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Embodiment is a central concept in Krieger’s ecosocial theory, and is said to be of relevance to the understanding of the relationship between social conditions and a variety of adverse health outcomes. The most detailed empirical investigation of this in Krieger’s work is to be found in her studies of the relationship between racial discrimination and high blood pressure. Of especial relevance here is the idea of internalized oppression which is said to explain the observed association between self-reports of no racial discrimination and increased levels of blood pressure among working-class African Americans. Here we critically examine the empirical evidence pertaining to internalized oppression. Specifically, we focus on the measurement of the construct and the quality of the empirical evidence that has been presented in support of the hypothesis that there is an association between internalized oppression and adverse health outcomes. We argue that the validity of the concept has yet to be established and that the available data linking it to poor health outcomes are open to alternative explanations, notably measurement error and misclassification.
Eugenia CondeEmail:
We present results of our study of the rheologies and ages of lava flows in the Elysium Mons region of Mars. Previous studies have shown that the geometric dimensions of lava flows reflect rheological properties such as yield strength, effusion rate and viscosity. In this study the rheological properties of lava flows in the Elysium Mons region were determined and compared to the rheologies of the Ascraeus Mons lava flows. We also derived new crater size-frequency distribution measurements (CSFDs) for the Elysium lava flows to identify possible changes in the rheological properties with time. In addition, possible changes in the rheological properties with the distance from the caldera of Elysium Mons were analyzed.In total, 35 lava flows on and around Elysium Mons were mapped, and divided into three groups, lava flows on the flanks of Elysium Mons, in the plains between the three volcanoes Elysium Mons, Hecates and Albor Tholus and lava flows south of Albor Tholus. The rheological properties of 32 of these flows could be determined. Based on our morphometric measurements of each individual lava flow, estimates for the yield strengths, effusion rates, viscosities, and eruption duration of the studied lava flows were made. The yield strengths of the investigated lava flows range from ~3.8 × 102 Pa to ~1.5 × 104 Pa, with an average of ~3.0 × 103 Pa. These yield strengths are in good agreement with estimates for terrestrial basaltic lava flows. The effusion rates are on average ~747 m3 s?1, ranging from ~99 to 4450 m3 s?1. The viscosities are on average ~4.1 × 106 Pa s, with a range of 1.2 × 105 Pa s to 3.1 × 107 Pa s. The eruption durations of the flows were calculated to be between 6 and 183 days, with an average of ~51 days. The determined rheological properties are generally very similar to those of other volcanic regions on Mars, such as on Ascraeus Mons in the Tharsis region. Calculated yield strengths and viscosities point to a basaltic/andesitic composition of the lava flows, similar to basaltic or andesitic a’a lava flows on Earth.Absolute model ages of all 35 lava flows on Elysium Mons were derived from crater size-frequency distribution measurements (CSFD). The derived model ages show a wide variation from about 632 Ma to 3460 Ma. Crater size-frequency distribution measurements of the Elysium Mons caldera show an age of ~1640 Ma, which is consistent with the resurfacing age of Werner (2009). Significant changes of the rheologies with time could not be observed. Similarly, we did not observe systematic changes in ages with increasing distances of lava flows from the Elysium Mons caldera.  相似文献   
Water Resources Implications of Global Warming: A U.S. Regional Perspective   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
The implications of global warming for the performance of six U.S. water resource systems are evaluated. The six case study sites represent a range of geographic and hydrologic, as well as institutional and social settings. Large, multi-reservoir systems (Columbia River, Missouri River, Apalachicola-Chatahoochee-Flint (ACF) Rivers), small, one or two reservoir systems (Tacoma and Boston) and medium size systems (Savannah River) are represented. The river basins range from mountainous to low relief and semi-humid to semi-arid, and the system operational purposes range from predominantly municipal to broadly multi-purpose. The studies inferred, using a chain of climate downscaling, hydrologic and water resources systems models, the sensitivity of six water resources systems to changes in precipitation, temperature and solar radiation. The climate change scenarios used in this study are based on results from transient climate change experiments performed with coupled ocean-atmosphere General Circulation Models (GCMs) for the 1995 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment. An earlier doubled-CO2 scenario from one of the GCMs was also used in the evaluation. The GCM scenarios were transferred to the local level using a simple downscaling approach that scales local weather variables by fixed monthly ratios (for precipitation) and fixed monthly shifts (for temperature). For those river basins where snow plays an important role in the current climate hydrology (Tacoma, Columbia, Missouri and, to a lesser extent, Boston) changes in temperature result in important changes in seasonal streamflow hydrographs. In these systems, spring snowmelt peaks are reduced and winter flows increase, on average. Changes in precipitation are generally reflected in the annual total runoff volumes more than in the seasonal shape of the hydrographs. In the Savannah and ACF systems, where snow plays a minor hydrological role, changes in hydrological response are linked more directly to temperature and precipitation changes. Effects on system performance varied from system to system, from GCM to GCM, and for each system operating objective (such as hydropower production, municipal and industrial supply, flood control, recreation, navigation and instream flow protection). Effects were generally smaller for the transient scenarios than for the doubled CO2 scenario. In terms of streamflow, one of the transient scenarios tended to have increases at most sites, while another tended to have decreases at most sites. The third showed no general consistency over the six sites. Generally, the water resource system performance effects were determined by the hydrologic changes and the amount of buffering provided by the system's storage capacity. The effects of demand growth and other plausible future operational considerations were evaluated as well. For most sites, the effects of these non-climatic effects on future system performance would about equal or exceed the effects of climate change over system planning horizons.  相似文献   
The development of a new observational system called LISDAD (Lightning Imaging Sensor Demonstration and Display) has enabled a study of severe weather in central Florida. The total flash rates for storms verified to be severe are found to exceed 60 fpm, with some values reaching 500 fpm. Similar to earlier results for thunderstorm microbursts, the peak flash rate precedes the severe weather at the ground by 5–20 min. A distinguishing feature of severe storms is the presence of lightning ‘jumps' — abrupt increases in flash rate in advance of the maximum rate for the storm. The systematic total lightning precursor to severe weather of all kinds — wind, hail, tornadoes — is interpreted in terms of the updraft that sows the seeds aloft for severe weather at the surface and simultaneously stimulates the ice microphysics that drives the intracloud lightning activity.  相似文献   
环境规制对无锡市区污染密集型制造业区位选择的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高爽  魏也华  陈雯 《湖泊科学》2012,24(6):883-890
随着生态环境的恶化,发达地区制造业区位选择表现出强烈的环境容量制约性和政府规制主导性.本文在对1998-2008年无锡市区污染密集型制造业格局演变分析的基础上,构筑了引入环境规制影响因子的企业区位演变理论分析框架,并运用GIS空间自回归模型,对以上理论框架进行验证.结果表明,1998-2003年影响企业区位选择的主要要素为交通可达性、土地价格、开发区规划等,而环境规制相关要素对其影响不显著;而2003-2008年,表征环境规制影响强度的水质目标、清水通道等因子对制造业区位选择的影响显著,这表明环境规制开始成为影响污染密集型制造业区位的重要因子.本研究对于正确制定城市产业结构调整政策和合理引导经济环境协调发展具有重要的理论借鉴意义.  相似文献   
A thorough and complete understanding of the structural geology and evolution of the Cooper‐Eromanga Basin has been hampered by low‐resolution seismic data that becomes particularly difficult to interpret below the thick Permian coal measures. As a result, researchers are tentative to interpret the basement fault architecture within the basin, which is largely undefined. To provide a better understanding of the basement fault geometry, all available two‐dimensional seismic lines together with 12 three‐dimensional seismic surveys were structurally interpreted with assistance from seismic attribute analysis. The Upper Cretaceous Cadna‐owie Formation and top Permian reflectors were analysed using a common seismic attribute technique (incoherency) that was used to infer the presence of faults that may have otherwise been overlooked. Detailed basement fault maps for each seismic survey were constructed and used in conjunction with two‐dimensional seismic data interpretation to produce a regional basement fault map. Large north‐northeast–south‐southwest‐striking sinistral strike–slip faults were identified within the Patchawarra Trough appearing to splay from the main northeast–southwest‐striking ridge. These sinistral north‐northeast–south‐southwest‐striking faults, together with field‐scale southeast–northwest‐striking dextral strike–slip faults, are optimally oriented to have potentially developed as a conjugated fault set under a south‐southeast–north‐northwest‐oriented strike–slip stress regime. Geomechanical modelling for a regionally extensive system of Cretaceous polygonal faults was performed to calculate the Leakage Factor and Dilation Tendency of individual faults. Faults that extend into Lower Cretaceous oil‐rich reservoirs with strikes of between 060°N and 140°N and a high to near‐vertical dip angle were identified to most likely be acting as conduits for the tertiary migration of hydrocarbons from known Lower Cretaceous hydrocarbon reservoirs into shallow Cretaceous sediments. This research provides valuable information on the regional basement fault architecture and a more detailed exploration target for the Cooper‐Eromanga Basin, which were previously not available in literature.  相似文献   
Wildfire significantly alters the hydrologic properties of a burned area, leading to increases in overland flow, erosion, and the potential for runoff-generated debris flows. The initiation of debris flows in recently burned areas is well characterized by rainfall intensity-duration (ID) thresholds. However, there is currently a paucity of data quantifying the rainfall intensities required to trigger post-wildfire debris flows, which limits our understanding of how and why rainfall ID thresholds vary in different climatic and geologic settings. In this study, we monitored debris-flow activity following the Pinal Fire in central Arizona, which differs from both a climatic and hydrogeomorphic perspective from other regions in the western United States where ID thresholds for post-wildfire debris flows are well established, namely the Transverse Ranges of southern California. Since the peak rainfall intensity within a rainstorm may exceed the rainfall intensity required to trigger a debris flow, the development of robust rainfall ID thresholds requires knowledge of the timing of debris flows within rainstorms. Existing post-wildfire debris-flow studies in Arizona only constrain the peak rainfall intensity within debris-flow-producing storms, which may far exceed the intensity that actually triggered the observed debris flow. In this study, we used pressure transducers within five burned drainage basins to constrain the timing of debris flows within rainstorms. Rainfall ID thresholds derived here from triggering rainfall intensities are, on average, 22 mm h−1 lower than ID thresholds derived under the assumption that the triggering intensity is equal to the maximum rainfall intensity recorded during a rainstorm. We then use a hydrologic model to demonstrate that the magnitude of the 15-min rainfall ID threshold at the Pinal Fire site is associated with the rainfall intensity required to exceed a recently proposed dimensionless discharge threshold for debris-flow initiation. Model results further suggest that previously observed differences in regional ID thresholds between Arizona and the San Gabriel Mountains of southern California may be attributed, in large part, to differences in the hydraulic properties of burned soils. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A quadrupole-based mass spectrometer used in static mode has been employed to determine noble gas concentrations of water samples by isotope dilution. Water samples are degassed and spiked with minor isotopes of each noble gas. After separation of the various gas components, the isotopic ratios are measured in the mass spectrometer. Because a spike is added to each sample, the recovery of each gas component does not have to be quantitative. Equilibration temperatures are calculated from the gas concentrations, based on noble gas solubility data. An accuracy of ±1°C, from the air equilibration temperature, is attainable for air-saturated water samples prepared under controlled conditions in the laboratory. The method has been applied to groundwaters from the London Basin Chalk aquifer. The noble-gas-derived temperatures are consistent with climatic conditions prevailing at the periods of recharge.  相似文献   
The chemical and isotopic composition of groundwater from 52 sites in the London (U.K.) area was determined as part of a project aimed at assessing the spatial variation in the age of Chalk groundwater, and in determining the relationship between fracture and matrix groundwater in this dual porosity system.Systematic changes in groundwater chemistry take place in the downgradient direction in response to several chemical processes. These processes include early concentration by evaporation and congruent dissolution of calcite followed by widespread incongruent dissolution and ion exchange in addition to local oxidation-reduction reactions, gypsum dissolution and saline intrusion. As a result of the above processes, Chalk groundwater follows an evolutionary path from Ca bicarbonate type to Na bicarbonate type.The age of Chalk groundwater was modelled using14C, δ13C,3H, δ2H and δ180. There is a general increase in the groundwater age in a downgradient direction with the oldest water found in N central areas of the basin. Groundwater in the unconfined zones and in areas S of the Greenwich fault is almost entirely of unevolved, modem composition. Carbon-14 modelling suggests that Chalk groundwater in the S basin is generally less than 10000 a old while that in the north is generally between 10000 and 25000 a old. The presence of3H in concentrations of up to 7 TU in groundwater which yields ages of several 1000 a, however, indicates that mechanisms exist for the rapid introduction of recent groundwater to the confined aquifer. Results of palaeorecharge temperature determinations using δ2H, δ180 and noble gas analytical results suggest that significant Devensian recharge did indeed occur in the aquifer.A model of the development of the Chalk recognizes that it is a classic dual porosity aquifer in which groundwater flow occurs predominantly in the fracture system. The upper 50 m of the aquifer was flushed with fresh water during the 2–3 × 106 a of the Quaternary and therefore meteoric water largely replaced the Tertiary and Cretaceous marine water that previously saturated the system. Most processes which control the chemistry of the groundwater occur in the matrix where the surface area is exceptionally high. Although fracture flow dominates the flow regime, diffusion from the matrix into the fracture porosity controls the chemistry of Chalk groundwater.  相似文献   
无锡城市制造业企业区位调整与苏南模式重组   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
袁丰  魏也华  陈雯  郭垚 《地理科学》2012,(4):401-408
苏南地域广阔,区域和城市发展路径多样。较多研究关注全球化背景下国家和省级开发区发展带来的苏南模式创新,但是城市化对苏南模式重组影响同样值得关注。基于企业数据的空间分析以及企业访谈和问卷调查资料,从制造业企业进入和退出的角度,考察无锡市南长区在从乡镇企业典型发育地区(郊区)转变为城区过程中的产业升级和空间格局调整过程。研究表明:南长区制造业经历了产权重组、结构重组和空间重组三个过程,呈现出中小高新技术企业为主、空间上高度集中等城市化特征。政府表现出明显的"企业化"倾向,与传统苏南模式中直接介入企业经营不同,地方政府通过规划调控以及开发区建设、税收等金融刺激政策和措施影响企业区位行为,从而推动城市产业结构的转型升级和空间再集聚。  相似文献   
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