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Surface drag and turbulence over an inhomogeneous land surface   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Data collected over an inhomogeneous semi-rural area are presented. The data are compared with previous surface-layer data to determine how representative the fixed-point flux measurements are of area averages. Departures from the standard surface-layer results are found to be relatively small (~10–20%), which supports the concept of a blending height above which the flow ceases to respond to variations in the underlying surface and becomes horizontally homogeneous.Effective roughness lengths are derived for different wind directions and the relationship between the effective roughness length and upwind surface is examined in the light of recent ideas on averaging surface roughness lengths. It is found that by averaging drag coefficients, realistic values of the effective roughness length can be calculated which are not very sensitive to the precise choice of the component roughness lengths.  相似文献   
Summary A model of radial drifting and oscillating dipoles to represent geomagnetic palaeosecular variations, which showed to be appropriate for the Southern Hemisphere, is evaluated for the Northern Hemisphere. After a new fitting of some involved parameters, its theoretical results are compared with the palaeomagnetic data of Lake de Bouchet (France) and the Black Sea. A time lag between the declination and inclination profiles is observed in both cases. A good cross-correlation coefficient is obtained for the declination and inclination data.Presented at 2nd conference on New Trends in Geomagnetism, Castle of Bechyn, Czechoslovakia, September 24–29, 1990.  相似文献   
Summary It has been shown that dynamically, on the basis of the distribution of angular momenta, the Jovian system cannot be considered an analogue within the Solar system. The total tidal decrease in the angular momentum of Jupiter and in its angular velocity of rotation have been estimated, as well as the loss of mechanical energy due to tidal dissipation. It has been concluded that there are no dynamical contradictions with the hypothesis of the common cosmogonic origin of Jupiter and of its eight close satellites.
aam, m ¶rt;uauu, n an¶rt;u m uma ¶rt;uu, um numa umam aayu um. a a y au ma uma ¶rt;uu numa u z mu z au u—a nuuz mu, ma a nmu au yuu um u—a ¶rt;uunauu. a au, m m ¶rt;uauu azau zunm m zuu aaa numa u z uau u nmu.
Ion microprobe analysis of magnetites from the Adirondack Mountains, NY, yields oxygen isotope ratios with spatial resolution of 2–8 m and precision in the range of 1 (1 sigma). These analyses represent 11 orders of magnitude reduction in sample size compared to conventional analyses on this material and they are the first report of routinely reproducible precision in the 1 per mil range for analysis of 18O at this scale. High precision micro-analyses of this sort will permit wide-ranging new applications in stable isotope geochemistry. The analyzed magnetites form nearly spherical grains in a calcite matrix with diopside and monticellite. Textures are characteristic of granulite facies marbles and show no evidence for retrograde recrystallization of magnetite. Magnetites are near to Fe3O4 in composition, and optically and chemically homogeneous. A combination of ion probe plus conventional BrF5 analysis shows that individual grains are homogeneous with 18O=8.9±1 SMOW from the core to near the rim of 0.1–1.2 mm diameter grains. Depth profiling into crystal growth faces of magnetites shows that rims are 9 depleted in 18O. These low 18O values increase in smooth gradients across the outer 10 m of magnetite rims in contact with calcite. These are the sharpest intracrystalline gradients measured to date in geological materials. This discovery is confirmed by bulk analysis of 150–350 m diameter magnetites which average 1.2 lower in 18O than coarse magnetites due to low 18O rims. Conventional analysis of coexisting calcite yields °18O=18.19, suggesting that bulk 18O (Cc-Mt)=9.3 and yielding an apparent equilibration temperature of 525° C, over 200° C below the temperature of regional metamorphism. Consideration of experimental diffusion data and grain size distribution for magnetite and calcite suggests two contrasting cooling histories. The data for oxygen in calcite under hydrothermal conditions at high P(H2O) indicates that diffusion is faster in magnetite and modelling of the low 18O rims on magnetite would suggest that the Adirondacks experienced slow cooling after Grenville metamorphism, followed by a brief period of rapid cooling, possibly related to uplift. Conversely, the data for calcite at low P(H2O) show slower oxygen diffusion than in magnetite. Modelling based on these data is consistent with geochronology that shows slow cooling through the blocking temperature of both minerals, suggesting that the low 18O rims form by exchange with late, low temperature fluids similar to those that infiltrated the rock to serpentinize monticellite and which infiltrated adjacent anorthosite to form late calcite veinlets. In either case, the ion microprobe results indicate that two distinct events are recorded in the post-metamorphic exchange history of these magnetites. Recognition of these events is only possible through microanalysis and has important implications for geothermometry.  相似文献   
The geochemistry of Hercynian tin-bearing granitoid massifs of the Krune hory Mts. (Erzgebirge), Slavkovský les Forest (Kaiserwald) and Smriny (eastern Fichtelgebirge) is compared by statistical processing of 270 analyses including a wide spectrum of major and trace elements. Seven different types of granites are distinguished. Out of these, five types represent the successive differentiation of the largest massif of NW Bohemia: the Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad) massif. This comprises strongly differentiated peraluminous granites evolving towards extreme Li-Rb-Cs-F-and Sn-enrichment in the youngest members, which are albite-topaz-zinwaldite lithium granites. The sixth and seventh types are different from the former by their location in the eastern Krune hory and tectonic setting, and they display geochemical features of anorogenic granites: they are metaluminous albite-zinwaldite granites with marked enrichment of Nb, Y, and HREE in addition to Li, Rb, Cs, F and Sn, indicating contamination by sub-crustal material. Sn-W mineralizations, including flat peri-contact greisen bodies, steep greisen veins and tourmalinized phyllites, are all intimately associated with the most strongly differentiated granites — the Li-granite and the Cinovec-granite respectively.  相似文献   


Commission health and development  相似文献   
An internal variable model for the creep of rocksalt   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The creep strain rate of rocksalt, like that of other ductile crystalline materials, can be described by a power law equation of the type ( ) n , where the active stress is the difference between the total deviatoric applied stress and an internal stress i . In this paper, the origin and the nature of this internal stress, which develops during inelastic deformation of the material, are discussed. It is shown that this internal stress can serve as an internal (or state) variable in the constitutive model of rocksalt, which reflects the microstructure evolution of the material under the competitive action of hardening and recovery mechanisms.An analysis of experimental data, both our own and those taken from the literature, demonstrates that such a law is able to correctly reproduce rocksalt creep test results in the steady-state domain. The proposed model is in accordance with the macroscopic and microscopic behavior of salt, and with direct measurements of the internal stresses made by others on this material.  相似文献   
The entire pile of nappes in the eastern margin of the Bohemian massif is characterized by two stages of Variscan nappe emplacement each exhibiting a different kinematic and metamorphic evolution.The older emplacement (D1) probably occurred around 350-340 Ma ago and was synmetamorphic. The nappes show a typical systematic superposition of higher grade metamorphic units over lower grade ones. Thus, the crystalline complexes showing a HT-MP Barrovian imprint (Svratka allochthonous unit and Moldanubicum) were thrust over an intermediate unit affected by MTMP recrystallization (Bíte orthogneiss and its country rock), and at the base of the D1 nappe pile the Inner Phyllite Nappe (Biý Potok Unit) is characterized by LT/LP metamorphism.The second stage of tectonic evolution (D2) is characterized by a thin-skinned northward-oriented nappe emplacement that occurred under LT-LP conditions dated at 320-310 Ma. The whole nappe sequence formed during the first tectonometamorphic period (D1) was transported northward over the autochthonous »Deblín polymetamorphic and granitic complex« of Upper Proterozoic age and its Devonian sedimentary cover with very low metamorphism. During this second tectonic event the Brno granite massif (580 Ma) was only marginally incorporated in the Variscan nappe tectonics which resulted in kilometer-scale cover and basement duplexes. The tectonic evolution of the nappe pile ended with stage D3, represented by large- to medium-scale east-vergent folds with limited displacement.
Zusammenfassung Der Deckenbau am Ostrand der Böhmischen Masse erfolgte in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Stadien, die sich sowohl in ihrer Kinematik als auch in ihrer Metamorphoseentwicklung deutlich voneinander unterschieden.Die ältere Phase (D1 ca. 350-340 Ma) ist durch synmetamorphe Überschiebungen charakterisiert. Sie führt zu einer metamorphen Inversion der überschobenen Deckeneinheiten, so daß generell hohe metamorphe Einheiten schwach metamorphe tektonisch überlagern. Der Svratka Komplex und das Moldanubikum als hangendste Decken sind durch MP/HT Paragenesen vom Barrow-Typ gekennzeichnet. Beide Einheiten sind auf den MP/MT-metamorphen Bite-Gneis und seine Rahmengesteine überschoben. Die Bílý potok Einheit als liegende Decke zeigt nur noch eine LP/ LT Regionalmetamorphose.Das jüngere Stadium (D2 ca. 320-310 Ma) ist durch eine Thin-skinned Tektonik mit nordvergentem Deckentransport unter LP/LT Bedingungen charakterisiert. Der gesamte, invers metamorphe D1-Deckenstapel wird dabei nach N über den autochtonen Deblín Komplex bzw. seine devonische Sedimenthülle überschoben.Das Brno Granit Massiv (580 Ma) wird nur randlich in diesen variszischen Deckenbau einbezogen. Die tektonische Entwicklung endet mit einem mittel bis großräumigen E-vergenten Faltenbau (D3 phase).

Résumé L'empilement des nappes a la bordure orientale du Massif de Bohème est caractérisé par deux stades de mise en place présentant différentes évolutions cinématiques et métamorphiques.La tectonique majeure de mise en place des nappes crustales intervient lors d'un métamorphisme de type barrowien, calé autour de 350-340 Ma. L'empilement qui en résulte montre une superposition systématique d'unités à fort degré de métamorphisme sur des unités moins métamorphiques. Ainsi les complexes cristallins, montrant des reliques de métamorphisme de haute à moyenne pression-haute température (unités cristallines de Svratka et du Moldanubien), chevauchent une unité intermédiaire affectée par un métamorphisme de moyenne à basse pression-moyenne température (l'orthogneiss de Bíte et son encaissant). A la base de cette pile édifiée durant la tectonique D1, l'unité des phyllites internes (unité de Bílý potok) est caractérisée par un métamorphisme de basse témperature-basse pression.Le second stade D2 de l'évolution tectonique est caractérisé par une tectonique pelliculaire à vergence nord datée à 320-310 Ma. L'empilement résultant de D1 est ainsi transporté vers le nord, au dessus du complexe autochtone d'âge protérozoïque supérieur (groupe de Deblín) et sa couverture sédimentaire dévonienne très faiblement métamorphisée.Le massif granitique de Brno (580 Ma) n'est que marginalement incorporé à cette tectonique de nappe varisque. Ceci se traduit par des duplex socle-couverture d'échelle plurikilométrique. L'évolution tectonique s'achève lors d'une troisième phase, marquée par de grands plis à vergence est. Le déplacement associé est alors d'amplitude limitée.

, . , 350-340 . . , , - ( ), , - ( ). , D 1, (- ) - . D 2 , 320-310 ., D 1, , , ( ) . (580 . ) , »« -, . , .
Ongonite from Ongon Khairkhan,Mongolia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Albite-topaz kerotophyres, termed ongonites, were discovered byV. I. Kovalenko and coworkers at Ongon Khairkhan in Mongolia in 1970. The type area was revisited, described, resampled, the new data is compared with the earlier data and that from similar rocks elsewhere (Beauvoir and Cinovec granites; Macusani glass).Ongonites are fluorine-rich peraluminous sodic two feldspar granitoids with orthoclase and albite phenocrysts, high modal and normative albite content and the presence of topaz as common accessory mineral. They contain variable amounts of lithium micas or muscovite. Chemically, ongonite is similar to highly fractionated S-type or ilmenite series granitoids. In the type area, F-rich water-poor ongonite melts have intruded to a high crustal level.Ongonite displays a long history of subsolidus reactions and hydrothermal alteration. The hydrothermal alteration may be linked to a spatially associated quartz-wolframite stockwork not genetically related to ongonite. Ongonite has a low W content and an elevated Sn content despite a lack of association with Sn deposits.
Ongonite von Ongon Khairkhan, Mongolei
Zusammenfassung Albit-Topas-Keratophyre, auch als Ongonite bezeichnet, wurden 1970 von V. E. Kowalenko und Mitarbeitern bei Ongon Khairkhan in der Mongolei entdeckt. Die TypLokalität wurde beschrieben und beprobt und die neuen Daten werden mit den früher erhaltenen, und denen von ähnlichen Gesteinen in anderen Bereichen (die Granite von Beauvoir und Cinovec, das Glas von Macusani) verglichen.Ongonite sind Fluor- und Aluminiumreiche (Peraluminous), zwei-Feldspat-Natriumgranitoide mit idiomorphen Orthoklasen und Albit, hohem modalem und normativem Albitgehalt, und Topas als verbreitetem Nebenmineral. Sie führen wechselnde Gehalte von Lithiumglimmern oder Muskovit. Chemisch sind Ongonite stark fraktionierten S-Typ Granitoiden vergleichbar oder auch Granitoiden der Ilmenit-Serie. Im Gebiet der Typlokalität sind fluorreiche wasserarme Ongonit-Schmelzen in ein hohes Krustenniveau intrudiert worden.Ongonite zeigen eine lange Geschichte von Subsolidusreaktionen und hydrothermaler Umwandlung. Die hydrothermale Umwandlung kann mit einem räumlich assoziiertem Quarz-Wolframit Stockwerk in Beziehung gesetzt werden, das genetisch nicht mit den Ongoniten zusammenhängt. Ongonit hat einen niedrigen Wolframgehalt und einen erhöhten Zinngehalt, obwohl keine Assoziation mit Zinnlagerstätten zu beobachten ist.
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