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In 2018, the International Conference for the Decade Memory of the Wenchuan Earthquake in connection to the 4th International Conference on Continental Earthquakes (4th ICCE) and the 12th Assembly of Asian Seismological Commission (ASC) officially announced the establishment of China Seismic Experimental Site (CSES) in the Sichuan-Yunnan region. CSES focuses on the field experiments on a broad spectra of scientific problems in earthquake science, from the tectonics and physics of earthquakes and faulting to the engineering countermeasures for disaster risk reduction. In spring of 2021, approved by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China, CSES as a key state scientific infrastructure was enlisted in the 14th national five-year plan (2021–2025) of economic and social development and the long-term vision of 2035, which is considered as a major step for promoting earthquake science in China. Since 2018, the planning, construction and functioning of CSES have attracted much attention in earthquake science (CSES, 2020a, b, c; Wu ZL et al., 2021a, b, c, d). This special issue of Earthquake Science, similar to other publications (e.g., Li YG et al., 2021), reflects a profile of the on-going works of CSES, by CSES, and for CSES. Totally 8 articles are included in the present issue, covering some aspects of research scopes of CSES.  相似文献   
基于阿拉善荒漠中部的4个霸王(Sarcozygium xanthoxylon)样点建立的区域轮宽年表,探讨了霸王径向生长对气候变化的响应及阿拉善荒漠中部区域1902—2015年的干湿变化。结果表明:霸王的径向生长主要受到生长季及前期降水(当年4—7月和前一年10—12月降水)影响。年代际尺度上,区域年表共记录了1920s初—1930s初、1940s初以及1970s末—1980s末3个干旱时段和1900s末—1920s初、1930s、1960s中—1970s中以及1980s末—至今4个湿润时段。区域气候干湿变化以2~8、11、16~32a周期最为明显,在1970s末发生了周期性震荡。本研究所揭示的区域百余年来气候干湿变化波动状况,可为区域环境演变和荒漠化防治提供气候背景代用资料和决策依据。  相似文献   
为揭示树木的不同空间配植方案对行人呼吸高度气流的影响,本文将树木视为均匀多孔介质,通过附加源项法从空气动力学角度用CFD模拟了H/W=2的典型深街谷几何内4种树木配植情景,实验表明,不同空间配置下树木对街谷内行人呼吸高度处局地气流的影响强弱在空间分布模式上差异悬殊:① 均匀种植的树木对街谷内行人呼吸高度的气流起到阻碍作用,不均匀种植则有效提升街谷的整体流速。4种空间配植方案下树木对气流的影响程度不同,阻碍作用从大到小的顺序为均匀间距8 m(Spa8m)>均匀间距6 m(Spa6m)>均匀间距20 m(Spa20m)>不均匀配植(Non-uniform);对应的平均气流增强指标顺序为$\bar{D}_{spa8}$(-19.31%)<$\bar{D}_{spa6}$(-16.14%)<$\bar{D}_{spa20}$(-10.73%)<$\bar{D}_{non-uniform}$(1.25%)。② 对比不均匀和均匀的种植方案,不均匀植树的街谷内部行人呼吸高度的气流流速比其对照案例(均匀植树Spa8m方案)整体增强了106.49%。街谷中部不种树,在街谷两端配置树木并预留足够的自由空间的不均匀植树方案,能够让角涡渗入街谷中部,促使街谷内部的垂直漩涡和两端的水平角涡运动,增强湍流和垂直交换,有效减少了街道两端“风口效应”和街道中部“风影效应”的区域,改善了整个街谷行人呼吸平面的风环境。④ 合理空间配置的树木能够改善街谷内部的行人风环境。街谷内行人呼吸高度处的气流对局地条件很敏感,树木的局部配置(空间簇集、密度)将引起强烈的空间变化。在既有城市建筑布局条件下,如何通过谨慎的景观设计,利用树木等城市绿化措施有效地改善城市的行人风环境,缓解污染扩散、疾病传播等问题,本文的方法可提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
本文针对低纬度地区频率域化磁极存在的问题,在频谱分析的基础上,提出了一种新的滤波方法即振幅滤波法。该方法能将低纬度地区化极磁场的频谱恢复到垂直磁化磁场的频谱,大大提高了低纬度地区化磁极的精度。  相似文献   
王坤  关新平  丁喜峰  乔杰敏 《海洋学报》2010,32(10):6859-6863
研究Duffing振子系统的周期解的唯一性与精确周期信号的获取方法. 应用定性分析方法,获得了一类Duffing振子系统具有唯一周期解的必要条件,同时也得到了一类更广泛的非线性周期系统的周期解的唯一性.在一定条件下,给出了Duffing振子系统精确周期信号的获取方法.  相似文献   
郯庐断裂带为我国东部北北东—北东向岩石圈深大断裂带。在其南段的邻区,分布有胶东金矿区、鲁西铁金矿区以及长江中下游的铁铜(金)成矿带和苏北油气田等矿产。从已获得大量测年资料分析,可将构造—岩浆—成矿事件分为3个阶段:1)早期(800~550 Ma):自元古宙泛古陆裂解和随之而来的加里东期古地震和局部海西期喷流作用,证实地壳运动早已拉开了它的构造活动序幕,此阶段继承和构建了华北克拉通岩石圈先存的构造薄弱带,从成矿作用而论,此阶段可称为成矿预备场地;2)主期(1 80~110 Ma):在三叠纪期间,扬子板块和华北板块陆—陆碰撞和中生代西太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲等,造就了现今郯庐断裂与分支断裂的构造格架。其中主峰形成时间为140~120 Ma±,在这个阶段广泛有钙碱性系列、富钾高锶钙碱系列、碱性系列岩浆和后期成矿热液,沿着有利构造空间剧烈活动和成矿就位。本区壳幔混熔型和壳源同熔型花岗岩,是地壳减薄和下地壳拆沉、底侵的产物,而不是单一的构造运动的结果。此阶段可称为断裂构造—岩浆活动—成矿作用的鼎盛期;3)晚期(60Ma~现代):沿东西向与北北东向(或北东向)断裂交汇处,存在橄榄玄武岩喷侵,为石油和天然气的形成提供了热源和物源,此期可称其为构造—岩浆活动的衰变期。  相似文献   
Climatic study on the summer tropical easterly jet at 200 hPa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The low latitude easterlies at 200 hPa in summer (May-October) is analysed climatically during the 13-year period from 1968 to 1980, with a special emphasis on the relationship between the anomalous tropical easterly jet stream over South Asia and the low latitude atmospheric circulation, and also the summer monsoon precipitation in India. The compositing analysis shows that the tropical easterly jet stream over South Asia has five anomalous patterns at 200 hPa i.e. the western pattern, middle pattern, eastern pattern, two-branch pattern and multi-core pattern. Evidence has shown that the precipitaion in India anomalously increased during the anomalous period of the western pattern and the middle pattern, but reverse case is true in the eastern pattern. Some different anomalies of the precipitation in different area of India were found during the other two anomalous pattern.  相似文献   
The features of 30-60-day convection oscillations over the subtropical western North Pacific (WNP) were investigated, along with the degree of tropical-subtropical linkage between the oscillations over the WNP during summer 1998. It was found that 30-60-day oscillations were extremely strong in that summer over both the subtropical and tro]~ical WNP, providing a unique opportunity to study the behavior of subtropical oscillations and their relationship to tropical oscillations. Further analyses indicated that 30-60-day oscillations propagate westwards over the subtropical WNP and reach eastern China. In addition, 30-60-day oscillations in the subtropics are affected by those over the South China Sea (SCS) and tropical WNP through two mechanisms: (1) direct propagation from the tropics into the subtropics; and (2) a seesaw pattern between the tropics and subtropics, with the latter being predominant.  相似文献   
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