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Turning Earth observation (EO) data consistently and systematically into valuable global information layers is an ongoing challenge for the EO community. Recently, the term ‘big Earth data’ emerged to describe massive EO datasets that confronts analysts and their traditional workflows with a range of challenges. We argue that the altered circumstances must be actively intercepted by an evolution of EO to revolutionise their application in various domains. The disruptive element is that analysts and end-users increasingly rely on Web-based workflows. In this contribution we study selected systems and portals, put them in the context of challenges and opportunities and highlight selected shortcomings and possible future developments that we consider relevant for the imminent uptake of big Earth data.  相似文献   
A Variscan foreland in western Poland comprises two NW-trending basement highs, which are concealed under Carboniferous through Triassic strata of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline (FSM). Both highs consist of multiply deformed quartz-sericite - albite - chlorite phyllites of unknown protolith age. 40Ar/39Ar laser probe dating of white micas in up to 0.5-mm-thick mica layers, which form the S2 axial-plane foliation in phyllites of the Wolsztyn-Leszno High, yielded an age of 340.1DŽ.6 Ma for the lower greenschists facies metamorphism and probably also for the F2 folding. This deformation was associated and followed by thrusting, which brought about the basement highs. The latter delivered clasts to overlying late Viséan-early Namurian flysch basin that was mainly sourced from the Saxothuringian Sudetes in which most of the deformation occurred between 345-335 Ma. The FSM basement may represent an independent terrane, referred to as the Wielkopolska terrane, belonging to the Armorican Terrane Assemblage.  相似文献   
The development of instrumental analytics such as the LC-MS/MS has made it possible to quickly determine many component concentrations in a single chromatogram. However, the validation of such multi-methods needs new strategies for robustness and optimization. Statistical execution of analytical tests is one tool that can be utilized to meet this requirement. A Central Composite Design (CCD) was utilized for the validation of an LC-MS/MS multi-method for 84 analytes. The experimental design includes six design variables and two non-design variables (response variables). Concentration, ionization temperature, dwell time, gradient, flow (of eluent), and spraying/curtain gas (continuous design variables) were varied on five different levels; the whole design encompassed 91 runs. To investigate the robustness of a LC-MS/MS method both peak sensitivity and chromatographic separation had to be verified. Therefore, two non-design variables were necessary. The distribution of the peaks over analysis time was applied to describe the quality of the chromatographic separation. The sensitivity was described with the signal to noise ratio (S/N). The evaluation of the measured data was accomplished with the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Three main effects (concentration, ionization temperature, dwell time) and no significant interaction effect were found for the response variable “S/N”. The variables of concentration, ionization temperature, and dwell time had no significant effects for the response variable “S/N”. The ANOVA of the response variable chromatographic separation abandoned no significant effects as well. Therefore, robustness of the method can be guaranteed for all non significant design variables.  相似文献   
Wave propagation in weakly anisotropic inhomogeneous media is studied by the quasi-isotropic approximation of ray theory. The approach is based on the ray-tracing and dynamic ray-tracing differential equations for an isotropic background medium. In addition, it requires the integration of a system of two complex coupled differential equations along the isotropic ray.
The interference of the qS waves is described by traveltime and polarization corrections of interacting isotropic S waves. For qP waves the approach leads to a correction of the traveltime of the P wave in the isotropic background medium.
Seismograms and particle-motion diagrams obtained from numerical computations are presented for models with different strengths of anisotropy.
The equivalence of the quasi-isotropic approximation and the quasi-shear-wave coupling theory is demonstrated. The quasi-isotropic approximation allows for a consideration of the limit from weak anisotropy to isotropy, especially in the case of qS waves, where the usual ray theory for anisotropic media fails.  相似文献   
Cave air PCO2 at two Irish sites varied dramatically on daily to seasonal timescales, potentially affecting the timing of calcite deposition and consequently climate proxy records derived from stalagmites collected at the same sites. Temperature-dependent biochemical processes in the soil control CO2 production, resulting in high summer PCO2 values and low winter values at both sites. Large Large-amplitude, high-frequency variations superimposed on this seasonal cycle reflect cave air circulation. Here we model stalagmite growth rates, which are controlled partly by CO2 degassing rates from drip water, by considering both the seasonal and high-frequency cave air PCO2 variations. Modeled hourly growth rates for stalagmite CC-Bil from Crag Cave in SW Ireland reach maxima in late December (0.063 μm h− 1) and minima in late June/early July (0.033 μm h− 1). For well-mixed ‘diffuse flow’ cave drips such as those that feed CC-Bil, high summer cave air PCO2 depresses summer calcite deposition, while low winter PCO2 promotes degassing and enhances deposition rates. In stalagmites fed by well-mixed drips lacking seasonal variations in δ18O, integrated annual stalagmite calcite δ18O is unaffected; however, seasonality in cave air PCO2 may influence non-conservative geochemical climate proxies (e.g., δ13C, Sr/Ca). Stalagmites fed by ‘seasonal’ drips whose hydrochemical properties vary in response to seasonality may have higher growth rates in summer because soil air PCO2 may increase relative to cave air PCO2 due to higher soil temperatures. This in turn may bias stalagmite calcite δ18O records towards isotopically heavier summer drip water δ18O values, resulting in elevated calcite δ18O values compared to the ‘equilibrium’ values predicted by calcite–water isotope fractionation equations. Interpretations of stalagmite-based paleoclimate proxies should therefore consider the consequences of cave air PCO2 variability and the resulting intra-annual variability in calcite deposition rates.  相似文献   
We investigated microphytobenthic photosynthesis at four stations in the coral reef sediments at Heron Reef, Australia. The microphytobenthos was dominated by diatoms, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria, as indicated by biomarker pigment analysis. Conspicuous algae firmly attached to the sand grains (ca. 100 μm in diameter, surrounded by a hard transparent wall) were rich in peridinin, a marker pigment for dinoflagellates, but also showed a high diversity based on cyanobacterial 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis. Specimens of these algae that were buried below the photic zone exhibited an unexpected stimulation of respiration by light, resulting in an increase of local oxygen concentrations upon darkening. Net photosynthesis of the sediments varied between 1.9 and 8.5 mmol O2 m−2 h−1 and was strongly correlated with Chl a content, which lay between 31 and 84 mg m−2. An estimate based on our spatially limited dataset indicates that the microphytobenthic production for the entire reef is in the order of magnitude of the production estimated for corals. Photosynthesis stimulated calcification at all investigated sites (0.2–1.0 mmol Ca2+ m−2 h−1). The sediments of at least three stations were net calcifying. Sedimentary N2-fixation rates (measured by acetylene reduction assays at two sites) ranged between 0.9 to 3.9 mmol N2 m−2 h−1 and were highest in the light, indicating the importance of heterocystous cyanobacteria. In coral fingers no N2-fixation was measurable, which stresses the importance of the sediment compartment for reef nitrogen cycling.  相似文献   
In this study we test if calcite shells of the common mussel, Mytilus edulis, contain barium in proportion to the water in which they grew. Similar to all bivalves analyzed to date, the [Ba/Ca]shell profiles are characterized by a relatively flat background [Ba/Ca]shell, interrupted by sharp [Ba/Ca]shell peaks. Previous studies have focused on these [Ba/Ca]shell peaks, but not on the background [Ba/Ca]shell. We show that in both laboratory and field experiments, there is a direct relationship between the background [Ba/Ca]shell and [Ba/Ca]water in M. edulis shells. The laboratory and field data provided background Ba/Ca partition coefficients (DBa) of 0.10 ± 0.02 and 0.071 ± 0.001, respectively. This range is slightly higher than the DBa previously determined for inorganic calcite, and slightly lower than foraminiferal calcite. These data suggest that M. edulis shells can be used as an indicator of [Ba/Ca]water, and therefore, fossil or archaeological M. edulis shells could be used to extend knowledge of estuarine dissolved Ba throughputs back in time. Moreover, considering the inverse relationship between [Ba/Ca]water and salinity, background [Ba/Ca]shell data could be used as an estuary specific indicator of salinity. The cause of the [Ba/Ca]shell peaks is more confusing, both the laboratory and field experiments indicate that they cannot be used as a direct proxy of [Ba/Ca]water or phytoplankton production, but may possibly be caused by barite ingestion.  相似文献   
In projections of twenty-first century climate, Arctic sea ice declines and at the same time exhibits strong interannual anomalies. Here, we investigate the potential to predict these strong sea-ice anomalies under a perfect-model assumption, using the Max-Planck-Institute Earth System Model in the same setup as in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5). We study two cases of strong negative sea-ice anomalies: a 5-year-long anomaly for present-day conditions, and a 10-year-long anomaly for conditions projected for the middle of the twenty-first century. We treat these anomalies in the CMIP5 projections as the truth, and use exactly the same model configuration for predictions of this synthetic truth. We start ensemble predictions at different times during the anomalies, considering lagged-perfect and sea-ice-assimilated initial conditions. We find that the onset and amplitude of the interannual anomalies are not predictable. However, the further deepening of the anomaly can be predicted for typically 1 year lead time if predictions start after the onset but before the maximal amplitude of the anomaly. The magnitude of an extremely low summer sea-ice minimum is hard to predict: the skill of the prediction ensemble is not better than a damped-persistence forecast for lead times of more than a few months, and is not better than a climatology forecast for lead times of two or more years. Predictions of the present-day anomaly are more skillful than predictions of the mid-century anomaly. Predictions using sea-ice-assimilated initial conditions are competitive with those using lagged-perfect initial conditions for lead times of a year or less, but yield degraded skill for longer lead times. The results presented here suggest that there is limited prospect of predicting the large interannual sea-ice anomalies expected to occur throughout the twenty-first century.  相似文献   
Almost every meteorite impact occurs at an oblique angle of incidence, yet the effect of impact angle on crater size or formation mechanism is only poorly understood. This is, in large part, due to the difficulty of inferring impactor properties, such as size, velocity and trajectory, from observations of natural craters, and the expense and complexity of simulating oblique impacts using numerical models. Laboratory oblique impact experiments and previous numerical models have shown that the portion of the projectile’s kinetic energy that is involved in crater excavation decreases significantly with impact angle. However, a thorough quantification of planetary-scale oblique impact cratering does not exist and the effect of impact angle on crater size is not considered by current scaling laws. To address this gap in understanding, we developed iSALE-3D, a three-dimensional multi-rheology hydrocode, which is efficient enough to perform a large number of well-resolved oblique impact simulations within a reasonable time. Here we present the results of a comprehensive numerical study containing more than 200 three-dimensional hydrocode-simulations covering a broad range of projectile sizes, impact angles and friction coefficients. We show that existing scaling laws in principle describe oblique planetary-scale impact events at angles greater than 30° measured from horizontal. The displaced mass of a crater decreases with impact angle in a sinusoidal manner. However, our results indicate that the assumption that crater size scales with the vertical component of the impact velocity does not hold for materials with a friction coefficient significantly lower than 0.7 (sand). We found that increasing coefficients of friction result in smaller craters and a formation process more controlled by impactor momentum than by energy.  相似文献   
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