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Laboratory experiments were performed on the food ecology of four congeneric species of free-living plathelminths, Promesostoma caligulatum, P. marmoratum, P. rostratum, and P. meixneri, all inhabiting an intertidal sandflat near the island of Sylt (North Sea). Their prey spectrum is within the microcrustaceans: P. caligulatum preferred ostracods, while the other three species favoured copepods, with species-specific differences for copepod species and size classes. Daily consumption of prey species varied with the size of both the predator and the prey. On average, P. marmoratum consumed 0.76 Harpacticus flexus per day while this rate decreased to 0.06 in P. meixneri, the smallest predator. When these Promesostoma species were fed with Tachidius discipes, a smaller prey species, their predation rates were about 25% higher. While the larger predators preferred the larger harpacticoids as prey, the small P. meixneri preferred small cyclopoids over larger harpacticoids. In terms of biomass, P. marmoratum's mean consumption of T. discipes per day was about half the predator's own weight. This average varied with prey density and temperature. A comparison of these consumption rates with the field densities of the predators and their prey shows that the plathelminth predators may consume as much as 10% per day of their copepod prey populations, thus strongly influencing these prey populations on these sandflats. The predation pressure of P. caligulatum on ostracods was about 1% per day of the prey population. Since ostracods usually have fewer generations per year, the total effect on the population dynamics may be similar to that on copepods. Therefore, nocturnal swimming of copepods in the water column may be interpreted as an attempt to escape plathelminth predators.  相似文献   
Shark interactions in pelagic longline fisheries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Substantial ecological, economic and social problems result from shark interactions in pelagic longline fisheries. Improved understanding of industry attitudes and practices towards shark interactions assists with managing these problems. Information on fisher knowledge and new strategies for shark avoidance may benefit sharks and fishers. A study of 12 pelagic longline fisheries from eight countries shows that incentives to avoid sharks vary along a continuum, based on whether sharks represent an economic disadvantage or advantage. Shark avoidance practices are limited, including avoiding certain areas, moving when shark interaction rates are high, using fish instead of squid for bait and deeper setting. Some conventionally employed fishing gear and methods used to target non-shark species contribute to shark avoidance. Shark repellents hold promise; more research and development is needed. Development of specifically designed equipment to discard sharks could improve shark post release survival prospects, reduce gear loss and improve crew safety. With expanding exploitation of sharks for fins and meat, improved data collection, monitoring and precautionary shark management measures are needed to ensure that shark fishing mortality levels are sustainable.  相似文献   
We investigated microphytobenthic photosynthesis at four stations in the coral reef sediments at Heron Reef, Australia. The microphytobenthos was dominated by diatoms, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria, as indicated by biomarker pigment analysis. Conspicuous algae firmly attached to the sand grains (ca. 100 μm in diameter, surrounded by a hard transparent wall) were rich in peridinin, a marker pigment for dinoflagellates, but also showed a high diversity based on cyanobacterial 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis. Specimens of these algae that were buried below the photic zone exhibited an unexpected stimulation of respiration by light, resulting in an increase of local oxygen concentrations upon darkening. Net photosynthesis of the sediments varied between 1.9 and 8.5 mmol O2 m−2 h−1 and was strongly correlated with Chl a content, which lay between 31 and 84 mg m−2. An estimate based on our spatially limited dataset indicates that the microphytobenthic production for the entire reef is in the order of magnitude of the production estimated for corals. Photosynthesis stimulated calcification at all investigated sites (0.2–1.0 mmol Ca2+ m−2 h−1). The sediments of at least three stations were net calcifying. Sedimentary N2-fixation rates (measured by acetylene reduction assays at two sites) ranged between 0.9 to 3.9 mmol N2 m−2 h−1 and were highest in the light, indicating the importance of heterocystous cyanobacteria. In coral fingers no N2-fixation was measurable, which stresses the importance of the sediment compartment for reef nitrogen cycling.  相似文献   
Offshore geotechnical surveys form part of an integrated investigation to rejuvenate a decrepit minor port at Badagara, Kerala on the southwestern coast of India. The sediments typify a fluvio-marine milieu ranging from silty clay, sand, silty sand, sandy silt and clayey silt. Geotechnical and sedimentological studies of shallow cores reveal the geotechnical aspects besides the depositional history of the sediments. Downcore geotechnical variations and regressive coefficients based on their inter-relationships highlight diverse factorial inferences. X-Ray Diffraction data indicate the prominent clay type.

A comparative evaluation of the geotechnical characteristics of clayey sediments off Badagara, with similar studies along various sectors of the Kerala coast, both on land as well as in the near shore, is broadly attempted. Geotechnical studies carried out earlier on the uplifted Cochin marine clays provide comparative data for evaluating the possible variations between present day marine clayey sediments occurring along the Kerala coast and uplifted marine clays which, besides their gross variations in levels with respect to the present sea-level, also obviously relate to a much older depositional environment and provenance during probable Holocene times.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Durch die Deutsche Atlantische Expedition auf «Meteor» 1925–27 und das maritim-aerologische Werk der Deutschen Seewarte wurden zahlreiche Höhenwindmessungen auf dem Atlantischen Ozean gewonnen. Die Bearbeitung dieses Materials, für das Gebiet südlich von 20° Nordbreite und die Messungen bis 1937, geschieht im Rahmen des Meteorwerkes, in Band XVI als Fortsetzung von Band XV-Kriegsereignisse und Schwierigkeiten der Nachkriegszeit haben die Veröffentlichung leider stark verzögert. Für die vorliegende Mitteilung werden einige Teilergebnisse ausgewählt, die sich auf den Seeweg nach Südamerika beziehen; als Beitrag zur Gewinnung erforderlicher quantitativer Daten über die allgemeine Zirkulation.Für die Höhenstufen 4–5, 9–10 und 14–15 km werden die mittleren Windelemente und die Streuung der Windgeschwindigkeiten behandelt. Es wird die Schichtung der Luftströmungen im Vertikalprofil des Seeweges für 0–15 km Höhe gegeben. Auf die Struktur des Urpassates (der tropischen Ostströmung) und der tropischen Westwindschicht der hohen Troposphäre in den verschiedenen Jahreszeiten wird näher eingegangen.
Summary By the German Atlantic Expedition on the «Meteor», 1925–1927, and the marine-aerological work of the Deutsche Seewarte numerous upper air wind measurements were gained from the Atlantic. The evaluation of this material for the area in the south of 20° northern latitude and of the measurements up to 1937 is done within the scale of the «Meteorwerk», vol. XVI as a continuation of vol. XV. In consequence of war events and the difficulties of the time after the war the publication has been delayed considerably. For the information on hand, some partial results are selected which refer to the route to South America; as a contribution for gaining necessaryquantitative data on the general circulation.For the levels 4–5, 9–10, and 14–15 km the average wind elements and the dispersion of the wind velocities are treated. The stratification of air currents in the vertical profile of the route is given for the height of 0–15 km. It is entered into particulars of the structure of the «Urpassat» (tropical easterlies), and the tropical West-wind layer of the upper troposphere in various seasons.
Summary The chief object treated here relates to the proposals of the author, to modify the wellknown thread-pendulum apparatus (FP), constructed byBessel 1826 at Königsberg, aiming at the introduction of modern physical methods and materials. This method seems to be the single one comparable in exactitude with reversion pendulum (RP). Further more the free fall method (FF) has been shortly discussed with regard to the expectable mean errors, for purpose of comparison with the two others. The FF-method seems not to be able to control the RP-measurements.
Résumé L'objet principal de l'article se rapporte à des propositions de l'auteur ayant le but de modifier le bienconnu appareil à fil (FP), construit parBessel en 1826 à Königsberg. Les propositions tendent à l'introduction de méthodes et de matériaux physiques modernes. La méthode est probablement la seule comparable en exactitude aux pendules de reversion (RP). En outre la méthode de la chute libre (FF) a été discutée relativement aux erreurs moyennes expectables, au but de la comparaison avec les deux autres. La méthode FF est trouvée incapable à contrôler les mesures RP.
Riassunto Si discutono le diverse formule che permettono il calcolo, con i dati macrosismici, delle profondità ipocentrali dei terremoti e dei coefficienti di assorbimento delle zone interessate. Si indicano delle modifiche, nella conduzione dei calcoli richiesti dalla formula delKövesligethy, apportanti notevoli semplificazioni ai calcoli stessi. In base ai metodi indicati vengono studiati i terremoti della regione etnea e particolarmente di quella orientale. Per le profondità ipocentrali i valori ottenuti, compresi fra 0.1 e 2.5 Km, confermano le idee che si hanno sulla genesi dei terremoti della zona. Per i coefficienti di assorbimento invece i risultati, compresi fra 0.03 e 0.35, hanno permesso, di trovare una legge di variazione del coefficiente stesso con la profondità, legge che per la bassa regione orientale ha l'espressione seguente: (x)=0.27e –3.5x.
Summary They discuss the various formulae which enable to calculate, by means of the macrosismical data, the ipocentral earthquake depths and the absorption coefficients. They propose some modifications in the calculus required by theKövesligethy formula, which simplify considerably these calculations. On the basis of the indicated methods, the earthquakes of the Aetna area, especially those of the eastern side, are examined. The values obtained for the ipocentral depths, comprised between 0.1 and 2.5 Km, confirm the opinion they have on the origin of the earthquakes of this area. On the contrary the results for the absorption coefficients comprised between 0.03 and 0.35 enabled to find a variation law of this coefficient with the depth. For the low eastern region this law has the following form: (x)=0.27e –3.5x.
Summary The artificial moon, projected from serious scientists, presents, whenever previously without reality, a field of interesting theoretical problems. At first the figure of movement of the body itself within the varying gravity field, further more its observation by angles and distances relative to earth's body and to sky and the possible reconclusions to earth's figure and to natural moons movement. The latter beeing in a too far distance from the earth, the former surely will help to solve different problems of geodesy and astronomy.
Résumé La Lune artificielle, comme projet d'une science sérieuse moderne, présente, quand même préalablement sans réalité, un grand nombre de problèmes théoriques intéressantes. Avant tout la figure elle même de sa route dans le champs variant de la gravité et de la force centrifuge, de plus l'observation par angles et distances relatives à la terre et au ciel, et les reconclusions à la figure de la terre et au mouvement de la Lune naturelle. Cette dernière se trouvant perpétuellement dans une position de distance trop grande, la première peut aider sans doute la solution de problèmes différents de géodésie et astronomie.
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