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矿物纤维粉尘的表面特性及对生物活性的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对矿物纤维粉尘对人体的危害性及对环境影响的研究,提出了一些矿物产生毒理作用过程的假说和因素判定;研究了矿物与生物体之间的相互作用时应重视矿物表面-细胞物理化学作用,并依据初步试验提出表面特征是矿物纤维表征生物活性的关键因子(如表面活性域、催化作用等),而纤维性只是矿物表面特性的表征因素之一。  相似文献   
不同边界条件对多年冻土上限影响的模型试验研究   总被引:17,自引:10,他引:17  
在全球气候转暖对多年冻土影响的情景下,开展了在多模式下气温升高对冻土上限的影响试验研究。针对不加抛石遮阳棚、加抛石、加抛石遮阳棚3种情况,地表温度均采取基本温度加2次不同升温冻融循环,每次温控指标逐级提高0.5℃,即地表温度3次变化依次按照-16.1~5.8~-13.3℃、-15.6~6.3~-12.8℃、-15.1~6.8~-12.3℃进行,结果表明,加抛石及遮阳棚对多年冻土上限有着明显的影响,冻土上限的变化与气温基本上呈正相关,为寒区道路工程设计与施工提供了理论参考依据。  相似文献   
哲杜斯贝是一种以高丰度和低物种分异度为显著特征、在全球广泛独立分布的小嘴贝类。笔者对华南台地相和台间盆地相5个含哲杜斯贝类上泥盆统剖面进行沉积环境和埋藏特征研究,确定华南哲杜斯贝类的原生沉积环境为台地的正常浅水,这与美国和摩洛哥生长在冷泉环境中的哲杜斯贝不同,表明其既可在浅海环境中生长,也可以在冷泉环境中生长,具有较强的生态可塑性。台地相(原地埋藏)的3个哲杜斯贝种群具有以下特征:(1)均呈现出壳体呈层状紧密堆积、集群生长特点,丰度极高,并且有相当数量的个体呈现出由于拥挤生长而导致的壳体生长畸形现象;(2)缺乏其他底栖后生生物,显示了极低的生物多样性;(3)壳体大小—频率分布和生存曲线揭示了3个哲杜斯贝种群都具有非常低的幼年期死亡率特点,同时同一介壳层内哲杜斯贝个体大小均一,表明绝大多数的个体能够达到或接近自然寿命后死亡。上述证据表明,哲杜斯贝具有密集群居生活的习性,其生活在一个独特的、不适合其他后生底栖生物生存的环境。  相似文献   
对冈底斯中段南木林县普洛岗乡花岗岩岩体进行了原位锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年和Hf同位素分析。2个花岗岩样品加权平均年龄分别为(44.3±1.1)和(44.5±1.1) Ma,代表该岩体的岩浆结晶年龄为始新世。岩石地球化学资料显示,花岗岩SiO2质量分数为60.53%~65.28%,K2O+Na2O质量分数为6.53%~7.98%,Al2O3质量分数为15.52%~16.13%,铝饱和指数为0.86~0.91,属于准铝质高钾钙碱性系列花岗岩类。花岗岩轻稀土元素相对较富集,具有明显的Eu负异常,微量元素中亏损Nb、Ta、Ti和富集Rb、Th、U、Pb。锆石Hf同位素初始比值εHf(t)值为8.8~11.1,176Hf/177Hf 为0.282 994~0.283 060,Hf同位素地壳模式年龄为422~557 Ma,反映了其岩浆来源于新生地壳物质的部分熔融。普洛岗乡花岗岩的形成与新特提斯洋向北俯冲、俯冲板片折返断离有关。  相似文献   
It is generally accepted that the compositions and properties of soil organic matter (SOM) are influenced by many factors. In order to reveal the effects of soil texture on characteristics and dynamics of SOM and its sub-fraction, humic acid (HA), along two soil profiles, a yellow soil profile and a purplish soil profile, under the same climate and vegetation conditions were determined. Results indicate that the decomposition and humification degrees of SOM and HA of the purplish soils are higher than those of the corresponding yellow soils indicated by A/O–A ratios of HAs, TOCs and HA yields of bulk soil samples, nevertheless, the development degree of the purplish soil is lower than that of the yellow soil. The variations of E4/E6 ratios of HAs along the soil profiles indicate the overall molecular sizes of HAs decreased downward along the soil profiles. A/O–A ratios of HAs decreased downward along both the soil profiles indicate that humification processes decrease downward along both the soil profiles. Leaching of SOM shows significant effects on the distribution and characteristics of HAs in the yellow soil profile but the purplish soil profile, which is consistent with the higher hydrophobicity of HAs in purplish soils, shows that the distribution characteristics of SOM along the soil profiles are a complex result of the combination of soil texture and characteristics of SOM itself. The remarkably different sand contents are concluded tentatively as one of reasons to the different distributions and dynamics of HAs along the soil profiles, however, to profoundly understand the evolution and transport of SOM along soil profiles needs more researches.  相似文献   
冯东  陈多福 《现代地质》2008,22(3):390-396
黑海西北部罗马尼亚大陆架(水深120m)和乌克兰陆坡(水深190m)发育冷泉碳酸盐岩结壳。XRD测试表明此结壳主要由高镁方解石和文石组成。结壳中与渗漏系统微生物活动有关的凝块和葡萄状文石等特殊的沉积组构非常发育。冷泉碳酸盐岩酸可溶部分(碳酸盐岩相矿物)的稀土元素含量很低(0.068×10-6~2.817×10-6),稀土元素页岩标准化配分模式显示罗马尼亚大陆架冷泉碳酸盐岩具有明显的Ce负异常,乌克兰陆坡冷泉碳酸盐岩具Ce的正异常,表明它们是分别在氧化和还原环境中沉积的。稀土元素和V、Cd和U等微量元素的含量在泥晶中最高,亮晶中最低,可能反映成岩过程对元素含量有控制作用。  相似文献   
Based on the measurements of refractive index,specific gravity,unit cell parameter,and mineral chemistry and infrared absorption spectrum analyses of pyropes in kimberlites from China,systematic studies of the Physical properties and compositional variations of pyropes of different colors and diverse paragenetic types,within and between kimberlite provinces have been undertaken,The origin of pyropes in the Kimberlites and the depth of their formation have been discussed.Pyropes of the purple series are different from those of the orange series in physical and chemical properties,for exaple,pyropes of the puple series are higher in α0,RI,SG,Cr2O3,MgO,Cr/(Cr Al),Mg/(Mg Fe),and Mg/(Mg Ca),and lower in Al2O3,Fe2O3 FeO than those of the orange series.The classification of garnets in kimberlites from china by the Dawson and Stephens‘ method(1975) has been undertaken and clearly demonstrates that pyropes of diamond-rich kimberlites contain much more groups than those of diamond-poor,especially diamond-free kimberlites.The higher in α0,RI,SG,Cr2O(3.Cr/(Cr Al),knorringite and Cr-component the pyropes are ,the richer in diamond the kimberlites will be.The infrared absorption spectrum patterns of pyropes change with their chemical composition regularly,as reflected in the shape and position of infrared absorption peaks.Two absortpion bands at 862-901 cm^-1 will grade into degeneration from splitting and the absorption band positions of pyropes shift toward lower frequency with increasing Cr2O3 content and Cr/(Cr Al) ratio of pyropes,LREE contents of orange pyrope megacrysts are similar to those of porple pyrope macrocrysts,but the former is higher in HREE than the latter,showing their different chondrite-normalized patterns.The formation pressures of pyropes calculated by Cr-component,Ca-component,knorringite molecules of pyropes show that some pyropes of the purple series in diamondiferous kimberlites fall into the diamond stability field.but all pyropes of diamond-free kimberlites lie outside the diamond stability field.The megacrysts were formed through early crystallization of kimberlites magma at high pressure condition,the majority of the purple pyrope macrocrysts have been derived from disaggregated xenoliths but the minoirty of them appear to be fragments of the discrete megacryst pyropes,or phenocrysts.  相似文献   
土耳其贝帕扎里碱矿在矿区边缘的碱层出现埋深起伏大、厚度变化大、易尖灭、易涌水等情况,这些特殊的地质情况导致水溶开采钻井过程中同一组井的套管最终下入到了不同的层位,或是原先下入的矿层不稳定,易坍塌。为了解决以上问题而引入了套管锻铣开窗技术。该技术可以将老井眼中已被套管封闭的上部碱层暴露出来形成新的采矿通道,从而提高矿区采收率。先后在14口老井眼中完成了套管锻铣作业,均达到了预期效果。本文介绍了套管锻铣器的工作原理,并以H066井组为例,详细阐述了套管锻铣开窗工艺技术。工程实践表明,套管锻铣开窗技术对于换层开采、钻井处理事故、事故井恢复性生产等方面具有一定的效果,具有减少钻井工期、降低施工成本、延长老井使用寿命、提高矿藏产量等优点,有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
基于混凝土塑性损伤本构模型,将可以表征材料和结构渐进破坏的损伤变量作为内变量,考虑了混凝土拉压异性的损伤变量,利用有限元软件ABAQUS,对丰满混凝土重力坝在经受地震作用下的结构损伤区域的发展变化进行安全性评价。在数值计算过程中,对于受地震荷载作用所引起的地面水平运动而导致大坝水位水平运动对坝体的影响,通过扩充后的广义Westergaard公式予以计算模拟。通过分析得到了丰满大坝在地震作用下的塑性损伤破坏情况,并评价了丰满大坝的安全性,亦说明利用损伤力学对大坝进行安全性评价是一个可行的方法。  相似文献   
应用人工神经网络方法 ,以航磁数据为样本 ,建立了航磁信息关联的BP人工神经网络模型。对山东省 1∶5 0万航磁水平一阶导数轴向图进行计算机自动关联叠置、提取航磁解释构造轴线的研究。经与垂向二阶导数对比分析 ,证实了该方法给出的模型具有较强的非线性、自适应和学习能力。  相似文献   
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