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An area of 6000 ha covering four villages was adopted by the Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal under Operational Research Project to transfer the technology of alkali soil reclamation in the farmer’s fields. This necessitated mapping and characterisation of alkali soils of the area. Use of black and white photographs in 1∶25,000 scale proved effective in delineating alkali soils quickly and inexpensively. The physiography and photo elements like tone, landuse, drainage and parcelling facilitated identification and demarcation of four mapping units viz; P1, P3, P4 and C. The unit P represented nearly flat upland alluvial plain while C represented low lying filled up old channel. The alkali soils confined mainly to the upland plain were recorded in white toned barren stretches and accounted for 36.6 percent of surveyed area. In addition, patchy occurrence of alkali soils admist the cultivated fields giving mottled appearance on the photographs was noticed over 11.3 percent area. In this case the photo scale proved limiting for demarcating alkali and non-alkali soils separately. The prtactical utility of the soil inventory in planning reclamation and management of alkali soil in the area has also been discussed. 相似文献
S. L. HWANG T. F. YUI H. T. CHU P. SHEN H. P. SCHERTL R. Y. ZHANG J. G. LIOU 《Journal of Metamorphic Geology》2007,25(3):349-362
Although oriented rutile needles in garnet have been reported from several ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) rocks and considered to be important UHP indicators, their crystallographic features including growth habit and lattice correspondences with garnet host have never been properly characterized. This paper presents a detailed analytical electron microscopic (AEM) study on evenly distributed oriented rutile needles in garnet of two eclogitic rocks from Sulu. Some garnet in one UHP diamondiferous quartzofeldspathic rock from the Saxonian Erzgebirge, and in one high‐pressure (HP) felsic granulite from Bohemia also contain a few unevenly distributed oriented rutile needles. They have also been studied for the purpose of comparison. Despite different distribution patterns, AEM revealed that all rutile needles are oriented along the 〈111〉 directions of garnet with their lateral sides surrounded by the {110} planes of garnet, and that the growth directions of most needles are close to the normal of the {101} planes of rutile. No other specific crystallographic orientation relationships between rutile and garnet host were observed, and there is no pyroxene associated with rutile, as necessitated by the precipitation reaction of rutile in garnet as previously proposed. A simple solid‐state precipitation scenario for the formation of the rutile needles in garnet in these two eclogitic rocks is not justified. Three alternative mechanisms are considered for the formation of oriented rutile needles: (i) the rutile needles may be inherited from precursor minerals; (ii) the rutile needles may be formed by a dissolution–reprecipitation mechanism; and (iii) the rutile needles may be formed by cleaving and healing of garnet with rutile deposition. None of these mechanisms can fully explain the observations, although the first one is less likely and the third one is preferred. This study presents an example where the presence of oriented/aligned inclusions in minerals does not necessarily imply a precipitation origin. 相似文献
Geochemical patterns for elements, such as Sn, W and Au, present in drainage sediments as resistate heavy minerals are often erratic and difficult to interpret. To investigate the source of these problems and develop methods of eliminating them we have compared the behavior of Sn, present as cassiterite, and associated pathfinder elements downstream from a small primary Sn deposit in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia.Dispersion trains for the pathfinder elements are characterized by smooth decay patterns and differences in concentrations between high- and low-energy environments, characterized by coarse-and medium-grained sands respectively, are not significant. In contrast, Sn (and magnetite) concentrations are extremely erratic with significantly higher concentrations in high- compared to low-energy environments. As a result the dispersion train for Sn exhibits no regular decay pattern away from its source. These findings suggest that the action of the stream is analogous to that of sluice box, with light minerals being winnowed away and cassiterite, together with magnetite, accumulating. For all but the finest sizes this process, which is most efficient in high-energy environments, causes considerable local variability in Sn content of the sediments. However, because the hydraulic behavior of cassiterite and magnetite is similar, but magnetite is not associated with the primary mineralization, the Sn/magnetite ratio can be used to eliminate Sn anomalies resulting from local variations in hydraulic conditions.The concept of hydraulic equivalence of cassiterite and magnetite was extended to examining the relationship between Sn and different size fractions of the light minerals that constitute the bulk of most sediments. Greatest contrast is obtained when the Sn content of the −270 mesh (−53 μm) fraction is re-expressed as its hydraulic equivalent concentration in −65 + 100 mesh (−212 + 150 μm) material.For exploration purposes it is concluded that: (1) providing cassiterite is present in the fine size fractions, sampling of this material will reduce hydraulic effects, thereby reducing data variability, and can also increase the length of the anomalous dispersion train; and (2) hydraulic effects can also be reduced by re-expressing Sn concentrations as ratios to magnetite (provided this is not associated with the primary Sn mineralization) or a hydraulically equivalent size fraction of the light minerals that constitute the bulk of the sediment. Similar principles probably apply to the interpretation of geochemical data for other elements dispersed in drainage sediments as heavy minerals; this warrants further investigation. 相似文献
Atholl Anderson Richard Roberts William Dickinson Geoffrey Clark David Burley Antoine de Biran Geoffrey Hope Patrick Nunn 《Geoarchaeology》2006,21(2):131-154
The orthodox archaeological sequence at the Sigatoka Dunes site (VL 16/1) in Fiji proposes three phases of occupation spanning Fijian prehistory, each associated with a period of dune stability. It has been taken as the standard model of Fijian prehistory for more than 30 years. Recently, however, it has been argued that there is no stratigraphic support for three discrete levels and that the occupation history was fragmented, complex, and continuous within a volatile dune system. We present new data, from optical and radiocarbon dating, to argue that a three‐phase model, although somewhat more complex in detail, remains the most robust interpretation of site history. The longest stable phase (Level 2) began 2500–2300 cal yr B.P. and is possibly associated with relatively low ENSO frequency. Substantial sand dune accumulation began after ˜1300 cal yr B.P. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Richard G. Lathrop Renee M. Styles Sybil P. Seitzinger John A. Bognar 《Estuaries and Coasts》2001,24(6):904-916
Due to the ecological importance of seagrasses and recent indications of disease and dieback, we have synthesized existing mapped survey information concerning the spatial and temporal distribution of seagrass beds (primarily eelgrass,Zostera marina) in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Mapped surveys from the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s were digitized and compiled in a geographic information system to facilitate analysis. Comparison of the earlier maps with the 1990s survey shows an overall decrease of approximately 2,000 to 3,000 ha in the area of seagrass beds. While there are indications of seagrass decline, due to the great difference in mapping methods used for each of the surveys, we are cautious in directly attributing the decrease in mapped eelgrass acreage to a large-scale dieback. We examined the extent to which light could be used to predict the distribution of seagrass in Barnegat Bay. Data on Secchi depth throughout the bay were combined with a modification of an existing model (Duarte 1991) of the relationship betweenZ. marina compensation depths and light attenuation coefficients to predict the distribution of seagrasses in Barnegat Bay. When compared with mapped seagrass distribution in the bay, the model correctly predicts seagrass presence-absence over two-thirds of the time. The majority of the model error is due to errors of commission, i.e., the model predicts seagrass occurrence where it was not observed to occur. Most of this commission error is located in specific geographic areas (i.e., southern third of Little Egg Harbor and the western shoreline of the bay). 相似文献
H. P. Cornelius 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》1925,16(6):417-434
Ohne Zusammenfassung 相似文献
We perform an analysis of the TRACE telescope blur from EUV images. Theblur pattern is discussed in terms of the telescope point-spread function (PSF) for the 171 Å filter. The analysis performed consists of two steps. First, an initial shape for the PSF core is determined directly from TRACE EUV images. Second, the blind-deconvolution method is used for obtaining the final PSF shape. The PSF core peak is fitted by analytical functions to determine its parametric characteristics. The determined PSF includes the core central peak and peaks caused by diffraction effects inherent in TRACE EUV data. The diffraction portion of the PSF is studied theoretically in the Fraunhofer diffraction limit. The temperature dependence of the TRACE PSF shape is investigated for a selected temperature range. We also discuss general properties of the obtained PSF and its possible applications. 相似文献
New and accessible exposures are described in which the downward-facing of folds in the axial-zone of the Tay Nappe can be convincingly demonstrated. 相似文献
A reconstruction of the palaeohydrological conditions of a flood‐plain: a multi‐proxy study from the Grabia River valley mire,central Poland

Dominik Pawłowski Grzegorz Kowalewski Krystyna Milecka Mateusz Płóciennik Michał Woszczyk Tomasz Zieliński Daniel Okupny Wojciech Włodarski Jacek Forysiak 《Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research》2015,44(3):543-562
This study investigated the Grabia River valley mire in central Poland to reconstruct its palaeoenvironmental conditions from the Younger Dryas to the present. We analysed sedimentological, biological and geochemical data from the palaeo‐oxbow lake and valley mire to identify the principal hydrological trends, especially episodes of high water level. During the Lateglacial and Holocene, the Grabia River had a meandering channel, and its hydraulic parameters and the channel dimensions changed in response to climatic oscillations and vegetation development. We identified phases of high flood intensity and high groundwater level that correlate with regional and supraregional climatic events. The frequency and timing of palaeohydroclimatic oscillations show strong similarities to records from other sites in Poland and the rest of Europe. We show that various analytical methods, namely, pollen, plant macrofossils, Cladocera, Chironomidae, sedimentological, geochemical and radiocarbon data, can be effective tools for reconstructing past hydroclimatic changes in palaeo‐oxbow lakes and investigating the effects of past climate changes on river environments. The high sensitivity of the biota, especially Cladocera, to changes in water level permits the reconstruction of palaeoecological changes, especially flood episodes that occurred in the river valley. In particular, the increase in the proportion of sediment‐associated Cladocera and pelagic taxa was closely correlated with floods. Through comparisons with the palaeobiological data, geochemical data allowed the identification of humid phases within the fen associated with a rising groundwater table, direct fluvial activity (floods) and alluvial deposition. We also discuss the limitations of palaeohydrological reconstructions based on these proxies, especially on fossil aquatic invertebrates. 相似文献