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Comet 9P/Tempel 1 was the target of a multi-wavelength worldwide investigation in 2005. The NASA Deep Impact mission reached the comet on 4.24 July 2005, delivering a 370-kg impactor which hit the comet at 10.3 km s−1. Following this impact, a cloud of gas and dust was excavated from the comet nucleus. The comet was observed in 2005 prior to and after the impact, at 18-cm wavelength with the Nançay radio telescope, in the millimeter range with the IRAM and CSO radio telescopes, and at 557 GHz with the Odin satellite. OH observations at Nançay provided a 4-month monitoring of the outgassing of the comet from March to June, followed by the observation of H2O with Odin from June to August 2005. The peak of outgassing was found to be around between May and July. Observations conducted with the IRAM 30-m radio telescope in May and July 2005 resulted in detections of HCN, CH3OH and H2S with classical abundances relative to water (0.12, 2.7 and 0.5%, respectively). In addition, a variation of the HCN production rate with a period of 1.73±0.10 days was observed in May 2005, consistent with the 1.7-day rotation period of the nucleus. The phase of these variations, as well as those of CN seen in July by Jehin et al. [Jehin, E., Manfroid, J., Hutsemékers, D., Cochran, A.L., Arpigny, C., Jackson, W.M., Rauer, H., Schulz, R., Zucconi, J.-M., 2006. Astrophys. J. 641, L145-L148], is consistent with a rotation period of the nucleus of 1.715 days and a strong variation of the outgassing activity by a factor 3 from minimum to maximum. This also implies that the impact took place on the rising phase of the “natural” outgassing which reached its maximum ≈4 h after the impact. Post-impact observations at IRAM and CSO did not reveal a significant change of the outgassing rates and relative abundances, with the exception of CH3OH which may have been more abundant by up to one order of magnitude in the ejecta. Most other variations are linked to the intrinsic variability of the comet. The Odin satellite monitored nearly continuously the H2O line at 557 GHz during the 38 h following the impact on the 4th of July, in addition to weekly monitoring. Once the periodic variations related to the nucleus rotation are removed, a small increase of outgassing related to the impact is present, which corresponds to the release of ≈5000±2000 tons of water. Two other bursts of activity, also observed at other wavelengths, were seen on 23 June and 7 July; they correspond to even larger releases of gas.  相似文献   
We present ion microprobe measurements of oxygen isotopic compositions in the deep-sea coral Lophelia pertusa. Compared to bulk skeletal aragonite fibres, the EMZ (early mineralization zone), near the inside of the calyx, was systematically depleted in 18O. Rayleigh fractionation from a semi-closed fluid reservoir does not explain this and other geochemical differences. Furthermore, pH values estimated from skeletal δ11B data are inconsistent with the idea that EMZ (or centres of calcification) 18O depletion reflects a more alkaline calcification environment. Our data, combined with microstructural and geochemical observations, indicate that the aragonitic fibres and EMZ are formed by a compartmentalized mineralization calicoblastic ectoderm, which exerts strong biological control on the composition of the skeleton. Hence, we propose a new model whereby amorphous calcium carbonates (ACC) are precursors to the EMZ, whereas the fibre precipitation is probably governed by kinetic processes.  相似文献   
New geochronological, trace element and Sr–Nd isotope data for metabasalts, dolerites and amphibolites from the Río Verde Complex, Central Hispaniola, are integrated with existing geochemical data for mafic volcanic rocks and metamorphic derivatives from the Los Ranchos, Amina and Maimón Formations, giving new insights into magma petrogenesis and paleotectonic reconstruction of the Lower Cretaceous Caribbean island-arc–back arc system. U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar age data show that the Río Verde Complex protoliths were in part coeval with volcanic rocks of the Los Ranchos Formation (Upper Aptian to Lower Albian). The geochemical data establish the existence of gradients in trace element parameters (Nb/Yb, Th/Yb, Zr/Yb, Zr/Ba, and normalized Ti, Sm, Y and Yb abundances) and Nd isotope compositions from throughout Hispaniola, which reflect differences in the degree of mantle wedge depletion and contributions from the subducting slab. The Río Verde Complex mafic rocks and some mafic sills and dykes intruding in the Loma Caribe Peridotite, have a transitional IAT to N-MORB geochemistry and a weak subduction-related signature, and are interpreted to form in a rifted arc or evolving back-arc basin setting. The Los Ranchos, Amina and Maimón Formations volcanic rocks have arc-like characteristics and represent magmatism in the volcanic front. Trace element and Nd isotope modeling reproduce observed data trends from arc to back-arc and suggest that the variations in several geochemical parameters observed in a SW direction across the Caribbean subduction system can be explained from the progressively lower subduction flux into a progressively less depleted mantle source. The low Nb contents and high (εNd)i values in both arc and back-arc mafic rocks imply, however, the absence of a significant Lower Cretaceous plume enriched component. In order to explain these observations, a model of proto-Caribbean oceanic lithosphere subducting to the SW at least in the 120–110 Ma interval, is proposed to cause the observed magmatic variations in the Lower Cretaceous Caribbean island-arc–back-arc system. In this context, arc rifting and initial sea-floor spreading to form the Río Verde Complex protoliths occurred in the back-arc setting of this primitive island-arc, built on the NE edge of the Caribbean plate.  相似文献   
One of the most widely used methods to estimate magmatic oxygen fugacity involves the use of empirical equations relating fO2 to the iron redox state in quenched silicate liquids; however none of the equations have been calibrated experimentally under subliquidus conditions at temperatures and oxygen fugacities that are relevant to natural magmas. To address this problem, we tested two empirical relationships [Eq. (1) in Kress and Carmichael 1991; Eq. (6) in Nikolaev et al. 1996] on synthetic glasses synthesized from a ferrobasaltic and a transitional alkali-basaltic composition at sub- to superliquidus temperatures (1,132–1,222°C) and controlled oxygen fugacities (FMQ=–2 to +1.4). Fe3+/Fe was determined using conventional and milliprobe Mössbauer spectroscopy, and verified using wet chemical analysis on selected samples. For the ferrobasaltic bulk composition SC1-P, both empirical models reproduce the Fe3+/Fe ratio of the quenched liquids generally within 0.03 for sub- as well as superliquidus temperatures, although agreement is worse at higher oxygen fugacities (FMQ>+1) at subliquidus temperatures. For the transitional alkali-basaltic composition 7159V-P, both models reproduce the Fe3+/Fe ratio of the quenched liquids generally within 0.04, although agreement is worse for both models at high oxygen fugacities (FMQ>+1). Such behaviour may be related to a change in melt structure, where a progressive change in Fe3+ coordination is inferred to occur as a function of Fe3+/Fe based on Mössbauer center shifts. Recasting the data in terms of oxygen fugacity shows that calculated oxygen fugacities deviate from those actually maintained during the equilibration of the sample material by generally no more than 0.5 log-bar unit, with maximum deviations that only rarely exceed one log-bar unit.Editorial responsibility: J. Hoefs  相似文献   
An experimental study of the system Zr-Fe-Ti-O in equilibrium with metallic iron has been conducted at atmospheric pressure and in the temperature range 950–1300° C, with the purpose of modelling sub-solidus relations between Zr-bearing Fe-Ti oxide phases in lunar rocks. The phase relations are governed by the coexistence of the Fe-Ti oxides with ZrO2 at temperatures below 1247° C, but with the new cubic ZFT phase at higher temperatures. ZFT, approximately Zr Fe Ti O5, is probably related to the so-called stabilized cubic zirconia and could represent a synthetic equivalent of some lunar Zr-Fe-Ti rich oxide minerals.The zirconium contents in all Fe-, Ti and Fe-Ti-oxide phases increase with increasing temperature. At each temperature, Zr is incorporated preferentially in the Ti-oxide (up to 11 wt% ZrO2), followed by ferropseudobrookite (up to 6 wt% ZrO2), ilmenite (max. 4 wt%) and wüstite (max. 2.5 wt%). Ulvöspinel coexisting with ilmenite (+Fe0+ ZrO2 and/or ZFT) always contains less than 1.2 wt% ZrO2, whereas the same mineral in assemblage with wüstite-ZrO2-Fe0 displays even higher ZrO2 contents than ilmenite (above 4 wt%). Considering that the values determined here in the synthetic parageneses represent saturation concentrations at high temperatures in a simple model system, the ZrO2 concentrations in the corresponding lunar minerals should generally be significantly lower. This is realized, except for the so-called Cr-Zr-Ca armalcolites which display ZrO2 contents in the range 3.5–7 wt% and are thus probably related rather to Zr-rich oxide minerals than to armalcolite itself.  相似文献   
Cheniers from Mont‐Saint‐Michel bay (France) are coarse shelly sand ridges migrating on the mudflat up to the salt marshes where they accumulate and merge in a littoral barrier. In this macrotidal setting and low wave forcing, the cheniers are rarely submerged. However, they are found to move up to several metres during coincidence of spring tide and wave activity. Their processes of migration, morphology and internal structure (composition of the beddings, grain size, sorting and grain arrangement) are thought to be closely related to the hydrodynamic behaviour of the coarse and shelly sediment. This paper focuses on the hydrodynamic behaviour of bioclastic sand sampled from the cheniers: settling velocities of the shell fragments were measured using a 2 m long sedimentation tube. Thresholds of motion under unidirectional current, velocity and turbulence vertical profiles were characterized in a small recirculating flume using Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA). The flat‐shaped bioclastic particles feature low settling velocities and reveal a good resistance to the re‐suspension effect of the flow when imbricated in a sediment bed. The shear stress in the bottom boundary layer has been measured in the viscous and log sub‐layers. Nikuradse roughness heights (ks) for shell debris beds of different sizes have been quantified. It is found that ks ≈ 2·56d50. This value is close to the ones used for classic rounded sand grains despite their major differences of shape. The dual behaviour of the shell fragments (low settling velocity, good resistance to unidirectional flow) should be considered as a key to understanding how this coarse material is transported across the tidal flat, and finally accumulated as cheniers. Further flume experiments including wave activity and tidal fluctuations are necessary to better quantify these complex processes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
To test whether the silicate reference glasses BAM‐S005‐A and BAM‐S005‐B from BAM (The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Germany) are suitable materials for microanalysis, we investigated the homogeneity of these reference glasses using the microanalytical techniques EPMA, LA‐ICP‐MS and SIMS. Our study indicated that all major and most trace elements are homogeneously distributed at micrometre sampling scale in both types of glass. However, some trace elements (e.g., Cs, Cl, Cr, Mo and Ni) seem to be inhomogeneously distributed. We also determined the composition of BAM‐S005‐A and BAM‐S005‐B. The EPMA data of major elements confirmed the information values specified by the certificate. With the exception of Sr, Ba, Ce and Pb, our trace element data by LA‐ICP‐MS were also in agreement with the certified values within the stated uncertainty limits. The reasons for the discrepancy in these four elements are still unclear. In addition, we report new data for twenty‐two further trace elements, for which the concentrations were not certified. Based on our investigation, we suggest that both of these materials are suitable for many microanalytical applications.  相似文献   
We present new reference values for the NIST SRM 610–617 glasses following ISO guidelines and the International Association of Geoanalysts’ protocol. Uncertainties at the 95% confidence level (CL) have been determined for bulk‐ and micro‐analytical purposes. In contrast to former compilation procedures, this approach delivers data that consider present‐day requirements of data quality. New analytical data and the nearly complete data set of the GeoReM database were used for this study. Data quality was checked by the application of the Horwitz function and by a careful investigation of analytical procedures. We have determined quantitatively possible element inhomogeneities using different test portion masses of 1, 0.1 and 0.02 μg. Although avoiding the rim region of the glass wafers, we found moderate inhomogeneities of several chalcophile/siderophile elements and gross inhomogeneities of Ni, Se, Pd and Pt at small test portion masses. The extent of inhomogeneity was included in the determination of uncertainties. While the new reference values agree with the NIST certified values with the one exception of Mn in SRM 610, they typically differ by as much as 10% from the Pearce et al. (1997) values in current use. In a few cases (P, S, Cl, Ta, Re) the discrepancies are even higher.  相似文献   
The Tenryu Canyon deep-sea fan biological community is characterized by both reduced and oxidized sediments in the immediate vicinity of the pore water vents. The upper sediments in contact with the clams are reduced, the organic matter is enriched in sulfur, and inorganic sulfides (Fe, Cu, Zn) are forming. Towards the outer fringes of the communities the sediment is oxidized and metals generally associated with ferro-manganese oxides are concentrated. Several metals, Cd, Pb, Mo show distributions which are strongly influenced by the metabolism of the clam colony. Comparison of water and sediment geochemistry leads to the conclusion that there should be a downward flux of oxygenated seawater on the boundaries of the colony and an upward flux of chemically more reduced deep pore water at the location of the colony. Trace metals anomalies as well asδ15N anomalies of organic matter may be useful to prospect for extinct venting areas in ancient subduction zones.  相似文献   
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