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This paper describes a study of the use of large diameter “agrowells” used for irrigation in Sri Lanka. Detailed field information for a single location is presented and a numerical radial flow model was used to interpret the field response. Initially the model was used to represent a pumping test in which the pumping and subsequent recovery were monitored. It was then used to investigate the operation of the well during a dry season. Satisfactory agreement could only be obtained when account was taken of the withdrawal of water from below the water table by trees. From the simulation it was possible to show that skilful farming practice could be used in steadily exploiting the resources for irrigation over the whole of the dry season.  相似文献   

Wetting front instability (fingered flow) accelerates solute transport through the unsaturated zone to the groundwater table. Whether fingers widen or dissipate close to the groundwater is unclear. Water flow in a two-dimensional artificial capillary fringe below a dry layer exhibiting fingered flow was investigated. The flow diverged strongly in the wet soil, suggesting that fingers dissipate. Expressions for the finger radius in dry and wet soil were combined and adapted to a soil hydraulic property parameterization popular in numerical modelling. The modified equation provided finger radii for soils in humid and arid climates. The fingers in the arid soil were excessively wide. The finger radii were used to model solute transport, assuming fingers dissipated in the subsoil. Modelling was cumbersome for the arid climate. One shower may often be insufficient to trigger fingering in arid regions with short, heavy showers. In soils with shallow groundwater, the diverging subsoil flow determines solute leaching.  相似文献   

The behaviour of various formulas for evapotranspiration of grass in Nonrestricted soil water conditions is considered. These are the expressions based on the Penman formula, i.e. “old” Penman, Penman-Monteith, Thorn-Oliver and the version recommended more recently by the FAO. Moreover, the Priestley-Taylor and the Makkink formulas are considered, which are radiation-based. Comparisons are made between daily mean values estimated with these formulas and direct measurements. The latter were collected over grass in the period 1979–1982 in the catchment area of the Hupselse Beek (The Netherlands). It was found that if all required input data were measured, the Priestley-Taylor and the “old” Penman formula yielded the best results. The assumption that soil heat flux can be neglected introduces a systematic and a random error of roughly 5%. The empirical estimates for net radiation from sunshine duration, temperature and humidity appear to perform rather poorly. These estimates improved significantly if solar radiation was measured directly. The empirical expression proposed by Slob (unpublished) that requires incoming solar radiation only as input, provided better results than the other more complicated expressions. Moreover, this study reveals that evaporation of unstressed grass is primarily determined by the available energy, i.e. good evaporation estimates can be obtained by using simply λE = 0.86(Rn ? G). The Makkink method appears to be attractive for practical applications. These findings support the use of Makkink's formula for routine calculations of crop-reference evapotranspiration as has been done by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute since 1987.  相似文献   
The risk of seabird–fishery interactions in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) was examined by analysing the overlap of seabird distributions with tuna and swordfish pelagic longline fisheries managed by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) and its constituent members. The study used spatially-explicit Productivity–Susceptibility Analysis (PSA). Key data inputs were species productivity, fishing effort, likelihood of capture and species density by region. The outputs tailored results to the needs of fisheries- and wildlife-managers, indicating areas of greatest risk of species interactions, species of greatest concern for population impacts, and the flags or fisheries most likely to contribute to the risk. Large albatross species were found to be most likely to suffer population effects when exposed to longline fishing activity, followed by the larger petrels from the genuses Procellaria, Macronectes and Pterodroma. A mixture of coastal states with nesting seabird populations in their Exclusive Economic Zones (New Zealand, Australia and United States of America), distant water fishing nations (Japan, Taiwan) and flags of convenience (Vanuatu) contributed 90% of the risk to seabird populations. Recommendations include enhancing the level of fisheries observer monitoring in areas indicated as high to medium risk for seabird interactions, and consideration of spatial management tools, such as more intensive or more stringent seabird bycatch mitigation requirements in high- to medium-risk areas. The methods used, and similar studies conducted in the Atlantic Ocean could lead to improved targeting of monitoring resources, and greater specificity in the needs for seabird-mitigation measures. This will assist in reducing seabird mortality in longline fishing operations and with more effective use of resources for fishery managers in both domestic fisheries and RFMOs.  相似文献   
Simple cutting devices such as used in the printing industry allow precise and fine sectioning of frozen peats and sediments, thus enabling research with high temporal resolution. Large slices are useful in the collection of multiple synchronous subsamples for multidisciplinary research. This article describes the apparatus (called DAMOCLES) and its operation, and presents some examples from practice. These include combined microfossil, macrofossil and chemical analyses of the same sample with a sample resolution of 0.5 cm (temporal resolution c. 1 year): rapid changes occur that would have remained unnoticed with a coarser sampling distance. The final example presents a sample resolution of only 0.5 mm. These examples illustrate the possible uses of the DAMOCLES apparatus in palaeoecological research.  相似文献   
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) is likely to be central to a post-Kyoto climate change mitigation agreement. As such, identifying conditions and factors that will shape the success or failure of a reduced deforestation scheme will provide important insights for policy planning. Given that protected areas (PAs) are a cornerstone in forest conservation, we draw on interviews and secondary data to analyze the effects of available PA resources, governance ability, the level of community involvement, and provincial deforestation rates on land-cover change in nine PAs in Panama. Our results illustrate that coupling surveillance measures with greater funding and strong governance are paramount to reducing deforestation. Alone, however, these factors are insufficient for forest protection. We argue that conservation approaches that complement effective surveillance with community participation and equitable benefit sharing will address the wider issues of leakage and permanence.  相似文献   
The stable isotope dilution technique using solid source mass spectrometry is described. The method is capable of high sensitivity, and can yield accurate determinations of elements in trace quantities. The method enjoys freedom from interference effects and systematic errors, and because of its high absolute accuracy it is ideal for the determination of trace elements in geochemical reference samples. A compilation of isotope dilution analyses on ten trace elements in a number of international standard rock samples carried out at the Western Australian Institute of Technology is presented.  相似文献   
Résumé Afin d'évaluer l'impact potentiel de la vidange, les flux de nutriments et de matières sont quantifiés lors du remplissage et de la vidange d'un étang construit en dérivation, à l'aval d'une chaîne d'étangs. La cinétique de vidange a été établie à l'aide d'un modèle numérique de terrain restituant la surface topographique de l'étang. Les matières en suspension et les principaux nutriments ont été régulièrement quantifiés. La qualité hydrobiologique du cours d'eau récepteur a été contrôlée pendant et après la vidange. L'étang a exporté 8.5 tonnes de matières en suspension et des quantités de nutriments relativement élevées. Nos résultats confirment l'existence de deux phases critiques, ne concernant cependant qu'un très faible volume d'effluent. Compte tenu des capacités élevées de sédimentation des matières en suspension, la courte durée d'exposition associée à un linéaire de fossés suffisant pourrait limiter l'impact de ces matières rejetées.

Citation Vallod, D. & Sarrazin, B. (2010) Caractérisation de l'effluent de vidange d'un étang de pisciculture extensive. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(3), 394–402.  相似文献   
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