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Subaqueous sand dunes are common bedforms on continental shelves dominated by tidal and geostrophic currents. However, much less is known about sand dunes in deep‐marine settings that are affected by strong bottom currents. In this study, dune fields were identified on drowned isolated carbonate platforms in the Mozambique Channel (south‐west Indian Ocean). The acquired data include multibeam bathymetry, multi‐channel high‐resolution seismic reflection data, sea floor imagery, a sediment sample and current measurements from a moored current meter and hull‐mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler. The dunes are located at water depths ranging from 200 to 600 m on the slope terraces of a modern atoll (Bassas da India Atoll) and within small depressions formed during tectonic deformation of drowned carbonate platforms (Sakalaves Seamount and Jaguar Bank). Dunes are composed of bioclastic medium size sand, and are large to very large, with wavelengths of 40 to 350 m and heights of 0·9 to 9·0 m. Dune migration seems to be unidirectional in each dune field, suggesting a continuous import and export of bioclastic sand, with little sand being recycled. Oceanic currents are very intense in the Mozambique Channel and may be able to erode submerged carbonates, generating carbonate sand at great depths. A mooring located at 463 m water depth on the Hall Bank (30 km west of the Jaguar Bank) showed vigorous bottom currents, with mean speeds of 14 cm sec?1 and maximum speeds of 57 cm sec?1, compatible with sand dune formation. The intensity of currents is highly variable and is related to tidal processes (high‐frequency variability) and to anticyclonic eddies near the seamounts (low‐frequency variability). This study contributes to a better understanding of the formation of dunes in deep‐marine settings and provides valuable information about carbonate preservation after drowning, and the impact of bottom currents on sediment distribution and sea floor morphology.  相似文献   
The Bundelkhand massif comprising a variety of Archean-Paleoproterozoic granitoids along with low grade and high-grade metamorphites and located in the centre of the Indian Plate, underwent extension during Paleoproterozoic period, resulting in the formation of homotaxial intracratonic Bijawar and Sonrai basins in the south and Gwalior basin in the northern margin. The Bijawar and Sonrai basins are typified by their characteristic sediments and basic volcanic rocks. A feature common to both the basins, is the overwhelming occurrence of phosphatic rocks across stratigraphy and lithotype in the Bijawar basin and its confinement to the basal part of the sedimentary column in Sonrai basin. Most of these rocks are primarily of marine origin, and later subjected to periods of repeated phosphatic redistribution. Multiple episodes of such phosphatisation culminates in the proliferation and enrichment of phosphate in the upper Bijawar rocks of Bijawar basin (phosphatic breccia of Hirapur-Mardeora) and lower Bijawar rocks of Sonrai basin (phosphatic breccia of Lalitpur). Apart from these established phosphatic rocks in both the basins, quartz reefs occurring in the basement as well as the lower Bijawar Malhera Chert Breccia Formation in Bijawar basin at places are endowed with anomalously high phosphate content. The phosphatic component in all the lithotypes is in the form of apatite varying in form from microcrystalline to well formed coarser crystal aggregate comprising cement, veins and botroidal encrustations. Irrespective of its spatial, temporal and paragenetic position, it invariably registers weak to moderate radioactivity, due to the presence of uranium within it, as is evident from microprobe data. Although intra-grain and inter-grain distribution of uranium is found to be random and erratic, in general, it is observed that uranium tends to be enriched in the later generation phosphates, due to secondary process of dissolution and reprecipitation. The present paper, with fresh inputs from petrological, geochemical, minerochemical and isotope data pertaining to apatite from all these diverse units, not only explores the already established association of uranium and phosphate in these basins but also provides new insight to the phosphatic quartz reef within the basement and the phosphatised arenaceous sediments of the lower Bijawar Formation.  相似文献   
Summary Crystallographic intergrowths of jacobsite and hausmannite (vredenburgite) occur in association with braunite in the Precambrian Sausar Group of rocks, India, that were metamorphosed under 600-700°C and P 6 kb. Quartz, hematite, rhodochrosite and a later hausmannite may occasionally occur as minor associates. Detailed characterization of the intergrown phases reveals that hausmannite lamellae, oriented in 4 or 5 crystallographic directions in the jacobsite host, show a wide variation in thickness and tapered intersections at low angles. The lamellae may be locally deformed. Analytical data reveal that the composition of natural hausmannite and jacobsite in the intergrowths cannot be approximated within the system Fe3O4 -Mn3O4, as has been conventionally done. These really belong to the Fe2O3-Mn3O4 subsystem. In the two phase intergrowths, hausmannite is depleted and the jacobsite is enriched in Fe in higher grade rocks. Mineral associations and petrographic considerations suggest that the jacobsite-hausmannite intergrowth originated through prograde decarbonation-oxidation reactions of a carbonatic precursor in an unbuffered X CO2 situation, but f O2 was held between hematite-magnetite and bixbyite-hausmannite buffers at the ambient physical conditions of metamorphism. Subsequent oxidation yielded a strong oxygenbuffering assemblage jacobsite, hausmannite, braunite, hematite and quartz. This study negates the commonly held idea that hausmannite jacobsite crystallographic intergrowth (vredenburgite) originates through unmixing of a high ([ldvredenburgite) originates through unmixing of a high temperature spinelss temperature spinelss during cooling.
Genetische Reinterpretation der kristallographischen Verwachsungen von Jakobsit und Hausmannit in natürlichen Vorkommen
Zusammenfassung Kristallographische Verwachsungen von Jakobsit und Hausmannit (Vredenburgit) treten in Verbindung mit Braunit in Gesteinen der präkambrischen Sausargruppe in Indien auf. Die Gesteine wurden bei Drucken von ca. 6 kbar und Termperaturen von 600–700°C metamorphosiert. Quarz, Hämatit, Rhodochrosit, und Hausmannit als Spätphase treten gelegentlich als untergeordnete Gemengteile auf. Hausmannit-Lamellen, die in vier oder fünf kristallographischen Richtungen in Jakobsit orientiert sind, haben sehr unterschiedliche Durchmesser und bilden versetzte Zwickel in kleinem Winkel mit dem Jakobsit. Die Lamellen können lokal deformiert sein. Analytische Daten zeigen, daß die Zusammensetzung von natürlichem Hausmannit und Jakobsit in Verwachsungen nicht, wie bisher angenommen, in dem System Fe3O4-Mn3O4 dargestellt werden kann. Diese Verwachsungen gehören vielmehr in das Fe2O3-Mn3O4 System. In höher-gradigen metamorphen Gesteinen ist Fe in zwei-phasigen Verwachsungen im Hausmannit ab- und im Jakobsit angereichert. Die Mineralzusammensetzung und petrographische Gesichtspunkte lassen darauf schließen, daß die Jakobsit/Hausmannit Verwachsung durch prograde Dekarbonatisierung/Oxydationsreaktion eines karbonatischen Vorläufers in einem nicht gepufferten X CO2 Milieu entstanden ist. F O2 wurde durch Hämatit-Magnetit und Bixbyit-Hausmannit Puffer unter den gegebenen physikalischen Bedingungen der Metamorphose stabil gehalten. Eine nachfolgende Oxydation führte zu einer starken Sauerstoff-puffernden Assoziation von Jakobsit, Hausmannit, Braunit, Hämatit und Quarz. Diese Untersuchungen widerlegen die allgemein verbreitete Ansicht, daß die kristallographische Verwachsung von Hausmannit und Jakobsit (Vredenburgit) durch Entmischung eines Hochtemperatur-Spinells während der Abkühlung entstanden ist.

With 1 figure  相似文献   
In situ mining of uranium typically requires the injection of a reactive leaching solution (lixiviant) such as sodium carbonate/bicarbonate, ammonium carbonate/bicarbonate, or sulfuric acid, and an oxidant such as hydrogen peroxide or oxygen into an ore-bearing, confined aquifer. It also requires the environmental restoration of the source aquifer. The stratigraphy of sandstone uranium deposits typically consists of interbedded layers of poorly consolidated sands and clays and gravels deposited in fluvial or coastal environments. The parameters that influence the migration of lixiviant during mining and restoration in these environments include induced hydraulic gradients, hydrodynamic dispersion, heterogeneity, anisotropy, physicochemical reactions, leakage into and/or through confining layers, and convergence of flow lines due to partial well penetration.
The effectiveness of the various methods of aquifer restoration is sit -specific and is dependent upon the site hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry, and the chemistry of the lixiviant. Each method of aquifer restoration has advantages and disadvantages. Selection of the most effective and economically feasible method requires detailed knowledge of the site-specific hydrogeologic conditions.  相似文献   
The lead-zinc bearing Proterozoic rocks of Zawar, Rajasthan, show classic development of small-scale structures resulting from superposed folding and ductile shearing. The most penetrative deformation structure noted in the rocks is a schistosity (S 1) axial planar to a phase of isoclinal folding (F 1). The lineations which parallel the hinges ofF 1 folds are deformed by a set of folds (F 2) having vertical or very steep axial planes. At many places a crenulation cleavage (S 2) has developed subparallel to the axial planes ofF 2 folds, particularly in the psammopelitic rocks. The plunge and trend ofF 2 folds vary widely over the area. Deformation ofF 2 folds into hook-shaped geometry and development of another set of axial planar crenulation cleavage are the main imprints of the third generation folds (F 3) in the region. In addition to these, there are at least two other sets of cleavage planes with corresponding folds in small scales. More common among these is a set of recumbent and reclined folds (F 4), developed on steeply dipping early-formed planes. Kink bands and associated sharp-hinged folds represent the other set (F 5). Two major refolded folds are recognizable in the map pattern of the Zawar mineralised belt. The larger of the two, the Main Zawar Fold (MZF), shows a broad hook-shaped geometry. The other large-scale structure is the Zawarmala fold, lying south-west of the MZF. Both the major structures show truncation of lithological units along their respective east ‘limbs’, and extreme variation in the width of formations. The MZF is primarily the result of superimposition ofF 3 onF 2.F 1 folds are relatively smaller in scale and are recognizable in the quartzite unit which responded to deformation mainly by buckle shortening. Large-scale pinching-and-swelling that appears in the outcrop pattern seems to be a pre-F2 feature. The structural evolutionary model worked out to explain the chronology of the deformational features and the large-scale out-crop pattern envisages extreme east-west shortening following formation ofF 1 structures, resulting in the formation of tight and isoclinal antiforms (F 2) with pinched-in synforms in between. These latter zones evolved into a number of ductile shear zones (DSZs). The east-west refolding of the large-scaleF 2 isoclinal antiforms seems to be the consequence of a continuous deformation and resultant migration of folds along the DSZs. The main shear zone which wraps the Zawar folds followed a curved path. Because of the penetrative nature of theF 2 movement, the early lineations which were at high angles to the later ones (as is evident in the west of Zawarmala), became subparallel to the trend ofF 2 folding over a large part of the area. Further, the virtually coaxial nature ofF 2 andF 3 folds and the refolding ofF 3 folds by a new set of N-S folds is an indication of continuous progressive deformation.  相似文献   
A quantitative estimate of the electric fields induced by the time dependent ring current is made incorporating the drifts and induced electric fields in a self-consistent manner. It has been shown that in the ring current region, the results of the self-consistent calculations deviate substantially from the first order estimates hitherto obtained. Since for a rapidly varying ring current, the induced electric field can be of the same order as the convection electric field in the magnetosphere, these deviations have to be taken into account in substorm studies.  相似文献   
In this paper we present a theoretical investigation of the structures and relative stability of the olivine and spinel phases of Mg2SiO4. We use both a purely ionic model, based on the Modified Electron Gas (MEG) model of intermolecular forces, and a bond polarization model, developed for low pressure silica phases, to investigate the role of covalency in these compounds. The standard MEG ionic model gives adequate structural results for the two phases but incorrectly predicts the spinel phase to be more stable at zero pressure. This is mainly because the ionic modeling of Mg2SiO4 only accounts for 95 percent of the lattice energy. The remainder can be attributed to covalency and many-body effects. An extension of the MEG ionic model using “many-body” pair potentials corrects the phase stability error, but predicts structures which are in poorer agreement with experiment than the standard ionic approach. In addition, calculations using these many-body pair potentials can only account for 10 percent of the missing lattice energy. This model predicts an olivine-spinel phase transition of 8 GPa, below the experimental value of 20 GPa. Therefore, in order to understand more fully the stability of these structures we must consider polarization. A two-shell bond polarization model enhances the stability of both structures, with the olivine structure being stabilized more. This model predicts a phase transition at about 80 GPa, well above the observed value. Also, the olivine and spinel structures calculated with this approach are in poorer agreement with experiment than the ionic model. Therefore, based on our investigations, to properly model covalency in Mg2SiO4, a treatment more sophisticated than the two-shell model is needed.  相似文献   
The limitations and feasibility of the land disposal of solid wastes containing organic solvents and refrigerants (chlorinated fluorocarbons) were investigated by evaluating the attenuation capacity of a hypothetical waste-disposal site by numerical modeling. The basic theorem of this approach was that the land disposal of wastes would be environmentally acceptable if subsurface attenuation reduced groundwater concentrations of organic compounds to concentrations that were less than health-based, water-quality criteria. Computer simulations indicated that the predicted concentrations of 13 of 33 organic compounds in groundwater would be less than their health-based criteria. Hence, solid wastes containing these compounds could be safely disposed at the site. The attenuation capacity of the site was insufficient to reduce concentrations of four compounds to safe levels without limiting the amount of mass available to leach into groundwater. Threshold masses based on time-dependent migration simulations were estimated for these compounds. The remaining 16 compounds, which consisted mainly of chlorinated hydrocarbons and fluorocarbons could not be safely landfilled without severe restrictions on the amounts disposed. These organic compounds were candidates to ban from land disposal.  相似文献   

The International Geographical Union Reports

IGU Commission on Population Geography  相似文献   
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