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A relationship between the energy gap (E G) and the density (ρ) over mean atomic weight (〈A〉) ratio for Fe-poor oxide and silicate minerals is derived from simple properties of their free atom-components. Theoretical considerations are based on the Lorentz electron theory of solids. The eigenfrequency ν 0 of elementary electron oscillators, in energy units h ν 0, is identified with the energy gap of a solid. The numerical relation is of the form $$(\langle U_0 \rangle ^2 - E_G^2 )\frac{{\langle A\rangle }}{\rho } = \frac{4}{3}\pi \hbar ^2 \frac{{e^2 }}{m}N = 276.79 eV^2 cm^3 /mol$$ where 〈U 0〉 is the average first ionization potential (per free atom), ? is crossed Planck's constant, e is the electron charge, m is the electron rest mass, and N is Avogadro's number. For several geophysically interesting oxide and silicate minerals which are in general composed of four different elements (O, Si, Mg and Al), we obtain from laboratory data that the mean value of $$\left\langle {[\langle U_0 \rangle ^2 - (E_G^{lab} )^2 ]\frac{{\langle A\rangle }}{\rho }} \right\rangle \approx 248.2 \pm 20.9eV^2 cm^3 /mol.$$ .  相似文献   
The seasonal stability of snow cover (ISS) was defined as a percentage ratio of the real and the potential snow cover duration in a winter season. Main results of the study are as follows: (1) alternately occurring periods of high and low values of the index of snow cover stability did not appeared simultaneously in mountainous and non-mountainous areas; (2) in the majority of Poland area both zonal and meridional components of the atmospheric circulation influence the ISS; however, in south the meridional air flow reveals the stronger impact, mostly due to the intensification of the southern advection by the foehn effect; and (3) changes of two or three indices describing atmospheric circulation explain up to 50 % of the ISS in Poland. The diminishing stability of snow cover in Poland corresponds with an increasing intensity of the advection from the western sector in winter in the second half of the twentieth century in Europe.  相似文献   
Upper Saalian (Illinoian) glaciolacustrine deposits in central Poland, preserved in a tectonic graben, were exposed in an opencast lignite mine and investigated using sedimentological and micro-paleontological methods. The extraglacial lake sediments provide the first records of late Saalian cladoceran communities in central Europe, recovered from glaciolacustrine deposits. Sedimentation was dominated by a supply of clastics that fluctuated with the seasons, forming rhythmites. In addition to seasonal cyclicity, sedimentary and environmental conditions changed every several years to decades, with periods of increased inflow to the lake delivering sandy material, and periods of almost stagnant water dominated by suspension settling. The sediments contain Cladocera assemblages that indicate the lake was initially deep, oligotrophic, and filled with moderately cold water. Changes in Cladocera community composition and abundance were perhaps responses to climate seasonality. Zones without Cladocera were associated with seasons of higher inflow and sediment supply, and directly or indirectly, with tectonic activity in the graben. Earthquakes, documented by the presence of seismites, caused not only deformation of unconsolidated lake-bottom sediments, but possibly also changes in habitat characteristics. Combined sedimentological and biological data were used to infer the lake’s history and show that deposits of glaciolacustrine lakes can be used as indicators of past ecological and climate changes.  相似文献   
The statistics of turbulent flow across a forest edge have been examined using large-eddy simulation, and results compared with field and wind-tunnel observations. The moorland-to-forest transition is characterized by flow deceleration in the streamwise direction, upward distortion of the mean flow, formation of a high pressure zone immediately in front of the edge, suppression of the standard deviations and covariance of velocity components, and enhancement of velocity skewnesses. For the selected forest density, it is observed that the maximum distortion angle is about 8 degrees from the horizontal. Instead of approaching a downwind equilibrium state in a monotonic manner, turbulence (standard deviations and covariances of velocity components) and mean streamwise velocity undershoot in the transition zone behind the edge. Evolution of flow statistics clearly reveals the growth of an internal boundary layer, and the establishment of an equilibrium layer downwind of the edge. It is evident that lower-order moments generally adjust more quickly over the new rough surface than do higher-order moments. We also show that the streamwise velocity standard deviation at canopy height starts its recovery over the rough surface sooner than does the vertical velocity standard deviation, but completes full adjustment later than the latter. Despite the limited domain size upstream of the edge, large-eddy simulation has successfully reproduced turbulent statistics in good agreement with field and wind-tunnel measurements.  相似文献   
The legendary cruise of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) around the globe must always occupy an eminent place in the annals of oceanography, as being the first systematic attempt made on a global scale to explore the ocean. This expedition made fundamental discoveries in biology and geology which have not been surpassed by any later scientific cruise. Sediment with high content of metals (later called “metalliferous”) was among the enigmatic findings taken onboard. Although the nature of metalliferous sediments is well known today, the very first sampled sediments of this type have not been studied to date. Motivated by the historical value of Challenger’s metalliferous sediment collection we undertook an investigation addressing two questions: (1) the composition of sediments from seafloor for which we have very limited data; (2) Sr-Nd-Pb-Fe-Zn-isotope signature of these sediments collected before the substantial human impact on the ocean during the 20th century.The SE Pacific metalliferous sediments sampled by the Challenger’s explorers are of 2 types: (1) metalliferous oozes blanketing ridge crests and flanks down to the calcite compensation depth (CCD); and (2) stripped of CaCO3 metalliferous sediments located beneath the CCD in the deeps near the mid-ocean ridges. The abiogenic part of these sediments is composed mainly of poorly-crystalline to X-ray amorphous Fe-Mn-oxyhydroxides, and an amorphous silicate phase. These sediments have geochemical features similar to those of all the other metalliferous sediments: very high Fe and Mn content (on abiogenic basis), very low Al/(Al + Fe + Mn), and high content (on abiogenic basis) of As, Ba, Be, Bi, Cd, Co, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Th, Tl, U, V, W, Y, Zn and Zr. Their REE distribution patterns are similar to that of deep seawater and show weak signs of hydrothermal imprint (weak positive or no Eu anomaly).Seawater and/or terrigenous input from South America control the Sr-Nd-Pb-isotope signature of the Challenger metalliferous sediments and have almost completely obliterated any original MORB-derived hydrothermal signal. Zn isotopes are mainly contributed from seawater although other Zn sources (hydrothermal fluid and detrital aluminosilicates, barite and volcanic glass) are necessary to fully explain Zn-isotope ratios. Fe isotopes indicate relatively slow Fe2+ to Fe3+ oxidation in the non-buoyant plume, thus producing relatively lighter Fe-isotope signature of the FeOOH particles that formed the studied metalliferous sediments.  相似文献   
The Izera Complex (West Sudetes) contains widespread bodies of metagabbro, metadolerite and amphibolite (the Izera metabasites), and less abundant dykes of weakly altered dolerites, emplaced in a continental setting. The primary magmas of the Izera metabasites were probably formed through adiabatic decompression melting of upwelling asthenosphere (mantle plume) that was associated with the early Palaeozoic fragmentation of Gondwana (initial rift). The rocks are mildly alkaline, transitional-to-tholeiitic basalts and have OIB-like trace element patterns. Trace element modelling reveals that the mafic magmas were generated by variable degrees of partial melting (1–7%) of fertile, garnet-bearing asthenospheric source similar in composition to primitive mantle. Together with an increase in degree of partial melting, the compositional affinity of the magmas and the depth of segregation changed progressively from ca. 70–90 km (mildly alkaline magmas of the metadolerites and amphibolites) to ca. 60–75 km (transitional-to-tholeiitic magmas of the metagabbros). The systematics of incompatible versus compatible element distribution, and major and trace element modelling, indicate that some rocks experienced low-pressure (<5 kbar) differentiation resulting in up to 50% fractionation of clinopyroxene, olivine and minor plagioclase and ilmenite. The genetically distinct weakly altered dolerites are basaltic andesite in composition and possibly related to late- or post-orogenic events in the Karkonosze-Izera Block. These rocks are calc-alkaline, with relatively flat MREE–HREE patterns, enrichment in LREE and other highly incompatible elements relative to primitive mantle, and negative Nb–Ta, Ti, P anomalies. The geochemical features and geochemical modelling, indicate that their primary magmas segregated at depths ≤70 km and were produced by ~2% melting of a metasomatized sublithospheric mantle source presumably containing small amounts of hydrated phases. Although the present study is inconclusive as to the origin of the metasomatic component in the source (? slab-derived fluid/melts, OIB-like alkaline melt percolation of subcontinental lithosphere), the genesis of the Izera basaltic andesites is seemingly related to upwelling of asthenosphere and heat flow triggered by a postulated decoupling of the mantle lithosphere and post-collisional extensional collapse and uplift in the Karkonosze-Izera Block.  相似文献   
Large numbers of sub-fossil remains of the aquatic fern Salvinia natans (L.) All. have been found in several early medieval sites in Gdańsk, N. Poland. This record indicates a population expansion of this species around 7th–8th century A.D., similar to the recently observed rapid spread and high population dynamics of S. natans in northern Poland, which recent studies have attributed to climate warming. Our results suggest that in the Vistula deltaic area the S. natans expansion in the Early Middle Ages (7th–8th century A.D.) was similarly stimulated by climate warming, while its subsequent decline was mainly due to climate cooling, especially during the Little Ice Age. Warmer winters and springs and a longer growing season seem to be the most important factors forcing the expansion of S. natans in medieval times. According to our data, the co-occurrence of S. natans with other aquatic plant species was similar in both the medieval and present-day vegetation. Also, the high density of S. natans in the medieval population caused impoverishment of the local ecosystems in a way that has been observed in recent water bodies affected by invasive pleustophytes (free-floating plants).  相似文献   
Sugar beet molasses vinasse is a by‐product of ethanol fermentation from sugar beet molasses. Its dark brown colour, which is attributable to the presence of caramels, melanoidins and invert alkaline degradation products, cannot be removed by biological methods. The novelty of this work lies in the use of conventional strongly alkaline ion‐exchange resins for the decolourisation of sugar beet molasses vinasse. The aim of the study was to determine the efficiency of two strong‐base ion‐exchange resins, Dowex 2 and Wofatit ES, when used for the decolourisation of sugar beet molasses vinasse. Optimal conditions and extent of decolourisation were related to the concentration and pH of the vinasse, the time of reaction with the resin, and also to the dose and type of the resin used. The greatest extent of decolourisation (92%) was achieved with Wofatit ES dosed in the amount of 5 g/100 mL of 25% vinasse with an initial pH of 10. The optimal time of reaction with the resin indispensable for attaining the maximal effect of decolourisation was 1.5 h for both resins. The highest extent of reduction in chemical oxygen demand (43%) during decolourisation of 25% vinasse (pH 10) was obtained with Dowex 2.  相似文献   
Middle-Upper Jurassic carbonates exposed in 7 separate fragments of three tectonic units were sampled in the Polish segment of the Pieniny Klippen Belt in 1981, before construction of the Niedzica-Czorsztyn dam. Demagnetization experiments performed about 20 years ago and analyzed lately with modern program package revealed the presence of Middle Miocene overprints acquired in the normal and reversed geomagnetic field, and pre-folding components of natural remanence acquired during the Middle-Upper Jurassic. A paleolatitude of 36N±7° was obtained for the studied area for this time on the basis of 3 normal and 1 reversed components. Three pre-folding pole positions are situated between pole positions of the normal and reversed Stable European Middle Jurassic field. The obtained paleomagnetic results imply several prefolding (pre-Upper Miocene) and postfolding (post-Upper Miocene) episodes of rotations of the studied fragments.  相似文献   
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