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The SWAT.nz (“New-Zealand-based Sand Waves and Turbulence”) research programme was carried out to advance understanding of subaqueous sand waves. The programme was based around detailed measurements at varying scales of bed morphologies and associated flow fields as sand waves formed from plane-bed conditions and grew to equilibrium. This paper outlines the philosophy and details of the SWAT.nz programme, with the aim of providing insight into experiment and analysis design and methodologies for studies of highly-variable bed surfaces and flows. Example challenges addressed in the SWAT.nz programme include the measurement over large spatial domains of developing flow fields and three-dimensional bed morphology, including flow measurements below roughness (sand-wave) crests, and how to interpret the collected measurements. Insights into sand-wave dynamics that have arisen from the programme are presented to illustrate the values of the SWAT.nz programme and the developed methodologies. Results are presented in terms of mobile-bed processes, and flow-bed interaction and flow processes for fixed-bed roughness and erodible beds, respectively.  相似文献   
Despite spectacular landform evidence of a dominant role for glacial action in shaping landscapes under former northern hemisphere ice sheets, there is little quantitative evidence for rates and patterns of erosion associated with specific glaciations. Here we use cosmogenic nuclide data to assess rates of subglacial erosion underneath the Fennoscandian ice sheet. By testing whether there are remnant nuclide concentrations in samples taken from sites that include both relict areas and features and landscapes typically associated with vigorous glacial erosion, we can constrain the level and pattern of modification that resulted from the last glaciation. Cosmogenic 10Be and 36Cl data from the Torneträsk region confirm the temporal and spatial variability of glacial erosion suggested by geomorphological mapping. At some sites, glacial erosion estimates in what appear to be heavily scoured areas indicate erosion of only c. 2 ± 0.4 m of bedrock, based on cosmogenic nuclide inheritance. This implies that the generation of severely scoured terrain in this study area required multiple glaciations. The overall modification produced by ice sheets along glacial corridors may be more restricted than previously thought, or may have occurred preferentially during earlier Quaternary glacial periods.  相似文献   
In recent years there has been a growing body of literature on depositional signatures associated with historic extreme waves on rocky coasts. Here, in the context of the Maltese islands, we place an innovative focus on evidence of erosional forms. The field evidence is concentrated along the NE flank of the islands at a topographically varied range of sites and up to an altitude of 13 m asl. A range of forms is broadly classified in terms of their morphologies and the forces responsible for their formation. Sockets, eroded scarps, scoured terrains, clifftop erosion scars, swept terrains and spillways are interpreted as consequences of overwashing of the landscape by an extreme wave or waves. These forms are shown to be controlled by flow intensity, topography and lithology, and especially rock bedding and jointing. They comprise the source areas for associated depositional evidence allowing transport paths to be estimated, and may significantly enhance the reconstruction of extreme wave events. It is likely that similar (and additional) erosional forms are present elsewhere in the Mediterranean domain, where comparable lithological and topographic situations are exposed to extreme waves. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The mid‐Cretaceous Spences Bridge Group (SBG) comprises a series of basaltic to rhyolitic lavas and related volcaniclastic rocks (Pimainus Formation) overlain by a succession of mainly amygdaloidal andesites (Spius Formation) related to the closure of the Methow–Tyaughton basin and accretion of the Insular terrane in the North American Cordillera. Geochemical variation in the SBG is related primarily to metasomatic processes in the mantle wedge. Pimainus lavas include low‐ to high‐K, tholeiitic and calc‐alkaline types, and have isotopic compositions (εNd(100Ma) = + 5.2 to + 7.0, εSr(100Ma) = − 10 to − 20, 206Pb/204Pb = 18.82 to 18.91, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.55 to 15.60, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.24 to 38.43) between the ranges for primitive arcs and accreted terrane crust. Crustal sources are identified only for some low–medium K dacite and rhyolite compositions. The occurrence of intermediate compositions with high MgO contents (up to 6 wt%) and the presence of adakitic trace element features in medium–high K felsic lavas attests to metasomatism of the mantle wedge by slab melts during Pimainus volcanism. Spius lavas have comparable K2O and Pb isotopic compositions to the Pimainus, even higher MgO (up to 9.2 wt%), and display a mild intraplate character in having up to 0.6 wt% P2O5, 15 ppm Nb, and 240 ppm Zr. Spius Nd−Sr isotopic compositions (εNd(100Ma) = + 5.3 to + 6.9, εSr(100Ma) = − 14 to − 25) define an array extending from Pimainus to alkaline seamount compositions. The low εSr values, elevated high field strength element contents, and moderate silica contents suggest Spius volcanism was related to the introduction of small melt fractions from the asthenosphere into the mantle wedge which had previously generated Pimainus melts. The range of compositional types in the Pimainus Formation constrains tectonic scenarios to include an elevated slab thermal regime, likely from approach of an ocean ridge system toward the continental margin. Spius volcanism may have been generated by asthenospheric upwelling triggered by slab window development or slab‐hinge roll‐back on closure of the Methow–Tyaughton basin. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Cosmogenic 10Be surface exposure ages for bedrock sites around Torridon and the Applecross Peninsula in Wester Ross, northwest Scotland, provide new insights into the Lateglacial transition. Accounting for postglacial weathering, six statistically comparable exposure ages give a late Younger Dryas (G‐1) exposure age of 11.8 ± 1.1 ka. Two further outliers are tentative pre‐Younger Dryas exposure ages of 13.4 ± 0.5 ka in Torridon, and 17.5 ± 1.2 ka in Applecross. The Younger Dryas exposure ages have compelling implications for the deglaciation of marginal Loch Lomond Stadial ice fields in Torridon and Applecross. Firstly, they conflict with predictions of restricted ice cover and rapid retreat based on modelling experiments and climate proxies, instead fitting a model of vertically extensive and prolonged ice coverage in Wester Ross. Secondly, they indicate that >2 m of erosion took place in the upper valleys of Torridon and Applecross during the Younger Dryas, implying a dominantly warm‐based glacial regime. Finally, the exposure ages have clarified that corrie (cirque) glaciers did not readvance in Wester Ross, following final deglaciation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Mouth breaching is a recurrent event in temporarily open/closed estuaries (TOCEs). Such disturbances result in flushing and sediment scouring, reducing the microalgal biomass stock. The depletion of these microalgae may have negative repercussions in the form of depleted stocks of commercial fish, game fish, crustaceans and mollusks. The aim of this investigation was therefore: (1) to monitor the recovery of microalgal biomass and production following a breaching event; and (2) to determine the key environmental parameters influencing primary production during the open and recovery phases. Phytoplankton and benthic microalgal production was measured (14C-uptake method) successively during the closed, open and recovery phases of the Mdloti TOCE (South Africa). Upon breaching, 94–99% of microalgal biomass was washed out to sea through flushing and sediment scouring. A temporary recovery of phytoplankton and benthic microalgal biomass was observed during the open phase, but this was not sustained because of continual flushing and scouring of the sediment. During the re-closure (recovery phase), microalgal biomass immediately increased, reaching pre-breaching levels 35–40 days following the breaching event. In contrast to biomass, autochthonous pelagic primary production reached a maximum level (341 mg C m−2 h−1) during the open phase. Pelagic primary production normalized to biomass (PB) significantly increased during the open phase. This is attributed to a favorable combination of optimum light conditions, high influx of macronutrients and high water temperatures (33 °C). Similarly, benthic primary production normalized to biomass (PB) peaked during the open phase (35 mg C mg chl-a−1 h−1). Multivariate analysis showed that major variations in primary production were mainly controlled by temperature, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to phosphorus (DIP) molar ratios (water-column and pore-water) and light extinction (Kd), all of which were regulated by the state of the mouth.  相似文献   

Rock drilling is a significant activity widely used in the exploration of marine mineral resources and offshore civil engineering such as marine mining, petroleum and deep-water drilling. The characteristics of size and shape of particles produced during rock drilling influence drilling efficiency and energy consumption. We report a series of drilling experiments on sandstone, limestone and shale to systematically examine particle size distribution and shape and correlate these with original rock structure and composition. Correlations are established via metrics of particle size distribution, average circularity and specific surface area. Impact breakage and contact abrasion of individual particles during rock drilling are the main mechanisms controlling particle size and shape. Impact breakage is controlled by the structural distribution of mineral phases, while contact abrasion is principally related to the hardness of mineral phases. The particle size distribution is affected by the structural distribution of mineral phases. The average circularity of the drilling particles is mainly controlled by the hardness of mineral phases. The specific surface area of rock drilling particles is determined by both structural distribution and hardness of mineral phases – with homogeneous structure and low average hardness of the phases reducing the resulting specific surface area of the drilling products.  相似文献   
Ground water chemistry data collected over a six-year period show that the distribution of contaminants and redox processes in a shallow petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated aquifer has changed rapidly over time. Shortly after a gasoline release occurred in 1990, high concentrations of benzene were present near the contaminant source area. In this contaminated zone, dissolved oxygen in ground water was depleted, and by 1994 Fe(III) reduction and sulfate reduction were the predominant terminal electron accepting processes. Significantly, dissolved methane was below measurable levels in 1994, indicating the absence of significant methanogenesis. By 1996, however, depletion of solid-phase Fe(III)-oxyhydrox ides in aquifer sediments and depletion of dissolved sulfate in ground water resulted in the onset of methanogenesis. Between 1996 and 2000, water-chemistry data indicated that methanogenic metabolism became increasingly prevalent. Molecular analysis of 16S-rDNA extracted from sediments shows the presence of a more diverse methanogenic community inside as opposed to outside the plume core, and is consistent with water-chemistry data indicating a shift toward methanogenesis over time. This rapid evolution of redox processes reflects several factors including the large amounts of contaminants, relatively rapid ground water flow (approximately 0.3 m/day [approximately foot/day]), and low concentrations of microbially reducible Fe(III) oxyhydroxides ( approximately 1 micromol/g) initially present in aquifer sediments. These results illustrate that, under certain hydrologic conditions, redox conditions in petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated aquifers can change rapidly in time and space, and that the availability of solid-phase Fe(III)-oxyhydroxides affects this rate of change.  相似文献   
The Permian sandstone and breccia aquifer of Dumfries has an important role in supplying water to the principal town in southwest Scotland. The area comprises mainly pastoral farmland with some industry and fish farming. Ongoing development of the aquifer has revealed the existence of complex groundwater flow through fractures and increasing nitrate concentrations. To further investigate these issues, the age and quality of groundwater throughout the aquifer has now been assessed using standard hydrogeochemical techniques together with CFCs and SF6 as residence time indicators. The aquifer consists of sandstone- and breccia-dominated units: the Locharbriggs Sandstone in the east and the Doweel Breccia in the west. Groundwater throughout the aquifer is of Ca–Mg–HCO3 type and moderately mineralised; pH is near neutral. The observed groundwater chemistry is the product of maritime rainfall modified by the dissolution of carbonate material in the breccia, sandstone and surficial deposits. CFC and SF6 concentrations are interpreted on the basis of mixing between older (>50 years) and recent (1990s) components. Although there is generally a higher proportion of older water within the Locharbriggs Sandstone compared to the Doweel Breccia, stable isotope evidence suggests that the older water component in the interbedded sandstones of the breccia is of much greater antiquity, possibly containing an element of palaeowater. Concentrations of nitrate across the aquifer can be directly related to the amount of recent recharge. Modern groundwater contains approximately 9 mg l–1 NO3-N and pre-1950s groundwater has approximately 2 mg l–1 NO3-N. Nitrate concentrations measured at individual boreholes are explained by the relative proportions of modern and pre-1950s groundwater. If current practices continue, the concentrations of nitrate measured across the Dumfries Basin will rise as the proportion of pre-1950s groundwater diminishes.
Resumen El acuífero de areniscas y brechas Pérmicas de Dumfries desempeña un papel importante en el abastecimiento a la ciudad principal del Sudoeste de Escocia. El área comprende sobretodo tierras de pastoreo y granjas, junto con algunas industrias y piscifactorías. El desarrollo iniciado en el acuífero ha revelado la existencia de un complicado flujo subterráneo a través de las fracturas y de un aumento progresivo en la concentración de nitrato. Con el fin de profundizar en el conocimiento de estos temas, se ha determinado la edad y calidad de las aguas subterráneas en todo el acuífero por medio de técnicas hidrogeoquímicas estándar y de indicadores del tiempo de residencia como los clorofluorcarbonados (CFCs) y el fluoruro de azufre (SF6). El acuífero está formado por las areniscas de Locharbriggs, al Este, y las brechas de Doweel, hacia el Oeste. Las aguas subterráneas son de tipo bicarbonatadas cálcico-magnésicas y presentan una mineralización moderada, mientras que el pH es prácticamente neutro. La química de las aguas subterráneas es el resultado del aerosol marino modificado por la disolución de materiales carbonatados en las brechas, areniscas y depósitos superficiales. Las concentraciones de CFCs y SF6 se interpretan a partir de una mezcla de aguas entre una componente antigua (más de 50 años) y una reciente (de la década de 1990). Aunque en general se da una mayor proporción de aguas antiguas en las areniscas de Locharbriggs que en las Brechas de Doweel, los isótopos estables sugieren que la componente de aguas antiguas en las intercalaciones de areniscas que aparecen en la formación de brechas es mucho más antigua, y que, posiblemente, se trate de paleoaguas. Las concentraciones de nitrato en el acuífero pueden ser relacionadas directamente con la aportación de recarga reciente. Las aguas subterráneas modernas contienen aproximadamente 9 mg l–1 de nitrato, mientras que las aguas subterráneas anteriores a 1950 tienen unos 2 mg l–1. Se puede explicar las concentraciones de nitrato en pozos individuales por las proporciones relativas de aguas subterráneas modernas y anteriores a 1950. Si las prácticas actuales continúan, se producirá un aumento de las concentraciones de nitrato en la cuenca de Dumfries debido a la disminución de la proporción de aguas antiguas.

Résumé L'aquifère des grès et brèches du Permien de Dumfries joue un rôle important dans l'alimentation en eau de la principale ville du sud-ouest de l'Écosse. La région est principalement soumise à de l'élevage pastoral avec quelques industries et des piscicultures. La progression de l'exploitation de cet aquifère a révélé l'existence d'un écoulement souterrain complexe en fractures et des concentrations en nitrate croissantes. Dans le but d'étudier ces deux points plus en détail, l'âge et la qualité de l'eau souterraine dans tout l'aquifère ont été évalués en utilisant des techniques hydrogéochimiques conventionnelles avec les CFC et SF6 comme marqueurs du temps de séjour. L'aquifère est constitué par des unités dominées par des brèches et des grès: les grès de Locharbriggs à l'est et les brèches de Doweel à l'ouest. L'eau souterraine dans tout l'aquifère a un faciès bicarbonaté calcique et magnésien et est moyennement minéralisée; le pH est proche de la neutralité. Le chimisme observé de l'eau souterraine résulte des apports marins par la pluie modifiés par la dissolution du matériau carbonaté des brèches, des grès et des formations superficielles. Les concentrations en CFC et SF6 sont interprétées sur la base d'un mélange entre des composantes ancienne (>50 ans) et récente (années 1990). Bien qu'il y ait en général une plus forte proportion d'eau ancienne dans les grès de Locharbriggs que dans la brèche de Doweel, les isotopes stables suggèrent que la composante d'eau ancienne dans les grès interstratifiés des brèches est beaucoup plus ancienne, contenant probablement un élément d'eau fossile. Les concentrations en nitrate dans l'aquifère peuvent être directement reliées au taux de recharge récente. L'eau souterraine moderne contient approximativement 9 mg l–1 en NO3-N et l'eau souterraine d'avant 1950 environ 2 mg l–1 en NO3-N. Les concentrations en nitrate mesurées dans des forages individuels sont expliquées par des proportions relatives d'eaux souterraines moderne et antérieure à 1950. Si les pratiques actuelles continuent, les concentrations en nitrate mesurées dans le bassin de Dumfries augmenteront alors que la part de l'eau souterraine d'avant 1950 diminuera.

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