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Dissolved U concentrations and activity ratios (ARs) of the U isotopes in the 238U decay series were measured in ground and surface waters as part of an investigation to delineate the water quality in a proposed uranium mining area of northwest Nebraska. In oxidizing groundwaters from 67 wells completed in the Tertiary sediments, increasing U concentrations in the direction of groundwater flow generally were associated with a maturation of the formation water as evidenced by evolutionary trends in major ion character. The increased U levels probably are associated with leaching as shown by the positive correlation between U concentrations and total dissolved solids (TDS) (r = +0.83). The inverse relationships between TDS and U ARs (r = ?0.73) and U levels and ARs (r = 0.72) indicate that the decay of excess U-234 is related to maturation of the formation water and to sediment leaching along the flowpath. The data are described by a model which incorporates etching, decay and recoil and suggests that aquifer residence time can be estimated from the TDS level.The levels of soluble U in a reducing uraniferous hydrogeologic unit near Crawford, Nebraska are affected by the proximity of the sample collection to ore. In groundwater samples having similar chemistries (Na-SO4 + Cl type), similar Ehs, and collected from a close-knit pattern, U concentrations ranged from 0.01 to 2,037 μg l?1 and ARs ranged from 0.75 to 12.6. This high variability in U levels and ARs is indicative of uranium ore in small areal studies where low ARs almost always are associated with high U concentrations.  相似文献   
Multiple sulfur isotope system is a powerful new tracer for atmospheric, volcanic, and biological influences on sulfur cycles in the anoxic early Earth. Here, we report high-precision quadruple sulfur isotope analyses (32S/33S/34S/36S) of barite, pyrite in barite, and sulfides in related hydrothermal and igneous rocks occurring in the ca. 3.5 Ga Dresser Formation, Western Australia. Our results indicate that observed isotopic variations are mainly controlled by mixing of mass-dependently (MD) and non-mass-dependently fractionated (non-MD) sulfur reservoirs. Based on the quadruple sulfur isotope systematics (δ34S-Δ33S-Δ36S) for these minerals, four end-member sulfur reservoirs have been recognized: (1) non-MD sulfate (δ34S = −5 ± 2‰; Δ33S = −3 ± 1‰); (2) MD sulfate (δ34S = +10 ± 3‰); (3) non-MD sulfur (δ34S > +6‰; Δ33S > +4‰); and (4) igneous MD sulfur (δ34S = Δ33S = 0‰). The first and third components show a clear non-MD signatures, thus probably represent sulfate and sulfur aerosol inputs. The MD sulfate component (2) is enriched in 34S (+10 ± 3‰) and may have originated from microbial and/or abiotic disproportionation of volcanic S or SO2. Our results reconfirm that the Dresser barites contain small amounts of pyrite depleted in 34S by 15-22‰ relative to the host barite. These barite-pyrite pairs exhibit a mass-dependent relationship of δ33S/δ34S with slope less than 0.512, which is consistent with that expected for microbial sulfate reduction and is significantly different from that of equilibrium fractionation (0.515). The barite-pyrite pairs also show up to 1‰ difference in Δ36S values and steep Δ36S/Δ33S slopes, which deviate from the main Archean array (Δ36S/Δ33S = −0.9) and are comparable to isotope effects exhibited by sulfate reducing microbes (Δ36S/Δ33S = −5 to −11). These new lines of evidence support the existence of sulfate reducers at ca. 3.5 Ga, whereas microbial sulfur disproportionation may have been more limited than recently suggested.  相似文献   
A new passive seismic response control device has been developed, fabricated, and tested by the authors and shown to be capable of producing negative stiffness via a purely mechanical mechanism, thus representing a new generation of seismic protection devices. Although the concept of negative stiffness may appear to be a reversal on the desired relationship between the force and displacement in structures (the desired relationship being that the product of restoring force and displacement is nonnegative), when implemented in parallel with a structure having positive stiffness, the combined system appears to have substantially reduced stiffness while remaining stable. Thus, there is an ‘apparent weakening and softening’ of the structure that results in reduced forces and increased displacements (where the weakening and softening is of a non‐damaging nature in that it occurs in a seismic protection device rather than within the structural framing system). Any excessive displacement response can then be limited by incorporating a damping device in parallel with the negative stiffness device. The combination of negative stiffness and passive damping provides a large degree of control over the expected performance of the structure. In this paper, a numerical study is presented on the performance of a seismically isolated highway bridge model that is subjected to various strong earthquake ground motions. The Negative Stiffness Devices (NSDs) are described along with their hysteretic behavior as obtained from a series of cyclic tests wherein the tests were conducted using a modified design of the NSDs (modified for testing within the bridge model). Using the results from the cyclic tests, numerical simulations of the seismic response of the isolated bridge model were conducted for various configurations (with/without negative stiffness devices and/or viscous dampers). The results demonstrate that the addition of negative stiffness devices reduces the base shear substantially, while the deck displacement is limited to acceptable values. This assessment was conducted as part of a NEES (Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation) project which included shaking table tests of a quarter‐scale highway bridge model. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Several physical and observational effects may contribute to the significant imbalances of magnetic flux that are often observed in active regions. We consider an effect not previously treated: the influence of electric currents in the photosphere. Electric currents can cause a line-of-sight flux imbalance because of the directionality of the magnetic field they produce. Currents associated with magnetic flux tubes produce larger imbalances than do smoothly-varying distributions of flux and current. We estimate the magnitude of this effect for current densities, total currents, and magnetic geometry consistent with observations. The expected imbalances lie approximately in the range 0–15%, depending on the character of the current-carrying fields and the angle from which they are viewed. Observationally, current-induced flux imbalances could be indicated by a statistical dependence of the imbalance on angular distance from disk center. A general study of magnetic flux balance in active regions is needed to determine the relative importance of other - probably larger -effects such as dilute flux (too weak to measure or rendered invisible by radiative transfer effects), merging with weak background fields, and long-range connections between active regions.Operated for the National Science Foundation by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy.  相似文献   
Results of a survey of instrumentation and detector systems, either currently deployed or planned for use at telescopes larger than 3.5 m, in ground based observatories world-wide, are presented. This survey revealed a number of instrumentation design trends at optical, near, and mid-infrared wavelengths. Some of the most prominent trends include the development of vastly larger optical detector systems (> 109 pixels) than anything built to date, and the frequent use of mosaics of near-infrared detectors – something that was quite rare only a decade ago in astronomy. Some future science applications for detectors are then explored, in an attempt to build a bridge between current detectors and what will be needed to support the research ambitions of astronomers in the future.  相似文献   
Attempts at improving comminution machines generally have been directed towards increasing the performance efficiency, particularly increasing throughput rate and decreasing energy consumption. The latest and most successful new comminution technology has been the high-pressure grinding rolls (HPGR), which have proved to be highly efficient in energy consumption and to have a relatively high throughput rate at low steel consumption. Already used extensively in cement plants worldwide, the first HPGRs in the mineral industry were installed in plants processing diamond ores. They are now finding their way into the large-scale base-metal mining industry. Since feed constituents in natural ores vary in their physical properties such as hardness, plasticity and brittleness, the present paper is concerned with an investigation of the behavior of a heterogeneous feed as it passes through the HPGR. The effect of feed composition on operational parameters, the energy efficiency of comminution, and energy distribution among the feed components is addressed. Mineral particles with high hardness act as energy transfer agents in the roll gap and enhance the grinding of softer mineral particles in a mixed feed.  相似文献   
This article presents equations for the estimation of horizontal strong ground motions caused by shallow crustal earthquakes with magnitudes Mw 5 and distance to the surface projection of the fault less than 100km. These equations were derived by weighted regression analysis, used to remove observed magnitude-dependent variance, on a set of 595 strong-motion records recorded in Europe and the Middle East. Coefficients are included to model the effect of local site effects and faulting mechanism on the observed ground motions. The equations include coefficients to model the observed magnitude-dependent decay rate. The main findings of this study are that: short-period ground motions from small and moderate magnitude earthquakes decay faster than the commonly assumed 1/r, the average effect of differing faulting mechanisms is not large and corresponds to factors between 0.8 (normal and odd) and 1.3 (thrust) with respect to strike-slip motions and that the average long-period amplification caused by soft soil deposits is about 2.6 over those on rock sites. Disappointingly the standard deviations associated with the derived equations are not significantly lower than those found in previous studies.  相似文献   
Here we present the first proof of an impact origin for the Saqqar circular structure in northwestern Saudi Arabia (Neville et al. 2014 ), with an apparent diameter of 34 km, centered at 29°35′N, 38°42′E. The structure is formed in Cambrian–Devonian siliciclastics and is unconformably overlain by undeformed Cretaceous and Paleogene sediments. The age of impact is not well constrained and lies somewhere between 410 and 70 Ma. The subsurface structure is constrained by 2‐D reflection seismic profiles and six drilled wells. First‐order structural features are a central uplift that rises approximately 2 km above regional datums, surrounded by a ring syncline. The crater rim is defined by circumferential normal faults. The central uplift and ring syncline correspond to a Bouguer gravity high and an annular ring‐like low, respectively. The wells were drilled within the central uplift, the deepest among them exceed 2 km depth. Sandstone core samples from these wells show abundant indicators of a shock metamorphic overprint. Planar deformation features (PDFs) were measured with orientations along (0001), {103}, and less frequently along {101} and {104}. Planar fractures (PFs) predominantly occur along (0001) and {101}, and are locally associated with feather features (FFs). In addition, some shocked feldspar grains and strongly deformed mica flakes were found. The recorded shock pressure ranges between 5 and 15 GPa. The preserved level of shock and the absence of an allochthonous crater fill suggest that Saqqar was eroded by 1–2 km between the Devonian and Maastrichtian. The documentation of unequivocal shock features proves the formation of the Saqqar structure by a hypervelocity impact event.  相似文献   

Collision of the Kohistan island arc with Asia at ~100 Ma resulted in N-S compression within the Neo-Tethys at a spreading center north of the Indo-Pakistani craton. Subsequent India-Asia convergence converted the Neo-Tethyan spreading center into a short-lived subduction zone. The hanging wall of the subduction zone became the Waziristan, Khost and Jalalabad igneous complexes. During the Santonian- Campanian (late Cretaceous), thrusting of the NW IndoPakistani craton beneath Albian oceanic crust and a Cenomanian volcano-sedimentary complex, generated an ophiolite-radiolarite belt. Ophiolite obduction resulted in tectonic loading and flexural subsidence of the NW Indian margin and sub-CCD deposition of shelf-derived olistostromes and turbidites in the foredeep. Campanian-Maastriehtian calci- clastic and siliciclastic sediment gravity flows derived from both margins filled the foredeep as a huge allochthon of Triassic-Jurassic rise and slope strata was thrust ahead of the ophiolites onto the Indo-Pakistani craton. Shallow to intermediate marine strata covered the foredeep during the late Maastrichtian. As ophiolite obduction neared completion during the Maastrichtian, the majority of India-Asia convergence was accommodated along the southern margin of Asia. During the Paleocene, India was thrust beneath a second allochthon that included open marine middle Maastrichtian colored mélange which represents the Asian Makran-Indus-Tsangpo accretionary prism. Latérites that formed on the eroded ophiolites and structurally higher colored mélange during the Paleocene wei’e unconformably overlapped by upper Paleocene and Middle Eocene shallow marine limestone and shale that delineate distinct episodes of Paleocene collisional and Early Eocene post-collisional deformation.  相似文献   
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