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Summary Quantitative interpretation of SP anomalies due to vertical and nearly vertical, thin sheets of infinite horizontal extension has been developed in this paper. The methods proposed utilise selective SP values at some selected points on the profile thus enabling us to get the different parameters of the causative body directly. Also, for the case of vertical sheet, an interpretation technique has been formulated when the base station is within the zone of influence of the potential field of the causative body.  相似文献   
We present new insights on the time-averaged surface velocities, convergence and extension rates along arc-normal transects in Kumaon, Garhwal and Kashmir–Himachal regions in the Indian Himalaya from 13 years of high-precision Global Positioning System (GPS) time series (1995–2008) derived from GPS data at 14 GPS permanent and 42 campaign stations between $29.5{-}35^{\circ }\hbox {N}$ and $76{-}81^{\circ }\hbox {E}$ . The GPS surface horizontal velocities vary significantly from the Higher to Lesser Himalaya and are of the order of 30 to 48 mm/year NE in ITRF 2005 reference frame, and 17 to 2 mm/year SW in an India fixed reference frame indicating that this region is accommodating less than 2 cm/year of the India–Eurasia plate motion ( ${\sim }4~\hbox {cm/year}$ ). The total arc-normal shortening varies between ${\sim }10{-}14~\hbox {mm/year}$ along the different transects of the northwest Himalayan wedge, between the Indo-Tsangpo suture to the north and the Indo-Gangetic foreland to the south indicating high strain accumulation in the Himalayan wedge. This convergence is being accommodated differentially along the arc-normal transects; ${\sim } 5{-}10~\hbox {mm/year}$ in Lesser Himalaya and 3–4 mm/year in Higher Himalaya south of South Tibetan Detachment. Most of the convergence in the Lesser Himalaya of Garhwal and Kumaon is being accommodated just south of the Main Central Thrust fault trace, indicating high strain accumulation in this region which is also consistent with the high seismic activity in this region. In addition, for the first time an arc-normal extension of ${\sim }6~\hbox {mm/year}$ has also been observed in the Tethyan Himalaya of Kumaon. Inverse modeling of GPS-derived surface deformation rates in Garhwal and Kumaon Himalaya using a single dislocation indicate that the Main Himalayan Thrust is locked from the surface to a depth of ${\sim }15{-}20~\hbox {km}$ over a width of 110 km with associated slip rate of ${\sim }16{-}18~\hbox {mm/year}$ . These results indicate that the arc-normal rates in the Northwest Himalaya have a complex deformation pattern involving both convergence and extension, and rigorous seismo-tectonic models in the Himalaya are necessary to account for this pattern. In addition, the results also gave an estimate of co-seismic and post-seismic motion associated with the 1999 Chamoli earthquake, which is modeled to derive the slip and geometry of the rupture plane.  相似文献   
Malangtoli volcanics of the Singhbhum craton of the eastern Indian shield is one of the important Proterozoic lava suites. Experimental studies on 1 atmosphere pressure constrain the parental magma type and temperature range of crystallization of the parent magma (deduced to be in the range of 1500°C to 1200°C). The experimental studies show that at 1500°C, plagioclase is the first phase to crystallize, followed by few opaques which join along with plagioclase at 1450°C. At subsequent lower temperature (1400°C-1300°C), plagioclase and opaque continue to crystallize. At 1250°C plagioclase and opaque still persist while pyroxene appears first and liquid (glass) still remains. Appearance of opaque minerals (magnetite and illmenite) at both ~1400°C and ~1300°C indicate oscillation of oxygen fugacity in the parent magma, petrographically documented by coarser phenocrysts as well as finer or peripheral tiny grains. Use of tectonic discrimination diagrams (based on discrimination factors F1-F2 and FeOt/MgO vs. TiO2) shows an island arc tholeiitic affinity for Malangtoli volcanic, suggests that the role of proto-plate convergence in Singhbhum architecture played an important role to build up Malangtoli volcanics during Proterozoic.  相似文献   
This paper investigates surface elevation changes that occurred during 1996–2004 in the Jharia coalfield through the digital elevation model (DEM) generated using synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) using ERS-1/2 (European Remote Sensing Satellite) tandem and RADARSAT-1 data. The comparison of elevation values derived from the InSAR DEM and topographic height data shows a bias of 23.08 m with root-mean-square error of ±2.31 m (5.8 %). The accuracy of the DEM was investigated by comparing the elevation profiles with the digitized elevation contour data at four different locations. The profile comparison shows a mean bias of 22.68 m. Local topography shows changes in elevation up to ±40.00 m due to mining activities on the 8-year time period. The results of InSAR-derived heights and topographic heights were comparable and well-matched except at a few locations where topographic data were unavailable. DEM generated using InSAR due to its high spatial details is ideal for the detection and estimation of surface elevation changes in mining areas.  相似文献   
The present research is an attempt to assess the Barakar Formation of the Raniganj Gondwana Basin, India, in the frame of fluvio-marine (estuarine) depositional systems using sequence stratigraphic elements. Analysis of predominant facies associations signify deposition in three sub-environments: (i) a river-dominated bay-head delta zone in the inner estuary, with transition from braided fluvial channels (FA-B1) to tide-affected meandering fluvial channels and flood plains (FA-B2) in the basal part of the succession; (ii) a mixed energy central basin zone, which consists of transitional fluvio-tidal channels (FA-B2), tidal flats, associated with tidal channels and bars (FA-B3) in the middle-upper part of the succession; and (iii) a wave-dominated outer estuary (coastal) zone (FA-B4 with FA-B3) in the upper part of the succession. Stacked progradational (P1, P2)–retrogradational (R1, R2) successions attest to one major base level fluctuation, leading to distinct transgressive–regressive (T–R) cycles with development of initial falling stage systems tract (FSST), followed by lowstand systems tract (LST) and successive transgressive systems tracts (TST-1 and TST-2). Shift in the depositional regime from regressive to transgressive estuarine system in the early Permian Barakar Formation is attributed to change in accommodation space caused by mutual interactions of (i) base level fluctuations in response to climatic amelioration and (ii) basinal tectonisms (exhumation/sagging) related to post-glacial isostatic adjustments in the riftogenic Gondwana basins.  相似文献   
A number of archeological features, including in‐filled irrigation canals of uncertain prehistoric age, occur within the Holocene floodplain of the Salt River at Phoenix, Arizona. In the first attempt to date irrigation‐canal sediments using luminescence methods, we obtained age estimates of 1640 ± 190 yr B.P. (1σ) (multi‐aliquot or MA) and 1621 ± 95 yr B.P. (post‐IR single‐aliquot‐regenerative‐dose or SAR) for a single sample from the base of the oldest canal‐infilling deposits (all IR‐PSL ages reported in this article are in calendar years before A.D. 2001). For the remaining canal samples, weighted mean luminescence ages of 819 ± 45 yr (MA) and 826 ± 32 yr (post‐IR SAR) were obtained. Thus from photonic dating we can resolve the first and last phases of canal use at this Phoenix site: initiation at ca. 1600 years ago and final use at ca. 800 years ago. These results demonstrate the power of SAR luminescence sediment dating to enhance our understanding of prehistoric irrigation‐canal development and usage here and elsewhere in the world. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
This paper examines the relationship between local institutions and adaptation to climate variability in four semi-arid villages in India. Based on a qualitative survey, it draws attention to the constraints that farming households face, the role of institutions, and the implications for their capacities to adapt. Using an institutional framework, the study examines the role of local institutions in facilitating community adaptation to perceived climate variability. It was found that at the institutional and community level farmers rely on government schemes that provide social safety nets and the private sector such as moneylenders as sources of adaptation options regarding access to credit. Serious constraints emerged, however, in terms of adaptation to what may be a more challenging future. These constraints were further explored by means of grounded theory. The lack of collective feeling and action has hindered bargaining for better market prices and the development of alternate livelihood options. The need for better financial inclusion and access to more formal systems of finance is necessary to increase the overall adaptive capacity of households. During crisis situations or climatic shocks, the absence of these systems means the sale of household assets and resources especially among small and landless groups of farmers. Overall, rural households perceive that public, civic, and private institutions play a significant role in shielding them against the adverse effects of climate variability. The perceived importance of different institutions is, however, different across different categories of farmers, women, and labourers.  相似文献   
Archaeological investigations into the processes and factors controlling the magnetic enhancement of soils were initiated in the 1960s in conjunction with the application of magnetic prospection surveys. After a highly productive period of research, archaeological interest in soil magnetism experienced a downswing, which has just recently been reversed. Continuing research within the fields of rock magnetism and environmental magnetism has refined our understanding of the processes and products of magnetic enhancement and demonstrated the broad applicability of soil magnetic analyses. Using this information, together with recent archaeological studies, we update archaeologists on the variety of soil magnetic techniques and how they can be utilized to define, detail, and understand archaeological sites, features, and environments. A case study at the Cahokia Mounds Site in southwestern Illinois illustrates how soil magnetic techniques can be interfaced with other methods to understand archaeological landscapes and landscape change. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary Crystallographic intergrowths of jacobsite and hausmannite (vredenburgite) occur in association with braunite in the Precambrian Sausar Group of rocks, India, that were metamorphosed under 600-700°C and P 6 kb. Quartz, hematite, rhodochrosite and a later hausmannite may occasionally occur as minor associates. Detailed characterization of the intergrown phases reveals that hausmannite lamellae, oriented in 4 or 5 crystallographic directions in the jacobsite host, show a wide variation in thickness and tapered intersections at low angles. The lamellae may be locally deformed. Analytical data reveal that the composition of natural hausmannite and jacobsite in the intergrowths cannot be approximated within the system Fe3O4 -Mn3O4, as has been conventionally done. These really belong to the Fe2O3-Mn3O4 subsystem. In the two phase intergrowths, hausmannite is depleted and the jacobsite is enriched in Fe in higher grade rocks. Mineral associations and petrographic considerations suggest that the jacobsite-hausmannite intergrowth originated through prograde decarbonation-oxidation reactions of a carbonatic precursor in an unbuffered X CO2 situation, but f O2 was held between hematite-magnetite and bixbyite-hausmannite buffers at the ambient physical conditions of metamorphism. Subsequent oxidation yielded a strong oxygenbuffering assemblage jacobsite, hausmannite, braunite, hematite and quartz. This study negates the commonly held idea that hausmannite jacobsite crystallographic intergrowth (vredenburgite) originates through unmixing of a high ([ldvredenburgite) originates through unmixing of a high temperature spinelss temperature spinelss during cooling.
Genetische Reinterpretation der kristallographischen Verwachsungen von Jakobsit und Hausmannit in natürlichen Vorkommen
Zusammenfassung Kristallographische Verwachsungen von Jakobsit und Hausmannit (Vredenburgit) treten in Verbindung mit Braunit in Gesteinen der präkambrischen Sausargruppe in Indien auf. Die Gesteine wurden bei Drucken von ca. 6 kbar und Termperaturen von 600–700°C metamorphosiert. Quarz, Hämatit, Rhodochrosit, und Hausmannit als Spätphase treten gelegentlich als untergeordnete Gemengteile auf. Hausmannit-Lamellen, die in vier oder fünf kristallographischen Richtungen in Jakobsit orientiert sind, haben sehr unterschiedliche Durchmesser und bilden versetzte Zwickel in kleinem Winkel mit dem Jakobsit. Die Lamellen können lokal deformiert sein. Analytische Daten zeigen, daß die Zusammensetzung von natürlichem Hausmannit und Jakobsit in Verwachsungen nicht, wie bisher angenommen, in dem System Fe3O4-Mn3O4 dargestellt werden kann. Diese Verwachsungen gehören vielmehr in das Fe2O3-Mn3O4 System. In höher-gradigen metamorphen Gesteinen ist Fe in zwei-phasigen Verwachsungen im Hausmannit ab- und im Jakobsit angereichert. Die Mineralzusammensetzung und petrographische Gesichtspunkte lassen darauf schließen, daß die Jakobsit/Hausmannit Verwachsung durch prograde Dekarbonatisierung/Oxydationsreaktion eines karbonatischen Vorläufers in einem nicht gepufferten X CO2 Milieu entstanden ist. F O2 wurde durch Hämatit-Magnetit und Bixbyit-Hausmannit Puffer unter den gegebenen physikalischen Bedingungen der Metamorphose stabil gehalten. Eine nachfolgende Oxydation führte zu einer starken Sauerstoff-puffernden Assoziation von Jakobsit, Hausmannit, Braunit, Hämatit und Quarz. Diese Untersuchungen widerlegen die allgemein verbreitete Ansicht, daß die kristallographische Verwachsung von Hausmannit und Jakobsit (Vredenburgit) durch Entmischung eines Hochtemperatur-Spinells während der Abkühlung entstanden ist.

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