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Located in the middle segment of the Trans-North China Orogen, the Fuping Complex is considered as a critical area in understanding the evolution history of the North China Craton (NCC). The complex is composed of various high-grade and multiply deformed rocks, including gray gneiss, basic granulite, amphibolite, fine-grained gneiss and marble, metamorphosed to upper amphibolite or granulite facies. It can be divided into four rock units: the Fuping TTG gneisses, Longquanguan augen gneisses, Wanzi supracrustals, and Nanying granitic gneisses. U-Pb age and Hf isotope compositions of about 200 detrital zircons from the Wanzi supracrustals of the Fuping Complex have been analyzed. The data on metamorphic zircon rims give ages of 1.82-1.84 Ga, corresponding to the final amalgamation event of the NCC, whereas the data for igneous zircon cores yield two age populations at -2.10 and -2.51 Ga, with some inherited ages scattering between 2.5 and 2.9 Ga. These results suggest that the Wanzi supracrustals were derived from the Fuping TTG gneisses (-2.5 Ga) and the Nanying granitic gneisses (2.0-2.1 Ga) and deposited between 2.10 and 1.84 Ga. All zircons with -2.51 Ga age have positive initial εHf values from +1.4 to +10.9, suggesting an important crustal growth event at -2.5 Ga through the addition of juvenile materials from the mantle. The Hf isotope data for the detrital zircons further imply that the 2.8 Ga rocks are important components in the lower crust, which is consistent with a suggestion from Nd isotope data for the Eastern Block. The zircons of 2.10 Ga population have initial εHf values of-4.9 to +6.1, interpreted as mixing of crustal re-melt with minor juvenile material contribution at 2.1 Ga. These results are distinct from that for the Western Block, supporting that the Fuping Complex was emplaced in a tectonic active environment at the western margin of the Eastern Block.  相似文献   
总结了40m天线面板安装调试及检测的过程,分析了反映望远镜面板指标的吨性能检测结果。结果表明天线面板精度优于原设计要求。  相似文献   
重点围绕远程飞行器飞行轨道控制保障需求,开展了空中扰动引力计算和地面重力异常测量精度指标及海洋重力测量测线布设方案的分析与论证。首先通过解析和简化飞行器导航误差解表达式,定量估计了地球重力场对远程飞行器飞行轨迹的影响,并以一定量值的落点偏差为限定指标,研究论证了空中扰动引力的计算精度要求。在此基础上,通过对地面重力异常截断误差及数据传播误差的估计和分析,研究确定了地面/海面网格平均重力异常的观测分辨率和计算精度指标。以此为依据,提出了相对应的海洋重力测量测线布设方案,并通过数值计算验证了所提方案的合理性和有效性。  相似文献   
青藏高原及周边现今构造变形的运动学   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
青藏高原现今构造变形的定量化研究是理解其动力过程的基础 ,近年来高速发展的GPS(全球定位系统 )技术为测量大尺度现今构造变形提供了最有效的手段。我们利用青藏高原及周边的5 5 3个GPS观测数据给出了其现今构造变形的速度场 ,表明印度和欧亚板块之间的相对运动主要被青藏高原周边的地壳缩短和内部的走滑剪切所调整吸收。其中 ,喜马拉雅山系吸收了青藏高原总缩短量的 4 4%~ 5 3% ,北部的阿尔金山、祁连山和柴达木盆地吸收了 1 5 %~ 1 7% ,高原内部吸收了 32 %~4 1 %。青藏高原的“向东挤出”实际上是地壳物质的向东流动而不是刚性地块的挤出。这一地壳物质流动带在高原西部以地表张性正断层和共轭剪切走滑断层为特征 ,到高原中东部转换为巨型的弧形走滑断裂带 ,再到高原东北缘转换为地壳缩短和绕东喜马拉雅构造结的顺时针旋转。青藏高原的大尺度现今构造变形以连续变形为特  相似文献   
Atomistic simulations have been carried out to investigate the mechanisms of noble gas incorporation in minerals using both the traditional two-region approach and the “supercell” method. The traditional two-region approach has been used to calculate defect energies for Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe incorporation in MgO, CaO, diopside and forsterite in the static limit and at one atmosphere pressure. The possibilities of noble gas incorporation via both substitution and interstitial mechanisms are studied. The favored mechanism varies from mineral to mineral and from noble gas to noble gas. In all minerals studied, the variation of the solution energies of noble gas substitution with atomic radius appears approximately parabolic, analogous to those for 1+, 2+, 3+ and 4+ trace element incorporation on crystal lattice sites. Noble gas solution energies thus also fall on a curve, similar to those previously observed for cations with different charges, but with much lower curvature.The “supercell” method has been used to investigate the pressure dependence of noble gas incorporation in the same systems. Results indicate a large variation of the solubility of the larger noble gases, Kr and Xe with pressure. In addition, explicit simulation of incorporation at the (0 0 1) surface of MgO shows that the solubility of the heavier noble gases may be considerably enhanced by the presence of interfaces.  相似文献   
为研究棱梭不同地理群体间的形态差异,使用多元统计分析方法对采集自金门、厦门、虎门、湛江、北海和防城港6个地点邻近海域的棱梭群体样本的形态和矢耳石形态两方面进行比较研究。对棱梭样本的形态研究结合传统形态学和地标形态学开展,对矢耳石的形态研究则将传统耳石形态分析法和椭圆傅里叶分析法相结合,形态和耳石形态数据的分析结果相似。主成分分析结果表明从28个棱梭形态量度指标提取的前8个主成分累积贡献率为65. 868%,从85个耳石形态指标提取的前23个主成分的累积贡献率为79. 290%,根据临界值85. 000%可以推断这6个棱梭群体间形态和耳石形态上的差异不能够单独依靠少数指标来判断;聚类分析的结果总体显示出群体间差异与地理距离等因素相关联的分布规律;在判别分析中形态学量度指标的综合判别正确率为75. 9%,而耳石形态学指标的综合判别正确率略低,为69. 3%;对棱梭形态量度指标的单因子方差分析显示湛江棱梭群体与其他群体在形态上存在显著差异的量度指标较少。栖息地环境、饵料组成和海流等可能是导致形态学差异和耳石形态差异形成的主要因素。另一方面,理化因子的相似性和群体间的交流会减弱群体间形态和耳石形态的差异。  相似文献   
利用ERA-Interim再分析资料、NOAA海温资料、CMAP格点降水资料和中国气象站降水资料,通过合成、相关和回归分析等方法研究了1979—2012年东亚夏季风强度与其先兆信号的关系,并分析了热带海温异常的可能影响。研究表明:东亚夏季风先兆指数反映了2月200 hPa纬向风距平的主要模态特征 (EOF1),前冬热带中东太平洋海温偏低 (高),2月亚洲地区西风急流位置偏北 (偏南),东亚夏季风先兆指数偏强 (弱)。前期热带海温异常对东亚夏季风强度有明显影响,前冬热带中东太平洋海温偏低 (高) 有利于东亚夏季风偏强 (弱)。2月亚洲中纬度地区纬向风异常特征在春季不能持续,先兆信号与东亚夏季风强度的联系主要源自热带海洋。  相似文献   
通过智能物联网技术实时获取积水监测实况数据,利用天津市气象精细化格点预报产品和城市自动雨量观测站实况数据,以机器学习、神经网络模型和天津市城市内涝风险等级划分原理为基础,研究基于用户实时位置的城市内涝预报预警技术,研发天津市城市自动化积水监测预警系统。结果表明,该系统具备一定的城市内涝风险监测预警预报能力,并在2018—2020年多次重大天气过程中应用,积水深度预报结果与监测结果基本一致,应用数据表明验证结果良好,系统可以为政府防灾减灾决策、指挥调度提供精准、及时的气象数据支撑。  相似文献   
中国大陆地壳运动与强震关系研究   总被引:15,自引:10,他引:15  
利用GPS观测结果研究了中国大陆当前地壳运动的空间分布及其所揭示的大区域构造变形背景与趋势;讨论了区域水平运动、应变率场分布与强震地点的关系;通过对昆仑山口西Ms8.1等地震区域水平运动与形变的分析,研究了强震过程的区域形变场变化的主要特征;提出了识别孕震形变场以进行中长期强震地点预测的思路和途径。  相似文献   
2006-04,2008-04,2008-05沿长江干流采集表层水样,并于2006-05~2007-05在下游大通站进行每月2次、为期1 a的连续观测,测定溶解有机碳(DOC)、颗粒有机碳(POC)及总悬浮物(TSM).结果表明:长江重庆以上江段DOC浓度较低,重庆至河口由于人为污染排放DOC表现出高值;干流POC与TSM显著正先关,POC%(TSM)随TSM含量增大呈负指数关系下降.大通站有机碳浓度及通量均表现出明显的季节性,2006-06~2007-05全年经大通站进入河口的DOC、POC通量分别为1.17×106tC和1.88×106tC,其中洪季(5~10月)输运的有机碳占到总有机碳的70%,组成以颗粒态为主.三峡水库135 m及156 m蓄水后,泥沙在库区的沉降作用显著影响长江POC的输运特征及入海通量;从目前观测结果看,三峡库区DOC浓度并没有表现出明显的升高趋势,可能与水库运行时间尚短有关.  相似文献   
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