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It is often necessary to measure the resolving power of an imaging system comprising "off the shelf" components by a method that can also describe resolution in the object space. Furthermore, the results should allow useful comparisons to be made with alternative systems, where these have undergone a similar evaluation procedure. An example is given of measuring the resolving power of two imaging systems employing catadioptric objectives by a method that does not necessitate extensive laboratory tests, but utilizes the photographic product provided through field trials, or in the course of operational use. While the method reported does not claim to be a rigorous evaluation of the resolving power, it has been found to provide a convenient and practical guide to the image quality associated with a complete camera system, and its relation to the object space.  相似文献   
Surface ozone data from 25 Europeanlow-altitude sites and mountain sites located between79°N and 28°N were studied. The analysiscovered the time period March 1989–February 1993.Average summer and winter O3 concentrations inthe boundary layer over the continent gave rise togradients that were strongest in the north-west tosouth-east direction and west-east direction, respectively. WintertimeO3 ranged from 19 to 27 ppbover the continent, compared to about 32 ppb at thewestern border, while for summer the continentalO3 values ranged between 39 and 56 ppb and theoceanic mixing ratios were around 37 ppb. In the lowerfree troposphere average wintertime O3 mixingratios were around 38 ppb, with only an 8 ppbdifference between 28°N and 79°N. For summerthe average O3 levels decreased from about 55 ppbover Central Europe to 32 ppb at 79°N. Inaddition, O3 and Ox(= O3 + NO2)in polluted and clean air were compared. Theamplitudes of the seasonal ozone variations increasedin the north-west to south-east direction, while thetime of the annual maximum was shifted from spring (atthe northerly sites) to late summer (at sites inAustria and Hungary), which reflected the contributionof photochemical ozone production in the lower partsof the troposphere.  相似文献   
Fossiliferous silts within the Late Pleistocene Kempton Park Gravel, of the River Thames Valley, were exposed in 1980 during foundation works for the Ismaili Centre in South Kensington, London. The results of a multidisciplinary study of the geomorphology, sediments, fossil plants, vertebrates, molluscs, ostracods and insects are reported. The silts were deposited under two distinct climatic regimes; a lower unit accumulated when the climate was arctic and an upper when the temperatures were at least as warm as those of the present day. Both these units occupy the same channel system and are separated from one another by less than a metre of sediment, implying that the climatic change was probably sudden and intense. The strongest evidence for this climatic difference comes from a study of the Coleoptera, which show an almost complete replacement of the arctic element in the fauna by a suite of temperate species. Palaeotemperature reconstructions using the Mutual Climatic Range method, based on the coleopteran assemblages from the lower unit, suggest that the mean temperature of the warmest month was 9±2 °C and that of the coldest month −22±10 °C. For the upper unit the mean temperature of the warmest month had risen to about 17 °C and that of the coldest month to about −4 °C. The episode represented by the lower unit, with its arctic climate, had not previously been recognized in the Thames Valley. The fauna from the upper, temperate, unit is very similar to that from other sites in the Kempton Park Gravel, such as that from Isleworth, 10 km upriver, which, like the upper unit at the Ismaili Centre, was characterized by the virtual absence of trees. It would appear that in such cases this treelessness does not indicate cold conditions, equivalent to those of the modern tundra, but may instead result from a combination of ecological and temporal factors. The value of multidisciplinary studies in reaching such conclusions is emphasized.The temperate episode described here is correlated with the thermal maximum at the early part of the Upton Warren Interstadial Complex. An earlier suggestion, based on amino acid epimerization ratios, that the Upton Warren Interstadial correlates with Oxygen Isotope Sub-stage 5a is not supported by the data, which show no evidence of the forested environments that characterized this period in both Britain and the adjacent Continent. It is thought that the temperate deposits at the Ismaili Centre belong to the Middle (Pleniglacial), rather than the Early, Devensian (Weichselian) and are equivalent to Oxygen Isotope Stage 3.  相似文献   
The Eder unit in the Carnic Alps, which is situated immediately south of the Periadriatic lineament (PL), represents a fault-bounded block consisting of a low-grade (up to 400?°C, indicated by epizonal illite “crystallinity” values, recrystallized quartz, and non-recrystallized white mica) metamorphic Paleozoic metasedimentary sequence. Until now, it has been assumed to represent a separate Variscan nappe. The rocks of the Eder unit show a strong E- to W-oriented stretching lineation on steep foliation planes (D1) subparallel to the PL. D1 structures originated near the temperature peak of metamorphism, and shear sense indicators show dextral ductile shear parallel to the PL. Tight mesoscale D2 folds formed on the cooling path. K–Ar and Ar–Ar ages from newly formed white mica cluster around 32–28 and 18–13 Ma and suggest a two-stage Tertiary history of the Eder unit. We interpret the Eder unit as a fault-bounded block formed during Oligocene large-scale dextral shearing along the PL (near Tmax) and exhumed in mid-Miocene times during another phase of activity along the PL. Its nature as a separate Variscan nappe is questioned.  相似文献   
Net-pen aquaculture results in the introduction of excess fish food and fecal matter in coastal waters. These wastes may modify the benthic environment. Mathematical models are developed in this study to simulate tidal and wind-driven currents, waves, and the resulting dispersion of fish food and fecal matter in coastal Maine, a region where limited modelling studies have been performed. Cobscook Bay and Toothacher Bay in Maine are studied in detail through the use of mathematical models and field data. We find that a systematic, site-specific, step-by-step modeling strategy involving the use of numerical models to simulate the overall hydrodynamic environment in combination with a waste-particle transport model can be an extremely powerful method of determining a priori whether aquaculture operations will cause high rates of net-pen waste accumulation at a particular site.  相似文献   
Evaluating rock mass geometry from photographic images   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The importance of discontinuities in controlling rock mass behaviour in any engineering project involving excavations calls for a sound and spatial characterization of the discontinuity structure present. Such a characterization necessitates field work that requires sufficient rock exposures in order to obtain an adequate number of data, time and considerable cost. Photoanalysis techniques can help in overcoming the above difficulties equally well or better than other techniques. This paper refers to simple photographic techniques and their implementation for computer aided analyses for the characterization of the rock mass fracturing features. In particular attention is focused on scale problems and on reconstruction of fracture density stereoplots on the basis of data collected from one or two images according to different lithologies and outcropping conditions. The methodology for evaluating the volumetric fracture intensity follows in a slightly modified way a technique previously suggested in the literature. Certain reported examples allow to validate the photoanalytical technique used and the proposed method of analysis. Furthermore, analyses on planar density, spacing, frequency, terminations in solid rock or against other discontinuities and spatial correlation have been implemented in a software to yield a more complete rock mass characterization. At the same time input data and analysis results are produced in data files available as input for numerical analyses.  相似文献   
Successions of Early Eocene coarse-grained turbidites up to 400 m thick fill fault-controlled canyons along the eastern Brazilian continental margin. They form part of a Late Albian to Early Eocene transgressive succession characterized by onlapping, deepening-upward sedimentation. In the Lagoa Parda oil field (Regência Canyon, Espírito Santo Basin) the turbidite facies consist mostly of unstratified conglomerate and sandstone, with interbedded bioturbated mudstone and thin-bedded, stratified sandstone. Within the main Regência Canyon, the coarser grained facies occur within 38 deeply incised channels. The fills are 9 to >50 m thick, 210 to >1050 m wide and >1 km long. The finer grained facies build asymmetrical levees that are higher and thicker on the left side (looking downstream) of their channels, probably as an effect of the Coriolis force (to the left in the Southern Hemisphere). Nine levee successions up to 50 m thick are associated with the 20 youngest channels. The deposits filling the low-sinuosity Lagoa Parda channels record successive channel abandonment through relatively rapid avulsions. Avulsions of unleveed channels took place randomly, but channels with well-developed levees show preferential avulsion to the right (looking downstream), opposite to the direction of preferential levee growth. Lagoa Parda channels can be grouped into three complexes 20–100 m thick. These complexes have an estimated duration of about 140 000 years. It is suggested that control of the development of individual channel complexes was related to variation in sediment supply, in turn probably related to climatic changes. The deposition of each channel complex would have followed an increase in sediment supply into the Regência Canyon through delta/fan-delta and littoral drift systems, which in turn would have responded to phases of higher denudation rates in the high-relief, ancestral coastal ranges of south-eastern Brazil. Overall, the three Lagoa Parda channel complexes form a turbidite succession characterized by channel fills that become narrower, thinner and finer grained upward. These trends were induced mostly by a longer term (>400 000 years) decrease in sediment supply, which in turn resulted from the combined effects of a long-term (second-order) trend of sea-level rise, and the decreasing fault activity at the basin margin and source area.  相似文献   
Comparison of ultrastructures in Pliocene periplatform carbonates from the Bahamas with Silurian limestones from Gotland (Sweden) reveals that despite the differences in primary sediment composition and age, they reflect a similar mechanism of lithification. In both sequences calcite microspar was formed as a primary cement at an early stage of marine burial diagenesis. Neither significant compression nor meteoric influence are necessary for the formation of calcite microspar. A model is proposed for the process of microsparitic cementation of fine-grained aragonite needle muds comprising four stages: (1) unconsolidated, aragonite-dominated carbonate mud; (2) precipitation of microspar that engulfs aragonite needles; (3) dissolution of aragonite, resulting in pitted surfaces of the microspar crystals; and (4) slight recrystallization. Our results contradict the widespread opinion that microspar necessarily is a product of secondary recrystallization of a previously lithified micrite.  相似文献   
?57Fe Mössbauer studies at room temperature and temperature-dependent resistance studies have been performed on a natural specimen of cubanite (CuFe2S3) in a diamond-anvil cell at pressures up to ~10 GPa. An insulator-metal phase transition occurs in the range 3.4–5.8 GPa coinciding with a previously observed structural transition from an orthorhombic to a hexagonal NiAs (B8) structure. The room temperature data shows that the metallization process concurs with a gradual transition from a magnetically ordered phase at low pressure to a nonmagnetic or paramagnetic phase at high-pressure. The change in magnetic behaviour at the structural transition may be attributed to a reduction of the Fe-S-Fe superexchange angle formed by edge-sharing octahedra occurring in the high-pressure phase. The non-magnetic or paramagnetic metallic phase at high pressure is retained upon decompression to ambient pressure-temperature conditions, indicative of substantial hysteresis associated with the pressure driven orthorhombic→hexagonal structural transition. The pressure evolution of both the 57Fe Mössbauer hyperfine interaction parameters and resistance behaviour is consistent with the transition from mixed-valence character in the low pressure orthorhombic structure to that of extended-electron delocalization in the hexagonal phase at high-pressure.  相似文献   
 Ni-saturated montmorillonite from Camp-Bertaux heated at different temperatures has been studied by X-ray powder diffraction, X-ray absorption (EXAFS) and vibration IR spectroscopy. Analysis of the experimental data has shown that heating of samples at temperatures higher than 150° C was accompanied by migration of Ni cations into vacant cis-octahedra of 2:1 layers. In the octahedral sheet the Ni cation has two “heavy” (Fe) and four “light” (Al and Mg) nearest octahedral cations. A model for the octahedral cation distribution in Camp-Bertaux montmorillonite was proposed in which Fe and Mg octahedral cations are segregated in small clusters. Received July 7, 1996 / Revised, accepted August 23, 1996  相似文献   
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