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This paper focuses on the modelling of mixed-mode fracture using the conventional smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method and a mixed-mode cohesive fracture law embedded in the particles. The combination of conventional SPH and a mixed-mode cohesive model allows capturing fracture and separation under various loading conditions efficiently. The key advantage of this framework is its capability to represent complex fracture geometries by a set of cracked SPH particles, each of which can possess its own mixed-mode cohesive fracture with arbitrary orientations. Therefore, this can naturally capture complex fracture patterns without any predefined fracture topologies. Because a characteristic length scale related to the size of the fracture process zone is incorporated in the constitutive formulation, the proposed approach is independent from the spatial discretisation of the computational domain (or mesh independent). Furthermore, the anisotropic fracture responses of materials can be naturally captured thanks to the orientation of the fracture process zone embedded at the particle level. The performance of the proposed approach demonstrates its potentials in modelling mixed-mode fracture of rocks and similar quasi-brittle materials.  相似文献   
A single bioaugmentation reactor and a side-stream gaslift membrane bioreactor combined with bioaugmentation are conducted to treat real wastewater from a centralized piggery slaughterhouse in Vietnam. The bioaugmented reactor is inoculated with heterotrophic microorganisms (Bacillus sp.) isolated from piggery slaughterhouse wastewater. The results of a single bioaugmentation experiment show high removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD) (84.8%–97.5%) and total nitrogen (TN) (69.9%–87.2%) at loading rates of 1.28–3.89 and 0.14–0.37 kg m−3 d−1, respectively. The combined system demonstrates a significantly higher TN removal efficiency (89.0%–96.1%) (p < 0.001), more stable flux (36.0–38.4 L m−2 h−1), and transmembrane pressure (0.95–1.05 bar), and better capacity of separation of solid–liquid phases compared to the single bioaugmentation. High COD and TN removal efficiency is possibly due to assimilation and simultaneous nitrification and denitrification processes. The results of this study also indicate the feasibility and propitious efficiency of the bioaugmented gaslift membrane bioreactor for piggery slaughterhouse wastewater treatment.  相似文献   
This research represents a novel soft computing approach that combines the fuzzy k-nearest neighbor algorithm (fuzzy k-NN) and the differential evolution (DE) optimization for spatial prediction of rainfall-induced shallow landslides at a tropical hilly area of Quy Hop, Vietnam. According to current literature, the fuzzy k-NN and the DE optimization are current state-of-the-art techniques in data mining that have not been used for prediction of landslide. First, a spatial database was constructed, including 129 landslide locations and 12 influencing factors, i.e., slope, slope length, aspect, curvature, valley depth, stream power index (SPI), sediment transport index (STI), topographic ruggedness index (TRI), topographic wetness index (TWI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), lithology, and soil type. Second, 70 % landslide locations were randomly generated for building the landslide model whereas the remaining 30 % landslide locations was for validating the model. Third, to construct the landslide model, the DE optimization was used to search the optimal values for fuzzy strength (fs) and number of nearest neighbors (k) that are the two required parameters for the fuzzy k-NN. Then, the training process was performed to obtain the fuzzy k-NN model. Value of membership degree of the landslide class for each pixel was extracted to be used as landslide susceptibility index. Finally, the performance and prediction capability of the landslide model were assessed using classification accuracy, the area under the ROC curve (AUC), kappa statistics, and other evaluation metrics. The result shows that the fuzzy k-NN model has high performance in the training dataset (AUC?=?0.944) and validation dataset (AUC?=?0.841). The result was compared with those obtained from benchmark methods, support vector machines and J48 decision trees. Overall, the fuzzy k-NN model performs better than the support vector machines and the J48 decision trees models. Therefore, we conclude that the fuzzy k-NN model is a promising prediction tool that should be used for susceptibility mapping in landslide-prone areas.  相似文献   
The goal of the present study was to examine the specific bioaccumulation of 22 trace elements in muscle, exoskeleton and hepatopancreas of black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon from the Mekong River Delta (MRD), and the South Key Economic Zone (SKEZ), South Vietnam. The general tendency in most trace element concentrations among different tissues were hepatopancreas > exoskeleton > muscle. Comparisons of trace element levels in tissues between the two regions showed that concentrations of Se in muscle and As in all three tissues were higher in SKEZ; whereas in MRD, the higher concentrations of most elements such as Mn, Cu, Cd, Ba, Hg, were observed in tissues. These geographical variations in trace element levels may reflect the differences in human activities between the two regions of South Vietnam. The target hazard quotient (THQ) values for trace elements (<1) indicate that local residents are not exposed to potential health risks via the consumption of shrimp.  相似文献   
New data obtained on the Khao Que-Tam Tao gabbro-granite pluton (Northern Vietnam) are discussed. It was established that this pluton was formed at the Permian-Triassic boundary (250.5 ± 3.2 Ma, 40Ar/39Ar isotopic age). Morphologically, it represents a hypabyssal fracture intrusion. The first stage was marked by the intrusion of the picrobasaltic melt, the differentiation of which resulted in the formation of the layered peridotite-gabbro series and the quartz-bearing monzodiorites and granophyres in its endocontact at the final stage. At the second stage, the Khao Que peridotite-gabbro massif was broken in its central part by a fault, along which the Tam Tao granodiorite-granite massif was localized. Numerical simulation using the COMAGMAT program for the basic system and geochemical estimates for the granite system allow the statement that the mafic and granitic melts evolved independently, and their final products were quartz-bearing monzodiorite and granophyre, on the one hand, and aplites and pegmatites, on the other hand. The compositional correlation of the Permian-Triassic magmatic associations in Northern Vietnam (the Nui Chua gabbro pluton and the Khao Que-Tam Tao gabbro-granite and Pia Bioc granite plutons) and in Southeast China (flood basalts) allows these complexes to be regarded as a part of a single large igneous province produced by the Emeishan plume activity.  相似文献   
The variability of shear characteristics of rock discontinuities is often difficult to ascertain. Thus, even with the reliability-based design (RBD) approach, which allows for consideration of the uncertainty of input parameters, the design of a rock slope system may be either cost-inefficient (overdesign) or unsafe (under-design), depending on whether the variation of input parameters is overestimated or underestimated. The uncertainty about the variation of input parameters is a critical issue in a RBD. This paper presents a feasible approach to addressing this problem using robust design concept. First, the uncertainty of the estimated statistics of input parameters (such as rock properties) is represented by fuzzy sets, which requires only the knowledge of lower and upper bounds of the estimated statistics. Then, the robust design concept is implemented to ensure that the final design is insensitive to, or robust against, the uncertainty of the estimated statistics of input parameters. The design methodology is demonstrated with an application to the design of a rock slope system with multiple failure modes. This design methodology, termed robust geotechnical design (RGD), aims to achieve a certain level of design robustness, in addition to meeting safety and cost requirements. In this paper, the RGD framework is realized through a multi-objective optimization, as it involves three requirements, safety, cost, and robustness. The significance of the design methodology is demonstrated with an example of rock slope design.  相似文献   
The Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR)in China is the largest hydroelectric project in the world,but the threat of sediment affecting ecological sustainability of the reservoir is a topic of concern.Sediment particlesize distribution(PSD)is informative in understanding sediment transport dynamics and biochemical functions.It is,therefore,important to quantitatively characterize the distribution of sediment particles.In the current study,fractal theory is applied to determine the PSD of suspended sediment in the TGR.The results show that the volumetric fractal dimension(D_v)exhibits a significant seasonal difference(p<0.05),reflecting sediment source and hydrodynamic sorting control the granularity of suspended sediment in the TGR.More specifically,suspended sediment particles are coarser in the wet season than in the dry season for the Yangtze River,and the opposite is true for the Ruxi River,an important tributary.The generalized dimension spectrum,D(q)-q,and multifractal singularity spectrum,f[α(q)]-α(q),were calculated for each suspended sediment sample.Thereafter,the parameters,D(0),D(1),D(2),α(0),Δα(q),andΔf[α(q)],were determined to characterize the PSD.As a result,the coarser suspended sediment during the wet season is characterised by a more complex PSD pattern,with a wider range of particle sizes,greater heterogeneity,and greater homogeneity of distribution over the measurement interval.However,the multifractal structure of the PSD of suspended sediment is more complex during the dry season than during the wet season,with higher local dispersion and variability.The findings of the current study highlight that multifractal analysis provides important insight for understanding the PSD of suspended sediment in the TGR.  相似文献   
In this technical note, a consistent finite element formulation of the Hyperstatic Reaction Method (HRM) for tunnel linings design is proposed by introducing a variational consistently linearized formulation. It permits to consider a nonlinear interaction between a lining structure and the surrounding ground. Recent advances of the HRM in regard to the consideration of the nonlinear response of the segmented tunnel lining exposed to design loads use an iterative algorithm for solving the nonlinear system of equations. In the proposed Variationally consistent Hyperstatic Reaction Method (VHRM), a distributed nonlinear spring model representing the interaction between the lining and the ground soils is considered in a variationally consistent format. Computing the tangential spring stiffness via consistent linearization, and using Newton-Raphson iteration, requires significantly smaller number of iterations as compared to the original HRM model based on nodal springs. Furthermore, the method is applicable for simulations using solid finite elements (2D and 3D), as well as beam or finite shell elements, respectively.  相似文献   
Demonstrated is an influence of synoptic processes on the seasonal dynamics of the Vietnamese Current in the South China Sea varying its direction under the influence of the monsoon. The spring season of 1999 is used as an example of the transition from the winter to summer. In winter, under the influence of the northeastern monsoon, the current is directed from north to south and in the summer, at the southwestern monsoon, in the opposite direction. In the spring, two zones of different water modification are formed: an impact is observed of both the leaving winter monsoon and the coming summer monsoon. Considered is an atmospheric process of low-gradient field type, when the pressure field is characterized by the low pressure gradient over the whole South China Sea. It is revealed that the Vietnamese Current moves in the summer regime (from south to north) in the northern and southern parts and keeps the winter regime (from north to south) in the central part.  相似文献   
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