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We introduce and propose zircon M257 as a future reference material for the determination of zircon U‐Pb ages by means of secondary ion mass spectrometry. This light brownish, flawless, cut gemstone specimen from Sri Lanka weighed 5.14 g (25.7 carats). Zircon M257 has TIMS‐determined, mean isotopic ratios (2s uncertainties) of 0.09100 ± 0.00003 for 206pb/238U and 0.7392 ± 0.0003 for 207pb/235U. Its 206pb/238U age is 561.3 ± 0.3 Ma (unweighted mean, uncertainty quoted at the 95% confidence level); the U‐Pb system is concordant within uncertainty of decay constants. Zircon M257 contains ~ 840 μg g?1 U (Th/U ~ 0.27). The material exhibits remarkably low heterogeneity, with a virtual absence of any internal textures even in cathodoluminescence images. The uniform, moderate degree of radiation damage (estimated from the expansion of unit‐cell parameters, broadening of Raman spectral parameters and density) corresponds well, within the “Sri Lankan trends”, with actinide concentrations, U‐Pb age, and the calculated alpha fluence of 1.66 × 1018 g?1. This, and a (U+Th)/He age of 419 ± 9 Ma (2s), enables us to exclude any unusual thermal history or heat treatment, which could potentially have affected the retention of radiogenic Pb. The oxygen isotope ratio of this zircon is 13.9%o VSMOW suggesting a metamorphic genesis in a marble or calc‐silicate skarn.  相似文献   
This report of the Swiss Seismological Service summarizes the seismic activity in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2006. During this period, 572 earthquakes and 91 quarry blasts were detected and located in the region under consideration. Of these earthquakes, two occurred in conjunction with the construction of the new Gotthard railway tunnel and 165 were induced artificially by the stimulation of a proposed geothermal reservoir beneath the city of Basel. With 20 events with M L ≥ 2.5, five of which were artificially induced, the seismic activity in the year 2006 was far below the average over the previous 31 years. Nevertheless, six events were felt by the public, most prominently the strongest of the induced Basel events (M L 3.4), which caused some non-structural building damage. Noteworthy are also the two earthquakes near Cortaillod (M L 3.2), on the shore of Lake Neuchatel, and in Val Mora (M L 3.5), between the Engadin and Val Müstair, as well as the 42 aftershocks of the M L 4.9 Vallorcine earthquake, between Martigny and Chamonix, of September 2005. Editorial handling: Stefan Bucher  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Mehr als 150 Rb-Sr- und K-Ar-Altersbestimmungen wurden an verschiedenen Gesteinstypen und Mineralien aus dem Schneeberger-Zug (Monteneve) sowie dem südlich anschließenden Ostalpinen Altkristallin und aus den westlichen Hohen Tauern durchgeführt.Die ältesten Gesteine im Ötztalkristallin sind die einförmigen Paragesteinsserien des Ostalpinen Altkristallins. Die charakteristischen Einschaltungen in diesen Gesteinen sind langgestreckte,s-parallel eingeschaltete Orthogneise, die einen Isochronenalterswert von 436±17 Mill. Jahren ergaben, bei einem initialen Sr87/Sr86-Verhältnis von 0,7102±0,0014. Um die Bedeutung dieses Isochronenalterswertes zu klären, wurde ein kombiniertesCompston-Jeffery- undNicolaysen-Diagramm verwendet. Daraus ergibt sich, daß die Schmelzbildung dieser granitischen Gesteine im Ötztalkristallin kaum älter als 450 Mill. Jahre sein kann.Die Auswirkung der variszischen Metamorphose südlich des westlichen Tauernfensters ist an den Mineralien eines pegmatitischen Orthogneises mit dem Rb-Sr-Isochronenalterswert von 299±12 Mill. Jahren ersichtlich. Die Isochrone ergibt ein initiales Sr87/Sr86-Verhältnis von 0,9657±0,014.Das alpine Geschehen beginnt mit der frühalpinen Metamorphose in weiten Teilen des Ostalpinen Altkristallins. Die Rb-Sr-Hellglimmeralter um 120-110 Mill. Jahre weisen vermutlich auf die mögliche Bildungszeit der Hellglimmer bzw. der frühalpinen Mineralparagenesen im Bereich des Schneeberger-Zuges (Monteneve) und seiner unmittelbaren Umgebung hin. Dagegen fallen die K-Ar-Abkühlalterswerte an Hellglimmern in das Zeitintervall von 90-77 Mill. Jahren, gleichgültig ob Phengite oder Muskovite untersucht wurden. Die Rb-Sr- und K-Ar-Biotitabkühlalter von 80-74 Mill. Jahren weisen auf eine weitspannige, schnelle Abkühlung eventuell im Zusammenhang mit einer Überschiebung hin. Die frühalpine Aufwärmung fehlt nur im Südteil des Altkristallins südlich der westlichen Hohen Tauern.Das jüngste Ereignis im untersuchten Gebiet ist aus dem Bereich des Tauernwestendes durch die Rb-Sr- und K-Ar-Hellglimmeralter von 36-25 Mill. Jahren gegeben. Die Rb-Sr-Phengitalter von rund 30 Mill. Jahren sowie die gleichalten K-Ar-Hellglimmeralter aus dem schwächst temperierten Bereich des Tauernfensters stellen vermutlich Bildungsalter nahe des thermischen Höhepunktes dar. Am Tauernwestende weisen die wenig streuenden Biotitalter darauf hin, daß die Abkühlung auf etwa 300° C durch eine gleichförmige, blockartige Hebung relativ rasch erfolgte.
More than 150 Rb-Sr and K-Ar age determinations were made on different types of rocks and minerals from the Schneeberger-Zug (Monteneve) and the south lying Eastalpine Altkristallin, as well as from rocks of the western end of the Hohen Tauern.The oldest rocks from the Oetztalkristallin are the monotonous paragneisses of the Eastalpine Altkristallin. Intercalated ands-parallel within these rocks are orthogneisses. They yield an isochron age of 436±17 m. y., with an initial of 0.7102±0.0014. The combination of aCompston-Jeffery with aNicolaysen-diagram shows, that the magmatic stage of these rocks could hardly be older than 450 m. y.A pegmatitic orthogneiss with an Rb-Sr-mineralisochron age of 299±12 m. y. and an initial of 0.9657±0.0140 shows the influence of the Hercynian metamorphic event in the South of the western end of the Hohen Tauern.The alpine orogeny starts with Eo-alpine metamorphism in widespread parts of the Eastalpine Altkristallin. Rb-Sr ages (120-110 m. y.) on white micas probably point to the time of the formation of the white micas as well as to the formation of the Eoalpine mineral-parageneses in the region of the Schneeberger-Zug (Monteneve) and its very near surroundings. The K-Ar cooling ages are in the range of 90 to 77 m. y. for muscovites and phengites. The cooling ages on biotites (Rb-Sr and K-Ar) in the range of 80 to 74 m. y. point to widespread, rapid cooling presumably in connection with an overthrust. The Eo-alpine thermal event is missing only in the southern part of the Altkristallin to the South of the western Hohen Tauern.The youngest event in the area of discussion is given by the white mica-ages (Rb-Sr and K-Ar) of 36 to 25 m. y. found in the region of the Western end of the Hohen Tauern. The Rb-Sr phengite-ages of around 30 m. y., as well as the K-Ar white mica-ages of the same age from the thermally least affected area of the Tauern-window, can probably be interpreted as formation-ages near the thermal climax. The biotite-ages at the Western end of the Hohen Tauern have a very small spread and this points to a relatively quick cooling due to blocklike uplift of the whole region.

Résumé Plus de 150 déterminations d'âge par Rb-Sr et K-Ar ont été faites sur différentes espèces de roches et minéraux du «Schneeberger Zug» (Monteneve) et de sa continuation vers le sud: le cristallin austroalpin ainsi que du «Hohen Tauern» à l'ouest.Les plus vieilles roches du cristallin d'Oetztal sont les séries monotones des roches de caractère «para» du cristallin austroalpin. Les intercalations typiques dans ces roches sont des orthogneiss allonges ets-parallèles qui montrent un âge d'isochrone de 436±17 millions d'années avec un rapport initial de Sr87/Sr86 de 0,7102±0,0014.Afin de déterminer la signification de cet âge d'isochrone on utilisa un diagramme combiné deCompston-Jeffery etNicolaysen. Il en résulte que l'âge magmatique de ces roches granitiques dans le cristallin d'Oetztal ne peut pas être plus vieux que 450 millions d'années.L'influence de la métamorphose hercynienne au sud du «westliches Tauernfenster» est bien visible dans les minéraux d'un orthogneiss pegmatitique avec un âge d'isochrone de Rb-Sr de 299 ± 12 millions d'années. L'isochrone donne un rapport initial du sr87/Sr86 de 0,9657±0,014.L'événement alpin commence avec la métamorphose alpine initiale dans de vastes parties du cristallin austroalpin. Les âges Rb-Sr des micas blancs de 120-110 millions d'années pourraient indiquer le temps de formation possible des micas blancs respectivement des paragenèses des minéraux jeunes-alpins dans la région du «Schneeberger-Zug» (Monteneve) et ses environs directs.Par contre les dates K-Ar de refroidissement des micas blancs tombent dans l'intervalle de 90 à 77 millions d'années, indifféremment si on examine des Phengites ou Muscovites. Les âges Rb-Sr et K-Ar de refroidissement des biotites de 80 à 74 millions d'années indiquent un refroidissement étendu et rapide, peut-être en relation avec un chevauchement. L'échauffement jeune-alpin ne manque qu'au sud du vieux cristallin, situé au sud des «Hohen Tauern» occidentales.L'événement le plus jeune dans le domaine examiné se trouve dans la région du «Tauernwestende» avec un âge Rb-Sr et K-Ar des micas blancs de 36 à 25 millions d'années. L'âge Rb-Sr des Phengites de 30 millions d'années ainsi que les mêmes âges K-Ar des micas blancs de la région du «Tauernfenster» la moindre temperée, indiquent un âge de formation vraisemblablement proche du maximum thermique.Dans la région du «Tauernwestende» les âges des biotites ne différent pas beaucoup; cela nous indique que le refroidissement à 300° C s'effectua rapidement par une élévation en bloc et monotone.

150 Rb/Sr K/Ar -, , - . , - . , S- , 436±17 , 0,7102 ±0,0014. , Compston-Jeffery, , - 450 . , Rb/Sr 299±12 . Sr87/Sr86 0,9657±0,014. - . — Rb/Sr 120– 110 — , -, , . — — 90 77 , , - . , Rb/Sr K/Ar, 80–74 , , , , . .

Erweiterte Fassung eines am 22. und 23. März 1975 im Rahmen des Schwerpunktprogramms der DFG auf dem Internationalen Symposium zur Geodynamik der Ostalpen in Salzburg gehaltenen Vortrages.  相似文献   
Summary Early Miocene calc-alkaline igneous rocks from the easternmost segment of the Periadriatic fault system can be subdivided into two series of different alkalinity: (1) Volcanics which occur in the vicinity of the Velenje-Rogatec Line range from high-alumina basalt via low-K and medium-K andesites to medium-K dacites. (2) In the Pohorje Mountains mafic rocks are lacking. A high-K tonalitic pluton crystallized at pressures of about 0.7 GPa as indicated by Al-in-hornblende barometry and accessory magmatic epidote. Rapid exhumation of the tonalite during dextral transtension along the Periadriatic fault system is indicated by tonalitic pebbles in Helvetian (?) clastic sediments. High-K andesitic to dacitic volcanics are interlayered with, and dikes cut, the clastic sediments.Compositional variations shown by the volcanics from the Velenje-Rogatec Line are consistent with fractionation of the observed phenocryst assemblages (olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, titanomagnetite). Substantial fractionation of plagioclase is indicated by decreasing Sr/Nd and Sr/Y values and increasing negative Eu anomalies with increasing SiO2. All samples have chondrite-normalized HREE > 9.6 and low (Tb/Yb)n ratios (1.29–1.08). With increasing SiO2, the abundances of HREE and Y (18 to 39 ppm) increase and those of Sc (32.5 to 20.9 ppm) decrease slightly. These features, together with low Hf/Lu and Zr/Y values (10.1–5.7 and 5.7–3.6, respectively), rule out garnet as a major fractionating phase. Since (La/Yb)n values (3.24–6.59) do not increase with SiO2 and chondrite-normalized REE patterns do not show concave-upward shapes, fractionation of amphibole was probably insignificant. Although Rb/Cs values ( 18) are generally low, a significant contribution by continental crustal materials to the magmas by an AFC process is suggested by negative correlations of Nb/U(7.16 to 3.14) and Nb/Th(2.14 to 0.87) values with SiO2, as well as by low Hf/Ta(7.8–3.4), and in part also by K/Rb (340-71) and Zr/Rb (5.0–1.7) values.Rocks from the Pohorje Mountains have high abundances of U. Values of Nb/U and Nb/Th are low (3.55 to 1.85 and 1.27 to 0.64, respectively) and are negatively correlated with SiO2. These features, in combination with high values of Ba/Nb (56 to 93), Ba/La (23–30), and Rb/Cs (19–56), as well as with previously published 18O values ( 9) for the tonalite indicate a substantial contribution of the continental crust to these magmas. High Sr abundances (455 to 984 ppm) and moderate negative Eu anomalies suggest that fractionation of plagioclase was of minor importance. Although the rocks have relatively low Sc (9.3 to 3.8 ppm) and Y (21 to 14 ppm) contents, low (Tb/Yb)n values (1.67–1.14) indicate that garnet was not a major fractionating phase. Instead, fractionation of amphibole is a viable mechanism to explain the combination of high (La/Yb)n (21.8–13.1) and low (Tb/Yb)n.
Untermiozäner, kalkalkaliner Post-Kollisions-Magmatismus entlang des östlichsten Segmentes des periadriatischen Störungssystems (Slowenien und Kroatien)
Zusammenfassung Untermiozäne Kalkalkali-Magmatite aus dem östlichen Bereich des Periadriatischen Lineaments gliedern sich in zwei Serien unterschiedlicher Alkalinität: (1) Entlang der Velenje-Rogatec-Linie treten High-Al-Basalte, Low-K- und Medium-K-Andesite und Medium-K-Dazite auf. (2) Im Pohorje-Gebirge, wo basische Magmatite fehlen, kristallisierte ein High-K-Tonalit bei Drücken von ca. 0.7 GPa (Al-in-Hornblende-Barometer, magmatischer Epidot). Gerölle dieses Tonalits in einer untermiozänen (Helvet?) klastischeu Abfolge belegen eine schnelle Heraushebung des Tonalits durch dextrale Transtension im östlichsten Bereich des periadriatischen Lineaments. Eingeschaltet in die klastischen Sedimente sind andesitische bis dazitische Pyroklastika und Laven sowie diskordante dazitische Gänge, die alle der High-K-Serie angehören.Die chemische Variation innerhalb der Vulkanitserie von der Velenje-Rogatec-Linie läßt sich durch Fraktionierung der Einsprenglingsminerale Olivin, Plagioklas, Klinopyroxen, Orthopyroxen und Titanomagnetit erklären. Abnehmende Sr/Nd- und Sr/Y-Werte und zunehmende negative Eu-Anomalien mit steigendem SiO2 weisen auf eine bedeutende Plagioklas-Fraktionierung hin. Alle Vulkanite besitzen hohe Gehalte an schweren Seltenen Erden (chondritnormiert > 9.6) und geringe (Tb/Yb)n-Werte (1.29–1.08). Mit zunehmendem SiO2 nehmen die Gehalte an Yb(2.02 bis 4.30 ppm) und Y(18 bis 39 ppm) zu, während die Sc-Gehalte (32.5 bis 20.9 ppm) nur geringfügig abnehmen. Diese Charakteristika, zusammen mit geringen Hf/Lu- und Zr/Y-Werten (10.1–5.87 bzw. 5.7–3.6), schließen Granat als wesentliche, fraktionierende Phase aus. Da die (La/Yb)n-Verhältnisse (3.24–6.59) nicht mit SiO2 korrelieren und die chondritnormierten SeltenenErden-Muster keine nach oben konkaven Formen aufweisen, spielte die Fraktionierung von Amphibol keine wesentliche Rolle. Trotz geringer Rb/Cs-Werte ( 18) wird eine beträchtliche krustale Kontamination der Magmen angenommen. Für einen AFC-Prozeß sprechen negative Korrelationen von Nb/U(7.16–3.14) und Nb/Th(2.14–0.87) mit SiO2 (bei steigenden Nb-, U- und Th-Gehalten), geringe Hf/Ta-Werte (7.8–4.3) und teilweise auch geringe K/Rb- (340-71) und Zr/Rb-Verhältnisse (5.0–1.7).Die Magmatite des Pohorje-Gebirges weisen hohe U-Gehalte sowie geringe Nb/U-und Nb/Th-Verhältnisse auf (3.55–1.85 bzw. 1.27–0.64), die eine schwache negative Korrelation mit SiO2 zeigen. Zusammen mit hohen Ba/Nb-(56–93), Ba/La-(23-30) und Rb/Cs-Verhältnissen (19–56) sowie bereits publizierten 8O-Werten ( 9) weisen diese Eigenschaften auf einen beträchtlichen Anteil assimilierten Krustenmaterials in den Magmen hin. Hohe Sr-Gehalte (455–984 ppm) und relativ geringe negative Eu-Anomalien machen es unwahrscheinlich, daß während des AFC-Prozesses in der Unterkruste wesentliche Mengen an Plagioklas fraktioniert wurden. Obwohl die Gehalte an Sc (9.3–3.8 ppm) und Y (21–14 ppm) relativ gering sind, scheidet Granat aufgrund der geringen (Tb/Yb)n- Verhältnisse (1.67–1.14) als dominierende Fraktionierungsphase aus. Die Kombination von hohen (La/Yb)n- Verhältnissen (21.8–13.1) und geringen (Tb/Yb)n-Verhältnissen deutet eher auf Amphibol als wichtige, fraktionierende Phase hin.

With 9 Figures  相似文献   
Thorium- and uranium isotopes were measured in a diagenetic manganese nodule from the Peru basin applying alpha- and thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS). Alpha-counting of 62 samples was carried out with a depth resolution of 0.4 mm to gain a high-resolution230Thexcess profile. In addition, 17 samples were measured with TIMS to obtain precise isotope concentrations and isotope ratios. We got values of 0.06–0.59 ppb (230Th), 0.43–1.40 ppm (232Th), 0.09–0.49 ppb (234U) and 1.66–8.24 ppm (238U). The uranium activity ratio in the uppermost samples (1–6 mm) and in two further sections in the nodule at 12.5±1.0 mm and 27.3–33.5 mm comes close to the present ocean water value of 1.144±0.004. In two other sections of the nodule, this ratio is significantly higher, probably reflecting incorporation of diagenetic uranium. The upper 25 mm section of the Mn nodule shows a relatively smooth exponential decrease in the230Thexcess concentration (TIMS). The slope of the best fit yields a growth rate of 110 mm/Ma up to 24.5 mm depth. The section from 25 to 30.3 mm depth shows constant230Thexcess concentrations probably due to growth rates even faster than those in the top section of the nodule. From 33 to 50 mm depth, the growth rate is approximately 60 mm/Ma. Two layers in the nodule with distinct laminations (11–15 and 28–33 mm depth) probably formed during the transition from isotopic stage 8 to 7 and in stage 5e, respectively. The Mn/Fe ratio shows higher values during interglacials 5 and 7, and lower ones during glacials 4 and 6. A comparison of our data with data from adjacent sediment cores suggests (a) a variable supply of hydrothermal Mn to sediments and Mn nodules of the Peru basin or (b) suboxic conditions at the water sediment interface during periods with lower Mn/Fe ratios.  相似文献   
Summary Astronomic and geodetic values of all observations made in Italy from 1868 to the present days are used to draw the geoidal ondulations-map in Italy.The geoidal ondulation along a cross section from Como to Otranto (for 1160 km length) is then traced.  相似文献   
Soil moisture is a geophysical key observable for predicting floods and droughts, modeling weather and climate and optimizing agricultural management. Currently available in situ observations are limited to small sampling volumes and restricted number of sites, whereas measurements from satellites lack spatial resolution. Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers can be used to estimate soil moisture time series at an intermediate scale of about 1000 m2. In this study, GNSS signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) data at the station Sutherland, South Africa, are used to estimate soil moisture variations during 2008–2014. The results capture the wetting and drying cycles in response to rainfall. The GNSS Volumetric Water Content (VWC) is highly correlated (r 2 = 0.8) with in situ observations by time-domain reflectometry sensors and is accurate to 0.05 m3/m3. The soil moisture estimates derived from the SNR of the L1 and L2P signals compared to the L2C show small differences with a RMSE of 0.03 m3/m3. A reduction in the SNR sampling rate from 1 to 30 s has very little impact on the accuracy of the soil moisture estimates (RMSE of the VWC difference 1–30 s is 0.01 m3/m3). The results show that the existing data of the global tracking network with continuous observations of the L1 and L2P signals with a 30-s sampling rate over the last two decades can provide valuable complementary soil moisture observations worldwide.  相似文献   
Most of the U occurrences situated at the western edge of the Bohemian Massif show in their upper parts secondary U minerals. The immigration (P, V, As and Se) from the country rocks and the ore body, via saprolite and paleosoils into the secondary ore minerals is investigated. The P content is suggested to be closely related to hydromorphic paleosoils. From those intermediate stages it may have been brought into the upper parts of the vein structures. No laterogenic impoverishment in the wall rocks with respect to phosphorus or apatite could be determined. The arsenic distributions is also governed as at other sulfide deposits by underlying sulfides and reducing conditions of a primary hypogene ore zone, whereas vanadium content in U secondary minerals is closely related to the enclosing country rocks. Granites, on account of their low content in mafic minerals, have low V contents in U secondary minerals. Besides the Schwarzach Area, U ore mineralisations from other U occurrences have been investigated. Some of the U deposits are certainly of “per ascensum” origin and their secondary U mineralisation can well be interpreted as having been derived from the underlying primary “black ores”. However, some mineralisations cannot be classified with certainty as being “per ascensum”. They include some properties pointing to “per ascensum” (e. g. sulfide association) as well as characteristics typical for “per descensum” (small depth, large amounts of U-VI minerals). The mode of formation may in some cases be as follows: Variscan or Alpine ore mineralisations of no economic significance may have formed a reducing environment and caused U to be concentrated. Younger redistribution processes influenced by modern tectonics (uplifting) and the fluviatile drainage pattern have taken place and in some cases destroyed the primary deposits or enhanced the ore mineralisation. These processes roughly resemble those described from sandstone — hosted roll front deposits.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the possibilities of revitalising declining industrial cities through tourism development. The main question is whether obsolete or declining industrial land uses in or around the city can be transformed into successful tourist land uses? Traditionally tourism and heavy industry have been considered contradictory land uses. The “industrial landscape” concept is developed here to show that undergiven circumstances, and because of the changing nature of modern industry, positive relations between the two could substantially contribute to the revitalisation process of the city. Two industrial zones within the city of Haifa, Israel, are used as a case study to show and evaluate how the concept can be implemented to bring about urban revitalisation through tourism development.  相似文献   
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