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Diagenetic alteration is critical for the preservation of fossil cuticles of plant and animal origin and to the formation of kerogen. The process takes place over millions of years, but the stage at which it is initiated is not known. Laboratory decay experiments were carried out on shrimps, scorpions and cockroaches to monitor changes in the chitin–protein of the arthropod cuticle and associated lipids. The cockroach and scorpion exoskeleton remained largely unaltered morphologically, but the shrimp experienced rapid decomposition within a month, which progressed through the 44 week duration of the experiment as revealed using electron microscopy. Mass spectrometry and 13C NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy revealed the association of an n-alkyl component with labile lipids, such as fatty acids with up to 24 carbon atoms, which were incorporated into the decaying macromolecule. The scorpion and cockroach cuticle did not reveal the incorporation of additional lipids, indicating that decay is important in initiating in situ lipid association. This experiment provides evidence that lipids can become associated with carbohydrate and proteinaceous macromolecules during the very early stages of decay, representing the first stage in the transformation process that contributes to the aliphatic rich composition ubiquitous in organic fossils and kerogen.  相似文献   
Cavernous weathering (tafoni development) occurs on coastal slopes in greenschist bedrock at elevations up to 40 m above sea level. The freshly weathered surfaces of the cavern interiors are irregular in morphology, discordant to major rock structure, formed by substantially weakened rock and associated with granular weathering debris. The weathering debris contains soluble elements in proportions similar to those present in seawater, and the penetration of elements associated with sea salts into the weathering surface to estimated depths of at least 0·1–0·2 m is indicated by the presence of chlorine. Scanning electron microscopy and microprobe analyses suggest that rock breakdown occurs principally through limited chemical weathering at grain boundaries. The mechanism for the emplacement of marine salts within sheltered rock surfaces in the tafoni is postulated to be a combination of dry deposition under turbulent atmospheric conditions and wetting by coastal fog.  相似文献   
To date, few adakitic rocks have been reported in direct association with contemporary intra-continental extensional structures, which has cast doubt on genetic models involving partial melting of the lower crust. This study presents Early Cretaceous (143-129 Ma, new Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) zircon U-Pb ages) adakitic granites, which are directly associated with a contemporary metamorphic core complex (i.e., the Northern Dabie Complex in the Dabie area). These granites exhibit relatively high Sr contents, negligible to positive Eu and Sr anomalies, high La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios, but very low Yb and Y contents, similar to subducted oceanic crust-derived adakites. They are also characterized, however, by very low MgO or Mg# and Ni values, and Nd-Sr isotope compositions (εNd(t) = −14.6 to −19.4 and (87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7067-0.7087) similar to Triassic continent-derived eclogites subducted in the Dabie-Sulu Orogen. Additionally, late granitic dikes in the adakitic intrusions exhibit low Sr contents, clearly negative Eu and Sr anomalies, low La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios, but relatively high Yb and Y contents, similar to 118-105 Ma granites in the Northern Dabie Complex. Based on composition and geochronology data of Neoproterozoic amphibolites and orthogneisses, Triassic high- to ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks, and Early Cretaceous mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks, and the constraints provided by experimental melt data for tonalites, metabasaltic rocks and eclogites, we suggest that the adakitic granites were most probably generated by partial melting of thickened amphibole or rutile-bearing eclogitic lower crust as a consequence of Triassic-Middle Jurassic subduction and thrusting. The late dikes probably originated from plagioclase-bearing intermediate granulites. Moreover, we suggest that late Mesozoic delamination or foundering of thickened eclogitic lower crust is also a more plausible mechanism for the petrogenesis of Early Cretaceous mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks in the Dabie area, and probably involved partial melting of a mixed source comprising eclogitic lower crust that had delaminated or foundered into upper lithospheric or asthenospheric mantle peridotite. Asthenospheric upwelling in response to post-collisional delamination of lithospheric mantle was likely to have provided the heat source for the Cretaceous magmatism.  相似文献   
A large chondrule from Semarkona, the most primitive ordinary chondrite known, has been discovered to contain a record of mass transport during its formation. In most respects, it is a normal Type I, group A1, low-FeO chondrule that was produced by reduction and mass-loss during the unidentified flash-heating event that produced the chondrules, the most abundant structural component in primitive meteorites. We have previously measured elemental abundances and abundance profiles in this chondrule. We here report oxygen isotope ratio abundances and ratio abundance profiles. We have found that the mesostasis is zoned in oxygen isotope ratio, with the center of the chondrule containing isotopically heavier oxygen than the outer regions, the outer regions being volatile rich from the diffusion of volatiles into the chondrule during cooling. The δ17O values range from −2.0‰ to 9.9‰, while δ18O range from −1.9‰ to 9.6‰. More importantly, a plot of δ17O against δ18O has a slope of 1.1 ± 0.2 (1σ) and 0.88 ± 0.10 (1σ) when measured by two independent methods. Co-variation of δ17O with δ18O that does not follow mass-dependent fractionation has often been seen in primitive solar system materials and is usually ascribed to the mixing of different oxygen reservoirs. We argue that petrographic and compositional data indicate that this chondrule was completely melted at the time of its formation so that relic grains could not have survived. Furthermore, there is petrographic and compositional evidence that there was no aqueous alteration of this chondrule subsequent to its formation. Although it is possible to formulate a series of exchanges between the chondrule and external 16O-rich and 16O-poor reservoirs that may explain the detailed oxygen isotope systematics of this chondrule, such a sequence of events looks very contrived. We therefore hypothesize that reduction, devolatilization, and crystallization of the chondrule melt may have produced 16O-rich olivines and 16O-poor mesostasis plotting on a slope-one line as part of the chondrule-forming process in an analogous fashion to known chemical mass-independent isotopic fractionation mechanisms. During cooling, volatiles and oxygen near the terrestrial line in oxygen isotope composition produced the outer zone of volatile rich and 16O-rich mesostasis. The chondrule therefore not only retains a record of considerable mass transport accompanying formation, but also may indicate that the isotopes of oxygen underwent mass-independent fractionation during the process.  相似文献   
Metallogenic provinces in Europe range in age from the Archaean to the Neogene. Deposit types include porphyry copper and epithermal Cu–Au, volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VMS), orogenic gold, Fe-oxide–Cu–Au, anorthosite Fe–Ti-oxide and sediment-hosted base-metal deposits. Most of them formed during short-lived magmatic events in a wide range of tectonic settings; many can be related to specific tectonic processes such as subduction, hinge retreat, accretion of island arcs, continental collision, lithosphere delamination or slab tear. In contrast, most sediment-hosted deposits in Europe evolved in extensional, continental settings over significant periods of time. In Europe, as elsewhere, ore formation is an integral part of the geodynamic evolution of the Earth's crust and mantle. Many tectonic settings create conditions conducive to the generation of water-rich magma, but the generation of ore deposits appears to be restricted to locations and short periods of change in temperature and stress, imposed by transitory plate motions. Crustal influence is evident in the strong structural controls on the location and morphology of many ore deposits in Europe. Crustal-scale fault–fracture systems, many involving strike-slip elements, have provided the fabric for major plumbing systems. Rapid uplift, as in metamorphic core complexes, and hydraulic fracturing can generate or focus magmatic–hydrothermal fluid flow that may be active for time spans significantly less than a million years. Once a hydrologically stable flow is established, ore formation is strongly dependent on the steep temperature and pressure gradients experienced by the fluid, particularly within the upper crust. In Europe, significant fracture porosity deep in the crystalline basement (1%) is not only important for magmatic–hydrothermal systems, but allows brines to circulate down through sedimentary basins and then episodically upward, expelled seismically to produce sediment-hosted base-metal deposits and Kupferschiefer copper deposits. Emerging research, stimulated by GEODE, can improve the predicting power of numerical simulations of ore-forming processes and help discover the presence of orebodies beneath barren overburden.  相似文献   
Here we reconstruct the last advance to maximum limits and retreat of the Irish Sea Glacier (ISG), the only land-terminating ice lobe of the western British Irish Ice Sheet. A series of reverse bedrock slopes rendered proglacial lakes endemic, forming time-transgressive moraine- and bedrock-dammed basins that evolved with ice marginal retreat. Combining, for the first time on glacial sediments, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) bleaching profiles for cobbles with single grain and small aliquot OSL measurements on sands, has produced a coherent chronology from these heterogeneously bleached samples. This chronology constrains what is globally an early build-up of ice during late Marine Isotope Stage 3 and Greenland Stadial (GS) 5, with ice margins reaching south Lancashire by 30 ± 1.2 ka, followed by a 120-km advance at 28.3 ± 1.4 ka reaching its 26.5 ± 1.1 ka maximum extent during GS-3. Early retreat during GS-3 reflects piracy of ice sources shared with the Irish-Sea Ice Stream (ISIS), starving the ISG. With ISG retreat, an opportunistic readvance of Welsh ice during GS-2 rode over the ISG moraines occupying the space vacated, with ice margins oscillating within a substantial glacial over-deepening. Our geomorphological chronosequence shows a glacial system forced by climate but mediated by piracy of ice sources shared with the ISIS, changing flow regimes and fronting environments.  相似文献   
This paper is a performative effort to move with and through the expressive and theoretical spaces of an interest in rhythm. This interest emerges initially from the middle of an encounter with the 5 Rhythms™, a contemporary somatic practice that uses rhythm to facilitate and catalyse expressive movement. Rather than seeking to excavate representational meaning from an encounter with the practice or using it to critically diagnose the corporeal politics of contemporary society, this paper apprehends the creative movement emerging from an encounter with/in the non-representational, performative potential of the 5 Rhythms™. By becoming a deliberately playful effort to hold onto the lines of movement emergent from the affective, kinaesthetic territories of this practice, the paper works to avoid either falling back upon a representational ethics that stops this movement dead in its tracks or becoming seduced by an aesthetics of weightless escape. This effort draws particular support from Deleuze and Guattari's writing on the refrain, a concept that provides a vehicle through which the lines of an interest in rhythm gain expressive and theoretical consistency. Because the territories of the refrain open onto lines of movement that are as much figural as discursive, the paper works to animate the lines of movement emerging from an encounter with the 5 Rhythms™ through a series of non-representational diagrammatic interventions. Finally, in drawing the diagrammatic lines of this movement in-between, the paper becomes not so much a series of lines about moving, but a series of lines moving about.  相似文献   
This paper presents the creep behaviour of intact and remoulded specimens of fibrous peat obtained from a field site near Anzac, Alberta, Canada. The creep behaviour was investigated by means of long-term drained and undrained triaxial tests. The development of volumetric, axial, and undrained axial strain and strain rate during drained and undrained creep tests under variable stress conditions is presented. The stress strain strain rate (p′ε v\(\dot{\varepsilon }_{\text{v}}\)) relationship is found to be unique for different stress and loading durations. The p′ε v\(\dot{\varepsilon }_{\text{v}}\) relationship is analysed and represented by creep isotaches. The applicability of different creep models developed for normally consolidated clay is discussed and applied to define the development of creep strain in fibrous peat under varying isotropic and deviator stresses. The secondary consolidation coefficient for evaluating the volumetric strain rate of peat is found to be applicable with some limits. The drained creep behaviour of remoulded peat specimens differs from the behaviour shown by Shelby tube specimens, whereas the undrained creep behaviour in remoulded and Shelby tube specimens is similar.  相似文献   
Chloride contamination of groundwater in urban areas due to deicing is a well‐documented phenomenon in northern climates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of permeable pavement on degraded urban groundwater. Although low impact development practices have been shown to improve stormwater quality, no infiltration practice has been found to prevent road salt chlorides from entering groundwater. The few studies that have investigated chlorides in permeable asphalt have involved sampling directly beneath the asphalt; no research has looked more broadly at surrounding groundwater conditions. Monitoring wells were installed upgradient and downgradient of an 860 m2 permeable asphalt parking lot at the University of Connecticut (Storrs, Connecticut). Water level and specific conductance were measured continuously, and biweekly samples were analyzed for chloride. Samples were also analyzed for sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg). Analysis of variance analysis indicated a significantly (p < 0.001) lower geometric mean Cl concentration downgradient (303.7 mg/L) as compared to upgradient (1280 mg/L). Concentrations of all alkali metals increased upgradient and downgradient during the winter months as compared to nonwinter months, indicating that cation exchange likely occurred. Despite the frequent high peaks of chloride in the winter months as well as the increases in alkali metals observed, monitoring revealed lower Cl concentrations downgradient than upgradient for the majority of the year. These results suggest that the use of permeable asphalt in impacted urban environments with high ambient chloride concentrations can be beneficial to shallow groundwater quality, although these results may not be generalizable to areas with low ambient chloride concentrations.  相似文献   
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