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The new pollen record from the upper 12.75 m of a sediment core obtained in Lake Ladoga documents regional vegetation and climate changes in northwestern Russia over the last 13.9 cal. ka. The Lateglacial chronostratigraphy is based on varve chronology, while the Holocene stratigraphy is based on AMS 14C and OSL dates, supported by comparison with regional pollen records. During the Lateglacial (c. 13.9–11.2 cal. ka BP), the Lake Ladoga region experienced several climatic fluctuations as reflected in vegetation changes. Shrub and grass communities dominated between c. 13.9 and 13.2 cal. ka BP. The increase in Picea pollen at c. 13.2 cal. ka BP probably reflects the appearance of spruce in the southern Ladoga region at the beginning of the Allerød interstadial. After c. 12.6 cal. ka BP, the Younger Dryas cooling caused a significant decrease in spruce and increase in Artemisia with other herbs, indicative of tundra‐ and steppe‐like vegetation. A sharp transition from tundra‐steppe habitats to sparse birch forests characterizes the onset of Holocene warming c. 11.2 cal. ka BP. Pine forests dominated in the region from c. 9.0 to 8.1 cal. ka BP. The most favourable climatic conditions for deciduous broad‐leaved taxa existed between c. 8.1 and 5.5 cal. ka BP. Alder experiences an abrupt increase in the local vegetation c. 7.8 cal. ka BP. The decrease in tree pollen taxa (especially Picea) and the increase in herbs (mainly Poaceae) probably reflect human activity during the last 2.2 cal. ka. Pine forests have dominated the region since that time. Secale and other Cerealia pollen as well as ruderal herbs are permanently recorded since c. 0.8 cal. ka BP.  相似文献   
Gypsy Travellers have a long history of marginalisation in Scotland, but their mobility remains an issue of particular contention. Drawing upon a series of interviews with Gypsy Travellers in the North-East of Scotland, this paper uncovers how power and politics permeate discourses on movement to legitimise the spatial ordering of this traditionally nomadic group. The paper begins by exploring the more hidden and subtle aspects of mobility, such as the emotional and imaginative ties to travel. It then shifts to document how Gypsy Travellers’ geographies have been compromised by discriminatory policies and practices, which demonstrate a misunderstanding of the heterogeneity of their mobility. Consequently, increasingly punitive policies have pushed many Gypsy Travellers to abandon their travelling ways to move into “fixed” housing, while others have been forced into states of perpetual motion. The overall goal of the paper is to unravel the discursive constructions of movement in the context of institutionalised power and to document the spatial ordering of Gypsy Travellers’ lives, whose marginality has been legitimised by laws, ideologically sustained and reproduced in policy documents.  相似文献   
Palaeomagnetic and geochronological studies on mafic rocks in the Lake Ladoga region in South Russian Karelia provide a new, reliably dated Mesoproterozoic key paleopole for the East European Craton (Baltica). U–Pb dating on baddeleyite gives a crystallisation age of 1452 ± 12 Ma for one of the studied dolerite dykes. A mean palaeomagnetic pole for the Mesoproterozoic dolerite dykes, Valaam sill and Salmi basalts yields a paleopole at 15.2°N, 177.1°E, A95 = 5.5°. Positive baked contact test for the dolerite dykes and positive reversal test for the Salmi basalts and for the dykes confirm the primary nature of the magnetisation. Comparison of this Baltica palaeopole with coeval paleomagnetic data for Laurentia and Siberia provides a revised palaeoposition of these cratons. The results verify that the East European Craton, Laurentia and Siberia were part of the supercontinent Columbia from the Late Palaeoproterozoic to the Middle Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   
Geological, geochronological, and isotope-geochemical studies of the metadolerites of the Angaul complex, widespread in the Urik-Iya graben of the southern Siberian craton, were carried out. The metadolerites forming separate conformal bodies (sills) among the metasandstones of the Ingash Formation were studied in detail. U-Pb zircon (SHRIMP) dating of metadolerites yielded an age of 1913 ± 24 Ma, and U-Pb baddeleyite (ID-TIMS) dating of these rocks yielded an age of 1914.0 ± 1.7 Ma. Thus, the date of 1914 ± 2 Ma can be taken as the most precise age estimate for the studied rocks. The metadolerites of the Angaul complex correspond in chemical composition to the normal-alkaline tholeiitic basalts. Metadolerites are differentiated rocks with mg# of 36 to 58. They show fractionated REE patterns: (La/Yb)n = 1.2-3.5. All metadolerites, independently of their mg# value, have low contents of Nb (1.6-10.2 ppm) and show well-pronounced negative Nb-Ta anomalies in multielement patterns (Nb/Nb* = 0.19-0.54). The metadolerites are characterized by positive εNd(T) values ranging from 0.4 to 5.2, which correlate well with their SiO2 content and mg# value. The isotope-geochemical parameters of the metadolerites of the Angaul complex indicate that fractional crystallization, along with the assimilation of the host rocks (AFC), might have been the main process during the formation of the most differentiated metadolerites. The geochemical characteristics of metadolerites with the maximum mg# values of 57-58 and εNd(T) = 5.2 suggest that the parental mantle source of the metadolerites resulted from mixing of predominant depleted mantle material with the subcontinental-lithosphere material. Intrusion of the dolerites of the Angaul complex, as well as the deposition of the sedimentary strata of the Ingash Group, took place at the Paleoproterozoic stage of intracontinental extension caused by the collapse of the orogen resulted from the collision of the Biryusa block with the Tunguska superterrane in the southern Siberian craton.  相似文献   
Chronostratigraphically-justified records of regional transgressions and regressions are important for understanding the nature of the Paleocene shoreline shifts on a global scale. Review of previously synthesized data from 7 tectonically “stable” regions, namely the eastern Russian Platform, Northwestern Europe, Northwestern Africa, Northeastern Africa, the Arabian Platform, the northern Gulf of Mexico, and Southern Australia, allows a comparison of transgressions and regressions interpreted in these regions. No common patterns are found in the early Danian and late Selandian, which reflects small or zero eustatic fluctuations that are overwhelmed locally on coastlines by regional tectonic motions and local changes in dynamic support of surface topography by mantle flow. Sea level was stabilized during these stages by a warm climate and a lack of planetary-scale tectonic changes. We have detected a middle–late Danian regression that occurred in 5 of 7 study regions, and can be explained by glacial advance at ~62–63 Ma or by concurrent subduction of the Izanagi–Pacific ridge beneath eastern Asia. An early–middle Selandian transgression also occurred in 5 regions, probably, as a result of a hyperthermal at ~61 Ma that coincided with emplacement of large igneous provinces in the oceanic domain. Both events are characterized by significant diachroneity, which can also be explained by the influence of regional tectonic subsidence or uplift. Results of the present study permit us to propose a tentative framework for a new Paleocene eustatic curve that is constrained globally using available records of transgressions and regressions.  相似文献   
We present results of mineralogical and crystallochemical studies of the Holocene carbonate sediments of a small saline lake localized in the Borgoi dry-steppe region, western Transbaikalia. Mg-calcites with a varying Mg content are predominant in the assemblage of endogenic carbonate minerals from bottom sediments. Mathematical modeling of the XRD spectra of carbonates permitted us to identify excess-Ca dolomites, which are an indicator of a shallow (playa) lake. The studies showed that the lacustrine Mg-calcites do not form a continuous series from low- to high-Mg varieties. We discuss the cause of this phenomenon and also consider the existing viewpoints of the structure of low-temperature Mg-calcites and excess-Ca dolomites and their formation conditions in lacustrine sediments. Juxtaposing the carbonate record with the data of lithological analysis, determined stable isotopes (δ18O and δ13C), and distribution of some geochemical indicators of climatic changes, we reconstructed the intricate evolution of Lake Verkhnee Beloe, which was controlled by the regional climate since the postglacial period till the present day.  相似文献   
The paper deals with geological and geochemical studies of granitoids of the Olenek complex in the Olenek uplift of the basement of the northern Siberian craton. The age of these granitoids was earlier estimated at 2036 ± 11 Ma. The granitoids of the Olenek complex correspond in composition to high-alumina quartz diorites, granites, and leucogranites of the normal petrochemical series. According to geochemical and mineralogical characteristics, the quartz diorites can be assigned to granites of the transitional I-S type, and the granites and leucogranites, to S-type granites. The 8Nd(T values in the granites of the Olenek complex vary from -0.2 to + 1.4, and the Nd model age is 2.4-2.5 Ga. The quartz diorite is characterized by 8Nd(T) = + 3.0 and a Nd model age T(DM) = 2.2 Ga. The geochemical characteristics of the granites and leucogranites indicate their formation through the melting of a source of graywacke composition, whereas the quartz diorites resulted, most likely, from the mixing of granitic and basaltic melts. The fact that the granitoids of the Olenek complex intruded the folded rocks of the Eekit Formation but stay virtually undeformed massive bodies suggests that they formed at the postdeformation stage of the regional evolution after the completion of the Paleoproterozoic orogenic events. The intrusion of granitoids marks the completion of the formation of the Early Proterozoic Eekit fold belt on the western (in the recent coordinates) margin of the Birekta terrane of the Olenek superterraine and the final formation of the superterrane structure. At the next stage of magmatism (1.98-1.96 Ga), best pronounced in the uplifts of the basement of the northern Siberian craton, all terranes forming the Anabar and Olenek superterranes assembled into a single structure.  相似文献   
The Quaternary stratigraphy of the Alpine Foreland consists of distinct terrace levels, which have been assigned to four morphostratigraphic units: Höhere (Higher) Deckenschotter, Tiefere (Lower) Deckenschotter, Hochterrasse (High Terrace) and Niederterrasse (Lower Terrace). Here, we focus on the terrace gravels at Hohle Gasse, SSE of Pratteln near Basel, which are mapped as Tiefere Deckenschotter. Petrographic and morphometric data established from clasts allowed to infer the transport mechanisms and sources of the gravels. Sedimentological analyses indicate that the gravels were transported by a braided river and deposited in a distal glaciofluvial setting. In addition, it can be shown that the majority of the clasts display multiple reworking and only a minority maintained a distinct glaciofluvial shape. Cosmogenic multi-isotope dating using 10Be and 36Cl allowed direct dating of the sediments at the study site. A depth-profile age of \(2 70_{ - 1 90}^{ + 8 30}\) ka for 10Be was achieved for the deposits at Hohle Gasse. Unfortunately, no age could be modelled from the 36Cl concentrations as the blank correction was too high. Furthermore, this age proves that the studied terrace level should be assigned to the morphostratigraphic unit Hochterrasse.  相似文献   
Doklady Earth Sciences - Carbonates showing the signs of crystallization from a melt were found in dolerites and basalts of lava covers and dikes of Alexandra Land, Heiss, and Newcomb islands....  相似文献   
The volcanic (basaltic, basalt andesitic, andesitic, and rhyolitic) porphyric rocks of the Tsagan-Zaba complex are studied in the Olkhon composite terrane of the Central Asian foldbelt. The concordant U-Pb (SHRIMP-II) age of single zircon grains from rhyolites (492 ± 5 Ma) may be interpreted as the period of formation of the Tsagan-Zaba complex. The volcanic rocks of this complex are characterized by clear suprasubduction geochemical features and positive ?Nd(t) values. The similar ages, compositions, and ?Nd(t) values of the studied volcanic rocks and gabbroic rocks of the Birkhin pluton allow us to combine them into a common Birkhin volcano-plutonic association, which may be considered as a fragment of a section of the mature island arc of ~500 Ma in age. The gabbroic rocks may be interpreted as the middle part of this section, whereas the volcanic and volcanosedimentary rocks belong to its upper part. The section was disintegrated 470–460 Ma ago, when the Early Paleozoic island arc was accreted to the southern flank of the Siberian craton in the course of the oblique collision and became a part of the Olkhon composite terrane.  相似文献   
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