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航空高光谱识别的高、中、低铝绢云母矿物成因学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国内外学者在航空高光谱矿物填图时,根据Al-OH光谱特征吸收波长位置不同将浅色云母类矿物分为2~3类,分别命名为高铝绢云母、中铝绢云母、低铝绢云母,但对它们的成因特点却只有零星的讨论,没有比较系统的有针对性的研究。本文在新疆雪米斯坦铀多金属成矿带获取CASI/SASI航空高光谱数据,并开展矿物填图的基础上,针对高铝绢云母、中铝绢云母、低铝绢云母等三种矿物的成因学专门开展了比较系统的研究。采用的方法主要是在开展详细的野外地质观察、采样的基础上,对采集的上述三类矿物蚀变岩样品进行详细的室内光谱测量、Al-OH吸收波长位置统计、显微薄片观察、全岩X衍射分析、粘土X衍射分析等研究,并结流体成矿理论和已有矿物成因学知识,进行了详细深入的分析讨论。研究表明,高铝绢云母蚀变岩蚀变强烈,云母类蚀变矿物以绢云母、伊利石为主,且主要与叶腊石和微晶石英等矿物伴生,而低铝绢云母蚀变岩蚀变强度中等,以伊利石、伊蒙混层为主,绿泥石增加,主要与方解石、浊沸石等矿物伴生;高铝绢云母蚀变岩具有相对高的石英含量和粘土矿物总量,具有相对较低的钾长石、斜长石以及方解石含量;低铝绢云母蚀变岩则具有相对较低的石英和粘土含量,具有相对较高的斜长石、钾长石和方解石含量。通过深入分析讨论,本文提出了在研究区航空高光谱识别的高铝绢云母形成于相对高温、偏酸性的热液流体环境,低铝形成于相对低温、偏碱性的热液流体环境。这一新认识对航空高光谱遥感矿物填图结果的深入应用和深层次找矿信息反演具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The Altyn Tagh Fault (ATF) serves as a key continental‐scale controlling structural element of the Tibetan Plateau. However, its eastward extent remains controversial. Here we use high‐resolution seismic reflection profiles to investigate the subsurface structures of the easternmost ATF and use these to delimit the easternmost extent of the fault. The structural analyses show an eastward geometric change from transpressional positive flower structures to compressional thrusts, with transpression‐induced shortening magnitudes decreasing eastwards from a maximum of ~5.3 km to being absent. Stratigraphic controls indicate that the deformation took place over the last ~<1.2 Ma. Our wider findings lead us to: (a) reject the suggestion that the ATF previously extended beyond the Kuantan Shan‐Hei Shan to link with the Alxa‐East Mongolia Fault; and (b) propose that the rigid block model used to describe the Tibetan Plateau crust is not consistent with the extent and structural details of the easternmost ATF.  相似文献   
基于无人机影像的九寨沟地震建筑物震害定量评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2017年8月8日九寨沟7.0级地震震后获取的无人机影像,结合地面震害调查资料,分析各类建筑物震害特征,建立建筑物震害无人机遥感解译标志;选取地震灾区漳扎镇(部分区域)和荷叶寨2个区域作为研究区,进行了无人机遥感建筑物震害提取,基于遥感震害指数进行了震害定量评估,并与现场建筑物震害调查统计结果进行了比较验证。结果显示,遥感解译建筑物震害与实际震害程度相吻合,表明利用震后快速获取的高分辨率无人机影像,可以较为准确地识别建筑物震害,进而为地震灾害定量评估和应急救援辅助决策提供重要参考。  相似文献   
The oceanic and atmospheric conditions and the related climate impacts of the 2015/16 ENSO cycle were analyzed, based on the latest global climate observational data, especially that of China. The results show that this strong El Niño event fully established in spring 2015 and has been rapidly developing into one of the three strongest El Niño episodes in recorded history. Meanwhile, it is also expected to be the longest event recorded, attributable to the stable maintenance of the abnormally warm conditions in the equatorial Pacific Ocean since spring 2014. Owing to the impacts of this strong event, along with climate warming background, the global surface temperature and the surface air temperature over Chinese mainland reached record highs in 2015. Disastrous weather in various places worldwide have occurred in association with this severe El Niño episode, and summer precipitation has reduced significantly in North China, especially over the bend of the Yellow River, central Inner Mongolia, and the coastal areas surrounding Bohai Bay. Serious drought has occurred in some of the above areas. The El Niño episode reached its peak strength during November-December 2015, when a lower-troposphere anomalous anticyclonic circulation prevailed over the Philippines, bringing about abnormal southerlies and substantially increased precipitation in southeastern China. At the same time, a negative phase of the Eurasia-Pacific teleconnection pattern dominated over the mid-high latitudes, which suppressed northerly winds in North China. These two factors together resulted in high concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and frequent haze weather in this region. Currently, this strong El Niño is weakening very rapidly, but its impact on climate will continue in the coming months in some regions, especially in China.  相似文献   
从北大西洋中高纬度进入北极的极端气旋会引起北极异常增暖,与中高纬度极端天气事件关系密切,危害极大。利用ERA-Interim再分析资料和中国地面气象站观测资料,探讨了2015年1—2月两个极端气旋(C1,C2)影响中国天气的物理过程和机制。结果表明:当极端气旋生成并北移,附近大气低层和高层均出现异常增暖,中高纬度大气环流表现为乌拉尔阻塞形势形成,极涡断裂,低压槽加深南压,我国发生寒潮天气;且极端气旋伴随的异常增暖加强Rossby波能量频散,使中高纬度的槽和脊发展。对比发现,C1和C2的生成地和路径均存在差异,相比于C2,C1生成纬度较高且路径偏东,对应低温寒潮天气范围更大,但强度比C2略弱。这些结果均表明,极端气旋的生成和移动是中国寒潮天气发生的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
为了探讨北京市观象台地面气象要素与北京城八区非职业性一氧化碳(CO)中毒人次的相关性,收集了北京16个急救中心日CO 中毒人次与同期日平均气温、日最高气温、日最低气温、日平均海平面气压等气象要素的时间序列,利用线性回归分析分别统计CO 中毒人次与各气象要素的月平均气候及9天滑动平均的相关关系.CO中毒人数主要集中在冬半年(10月至次年4月),1月平均 CO中毒人数最高,每千万人口为8.1人;北京月平均 CO中毒人数与月平均海平面气压成正相关、与月平均极端最低气温呈反相关;过去9天的平均极端最低气温与未来9天CO中毒人数的相关系数达-0.7661,统计学意义明显(P<0.01).气象部门在冬季通过预测天气变化来提醒使用燃气、煤炭等取暖的居民预防CO 中毒,做好公共事件气象服务工作.  相似文献   
气候变化科学的最新认知   总被引:217,自引:22,他引:217  
 政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第一工作组于2007年2月2日发布的第四次评估报告明确指出,近100 a(1906-2005年)地球表面平均温度上升了0.74℃,近50 a的线性增温速率为0.13℃/10 a,1850年以来最暖的12个年份中有11个出现在近期的1995-2006年。全球变暖已经是不争的科学事实,报告认为人类活动是近50 a全球气候系统变暖的主要原因。 IPCC评估报告是国际科学界对气候变化问题最权威、最全面的认识,代表了目前全球气候变化研究的科学认识水平,是国际上制定相关政策的重要依据。  相似文献   
By utilizing the denser upper-air observations from the Okinawa region and Japanese islands during August 17-23, 1975, the vertical transports of heat and moisture by cumulus convection in the typhoon No. 7507 have been calculated. It is found that there exist a large apparent heat source (Q1) and a mois-ture sink (Q2) in the southern part of the typhoon at the disturbance, growing and mature stages. The magnitudes of the apparent heat source and moisture sink ace rather small, or turn into the apparent heat sink in the northern sector of the typhoon. In the southern part of the typhoon, the total cloud mass flux (Mc) is positive, whereas in the northern part of the typhoon Mc is negative. The above-mentioned distributions of Q1, Q2 and Mc agree well with the major cloud patterns.In the southern part of the typhoon, Q2 is positive because the drying effect is always larger than the evaporative cooling, whereas in the northern part of the typhoon, the opposite case is true because both the drying and evaporating effects of liquid water make a negative contribution to Q2.  相似文献   
EOS/MODIS数据在甘蔗寒害监测评估中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用250 m分辨率的EOS/MODIS数据,采用植被状况指数法,以广西甘蔗种植区为例,研究应用遥感方法进行甘蔗寒害监测评估的技术方法。在通过使用地理信息数据,结合GPS测定的甘蔗训练样本区,应用EOS/MO—DIS数据获取了广西甘蔗种植区域的基础上,根据甘蔗遭受寒害后叶绿素减少,从而导致归一化植被指数值发生变化的原理,建立甘蔗寒害遥感监测评估模型和产品制作流程。对2008年初广西甘蔗寒害的空间分布及其灾害面积进行监测评估,监测评估结果与灾情调查实况一致,重寒害区主要出现在广西北部和中部的甘蔗种植区,东南部、沿海地区及右江河谷的甘蔗区寒害相对较轻,灾害面积测算误差小于5%,结果表明:应用EOS/MODIS数据开展甘蔗寒害的空间分布及灾害面积的监测评估,能较好地满足业务需求。  相似文献   
The absolute32S/34S ratios of IAEA-S-1 reference material and V-CDT standard are determined. For cross-checking, two sets of synthetic isotope mixtures are prepared from high purity32S and34S-enriched materials in different forms: the first set is prepared from BaSO4 whereas the second is prepared from Ag2S. The sulfur isotope analyses are done by using SF6 method with a MAT-251 EM mass spectrometer. The resulting32S/34S ratio of IAEAS-1 reference material is 22. 656 4 ±0.006 0, and that of V-CDT is 22.649 6 ± 0.006 0. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 86020341).  相似文献   
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