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NASA’s Dawn spacecraft observations of Asteroid (4) Vesta reveal a surface with the highest albedo and color variation of any asteroid we have observed so far. Terrains rich in low albedo dark material (DM) have been identified using Dawn Framing Camera (FC) 0.75 μm filter images in several geologic settings: associated with impact craters (in the ejecta blanket material and/or on the crater walls and rims); as flow-like deposits or rays commonly associated with topographic highs; and as dark spots (likely secondary impacts) nearby impact craters. This DM could be a relic of ancient volcanic activity or exogenic in origin. We report that the majority of the spectra of DM are similar to carbonaceous chondrite meteorites mixed with materials indigenous to Vesta. Using high-resolution seven color images we compared DM color properties (albedo, band depth) with laboratory measurements of possible analog materials. Band depth and albedo of DM are identical to those of carbonaceous chondrite xenolith-rich howardite Mt. Pratt (PRA) 04401. Laboratory mixtures of Murchison CM2 carbonaceous chondrite and basaltic eucrite Millbillillie also show band depth and albedo affinity to DM. Modeling of carbonaceous chondrite abundance in DM (1–6 vol.%) is consistent with howardite meteorites. We find no evidence for large-scale volcanism (exposed dikes/pyroclastic falls) as the source of DM. Our modeling efforts using impact crater scaling laws and numerical models of ejecta reaccretion suggest the delivery and emplacement of this DM on Vesta during the formation of the ~400 km Veneneia basin by a low-velocity (<2 km/s) carbonaceous impactor. This discovery is important because it strengthens the long-held idea that primitive bodies are the source of carbon and probably volatiles in the early Solar System.  相似文献   
Although pedogenic barite has been documented in many modern soils and palaeosols, no actualistic studies on its formation have been reported. Because barite is stable over the entire range of pressure and temperature of the Earth's crust, it preserves reliable data about the original environment in which it formed. Pedogenic barite and barite‐bearing soils have been used as indicators of landscape stability, environmental conditions, climate and microbial acti‐vity. This study compares field data, micromorphology and stable isotope geochemistry of a barite‐bearing palaeosol from the Morrison Formation (Jurassic) and a modern analogue soil in south‐central Texas, USA. Morrison barite‐bearing palaeosols are over‐thickened cumulic palaeosols that developed in subaerially exposed lacustrine sediments during an extended lake contraction event. Lateral facies relationships document changes in hydrology and duration of episaturated conditions (perched water table above the Btg horizons) that correspond to differences in barite nodule morphology and abundance. Barite precipitation occurred at a redox boundary higher on the landscape after organic matter was completely oxidized. Sulphur isotope data indicate that the initial source of sulphur was soil organic matter. Meteoric water is the likely source of oxygen for the sulphate. Barium sourced from weathering feldspars and clays. The modern analogue displays similar catenary relationships, redox features and micromorphological characteristics compared to the Morrison palaeosols, suggesting that similar pedogenic processes led to barite precipitation. Synthesized data suggest that conditions favourable to barite‐bearing soil formation are low‐gradient basins that have received feldspar‐rich sediments (i.e. volcanically influenced basins), soils that developed near salt domes, soils that developed in exposed wetland or lacustrine sediments and coastal plain deposits. When studied in a well‐documented palaeogeographic context, barite‐bearing soils are valuable to palaeoclimate, palaeoenvironmental and palaeohydrological studies. Combined with regional interfluve palaeosols, barite‐bearing palaeosols may document temporal changes in drainage, surface stability, and accommodation consistent with sequence boundaries/maximum flooding surfaces and climate changes.  相似文献   
Environmentally sensitive benthic foraminifera (protists) from Chesapeake Bay were used as bioindicators to estimate the timing and degree of changes in dissolved oxygen (DO) over the past five centuries. Living foraminifers from 19 surface samples and fossil assemblages from 11 sediment cores dated by210Pb,137Cs,14C, and pollen stratigraphy were analyzed from the tidal portions of the Patuxent, Potomac, and Choptank Rivers and the main channel of the Chesapeake Bay.Ammonia parkinsoniana, a facultative anaerobe tolerant of periodic anoxic conditions, comprises an average of 74% of modern Chesapeake foraminiferal assemblages (DO-0.47 and 1.72 ml l−1) compared to 0% to 15% of assemblages collected in the 1960s. Paleoecological analyses show thatA. parkinsoniana was absent prior to the late 17th century, increased to 10–25% relative frequency between approximately 1670–1720 and 1810–1900, and became the dominant (60–90%) benthic formaniferal species in channel environments beginning in the early 1970s. Since the 1970s, deformed tests ofA. parkinsoniana occur in all cores (10–20% ofAmmonia), suggesting unprecedented stressful benthic conditions. These cores indicate that prior to the late 17th century, there was limited oxygen depletion. During the past 200 years, decadal scale variability in oxygen depletion has occurred, as dysoxic (DO=0.1–1.0 ml l−1), perhaps short-term anoxic (DO<0.1 ml l−1) conditions developed. The most extensive (spatially and temporally) anoxic conditions were reached during the 1970s. Over decadal timescales, DO variability seems to be linked closely to climatological factors influencing river discharge; the unprecedented anoxia since the early 1970s is attributed mainly to high freshwater flow and to an increase in nutrient concentrations from the watershed.  相似文献   
A three-step methodology to assess the carbon sequestration and the environmental impact of afforestation projects in the framework of the Flexible Mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol (Joint Implementation and Clean Development Mechanism) was developed and tested using a dataset collected from the Jonkershoek forest plantation, Western Cape, South Africa, which was established with Pinus radiata in former native fynbos vegetation and indigenous forest. The impact of a change in land use was evaluated for a multifunctional, a production and a non-conversion scenario. First, the carbon balance was modelled with GORCAM and was expressed as (1) C sequestration in tC ha−1 year−1 in soil, litter, and living biomass according to the rules of the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, and (2) CO2 emission reductions in tC ha−1 year−1, which includes carbon sequestered in the above-mentioned pools and additionally in wood products, as well as emission reductions due to fossil fuel substitution. To estimate forest growth, three data sources were used: (1) inventory data, (2) growth simulation with a process-based model, and (3) yield tables. Second, the effects of land use change were assessed for different project scenarios using a method related to Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The method uses 17 quantitative indicators to describe the impact of project activities on water, soil, vegetation cover and biodiversity. Indicator scores were calculated by comparing indicator values with reference values, estimated for the climax vegetation. The climax vegetation is the site-specific ecosystem phase with the highest exergy content and the highest exergy flow dissipation capacity. Third, the land use impact per functional unit of 1 tC sequestered was calculated by combining the results of step 1 and step 2. The average baselines to obtain carbon additionality are 476 tC ha−1 for indigenous forest and 32 tC ha−1 for fynbos. Results show that the influence of the growth assessment method on the magnitude of C sequestration and hence on the environmental impact per functional unit is large. When growth rate is assessed with the mechanistic model and with the yield table, it is overestimated in the early years and underestimated in the long term. The main conclusion of the scenario analysis is that the production forest scenario causes higher impacts per functional unit than the multifunctional scenario, but with the latter being less efficient in avoiding CO2 emissions. The proposed method to assess impacts on diverse components of the ecosystem is able to estimate the general tendency of the adverse and positive effects of each scenario. However, some indicators, more specifically about biodiversity and water balance, could be improved or reinterpreted in light of specific local data about threat to biodiversity and water status.  相似文献   
Radial structures to the north-east of Irnini Mons are discernable as ridges at the full Magellan image resolution of 75 m/pixel using FMAP tiles. While a magma source modeled as a pressurized hole in an elastic plate usually allows for only extensional radial structures, the perturbation of regional stresses around the hole can explain the presence of radial ridges. Sixteen numerical models were run to see what effect changes in magma pressure and regional stresses had on the magnitude of the maximum principal stresses and the orientation of potential features around a hole in a plate. These models were arranged into four groups based on model input and setup: 1) uniaxial compressive stress; 2) uniaxial tensile stress; 3) biaxial stress; and 4) multiple holes. Nine of the sixteen models result in radial ridges in the orientation observed around Irnini Mons; all of these models incorporate a regional N-S compression. Flows from Irnini Mons are superimposed on an older, regional plains material deformed by a regional set of east-west trending wrinkle ridges, implying a regional north-south compression affected the area. The existence of radial ridges on the Irnini flows implies that the regional N-S compression that caused the E-W trending wrinkle ridges was still active during the formation of Irnini Mons. However, the magnitude of the regional compressive stress required for radial ridge formation could be 1–5 MPa less than the compressive strength of the material, indicating that radial ridges could form after wrinkle ridge formation has ceased.  相似文献   
Two major episodes are evident in the metamorphic and igneous Precambrian basement of the Llano Uplift, central Texas. Dynamothermal metamorphism was accompanied by minor basaltic and tonalitic syntectonic plutonism. This was followed by a second period of thermal overprinting accompanying emplacement of high-K2O, high-level major granite plutons. Extensive isotopic age work by Zartman, published in the mid-1960s, suggests that development of the basement complex, spanning an interval of 150 m.y. or more, began with deposition of Valley Spring Gneiss (the lowest unit) and terminated about 1,050 m.y. ago with final postmetamorphic cooling (indicated by retention ages of Ar and Sr in biotite). We have supplemented these data with more than 50 new K-Ar and Rb-Sr analyses.Two foliated plutons in the southeast are 1,167±12m.y. (2) old, with distinctly different initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Field relationships and isotopic data indicate that these plutons are the earliest yet known in the Uplift. Metamorphosed basalt dikes and gabbro bodies were emplaced immediately preceding and following the syntectonic plutons. Eleven of these rocks had extremely uniform initial 87Sr/ 86Sr=0.7029±0.0005. A Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron of the unfoliated Enchanted Rock pluton indicates an age of 1,048±34 m.y. with initial 87Sr/86Sr= 0.7048±0.0007. One of the northern unfoliated granites, the Lone Grove pluton, gives a whole-rock isochron age of 1,056±12 m.y., with initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7061±0.0003. All of the intrusive rocks have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios consistent with a source in the mantle or lower crust, but not in ancient remobilized continental crust. Six K-Ar hornblende ages from metabasalts are 1,078±19 m.y. (1), in general agreement with K-Ar and Rb-Sr mineral ages elsewhere in the eastern Llano Uplift. A metasedimentary Valley Spring Gneiss sample from the western Uplift has a whole rock-muscovite Rb-Sr age of 1,129±9 m.y. Field and isotopic data are now sufficiently numerous to permit a moderately detailed reconstruction of the Precambrian history of the area.  相似文献   
Magnesium isotopic compositions are reported for twenty‐four international geological reference materials including igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, as well as phlogopite and serpentine minerals. The long‐term reproducibility of Mg isotopic determination, based on 4‐year analyses of olivine and seawater samples, was ≤ 0.07‰ (2s) for δ26Mg and ≤ 0.05‰ (2s) for δ25Mg. Accuracy was tested by analysis of synthetic reference materials down to the quoted long‐term reproducibility. This comprehensive dataset, plus seawater data produced in the same laboratory, serves as a reference for quality assurance and inter‐laboratory comparison of high‐precision Mg isotopic data.  相似文献   
Woody plant encroachment is a global phenomenon whereby shrubs or trees replace grasses. The hydrological consequences of this ecological shift are of broad interest in ecohydrology, yet little is known of how plant and intercanopy patch dynamics, distributions, and connectivity influence catchment-scale responses. To address this gap, we established research catchments in the Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts (near Green Valley, Arizona and near Las Cruces, New Mexico, respectively) that represent shrub encroachment in contrasting arid climates. Our main goals in the coordinated observations were to: (a) independently measure the components of the catchment water balance, (b) deploy sensors to quantify the spatial patterns of ecohydrological processes, (c) use novel methods for characterizing catchment properties, and (d) assess shrub encroachment impacts on ecohydrological processes through modelling studies. Datasets on meteorological variables; energy, radiation, and CO2 fluxes; evapotranspiration; soil moisture and temperature; and runoff at various scales now extend to nearly 10 years of observations at each site, including both wet and dry periods. Here, we provide a brief overview of data collection efforts and offer suggestions for how the coordinated datasets can be exploited for ecohydrological inferences and modelling studies. Given the representative nature of the catchments, the available databases can be used to generalize findings to other catchments in desert landscapes.  相似文献   
Numerical simulations predict that metal-poor gas accretion from the cosmic web fuels the formation of disk galaxies. This paper discusses how cosmic gas accretion controls star formation, and summarizes the physical properties expected for the cosmic gas accreted by galaxies. The paper also collects observational evidence for gas accretion sustaining star formation. It reviews evidence inferred from neutral and ionized hydrogen, as well as from stars. A number of properties characterizing large samples of star-forming galaxies can be explained by metal-poor gas accretion, in particular, the relationship among stellar mass, metallicity, and star-formation rate (the so-called fundamental metallicity relationship). They are put forward and analyzed. Theory predicts gas accretion to be particularly important at high redshift, so indications based on distant objects are reviewed, including the global star-formation history of the universe, and the gas around galaxies as inferred from absorption features in the spectra of background sources.  相似文献   
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