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基于标准化降水指数的中国冬季干旱分区及气候特征   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
袁云  李栋梁  安迪 《中国沙漠》2010,30(4):917-925
利用中国614个气象台站1951—2006年历年月平均降水资料,计算各站的标准化降水指数及其干旱等级序列,采用REOF等方法进行气候分区,分析各区域近55 a干旱等级的时空变化,并着重讨论了黄淮—华北冬小麦种植区冬季干旱的大气环流特征。结果表明,我国冬季降水具有显著的年代际变化,西北的新疆地区,华北及黄淮地区自进入21世纪以来,冬季降水量增加十分明显,而西南,青藏高原及华南地区冬季降水量有所减少。根据标准化降水指数的旋转载荷向量可将中国划分为13个区域,其干旱等级序列和代表站资料反映出近55 a西北地区东部、河套及华北北部有变干的趋势,而新疆北部、东北北部、华北南部、江淮、江南地区降水量有增加的趋势。乌拉尔山—青藏高原脊、东亚大槽及西太平洋副高是影响北方冬麦区旱涝最主要的大气环流系统,其对分析、预测旱涝具有十分重要的指示意义。  相似文献   
水分胁迫下马铃薯SnRK2基因的表达模式与生理响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以 “大西洋”和“陇薯3号”两个品种盆栽苗为试验材料,研究了水分胁迫下马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)StSnRK2基因家族的表达特征及其与植株生理指标变化的相关性。结果表明:在发生严重水分胁迫时,“陇薯3号”和“大西洋”的抗氧化酶活性、MDA含量、相对电导率和脯氨酸含量均较对照显著提高,但增长幅度在品种间存在差异;StSnRK2基因家族的8个成员的相对表达量在“大西洋”和“陇薯3号”之间也存在明显差异,StSnRK2.1、StSnRK2.2和StSnRK2.3在两个品种中均表现为水分胁迫后相对表达量显著高于对照的趋势;StSnRK2.7的相对表达量与对照无显著差异,而StSnRK2.4在“陇薯3号”的相对表达量是对照的9.5倍,是8个基因成员在受水分胁迫后相对表达量最高的一个基因;StSnRK2.1、StSnRK2.2、StSnRK2.3、StSnRK2.4和StSnRK2.6的相对表达量均与部分生理指标呈极显著正相关,StSnRK2.5和StSnRK2.8两个基因的相对表达量与部分生理指标呈极显著负相关,StSnRK2.7基因的相对表达量与生理指标无显著相关性。  相似文献   
Ji  Fei  Evans  Jason P.  Di Virgilio  Giovanni  Nishant  Nidhi  Di Luca  Alejandro  Herold  Nicholas  Downes  Stephanie M.  Tam  Eugene  Beyer  Kathleen 《Climate Dynamics》2020,55(9-10):2453-2468

The vertical temperature profile in the atmosphere reflects a balance between radiative and convective processes and interactions with the oceanic and land surfaces. Changes in vertical temperature profiles can affect atmospheric stability, which in turn can impact various aspects of weather systems. In this study, we analyzed recent-past trends of temperature over the Australian region using a homogenized monthly upper-air temperature dataset and four reanalysis datasets (NCEP, ERA-Interim, JRA-55 and MERRA). We also used outputs of 12 historical and future regional climate model (RCM) simulations from the NSW/ACT (New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory) Regional Climate Modelling (NARCliM) project and 6 RCM simulations from the CORDEX (Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment) Australasian project to investigate projected changes in vertical temperature profiles. The results show that the currently observed positive trend in the troposphere and negative trend in the lower stratosphere will continue in the future with significant warming over the whole troposphere and largest over the middle to upper troposphere. The increasing temperatures are found to be latitude-dependent with clear seasonal variations, and a strong diurnal variation for the near surface layers and upper levels in tropical regions. Changes in the diurnal variability indicate that near surface layers will be less stable in the afternoon leading to conditions favoring convective systems and more stable in the early morning which is favorable for temperature inversions. The largest differences of future changes in temperature between the simulations are associated with the driving GCMs, suggesting that large-scale circulation plays a dominant role in regional atmospheric temperature change.

星载散射计测量的归一化后向散射截面是有关海面毛细重力波的大小和方向的函数:散射计的回波强度与海面毛细重力波的振幅成正比;风向对后向散射系数具有调制作用。因此,可以利用散射计的数据,根据地球物理模型反演出具有高精确度、无雨和中低风速条件下的海面风场矢量。然而高达10%的散射计测量数据会受到降雨影响(Nie,etal.,2008),尤其工作在Ku波段的散射计。降雨对海面散射幅度的影响主要包括:(1)降雨对雷达波的衰减和散射;(2)降雨改变海洋水面形态和海面粗糙度。  相似文献   
首先给出了基于灰色系统理论的GM(1,1)传统模型,指出该模型的实质是假设原始数列为独立、等精度观测数据,而事实上,独立且等精度观测对于实际测量难以从严格意义上实现。为此,从平差后得到的改正数入手,探讨基于方差-协方差分量估计的GM(1,1)模型,并将其应用于某变形监测预报,得到了较好的结果。  相似文献   
吴迪  汪建光 《地理空间信息》2022,20(4):44-47,146
在自然资源管理机构改革的大背景下,围绕浙江省基础测绘工作运行的实际情况,分析了浙江省基础测绘融入自然资源管理体系的现状和存在的问题.就如何提升基础测绘支撑职责"两统一"管理能力,提出了构建多种适应新形势的统筹机制,以保障基础测绘各项工作向纵深开展、优化产品形式和产品的更新频率,提升基础测绘服务水平和服务能力、提升技术水...  相似文献   
基于Landsat TM/ETM+遥感影像数据,对哈尔滨市主城区1998、2008、2018年3个时期建设用地信息进行提取,采用ArcGIS 10.5等软件进行空间特征分析,并在此基础上对研究区的城市扩张驱动力进行分析.结果表明:1998—2018年研究区的建设用地面积扩张了122.75 km2,年均扩张速度为6.13...  相似文献   
BDS/GPS/GLONASS组合系统定位时,由于系统间卫星测距精度的差异性,需要合理确定卫星间权比,Helmert方差分量估计常被用于确定不同类观测值间权比;而当观测值含有粗差时,Helmert方差分量估计定位结果容易被粗差污染或收敛失真,出现大的偏差。文中基于Helmert方差分量估计,引入等价权因子IGGIII函数,建立抗差Helmert方差分量估计权函数模型,对比分析其在低截止高度角10°、15°和20°下,在BDS/GPS/GLONASS组合系统定位中的应用及定位精度,并讨论分析在高截止高度角30°和40°下,组合系统和单系统BDS的定位精度。实验结果表明:当观测值无明显粗差时,Helmert方差分量估计和抗差分量估计的定位精度相当,略低于高度角权函数的定位结果,点位精度RMS优于2.5m;含粗差时,抗差解定位精度最高;当截止高度角为30°时,BDS单系统定位精度RMS优于5m,而组合系统RMS接近3m;为40°时,组合系统平面精度RMS优于2m,三维精度RMS优于6m,而单系统不能定位。  相似文献   
随着我国能源勘探及地球深部钻探的发展,钻探深度不断增加,钻探遇到的岩层复杂程度越来越大.而直接影响金刚石钻探效率的扩孔器的作用往往不被人们重视,致使新钻头下孔时需要扫孔,而且钻头寿命越长扫孔越长,严重影响钻进效率并容易发生事故.我所研制的高效扩孔器,将扩孔器与钻头连接端胎体设计成斜面,斜面上均布天然金刚石和大颗粒人造金...  相似文献   
A late glacial to early Holocene lacustrine and peat succession, rich in conifer remains and including some palaeolithic flint artefacts, has been investigated in the Palughetto intermorainic basin (Venetian Pre‐Alps). The geomorphological and stratigraphical relationships, 14C dates and pollen analyses allow a reconstruction of the environmental history of the basin and provide significant insights into the reforestation and peopling of the Pre‐Alps. The onset of peat accumulation is dated to 14.4–14.1 kyr cal. BP, coinciding with reforestation at middle altitudes that immediately post‐dates the immigration of Larix decidua and Picea abies subsp. europaea. Plant macrofossils point to the expansion of spruce about 14.3 kyr cal. BP, so far one of the earliest directly dated in the late glacial period of southern Europe. The previous hypothesis of an early Holocene spruce immigration in the Southern Alps from Slovenia needs reconsideration. Organic sedimentation stopped at the end of the Younger Dryas and was followed by the evolution of hydromorphic soils containing lithic artefacts, anthropic structures and wood charcoal. The typological features of the flint implements refer human occupation of the site to the end of the recent Epigravettian. Charcoals yielded dates either consistent with, or younger than, the archaeological chronology, in the early and middle Holocene. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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