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In subsurface flow modeling, compositional simulation is often required to model complex recovery processes, such as gas/CO 2 injection. However, compositional simulation on fine-scale geological models is still computationally expensive and even prohibitive. Most existing upscaling techniques focus on black-oil models. In this paper, we present a general framework to upscale two-phase multicomponent flow in compositional simulation. Unlike previous studies, our approach explicitly considers the upscaling of flow and thermodynamics. In the flow part, we introduce a new set of upscaled flow functions that account for the effects of compressibility. This is often ignored in the upscaling of black-oil models. In the upscaling of thermodynamics, we show that the oil and gas phases within a coarse block are not at chemical equilibrium. This non-equilibrium behavior is modeled by upscaled thermodynamic functions, which measure the difference between component fugacities among the oil and gas phases. We apply the approach to various gas injection problems with different compositional features, permeability heterogeneity, and coarsening ratios. It is shown that the proposed method accurately reproduces the averaged fine-scale solutions, such as component overall compositions, gas saturation, and density solutions in the compositional flow.  相似文献   

This article addresses the critical need for a better quantitative understanding of how water resources from the Hérault River catchment in France have been influenced by climate variability and the increasing pressure of human activity over the last 50 years. A method is proposed for assessing the relative impacts of climate and growing water demand on the decrease in discharge observed at various gauging stations in the periods 1961–1980 and 1981–2010. An annual water balance at the basin scale was calculated first, taking into account precipitation, actual evapotranspiration, water withdrawals and water discharge. Next, the evolution of the seasonal variability in hydroclimatic conditions and water withdrawals was studied. The catchment was then divided into zones according to the main geographical characteristics to investigate the heterogeneity of the climatic and human dynamics. This delimitation took into account the distribution of climate, topography, lithology, land cover and water uses, as well as the availability of discharge series. At the area scale, annual water balances were calculated to understand the internal changes that occurred in the catchment between both past periods. The decrease in runoff can be explained by the decrease in winter precipitation in the upstream areas and by the increase during summer in both water withdrawals and evapotranspiration in the downstream areas, mainly due to the increase in temperature. Thus, water stress increased in summer by 35%. This work is the first step of a larger research project to assess possible future changes in the capacity to satisfy water demand in the Hérault River catchment, using a model that combines hydrological processes and water demand.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   
To date, studies of the stability of subsurface ice in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica have been mainly based on climate-based vapor diffusion models. In University Valley (1800 m), a small glacier is found at the base of the head of the valley, and adjacent to the glacier, a buried body of massive ice was uncovered beneath 20–40 cm of loose cryotic sediments and sandstone boulders. This study assesses the origin and stability of the buried body of massive ice by measuring the geochemistry and stable O–H isotope composition of the ice and applies a sublimation and molecular diffusion model that accounts for the observed trends. The results indicate that the buried massive ice body represents an extension of the adjacent glacier that was buried by a rock avalanche during a cold climate period. The contrasting δ18O profiles and regression slope values between the uppermost 6 cm of the buried massive ice (upward convex δ18O profile and SD-18O = 5.1) and that below it (progressive increase in δ18O and SD-18O = 6.4) suggest independent post-depositional processes affected the isotope composition of the ice. The upward convex δ18O profile in the uppermost 6 cm is consistent with the ice undergoing sublimation. Using a sublimation and molecular diffusion model, and assuming that diffusion occurred through solid ice, the sublimation rate needed to fit the measured δ18O profile is 0.2 ? 10? 3 mm yr? 1, a value that is more similar to net ice removal rates derived from 3He data from cobbles in Beacon Valley till (7.0 ? 10? 3 mm yr? 1) than sublimation rates computed based on current climate (0.1–0.2 mm yr?1). We suggest that the climate-based sublimation rates are offset due to potential ice recharge mechanisms or to missing parameters, particularly the nature and thermo-physical properties of the overlying sediments (i.e., temperature, humidity, pore structure and ice content, grain size).  相似文献   
逆冲断层应力场的数值模拟   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
采用二维显式有限差分法与三维隐式有限单元法,分别计算了模型剖面上断层逆冲运动和三维断层逆冲运动伴随的断层邻域应力场。结果表明:(1)逆冲断层上盘下端部发育张应力场,下盘下端部发育压应力场;(2)对复杂的三维构造,在一定限定条件下,可以转化成二维问题进行计算;(3)显式差分法与隐式有限单元,都能较好地用接触模型模拟活动断层的应力场特征  相似文献   
Apoyeque volcano, located 9 km northwest of Managua city, erupted explosively at 12.4 ka. The Plinian eruption deposited a widespread pumice fall deposit known as the Upper Apoyeque Tephra (UAq). The UAq is massive, reversely graded, and consists of white juvenile pumice (~78 vol.%), a variety of cognate lithics and accidental altered lithics. The whole-rock pumice composition is rhyodacitic (SiO2?=?66.9–68.5 wt.%) with a mineral paragenesis of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, amphibole, titanomagnetite, and ilmenite in a rhyolitic glass groundmass (SiO2?=?74.4?±?0.6 wt.%). The deposit’s dispersal axis is to the south, with the deposit covering a minimum area of 877 km2 within the 50 cm isopach and has a total volume of 3 km3 (dense rock equivalent, 1.15 km3). The eruption column reached a maximum height of ca.28 km. The eruption ejected a total mass of 3?×?1012 kg at an average rate of 2?×?108 kg/s, and based on available models, we infer duration of almost 4 h. Petrographic and geochemical characteristics suggest that the eruption was triggered by magma mixing.  相似文献   
The cave bear was a prominent member of the Upper Pleistocene fauna in Eurasia. While breakthroughs were recently achieved with respect to its phylogeny using ancient DNA techniques, it is still challenging to date cave bear fossils beyond the radiocarbon age range. Without an accurate and precise chronological framework, however, key questions regarding the palaeoecology cannot be addressed, such as the extent to which large climate swings during the last glacial affected the habitat and possibly even conditioned the final extinction of this mammal. Key to constraining the age of cave bear fossils older than the lower limit of radiocarbon dating is to date interlayered speleothems using 230Th/U. Here we report new results from one such site in the Eastern European Alps (Schwabenreith Cave), which yielded the highest density of bones of cave bear (Ursus spelaeus eremus). Although dating of the flowstones overlying this fossiliferous succession was partly compromised by diagenetic alteration, the 230Th/U dates indicate that the bear hibernated in this cave after about 113 ka and before about 109 ka. This time interval coincides with the equivalent of Greenland Stadial 25, suggesting possible climate control on the cave bear's habitat and behaviour. © 2019 The Authors. Journal of Quaternary Science Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   
The annual cycle of the thickness and temperature of landfast sea ice in the East Siberian Sea has been examined using a one-dimensional thermodynamic model. The model was calibrated for the year Augus...  相似文献   
The Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l’Eau, les Glaces et l’Activité (OMEGA) instrument is a visible and near-infrared imaging spectrometer on board the European Mars Express (MEx) mission. The on-board calibration (OBC) performed at the beginning of observations on each orbit reveals that the photometric response of the C channel (1.0–2.5 μm) has been very stable since orbit insertion in January 2004. On the contrary the L channel (2.5–5.1 μm) response has varied significantly during the mission, and only orbits for which the response is close to nominal could be used with confidence. The spatial coverage of ice-free surfaces in this wavelength range is consequently limited to only ~30%, mainly during northern spring and summer. This paper presents the empirical method used to derive new instrumental transfer functions (ITF) for the non-nominal orbits. This method consists of analyzing the variation of the signal between several observations of a same region acquired at nominal and non-nominal calibration states. In the cases where the mineralogy and the atmospheric conditions between the two observations are the same, the variation in reflectance spectra is only due to the ITF variation, which provides a new ITF. We then associate these new ITFs with their corresponding OBCs to model a relationship between both. The resulting model enables us to provide a new ITF for each orbit for which the OBC is available. The new ITFs derived for the entire dataset have been validated (1) through a comparison of the C and L channel global albedo trends and (2) through a comparison of the surface temperatures derived from the L channel with those calculated from the General Circulation Model (GCM) numerical simulation of the LMD released in the Martian Climate Database. The non-nominal data processed with adapted ITFs for orbits up to 3050 increase the non-icy surface coverage of Mars to ~70% including all seasons.  相似文献   
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