素地球化学特征具有继承性,稀土主要来自物源区的无机物质,胜利煤田西南部盆缘的岩石富含锗,可能就是煤-锗矿床中锗的原始来源。锗源母岩区全锗的供给和全锗进入成煤沼泽后的水文地质条件对锗在泥炭中的富集具有控制作用。  相似文献   
We synthesize more than 2600 Hf isotope data on the Archean-Paleoproterozoic zircons from the North China Craton (NCC). Recalculation of the data based on single stage and two-stage Hf model ages of the Eastern Block of the NCC shows peak ages of 3902 ± 13 Ma and 3978 ± 18 Ma, respectively, and also small peaks at 3.5–4.0 Ga. The majority of zircon εHf(t) values are positive, suggesting the possibility of the crust and the mantle differentiation at ca. 3.9–4.0 Ga in the Eastern Block of the NCC. Most magmatic zircons from the whole of NCC have their Hf model age range of 2.4–2.9 Ga, and the single stage model ages is cluster at 2698 ± 4 Ma, whereas the two-stage model ages concentrate at 2714 ± 5 Ma, implying that the protoliths were juvenile crustal rocks. The most prominent peak at 2.7 Ga indicates that this period marks the most important stage of the crust-mantle differentiation and crust formation of the NCC. The widespread 2.5 Ga rocks in the NCC and the absence of the 2.5 Ga peaks in Hf model ages are consistent with the partial melting and reworking of the juvenile rocks at 2.5 Ga. Furthermore, the 2.5–1.7 Ga zircon Hf isotope features are also related to the reworking of the crustal rocks. Our results from the integration of a large database suggest that the Eastern Block and the Trans-North China Orogen have undergone similar crust-mantle differentiation and magmatism, leading to the conclusion that the essential cratonization of the North China took place at the end of Neoarchean.  相似文献   
Long-term highly accurate surface soil moisture data of TP(Tibetan Plateau)are important to the research of Asian monsoon and global atmospheric circulation.However,due to the sparse in-situ networks,the lack of soil moisture observations has seriously hindered the progress of climate change researches of TP.Based on the Dual-Channel soil moisture retrieval algorithm and the satellite observation data of AMSR-E(Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS),we have produced the surface soil moisture data of TP from 2003 to 2010 and analyzed the seasonal characteristic of the soil moisture spatial distribution and its multi-year changing trend in area of TP.Compared to the in-situ observations,the accuracy of the soil moisture retrieved by the proposed algorithm is evaluated.The evaluation result shows that the new soil moisture product has a better accuracy in the TP region than the official product of AMSR-E.The spatial distribution of the annual mean values of soil moisture and the seasonal variations of the monthly-averaged soil moisture are analyzed.The results show that the soil moisture variations in space and time are consistent with the precipitation distribution and the water vapor transmission path in TP.Based on the new soil moisture product,we also analyzed the spatial distribution of the changing trend of multi-year soil moisture in TP.From the comparisons with the precipitation changing trend obtained from the meteorological observation sites in TP,we found that the spatial pattern of the changing trend of soil moisture coincides with the precipitation as a whole.  相似文献   
利用高频GPS数据长基线双差精密定位技术,获取2011年3月日本Mw9.0强震近场和远场GPS连续参考站的瞬时动态形变。分析表明:距震源较近的IGS站(USUD)的同震动态形变水平方向幅度超过60 cm,震后水平形变达到30 cm;位于远场的GPS连续参考站(JLYJ)的动态形变,清晰地给出了地震面波引起的地表形变波形。对JLYJ站的谱分析表明,地震面波引起的动态形变周期为10~17 s,并出现了两次峰值,东西向和垂向上的动态位移量远大于北南向,说明JLYJ站的形变主要由Rayleigh波及其谐波所主导,Rayleigh波的传播速度为3.5 km/s,波长约50 km。  相似文献   
To study the impact of modern coal mining on the overlying formation, a full‐life‐cycle four‐dimensional seismic monitoring study has been carried out. Four seismic data campaigns have been performed using flexi‐bin geometry with square bins, with total duration of 171 days. The four seismic datasets have been processed with the same processing workflow and parameters; major problems such as statics correction, signal‐to‐noise ratio, resolution, and consistency processing are addressed taking into account the geological features of the research area. This guarantees that remaining four‐dimensional differences between the time‐lapse datasets show mostly geological factors due to the coal mining and effects such as surface subsidence. Our four‐dimensional seismic monitoring of modern coal mining shows that mined and unmined areas have significant zoning characteristics; coal mining has a direct impact on the overlying formation. The mining leads to obvious event subsidence, which reflects that overlying formations undergo subsidence during the mining process. The overlying formation appears as two zones called caving zone and fractured zone. We determine the fault dip of the overlying formation at one end of the working face to be 56°or so by calculation and conversion. We also see that, during the coal mining process, over time, the overlying formation has a self‐recovery capability, which gradually strengthens from the roof siltstone upward to the Aeolian sandstone near the surface. The stability of 20‐m coal pillars between working faces displays a strengthening trend and remains safe during the mining process due to both coal seam supporting and formation compaction effects.  相似文献   
Seismic damage of highway bridges during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Many highway bridges were severely damaged or completely collapsed during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.A field investigation was carried out in the strongly affected areas and over 320 bridges were examined. Damage to some representative highway bridges is briefly described and a preliminary analysis of the probable causes of the damage is presented in this paper. The most common damage included shear-flexural failure of the pier columns, expansion joint failure, shear key failure, and girder sliding in the transversal or longitudinal directions due to weak connections between girder and bearings. Lessons learned from this earthquake are described and recommendations related to the design of curved and skewed bridges, design of bearings and devices to prevent girder collapse, and ductility of bridge piers are presented.Suggestions for future seismic design and retrofitting techniques for bridges in moderate to severe earthquake areas are also proposed.  相似文献   
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