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Riassunto Per rappresentare una curva spaziale su un piano si può piegare un filo metallico secondo la curva e fotografarlo, operazione che però richiede molto tempo. Nel presente articolo l'A. illustra un dispositivo ottico che, sostituito alla matita della tavola di egresso della macchina diBush, è atto a descrivere su pellicola una curva simile all'immagine fotografica del filo. In questo studio si sono considerati soltanto i casi in cui la sorgente di luce che illumina la è all'infinito o nella origine delle coordinate, mentre il punto di vista à sempre all'infinito.
Summary One may represent a spatial curve on a plane by bending a metal thread along the curve and then photographing it, but in this way much time is wasted. In the present paper the A. suggests an optical device which, replaced to the pencil of the out-put table ofBush's machine, traces on film a curve that should look like the photographic image of the thread. In this study were taken into account only the cases in which the light source lighting , is at the infinite or in the coordinate origin, while the point of view is always at the infinite.
Zusammenfassung Am Südostrand des Münsterländer Kreidebeckens fließen alle größeren Wasserläufe im Bereich der Turonkalke nach NNE oder NE, obwohl das allgemeine Gelände- und Schichtengefälle nach NNW gerichtet ist. Die Ursachen für diese Abweichung sind im Mechanismus der Felserosion zu suchen, der im wesentlichen durch die Eigentümlichkeiten der Karstgerinne und durch die Gesteinszerklüftung bestimmt wird. Bei den Detailuntersuchungen geben sich komplexe Beziehungen zwischen Fließrichtung und Kluftrichtungen zu erkennen.Besonders bedeutend für die Entstehung der NNE gerichteten Täler sind die 170°- und 30°-streichenden Klüfte.
On the south-east border of the Cretaceous basin of Munster, Westfalia, the current directions of streams in the area of Turon-limestone go to NNE or NE, although the main dipping of land surface as well as bedding planes points towards NNW. This divergence is caused by the mechanism of rock erosion, which is determined by peculiarities of subterranean stream channels and joints in limestone. The investigations show complex relations between flow direction and direction of joints.The 170°- and 30°-striking joints are significant of the origin of the NNE direction of the valleys.

Résumé Dans le Turonien au bord sud-est du bassin Crétacé de Münster (Westphalie) toutes les rivières coulent en direction nord-nord-est ou nord-est, quoique la surface morphologique générale et les couches soient penchées en direction nord-nord-ouest. Cette divergence est expliquée par le mécanisme de l'érosion qui dépend principalement des fentes et du caractère des ruisseaux karstiques. Pendant ces études on a pu observer des relations complexes entre la direction des courants et la direction des fentes.Les fentes en direction nord-nord-est (30°) et sud-sud-est (170°) ont considérablement influencé l'origine des vallées.

- - , -. . . , NNE, , 170° 30°.

Herrn Professor Dr.Roland Brinkmann zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
We investigated two ‘gap-filler’ methods based on GPS-derived low-degree surface loading variations (GPS-I and GPS-C) and a more simple method (REF-S) which extends a seasonal harmonic variation into the expected Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission gap. We simulated two mission gaps in a reference solution (REF), which is derived from a joint inversion of GRACE (RL05) data, GPS-derived surface loading and simulated ocean bottom pressure. The GPS-I and GPS-C methods both have a new type of constraint applied to mitigate the lack of GPS station network coverage over the ocean. To obtain the GPS-C solution, the GPS-I method is adjusted such that it fits the reference solution better in a 1.5 year overlapping period outside of the gap. As can be expected, the GPS-I and GPS-C solutions contain larger errors compared to the reference solution, which is heavily constrained by GRACE. Within the simulated gaps, the GPS-C solution generally fits the reference solution better compared to the GPS-I method, both in terms of spherical harmonic loading coefficients and in terms of selected basin-averaged hydrological mass variations. Depending on the basin, the RMS-error of the water storage variations (scaled for leakage effects) ranges between 1.6 cm (Yukon) and 15.3 cm (Orinoco). In terms of noise level, the seasonal gap-filler method (REF-S) even outperforms the GPS-I and GPS-C methods, which are still affected by spatial aliasing problems. However, it must be noted that the REF-S method cannot be used beyond the study of simple harmonic seasonal variations.  相似文献   
Militarisation in South Africa is examined through a study of the development, organization and geography of military production. The rise of Armscor as a significant military-industrial enterprise is disclosed at the heart of the post-1960 growth of armaments production in South Africa. Despite intensifying arms embargoes, military industrialization in South Africa has attained a degree of self-sufficiency. Military production is analysed as a powerful implicit spatial policy shaping the South African space economy favouring in particular the development of the core metropolitan areas, most importantly the Johannesburg-Pretoria axis.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Zuge der lithologischen Bearbeitung eines Sandhorizontes im Pannon C der Oststeiermark (Österreich) wurden statistische Auswertungen mit Hilfe einer elektronischen Rechenanlage durchgeführt. Trendflächenanalysen lassen zum Teil Zusammenhänge zwischen der aus Schrägschichtungsmessungen festgestellten Sedimentationsrichtung (NW-SE) einerseits und den Korngrößenparametern der Sande sowie der Schwermineralführung andererseits vermuten.
In the course of lithological researches on sands occurring in Pannonian C in the east of the Province of Styria, Austria, statistical evaluations were made by means of a computer. Trend-surface analyses partly seem to indicate the existence of correlations between the paleocurrents (NW-SE), found as a result of measurements of cross-bedding on the one hand and the size-parameters of the sands as well as the heavy mineral composition on the other hand.

Résumé L'exploitation statistique de recherches lithologiques d'un horizon sableux au pannonien C à l'est de la Styrie (Autriche) fut réalisée à l'aide d'une calculatrice électronique. En analysant des surfaces d'équation polynomiale nous supposons des corrélations entre la direction de transport (constatée par des mesures de la stratification entrecroisée: NW-SE) et les paramètres granulométriques des sables ainsi que la contenance en minéraux lourds.

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Three parallel zones of Upper Proterozoic to Lower Palaeozoic sedimentary-volcanic cover rocks have been recognized in western Sierra Leone. The Kasila Group m the SW ist metamorphosed to the granulite facies and grades into the Marampa Schist Group, and this in turn grades into the unmetamorphosed Rokel River Group in the NE. Prior to this investigation, these rocks were thought to belong to different ages; the most highly metamorphosed was thought to be the oldest and the unmetamorphosed, the youngest. This view is unrealistic since field mapping has failed to reveal any sharp contacts between them and all available age data indicate their involvement in the Pan-African (ca. 550 Ma) Orogeny A model is proposed involving an intracontinental graben (aulacogen) extending from western Sierra Leone into the adjacent territories developed about 1000 Ma ago. During the Pan-African Orogeny a portion of the aulacogen fill overlying the remobilized basement was subjected to a regional metamorphism and deformation. The grade of metamorphism and the degree of deformation decreased steadily from the centre of the Pan-African domain to the contact with the West African craton. The unmetamorphosed and mildly deformed to undeformed equivalent rests on the craton.
Zusammenfassung Aus Sierra Leone werden drei Untereinheiten von oberproterozoischen bis unterpaläozoischen vulkano-sedimentären Schichten beschrieben, die nebeneinander liegen und ineinander übergehen.Die Kasila-Gruppe im SW, die bis zur Granulitfazies metamorphisiert ist, geht in die Marampa-Schiefer-Gruppe über, die wiederum in die unmetamorphisierte Rokel-River-Gruppe im NE überleitet. Vor dieser Untersuchung wurden diesen Gesteinen unterschiedliche Alter zugeordnet; die am stärksten metamorphisierten wurden als älteste, die unmetamorphisierten als jüngste Gesteine angesehen. Diese Betrachtung ist unrealistisch, da Geländekartierungen keine scharfen Kontakte erkennen lassen und alle erhältlichen Altersdaten die Einbeziehung in die Panafrikanische Orogenese (ca. 550 Ma) anzeigen. Es wird daher angenommen, da\ sich vor ungefähr 1000 Ma ein intrakontinentaler Graben (Aulakogen) entwickelte, der vom westlichen Sierra Leone bis in die benachbarten Territorien reichte. Während der Panafrikanischen Orogenese wurde ein Teil der dem remobilisierten Basement auflagernden Aulakogenfüllung einer Regionalmetamorphose und Deformation unterworfen. Die Stärke der Metamorphose und der Grad der Deformation nimmt vom Zentrum der panafrikanischen Region bis zum Kontakt mit dem westafrikanischen Kraton hin gleichmä\ig ab. Auf dem Kraton selbst liegen die nicht metamorphisierten, schwach- bis undeformierten Schichten (Rokel-River Gruppe).

Résumé On a reconnu, en Sierra Leone occidentale, trois zones parallèles de roches volcano-sédimentaires, d'âge protérozoÏque supérieur à paléozoÏque inférieur. Le groupe de Kasila, dans la région sud-ouest, est métamorphisé dans le faciès des granulites; il passe progressivement au groupe des Schistes de Marampa, qui passe lui-mÊme au groupe non métamorphique de Rokel River, dans la région nord-est. Jusqu'ici, ces roches ont été considérées comme d'âges différents, les plus métamorphiques étant les plus vieilles, et les non-métamorphiques les plus jeunes. Ce point de vue s'est avéré incorrect; en effet, la cartographie n'a pas révélé de contacts nets entre ces roches et, par ailleurs, les données disponibles relatives à leur age relient leur évolution à l'oro genèse pan-africaine (ca 550 Ma). Le modèle proposé fait appel à un graben intra-continental (aulacogène) qui s'étend de la Sierra Leone occidentale aux territoires contigus et s'est développé, il y a 1000 Ma environ; lors de l'orogenèse pan-africaine, la partie du remplissage de l'aulacogène qui recouvre le socle remobilisé a été soumise à une déformation et à un métamorphisme régionaux. Le degré du métamorphisme ainsi que l'intensité de la déformation décroissent régulièrement du centre du domaine pan-africain jusqu'au contact avec le craton ouest-africain. Sur le craton lui-mÊme reposent les couches équivalentes non métamorphiques, peu ou pas déformées, du groupe de Rokel-River.

- - -, . - , , , — -. ; , — . , .. , - .. 550 . , 1.0 / lakogen /, - . - , . - - . , , — .
An eclogite and five of its coexisting minerals (omphacite, garnet, carinthine, kyanite and zoisite) from the probable type locality of eclogites (Kupplerbrunn, Saualpe, Austria) described by Haüy (1822) have been analysed. Optical and X-ray data for these minerals are also given. Comparison of the Kupplerbrunn rock with those of other eclogites from the Saualpe region indicates they all have roughly similar compositions. When plotted on an A-C-F diagram the majority of these analyses fall in the region of kyanite-bearing eclogites suggested by Tilley (1936) although the Kupplerbrunn rock is the only sample containing kyanite; the others containing zoisite. The garnet and omphacite compositions of the Kupplerbrunn rock differ markedly from those of other Saualpe eclogites, possibly due to different metamorphic conditions of their formation. Carinthine analyses are all very similar for eclogites from Saualpe. On the basis of geological, analytical and limited experimental evidence, it is postulated that the Kupplerbrunn eclogite was derived from an original gabbroic rock low in water content such that amphibole and zoisite formed from plagioclase, pyroxene and water; omphacite, garnet and kyanite formed from plagioclase and pyroxene, once all the water was used up in the form of amphibole and zoisite. These reactions are believed to have taken place at 5–8 kb pressure at around 600° C; a value close to that suggested by Lodemann (1966) from field data.  相似文献   
Land utilization in China: Its problems and prospect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
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