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Short period internal waves over the Huanghe (Yellow River) delta front   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Internal waves with periods of about 5 minutes and trough to crest heights of up to 6.2 m were observed acoustically over the actively accreting delta front of the Huanghe (Yellow River) in the western portion of the Gulf of Bohai, Peoples Republic of China. The radian frequency of the internal waves was close to the locally-observed Brunt-Vaisala frequency. Through the relatively short (one hour) duration of an internal wave train, the amplitude was observed to decrease progressively with time. These internal waves may cause resuspension of delta-front sediments.  相似文献   
OBS’s were deployed for 26 to 29 days in the eastern Bismarck Sea to investigate the back-arc spreading. Hypocenters of 186 shallow earthquakes were determined using P- and S-waves from at least five stations. In the western survey area, a transform fault zone is marked by a linear micro-earthquake activity striking N65°W and less than 5 km wide. The predominant type of their focal mechanisms is strike-slip. In the eastern area, several intermittent zones of micro-earthquakes and their strike-slip type focal mechanisms suggest the location of short-length transform faults separating en-echelon spreading ridges.  相似文献   
藤壶属(Genus Balanus)是甲壳类蔓足亚纲(Subclass Cirripedia)藤壶科(Family Balanidae)中最大的一属,它在有害海洋附着生物中是主要组成成分。许多种附着于船底、水下设施或建筑物上,致使船舰燃料消耗增加,航速减低,降低浮标浮力,缩小管道通路,侵占某些水产养殖对象的有效附着面,污损养殖架筏和绳索,加快水下金属的腐蚀等,对海防、海运交通、工业和渔业常造成一定危害,同人类的关系颇为密切。随着我国科学事业的发展,特别是附着生物防除工作的进展,对于种类的确切鉴定和生物学及生态学资料需要日益增多,只有在搞清种类的基础上,根据不同种的生物学和生态特征,采取相应的措施,才能有效地进行防除工作。 中国近海的藤壶属,国内外仅有一些零星记载,缺乏全面而系统的报告。我们早在五十年代,就注意到我国沿海常见的一些主要附着生物,特别是当时作为“布纹藤壶” Balanus Amphitrite communis Darwin(=B.reticulatus Utinomi)和“克氏藤壶”Balanus Amphitrite krügeri Nilsson-Cantell(=B.uliginosus Utinomi)描记的两个类型,无论在栖息环境、繁殖习性或幼虫形态上都有显著差异,因而怀疑它们不是一个种内的亚种,而应属于不同的种。为了解决上述和类似的问题,给生态和防除研究工作提供更为准确的基本资料,我们对藤壶亚目的种类进行了系统的研究,本文是研究报告的第一部分。根据的是中国科学院海洋研究所历年采集收藏的标本,共鉴定31种和亚种,分隶于7个亚属,其中有6新种,有9种在我国是首次记录(种名录见190页)。新种的模式标本均保存于中国科学院海洋研究所。  相似文献   
南海囊糠虾亚科的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
囊糠虾亚科Gastrosaccinae 包括的种数并不很多,但有些种数量相当大,是经济鱼虾的天然饵料,在海洋食物链中占较重要的地位。例如黄海的漂浮囊糠虾Gastrosaccus pelagicus Ii 数量很大,普遍发现于底层鱼类胃含物中;此种及其他一些量大的种又可用作养殖鱼虾的饵料。这一亚科迄今已知共7属69种。本文根据中国科学院海洋研究所1958-60年在南海北部所采的底层浮游生物标本和中国科学院南海海洋研究所1974-81年采自西沙群岛、中沙群岛的标本写成,共发现4属12种,其中6种为中国近海的首次记录。  相似文献   
During the concentrated observation (April–May 1988) conducted as a part of the Ocean Mixed Layer Experiment (OMLET) in the sea area south of Japan, a conspicuous outbreak of warm water occurred from the large-meander region of the Kuroshio toward the southwest in the direction of the former Ocean Weather Station “T”. A series of NOAA-AVHRR infrared images clearly showed the process of this event. A surface buoy-mooring system deployed in this experiment recorded the arrival of this outbreak of water, in terms of the rise of sea-surface temperature (SST) of 1.5°C and the flow of warm water of 1.5kt toward the northwest at “T”. We studied this phenomenon by combining time series of infrared SST images with the oceanographic data obtained by two research vessels. The warm water was about 100 m deep in the section at 137°E along the edge of the Off-Shikoku Warm Water. It was estimated that about twenty outbreaks of this kind in a year can compensate a large heat loss to the atmosphere above this ocean region.  相似文献   
Dissolved and particulate manganese in seawater samples derived from the English Channel has been analyzed using graphite furnace atomic absorption (GFAAS), and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission (ICP—AES) spectroscopies. Because of the high contents of carbonate minerals found in the suspended matter samples, the English Channel constitutes an ideal field area for the study of the Mn2+/Ca2+/CaCO3 system. Owing to the chemical speciation of particulate manganese and the combined use of the X-ray diffraction and electron spin resonance spectroscopy we have shown the importance of the carbonate phase in the stabilization of manganese (II). This has been confirmed by p-pH measurements in the field. All these studies have also indicated that: (1) manganese is associated with calcite in the form of a solid solution, MnxCa1−xCO3; and (2) significant increases in the concentrations of particulate manganese, especially in offshore waters, occur in summer. This seasonal phenomenon has been attributed to the proliferation of coccolithophorids, which are known to be covered with calcified skeletons at high specific surface areas. To appraise the implication of the coccolithophorid-blooms phenomenon on the Mn2+/Ca2+/CaCO3 system, we have used the manganese distribution coefficient, Di, between the liquid phase and CaCO3 particles. Overall we have shown that: (1) Di in summer (i.e. when coccoliths considered as very fine-grained calcite are abundant) is much higher than that obtained in winter; and (2) in the vicinity of the French coast, Di does not vary significantly even in summer. This is because of the high content of chalk-derived particles found in the near-shore waters.  相似文献   
三峡工程对长江口区无脊椎动物资源影响的预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江大量径流给其河口及邻近海域带来丰富的营养物质,维持了长江河口生态系统的巨大生产力,并使之成为多种重要经济鱼虾类的索饵和产卵场。长江口生态环境的变化,对我国最大、最重要的浙江舟山渔场和江苏吕四渔场的渔业资源有举足轻重的影响。三峡工程的兴建将使长江入海径流量及其季节分配有很大改变,也不可避免地影响到河口和近海的海洋环境、经济动物的组成及资源状况。为研究长江口无脊椎动物资源结构及其分布特征,以及预测三峡工程对自然生态环境的影响,于1985年9月至1986年8月进行了无脊椎动物资源底拖网试捕调查。本文系统整理调查所得资料,结合历史资料进行分析研究。  相似文献   
Despite the fact that BaP is a carcinogen, mammalian immunosuppressant, and ubiquitous aquatic pollutant, knowledge regarding the effects of BaP on the immune system of fish is still lacking. To begin to fill this gap, studies were conducted in medaka to examine the effects and mechanisms by which BaP exposure might alter host immunocompetence. Fish, exposed by IP injection of BaP (2-600 microg/g BW), were examined after 48 h for effects upon immune function and CYP1A expression/activity. Benzo[a]pyrene, at a concentration below that which increased levels of CYPIA expression/activity (2 microg BaP/g BW) suppressed lymphocyte proliferation. Concentrations of BaP at 20 and 200 microg/g BW. suppressed antibody-forming cell (AFC) numbers, superoxide production, and host resistance against bacteria. In contrast, exposure to the low affinity aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonist, benzo[e]pyrene (BeP), neither induced CYP1A expression nor altered immune function. Given the lack of immunosuppressive effects produced by BeP, and the fact that exposure to the AhR antagonist (and CYP1A inhibitor) alpha-naphthoflavone (ANF) ameliorated the suppressive effects of BaP upon AFC numbers, the AhR pathway (including CYP1A-mediated production of reactive BaP metabolites) appears important in mediating BaP-induced immunotoxicity in fish, as in mammals. In the past, the medaka has proven a successful model for assessing carcinogenic agents. These studies have demonstrated its utility for also determining the immunosuppressive effects of an important aquatic contaminant.  相似文献   
Radio frequency interference (RFI) test observations were carried out at one of the candidate Square Kilometre Array (SKA) sites in Guizhou province, following the “RFI Measurement Protocol for Candidate SKA Sites” (hereafter RFI protocol). All data (raw and calibrated) are preserved in some suitable format, such as that set by the international RFI working group of the Site Evaluation and Selection Committee (SESC). An RFI test in December 2003 was performed according to Mode 1 of the RFI Protocol, in order to identify technical difficulties which might arise during a co-ordinated RFI measurement campaign over a period of 1 year. In this paper we describe the current equipment, observational technique and data presentation. The preliminary results demonstrate that the RFI situation at Dawodang depression in Guizhou province makes it quite a promising location for the proposed SKA. Furthermore, the first session of the RFI monitoring program, which was made in May 2004, showed that a complete RFI measurement including both modes 1 and 2 of the RFI Protocol would take about 2 weeks. The possible ways to minimize some limitations of the current equipment are also discussed, which will enable us to meet the RFI protocol.  相似文献   
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