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The site of Bonneval (France) exhibits a 6 m thick stratigraphical sequence in which Middle and Lower Palaeolithic artefacts were discovered. The stratigraphy of the site consists of an alternation of loess-like silt layers deposited along glacial stages, and paleosoil horizons corresponding to the vegetal stabilization of the area during interglacials. These layers hence provide past environmental informations and can be used as stratigraphical markers and compared with well dated sequences of Northern France. Eight sediment samples from this Middle and Upper Pleistocene sequence were dated using the recuperated optically stimulated luminescence (Re-OSL) signal of quartz grains. The middle-size fraction (40–63 μm) shows a good reproducibility of the OSL signals which allows the application of a multiple-aliquot additive-dose approach for De determination. For all samples, the growth curves are linear up to an accumulated dose of 3000 Gy. The Re-OSL ages range from ~100 to ~450 ka and are in good agreement with the independent chronological information; they establish when handaxe industries have been made during the Middle and Upper Pleistocene in the Paris Basin.  相似文献   
A series of airborne topographic LiDAR data were obtained from May 2008 to January 2014 over two coastal sites of northern France (Bay of Wissant and east of Dunkirk). These data were used with wind and tide gauge measurements to assess the impacts of storms on beaches and coastal dunes, and particularly of the series of major storms that hit western Europe during the fall and early winter of 2013. Our results show a high variability in shoreline response from one site to the other, but also within each coastal site. Coastal dune erosion and shoreline retreat occurred at both sites, particularly on the coast of the Bay of Wissant where shoreline retreat up to about 40 m was measured. However, stability or even shoreline advance were also observed despite the occurrence of an extreme water level with a return period >100 years during the storm Xaver in early December 2013. Comparison of shoreline change with variations of coastal dune and upper beach volumes revealed only weak relationships. Our results nevertheless showed that shoreline behavior seems to strongly depend on the initial sediment volume on the upper beach before the occurrence of the storms. According to our measurements, an upper beach volume of about 30 m3 m?1 between the dune toe and the mean high water level is sufficient at these sites to protect the coastal dunes from storm waves associated with high water levels with return periods >10 years. The identification of such thresholds in terms of upper beach width or sediment volume may represent valuable information for improving the management of shoreline change by providing an estimate of the minimum quantity of sand on the upper beach necessary to ensure shoreline stability in this region. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Dolní Věstonice loess section in the Czech Republic is well known for its high‐resolution loess–palaeosol sequence of the last interglacial–glacial climatic cycle (Upper Pleistocene). The loess section is situated in a climatic transition zone between oceanic and continental climates and is therefore of great value in reconstructing past regional climate conditions and their interaction with climate systems, in particular that of the North Atlantic. Based on a combination of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages, stratigraphic field observations and magnetic susceptibility measurements, a chrono‐climatic interpretation of the Dolní Věstonice loess section is presented. To establish a reliable Upper Pleistocene chronology, a quartz OSL approach was applied for equivalent dose (De) determination. Monomineralic quartz extracts of three distinct grain sizes, fine (4–11 μm), middle (38–63 μm) and coarse (90–200 μm), were used and compared. Within error limits, the calculated OSL ages are the same for the different grain sizes, and the OSL ages are in stratigraphic order. The established OSL chronology is in agreement with a Weichselian litho‐ and pedostratigraphy. The Dolní Věstonice loess section is characterized by four pedosedimentary subsequences. At the base of the profile, subsequence I is characterized by a distinct Early Glacial soil complex, OSL‐dated to c. 110 to 70 ka, representing one of the most complete records of environmental change in the European loess belt. Subsequence II is allocated to the Lower Pleniglacial and is characterized by laminated sandy loess. Middle Pleniglacial subsequence III is represented by a brown soil complex, and is followed by the uppermost subsequence IV, characterized by a thick body of laminated sandy loess, indicating strong wind activity and a high sedimentation rate of more than ~1 mm a?1 during the Upper Pleniglacial. According to the OSL chronology, as well as to the sedimentological and palaeopedological investigations, it is likely that the sequence at Dolní Věstonice has recorded most of the climatic events expressed in the NGRIP δ18O reference record between 110 and 70 ka.  相似文献   
The Kenna ureilite was found in February, 1972 near the town of Kenna, Roosevelt County, New Mexico U.S.A., weighed 10.9 kg, and measured 26.7 × 14.7 × 14.2 cm; it is the seventh known ureilite. The meteorite is composed of xenoblastic olivine (Fo79.2), commonly rimmed by forsterite (Fo99), and pigeonite (En73Wo9Fs18), in a volumetric ratio of 3:1, set in a matrix of three carbon polymorphs (graphite, lonsdaleite, and diamond) plus nickel-iron metal and troilite. Some thin metalliferous veins penetrating silicate grains contain secondary inclusions of melt with high-calcium clinopyroxene (high-Ca, Mg-rich augite to augite), andesine, K-feldspar, chromite, and siliceous CaO- and alkali-rich glasses of variable compositions.Textural, mineralogical and fabric information suggest a complex history for Kenna, involving igneous, metamorphic and shock processes. The rock appears to have originated as an ultramafic cumulate whose texture and structure was modified by adcumulus processes and by solution and redeposition in a weak deviatoric stress field. A strong mineral elongation lineation was produced during this high-temperature phase accompanied by mild plastic deformation of olivine on the system 0kl[100]. Superimposed on this original texture and fabric are processes resulting from light to moderate (50–250 kbar) shock deformation, as manifested by fracturing of the silicates, slip parallel to (001) in olivine, and twin and translation gliding parallel to (100) in the clinopyroxene. Lonsdaleite and diamond probably formed during this shock phase, which may be associated with the break-up of the parent body, but the relative time of introduction of the carbon-rich matrix is still unresolved.  相似文献   
Many of the peridotite xenoliths included in the San Quintin (Baja California Norte, Mexico) quaternary alkali-basalts have undergone a very intense shear deformation (deviatoric stresses up to 0.1 GPa), hence a first-order classification into coarse-grained lherzolites and deformed peridotites (porphyroclastic and mosaic textures) has been applied. All of these rocks show a very limited compositional variability in the Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) ratios (olivine: 0.894–0.905±0.005; orthopyroxene: 0.899–0.9105±0.005), and the observed trends in the Cr/(Cr+Al) spinel ratios (from 0.1 to 0.6) can be interpreted as resulting from gradual partial melting followed by homogenization of the bulk phases. A later and less accentuated melting event is also evidenced by internal core-rim variations in the spinels from a few samples and ascribed to the thermal effect of the host lava.Simultaneous application of exchange geothermometers which give the latest equilibrium temperatures (i.e. at the time of eruption: Fe-Mg exchange between olivine and spinel) and of pyroxene transfer thermobarometers yields two distinct behaviours: the porphyroclastic and mosaic peridotites record an event of deformation and recrystallization and were equilibrated at 800°–950° C and P-1 GPa at the time of eruption, but have also retained evidence of higher temperatures (1000°–1050° C) and pressures; the coarsegrained lherzolites, which yield conditions of 1000°–1050° C and P<-2 GPa at the time of eruption, were originally equilibrated at higher temperature and pressure conditions and were subsequently re-equilibrated to 1000°–1050° C by solid-state bulk diffusion, without exsolution.Clinopyroxenite veins provide evidence of magma injection into the host-peridotite, before deformation but after the major melting event.To explain the simultaneous sampling of both groups of peridotites by the San Quintin alkali basalts, we suggest that the ascending magma reached the critical limit for hydraulic fracturing in the coarse-grained lherzolites. At shallower depth, the magma cross-cut an active shear zone, sampling prophyroclastic and mosaic samples of the strained peridotites.Our model is consistent with the regional tectonic context: upwelling of the mantle by isostatic re-equilibration after the end of the subduction processes and subsequent opening of the California Gulf. The only questionable parameter of the model remains the geometry of the shearzone, high or low angle orientation.  相似文献   
A massive ground-ice body was found exposed in the headwall of a thaw flow developed within the Chapman Lake terminal moraine complex on the Blackstone Plateau (Ogilvie Mountains, central Yukon Territory), which is contemporaneous to the Reid glaciation. Based on visible cryostructures in the 4-m-high headwall, two units were identified: massive ground ice, overlain sharply by 2 m of icy diamicton. The nature and origin of the Chapman Lake massive ground ice was determined using cryostratigraphy, petrography, stable O-H isotopes and the molar concentration of occluded gases (CO2, O2, N2 and Ar) entrapped in the ice, a new technique in the field of periglacial geomorphology that allows to distinguish between glacial and non-glacial intrasedimental ice. Collectively, the results indicate that the Chapman Lake massive ground ice formed by firn densification with limited melting-refreezing and underwent deformation near its margin. Given that the massive ground-ice body consists of relict glacier ice, it suggests that permafrost persisted, at least locally, on plateau areas in the central Yukon Territory since the middle Pleistocene. In addition, the d value of Chapman Lake relict glacier ice suggests that the ice covering the area during the Reid glaciation originated from a local alpine glaciation in the Ogilvie Mountains.  相似文献   
In our study, we develop a model for simulating fracturing processes in a poroelastic medium. The proposed approach combines the discrete fracture model enriched with contact plane mechanics. The model captures mechanical interactions of fractures and a deformable medium, fluid, and heat transfer in fractures and in a porous medium. Both effects of poroelasticity and thermoelasticity are accounted in our model. Mass and heat conservation equations are approximated by the finite volume method, and mechanical equilibrium equations are discretized by means of the Galerkin finite element approach. Two‐dimensional grid facets between 3‐dimensional finite elements are considered as possible fracture surfaces. Most of these facets are inactive from the beginning and are activated throughout the simulation. A fracture propagation criterion, based on Irwin's approach, is verified on each nonlinear iteration. When the criterion is satisfied, additional contact elements are added into finite element and discrete fracture model formulations respectively. The proposed approach allows modeling of existing natural and artificially created fractures within one framework. The model is tested on single‐ and multiple‐phase fluid flow examples for both isothermal and thermal conditions and verified against existing semianalytical solutions. The applicability of the approach is demonstrated on an example of practical interests where a sector model of an oil reservoir is simulated with different injection and production regimes.  相似文献   
This study investigated the role of the solution composition on calcite precipitation induced by cyanobacteria. The precipitation of calcium carbonate was induced by addition of cyanobacterium cells Synechococcus strain PCC 7942 in two artificial solutions with a different composition at similar saturation states in respect to calcite. Ion‐selective electrodes for pH, Ca2+, and COequation/tex2gif-stack-1.gif monitored the experiments, and the morphology of precipitated crystals was analysed by scanning electron microscopy. The calcite precipitation was observed in all experiments after the addition of the cells. The composition of solution (the ratio of dissolved inorganic carbon to dissolved calcium) strongly influenced the calcite precipitation. Based on laboratory experiment results, a possible mechanism for precipitation induced by Synechococcus is proposed linking precipitation with the conditions near to cell walls rather than with the saturation conditions in the bulk solution.  相似文献   
The results of a study on the binary HIP 18856 and construction of its orbit are presented.New observational data were obtained at the BTA of SAO RAS in 2007-2019.Earlier,Cvetkovic et al.constructed the orbit for this system.However,it is based on six measurements,which cover a small part of the orbit.The positional parameters of the ESA astrometric satellite Hipparcos published speckle interferometric data(Mason et al.,Balega et al.,Horch et al.)and new ones were used in this study.Based on the new orbital parameters,the mass sum was calculated and the physical parameters of the components were found.The obtained orbital and fundamental parameters were compared with the data from the study by Cvetkovic et al..The comparison shows that the new orbital solution is better than the old one,since it fits new observational data accurately.Also based on a qualitative evaluation performed by Worley&Heintz,the new orbit was classified as"reliable",which means data cover more than half of the orbit with sufficient quantities of residuals of measurements.  相似文献   
For Jupiter, an overall density model of the form= 0(1–x n ), withn1/3 and , is consistent with information presently at hand; for Saturn, however, such a density law would lead to unacceptably high densities in the vicinity of the centre. The limiting cases of the previous law are shown to ben=+, corresponding to a homogeneous sphere, andn=–3, corresponding to a particular central particle model, investigated by a number of astronomers over the last hundred years. Forn0, the central density becomes +. Another possible representation, valid both for Jupiter and Saturn, is the density law= 0(1–x) m ), with in the case of Jupiter, and in the case of Saturn. Graber's density law based on a maximum entropy principle leads to unacceptably high surface densities, both for Jupiter and Saturn. Finally, the paper investigates the problems involved in fitting two-layered parametrically simple density laws to theoretically derived much more elaborate models of the Jovian planets.  相似文献   
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